I've never seen an educated man talk such utter fucking bollocks in my life

I've never seen an educated man talk such utter fucking bollocks in my life

>Anicent egyptians possessed telekinesis and there was an advanced human civilisation no one's discovered yet, DMT is the key to it all

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Other urls found in this thread:



Good joke, user. Tell us another one.


DMT isn't a complete joke only shilled by brainlet meatheads and stoners

Yeah, I had to turn it off after DUDE DRUGS AND OPEN BORDERS. fucking stoners

Ok m8, what theories do you have as to how the Egyptians built the pyramids if they didnt use advanced/alien technology?

Dont think a graduates degree or whatever makes you an 'educated' man. They dont advertise the truth the way they advertise illusion

Its true though, how the fuck do you explain that when on DMT a group of people can have a conversation or see the exact same thing/being?

Graham Hancock does a great job at asking the right questions. Not so much at the answers.

>how the fuck do you explain that when on DMT a group of people can have a conversation or see the exact same thing/being?
Because believe it or not, human beings are not special, unique little snowflakes. I believe DMT takes the most primeval part of your brain and kicks it into overdrive and the reason people share so many common experiences is the same reason people know what another human looks like without owning a mirror. On the basest level, we're all 99.99999999999999% the same. Humanoid machine elves and geometric shapes aren't that "out there" to believe it's an alien transmission or telepathic hallucination.


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>what theories do you have as to how the Egyptians built the pyramids if they didnt use advanced/alien technology?
Lost mechanical knowledge and an underestimation of just how far they were willing to push the slaves who built them. It's more belivable than "muh ayy lmaos".

>the same reason people know what another human looks like without owning a mirror
unironically the most stupid thing I've ever read

Exact same features though? Ammount of apendeges and eyes? Even though each trip is different because its litterally inside your head? Nigga that shit is a portal to the next dimension and you know it you kike

>why two people jacking off both cum??
must be aliens user

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i'm sure the 20ft tall giganigga foremen helped too

>Even though each trip is different because its litterally inside your head?
Again, you're not a special snowflake. Basic human anatomy remains the same, especially on the primal level of thought.

You are actually retarded and confusing reality with a psychedelic trip?

It's not a 1:1 scale representation, even a brainlet can infer the bigger figures in the back are in leadership positions.

You know the pyramids weren't built by slaves, right?

Okay unironically take shrooms or acid with a bunch of people and can tell you, you wont all see the same shit. What im saying is unironically take drugs then get back to me because your argument is retarded

i wasn't being serious user

>ancient sea faring people
>unique markings (handbags) showing up all over the world
>many of the largest and oldest sites on earth are dedicated to the stars in very similar ways
>olmec helmets

>haha I smoke so much weed and the president needs to talk 12 dmt trips before being sworn in
It's sad when you can immediately tell drugs ruined a great mind.

>You are actually retarded and confusing reality with a psychedelic trip?
They're the same thing.

Your brain lights up like a christmas tree on DMT, same thing happens when you die. Doesn't prove fuck all, your brain just makes shit up.

>Though they were not slaves, the pyramid builders led a life of hard labour, said Adel Okasha, supervisor of the excavation. Their skeletons have signs of arthritis, and their lower vertebrae point to a life passed in difficulty, he said. "Their bones tell us the story of how hard they worked," Okasha said.

>Wildung said the find reinforces the notion that the pyramid builders were free men, ordinary citizens. "But let's not exaggerate here, they lived a short life and tomography skeletal studies show they suffered from bad health, very much likely because of how hard their work was."
Same difference you pedantic retard

>archeology is philosophy
dropped that shit quick after I heard that

>different drugs are different
must be ayys

He's completely right though. Have you ever worked on a dig site before? Or even watched an archaeologist toss out ideas while he works? Every last person on the site has a different opinion about what they found with each passing hour.

It could be an exact science in the future, but right now it's literally just educated guessing at best. Maybe even calling it philosophy is giving it too much credit.

