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Why didn’t the Germans just electrocute the water?
Gabriel Martinez
Sebastian Ross
they needed all their electrocuting resources for the death camps
Nicholas Butler
all the electricity was being used on the semen milking machines at Auschwitz
Kevin Gray
>why didn't the germans have instant infinite resources
this is your brain on capeshit
Gabriel Brown
baby’s first saving private ryan post?
Connor Myers
Germans are known for being efficient and smart. I'm sure if there had been a plausible way to do it, they would've done it.
Jaxson Lopez
Why did the Germans declare war if they didn't have infinite resources?
Aaron Adams
Would have won if Hitler didn't backstab stalin and Nippon didn't pearl harbour
Brandon Edwards
Possibly, but that's the benefit of hindsight speaking.
Jayden Myers
Hudson Moore
The soviets were gonna invade germany
Noah Myers
Why didn't the germans just invent the atomic bomb faster? Lol
Samuel Gomez
They're known for being into scat
Jayden Hernandez
Why the Germans bombed the transportships?
Xavier Murphy
>The soviets were gonna invade germany
what do you base that on? Icebreaker?
Adam Young
Whole of Luftwaffe was committed to the Eastern Front (and already depleted from the Battle of Britain, it never fully recovered from that)
Jace Taylor
Parker Hernandez
why didn't captain america came from the future and help this bunch of momma's boys
Lincoln Edwards
They lost when they pushed the 6th army into a meat grinder. That army was basically undefeatable in combat. It took like 10 million Soviets to wipe out 300k Germans. Those men, along with the ones who invaded during Barbarossa, were the reason for German military victories and they were not replaceable by shitty inexperienced conscripts. Case in point, an army group that consisted of Barbarossa veterans was still fighting against Soviets in occupied Prussia. The Russians could not beat them despite having encircled the army, they eventually just surrendered cause they ran out of food and ammo.
David Nelson
>implying the japanese did pearl harbor
Carter Carter
Why didn't the germans just ask Thor to kill the invaders with his sick hammer like in my capeshit?
Charles Cruz
Yet another mindless brainless retard who doesn't understand the relations between the staunchly anticommunist NSDAP and stalin.
read mein kampf.
Bentley Mitchell
>Would have won if Hitler didn't backstab stalin
stalin used hitler as his literal bitch.
Robert Johnson
so you have no source?