First of all, the stones used for the pyramids had to be carried thousands of miles. It would be impossible to build that structure in the amount of time they did with the amount of slaves in Egypt at the time.
>Lost mechanical knowledge
Basically, they used sound vibrations to levitate the stones. Either from alien technology or actual aliens projecting a sound wave from their consciousness at a precise frequency to produce antigravity effects. If you still cant accept that the ayys have been meddling in human affairs, then you have a long way to go

>Humans are capable of creating the internet and super sonic jets, but cant make a fucking stone triangle

Why is it always brainlet druggies who believe ayy lmao's are responsible for every unexplained part of human history?

Do you literally not know shit about suggestibility, or even how memory works? People straight-up have MASS HALLUCINATIONS, where they don't see the same thing but in retrospect all unconsciously agree with each other that they saw the same thing because it's psychologically important for them to do so in the moment, like with religious experiences.
But you don't need any deep shit like that to invoke it, teachers do the same every year in psychology classrooms across the world as they show students something, trick them into thinking they saw something else, and then e.g. playing back a video of what they just saw to demonstrate to them how shit their memory is. Collective memory in such moments especially is extremely shit, as people will be much more powerfully influenced by what they think the majority thinks than they are by what they think e.g. one other person thinks. So you can do the aforementioned psych experiment with three different conditions; one where you have a plant in the student audience that loudly agrees with the false narrative; one where you have a plant that loudly disagrees; and one where you have nothing, and you get reliably different results in each other those.

Which is why you need the scientific process to figure anything out. Humans are SHIT at understanding the world. Our brains are extremely strongly tuned into believing what other people around us believe, especially if they seem competent, and they do this without you being aware of it at all, at least in the moment. Which is why you get weird shit like chimps being better than humans as rock-paper-scissors. Wanna know why? Because humans have a higher-than-random chance of choosing the same signal as their opponent. You unsonciously copy his hang sign even when your goal is to do the opposite, and it takes you conscious mental effort to keep yourself from doing so. But chimps have no such instinctive behaviour.

post is near 2000/2000

just, everybody: read this book

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solid conflation user. i can tell the truth scares you

This. Those "stone triangles" weren't even unique to Egyptians. The Aztecs were making them as well.

>someone moved big rocks
>the only way to explain this is with alien levitation technology
Do you think it's even remotely possible that you are jumping to conclusions?

even if he didn't peddle pseudoscience, hancock's unbearable smugness makes him unlistenable.

They need a higher power that doesn't tell them to stop doing drugs.

>Same difference you pedantic retard
no it isn't. that's the same kind of faggoty definition of "slave" that makes wagecucks slaves (and wagecucks, indeed, have in cases, like post-slavetrade but still full slave-labour US, been worked HARDER than slaves, since you can just hire a new wagecuck from the streets at no cost, while you own your slave). and while you may not break into a lengthy digression about how they practically are, that's not how we use that word

>First of all, the stones used for the pyramids had to be carried thousands of miles
Wrong, most of the limestone was quarried nearby, only the white limestone used for the outer shell was transported from a few hundred miles away, not thousands retard.
>It would be impossible to build that structure in the amount of time they did with the amount of slaves in Egypt at the time.
They were built over hundreds of years by laborers who had all winter to work on it because they can't farm in the winter retard.

based post

riddle me this then, moron, how did the egyptions build those perfect stone vases with only copper tools? we can't even make them todat they would take thousands of years to make. and please don't say muh rudimentary lathe.

Attached: ancient-artifacts-ancient-egypt.jpg (236x327, 13K)

And this is why Joe has no business talking about transgenderism and giving life saving hormones to trans kids

>mapping the DMT realm

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stones tools and sanding away imperfections

>t. Disgusting tranny abomination

>how did the egyptions build those perfect stone vases with only copper tools?
The most reasonable, intelligent and common sense explanation is clearly ALIEN LIFE FROM OUTSIDE OUR GALAXY. BUT OF COURSE.

>life saving hormones to trans kids
What in the fuck are you smoking you fucking degenerate?

Did the same.

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out of the hundreds of galaxies and hundreds of planets why can't aliens be a reasonable explanation? asking for a friend.

>it's impossible even with modern technology to carve shapes out of stone

>must be the work of DMT aliums

you're so fucking retarded

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>he thinks this is the original

>hmm, we don't know how they made these vases
>it must mean aliens helped them

show me one modern stone vase carved like that, i'll wait.

>grug hits rock into pot shape
Kill yourself

How about this, brainlet

Attached: greekvase.jpg (425x540, 29K)

normies still can't admit that there was a pre-flood civilization?

I think it says a lot about Graham that I can't tell whether you're quoting Joe or Graham

First of all it's billions of galaxies and billions of planets.

Second, I think it's a reasonable leap of faith to think we're not the only intelligent life out there.

Third, it's absurd to think aliens came to earth and helped us build perfectly smooth pots or giant stone triangles.

Dude, we can make conpletely flawless diamonds in laboratories. You think we can't make a vase with modern technology? Stop taking dmt

they've been trying to replicate egyptian stone vases at los alamos since the 50s and this is the best they could do.

Attached: modern stone vase.jpg (768x576, 55K)

>aliens came to earth and helped us build perfectly smooth pots or giant stone triangles
Maybe they are all faggots and autists?

how did dey do it withot da aliens n shiet?


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>normies still can't admit that there was a pre-flood civilization?
I'll admit it when you produce a single shred of proof. I'm not asking for a lost city or even a skeleton, just a tool or a bone. Just one.

got em

>Ancient civilisation that perfected their craft over hundreds of years vs modern humans who're starting from page 1


Please, please kill yourself and get that 40% even higher. I'd spit at you in the street

Atlantis. Next question

the entemanns vase is made out of soft metal, retard.

And you think making a vase out of metal is easier than making a vase out of stone?

I'm pretty sure you're just trolling us, but it's unironically sad that there are loads of adults out there who believe stuff like this.


Pyramid building was actually a sought after profession, as it kept you fed. Yes, even those who were pulling the stones. Each pyramid was a project that took decades to finish, none of them were quick projects.

>Atlantis. Next question
Ok I'm done laughing, are you going to be serious now?

of course it's easier. a mistake can be fixed on a metal vase, moron. one small error on a stone vase with a neck smaller than the interior and with handles would have to be scrapped. and there are no examples of unfinished vases or any with imperfections.

I dont know who this vasenig is, but they seem to be trying to subvert the alien theory. Research the Gizeh Intelligence and the Orion Group if youre interested in alien influence in ancient egypt. Whether or not you do the research is on you. But dont be so quick to dismiss the idea based on your preconceived notions about the diversity of life in the universe

i find it absolutely amazing that people are more inclined to believe an entity made up by an abrahamic religious institution, rather than something "from the univers", like ayy lmaos for example. it is very difficult to even begin to understand the perception of time as well, most normies out there think of 40 years ago as being a long time ago, for me it is the opposite - 65 million years is a long time, 40 years is a blink of a second.

it is highly unlikely that we have never been visited by a species / entity / culture higher up in the hierarchy than homo sapiens on planet tellus. if there is a natural / logical hierarchy that forms within homo sapiens, then the same must apply to the universe.

think of it like this, there's a central hub out there of galaxies and or planets that are kind of like new york or paris, whereas we're out in the middle of nowhere in utah. we may not even have any natural resources on this planet of interest to the beings higher up.

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You do realize people had far much more time in their hands back then? No TV, internet or anything else that would distract you from what you were doing,

And then you read the comments

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is this faggot really arguing about stone vases

we don't have stone vases any more because plastic exists wtf lol

not that guy, but those vases have extremely thin walls and I would love to hear from someone that knows about this stuff as to how they could have been made without help from an advanced alien civilisation.

lmao you Graham Hancock cucks are going the first to be killed by the demons aka aliens you worship

the freemasons have taken over the history channel in order to push their new age globalist religion. a bunch of rich cultists want to say "oh look what our oil satellites found: magic cities buried under the coasts lol"

lmao my mom has vases that she made that are a million times better than this shit HOLY FUGG MOMS A AYYYYYLMAO

>this oversimplification

so much this
sheeple don't understand that we're in communication with alien civilizations right now, including the ones that built the pyramids. they're from zeta reticuli.

Attached: how the pyramids were built.png (1030x786, 445K)

scientology 2.0

Just fucking stop listening and talking about them.

Few things lad, I dont worship anything. Fingerprints of the Gods is a well researched book, but i dont hang on every word Graham says. Have you read the book user? Or done any research into alternative theories of evolution/cataclysm/civilization?

And since you havent been following closely, know that the bad ayys have nearly been eradicated from Earth, and the less morally corrupt ones are seeing to our progression free from hostile subjugation

those are modern vases, genius. they were made with cutting edge technology and look how ratty they look. thanks for proving my point. the vases from egypt were brought here by an advanced alien race.

Confirmation bias explains that though

What about Ooparts and other anachronisms? Globlekli tepe nearly doubled what we thought the window for civilization and that only came to light within the last 20 years.

ah a good old schizo thread

Joe Rogan will give regular slots to guys that think the world is flat and think the egyptians had telepathic abilities.
Joe Rogan will talk about alt-right politics and White Nationalism with his Jewish and lgbt guests to try and "understand the situation".

Joe Rogan will never, however, invite the following people to his show:
David Duke.
Don Black.
Richard Spencer.
Kevin MacDonald.
David Irving.
Richard Lynn.
James Watson.
Jared Taylor.
Or pretty much anyone that is actually seriously alt right, new right or third position.

He will sit around and break bread with ANYONE other than the genuine far right and third position to talk about the far right and third position rather than just having these people on his show to duke it out.
Can you imagine a serious show dedicated to debating as to whether or not the holocaust happened????
We all know why this cuck wouldn't do this. Because once you open that door, there's no going back and the whole game changes.

Joe "White people suck" Rogan is a gatekeeper who takes it upon himself to keep the serious political alternative away from the world forum.

fat fingers

>dogs cant see colour
>deer can only see movement
>humans have poor noses compared to bears

I can't believe I just jerked off over this image

>people had far much more time in their hands back then
sweet jesus, think about your comment, user.

JRE is braincell chemo because it's either the dumb guest making you dumb or Rogan himself making you dumb.

>waaahhh why won’t he give a platform to holocaust deniers, racists, anti-semites etc etc
Lol LITERALLY kys fucking loser

Ayys that came to egypt were from Orion. The Zetas are the ones from Roswell. Zetas abducted us to intermix our DNA with theirs because they become infertile due to their numerous genetic experiments. We allowed abductions in exchange for Zeta technology. Orions closely resemble humans and are mostly evil. Zetas are greys, mostly ambivalent

>a platform
If you can't handle opposing opinions being said out loud, congratulations you're a fucking child

some old guy built a goblekli tepi replica in his backyard, by himself, and in a couple of months. he used stone tools and poles made from trees. tepi is nothing special, and is at the same level as neolithic stone art.

>the stones used for the pyramids had to be carried thousands of miles
It's only hundreds, and it was mostly on the Nile. The land part of the transport was short and on land on which pulling was easy and perfectly within the reasonable force of fit men. Considering the time it took to build these structures, only a handful of boats needed to be assigned to the task.
Even then a large part of the construction materials came from areas close to the building sites.

Holocaust denial and white nationalism aren’t “opposing opinions” you retard.

>irrefutable proof of alien life is a stone vase
and some people wil say with a straight face weed is not bad and stoners don't have impaired cognitive functions

I gave it another 30 minutes but ultimately it's a waste of time.

There probably was civilizations older than 10,000 BC. Atlantis was probably real, but there is no fucking record so what is the point.

So you support them?

They literally are though, what an insane thing to post

Yea, one ring maybe. Same level as neolithic art aside from it's scale. Nothing that size has been found before or since. That site was occupied for a long time over 12,000 years ago when we were still supposedly fighting to just survive, living in caves doing little more than fingerpainting.

the guy on the right of this thumb look like you put john favreau through the faceapp old filter

There's nothing wrong with questioning the numbers in the holocaust, they have changed dramatically in the past. Racism and antisemetism are buzzwords that mean nothing and the fact that you used them tells me that you are too emotional to have an intellectual converstaion. You are bigoted.

the orion ayys are part of project looking glass too. if you look on the drawings you'll see the orion constellation.

The mechanical elves told me it's true bro

No. They’re dangerous ideas and call for violence. White nationalists, racist anti-semites don’t deserve any platforms to speak

I’m glad everytime one of you retards is banned from FB, YT, Twitter etc. I’m glad most sensible people don’t want to put up with your shit

Fuck you

Theres nothing wrong with white nationalism. Jews can ne nationalist. Asians can. Whited are allowed to be as well. Nobody denies the holocaust happened. They question facts about it. Anyone opposed to questioning things is simply a bigot. You are a bigot.

you need to travel to europe, user. there are massive neolithic structures, some 3 times older than tepi. the altamira cave has been dated to about 35k bce.

Not him but are you actually retarded? Why would Joe Rogan get on a guest from the far right that he knows he will catch so much backlash for because it gives them a platform? You think he will jeprodise his spot as number 1 listened to podcast just because some fat incel on Yea Forums has a nazi fetish?

I don't see any reason why telekinesis shouldn't be real. Telepathy/precognition/clairvoyance certainly is. Wouldn't be surprised at all if ancient civilizations had contact with aliens. Ultimately it's navel gazing at this point because if anybody knows the truth they are keeping it secret.

The real purpose of this podcast is to speculate safely about something that's probably true and to make pro drug anti nationalist tropes and encourage people to use drugs .

What's wrong with violence? It's an integral part of the human experience.

White nationalism has always existed to destroy non-whites. Asian, Jewish, etc nationalism has always been about survival

>b.b.but Israel has a wall!
That is how retarded you “people” are

This, plus someone like Jared Taylor could easily out-argue Joe, and Joe knows it.

And giving a platform to people who support mutilating our children isn't bad? There are plenty of people who are invited onto these shows who have just as deranged of ideas. The only difference is these people support ideologies which are also supported by the mainstream media

holocaust denial and white nationalism are both based and correct views though, fag.

You're a brainwashed authoritarian if you think that. Antifa commit far more violence on a regular basis than so-called white nationalists (many times this word js misused by retards like you). Also, censoring opinions doesnt make them disappear, it drives them underground, which leads to more violence. If you truly believed that their ideology was incorrect, you would be open to discussion so you could prove it wrong. But you aren't, and youve veen convinced by megacorps that people need to be censored because of muh hate and muh extremism, which is not a problem at all. And if it were, the solution would be more open dialogue. You're a juvenile little sjw.

You are no different than a pearl clutching moralist christfag who wants to censor books and movies because of muh offensive and dangerous content. Same authoritarian billshit. Kill yourself, baby.

>/x/ retards come to visit Yea Forums retards

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>You're no longer a person because of your beliefs
Wow, so progressive and accepting of you schlomo

>They’re dangerous ideas
listen to this faggot. that's what was said about galileo's heliocentric theory.

Oh great here we go, queue the statistic posters. Have sex

>I don't see any reason why telekinesis shouldn't be real.
Because it's physically impossible for someone to move something by merely thinking about it.

>Anicent egyptians possessed telekinesis and there was an advanced human civilisation no one's discovered yet, DMT is the key to it all
Undeniable fact. The pyramids themselves were energy batteries, way before batteries were a thing. Look it up, brainlet.

>Que the statistics posters
Are you actually upset that people try to use sources and statistics to back up their beliefs or just a troll. This thread is so retarded that I wouldn't be surprised either way


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I'd love to, but most of my life is behind me now and I'd never find the time. I only referenced goblekli tepe because it was the one that was talked about at some length in the podcast. I don't agree with all of Hancock's woo woo shit and the telekenetic dmt nonsense, but his position that archeology completely discounts the notion of civilization before 4000bce is dead on. I find it hard to believe and a little insulting that some academics think we've walked the earth for at least 100 thousand years but only got our shit together in the last 6.

They say telepathy/precog/clairvoyance isn't real either but I know for a fact it is because I've experienced it many times. Nobody can jew me and trick me into thinking down is up and up is down. These are very fundamental human abilities, I've never personally seen telekinesis but wouldn't be surprised if somebody out there could do it.

>Asian, Jewish, etc nationalism has always been about survival
Yeaah I'm going to have to disagree with you there. There is only one kind of nationalism. You can't say white nationalism is bad and then support black nationalism. They're both doing the same fucking thing. Maybe black nationalists don't have as much power as white nationalists did in the early 1900's but what's to stop some group from using the same rhetoric as white nationalists did and gathering just as much power as them? You have to disown that type of rhetoric completely.

In this world you think is your reality yes. However when on a DMT trip and you enter the spirit realm you are a step cloer to truly see what is possible. We still havent been able to access anything higher than the 6th dimension

>Look it up, brainlet.
No, fuck you. Back up your ludicrous statements with facts or fuck off. I'm not wasting my time to prove you right moron.

>Why would Joe Rogan get on a guest from the far right that he knows he will catch so much backlash for because it gives them a platform
Strawman. Never said that, sjw. Rogan isnt truly interested in open dialogue, so of course he wouldnt. As you mentioned, he wouldnt want to risk losing all his beta cuck fans like you by having someone too edgy on. That doesnt mean multinational conglomerates with defacto oligopolies and trusts should be able to censor speech. Way to miss the point entirely, but considering you cant even use the word nazi in an appropriate fashion im not surprised you take it up the ass.

>They were energy batteries because they were tall enough to be lightning rods
You a woke at bruh, aliums used lightning to power their pyramid space shops n shit. Whitey don't want you to know tha truth

*ting ting ting


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>They say telepathy/precog/clairvoyance isn't real either but I know for a fact it is because I've experienced it many times
Like. Fucking. When.

Zionism is the jewish form of nazism

Randall Carlson was always better. He sticks to the science of the matter and never gets into this weird shit.


No. That is factually incorrect and you are a bigot for thinking that. God you are fucking stupid, a total propaganda victim.

>never gets into this weird shit.
I love him too, but you're wrong. He's neck deep in that sacred geometry crystal healing shit.

It's established now that they weren't built by slaves. Also consider how we take for granted that a building can go up in a few months. These structures were like medieval cathedrals and were built over decades.

>gets so BTFO she literally cant come up with an argument
No wonder you want to censor everything youvdisagree with. You people are fucking scum.

Remember when Redban exposed Joe's fascination with watching black dick blowjob pornos? Joe is a strange guy.

do you think it's impossible to see something outside the limits of your physical vision? if so, you are about 50 years behind. remote viewing, telekinesis, telepathy are all natural qualities of the human being which have been gradually stomped out, by design

>Jewish, nationalism has always been about survival
t. heeby kikeburger

To be fair I've never watched his produced stuff, only his appearances on Rogan. He must have been really reluctant to delve into that outside his element.

Yes, hallucinations and confirmation biases do provably exist. Not to say that the realm of scientific understanding is perfect and neither is our conception of human consciousness , but there are current mechanistic explanation for that.

A lie. Physically impossible. No on has ever experienced that and it can't be placed in the same category as "sight seeing".

If you dont approach things with an open mind you'll never learn the truth. The CIA has done experiments confirming psychic abilities.

project stargate. inglo swann, pat price, russel targ. dont be so naive user

Too many times to count, hundreds. It's always kind of "there" you just notice and it more or less and it has varying intensities.

>By design
>The Jews keeping da white man down by stomping over his magic powers
Uh huh.

You have a very unscientific mind.

>He will sit around and break bread with ANYONE other than the genuine far right and third position to talk about the far right and third position rather than just having these people on his show to duke it out.
Can you imagine a serious show dedicated to debating as to whether or not the holocaust happened????
We all know why this cuck wouldn't do this. Because once you open that door, there's no going back and the whole game changes.
Right there retardo. No one cares about your far right power rangers same as no one cares about the far left ones. If you are that thirsty for david duke then just listen to his speeches. No ones going to do some cross party talk show just because in your head it will be an anime battle of wit and intellect. When it will justequate to overtalking, shouting, ignorance form both sides and low views or no sale value because its literally trying to appease both of these far parties by having it in the first place. You fucking retard.

He never said that at all.

>Tfw you will never trust da gubmint because of the CIA but will trust the CIA to prove that humans have magic powers

Attached: 1553468490516.gif (300x400, 233K)

Literal retard detected. Dont post on Yea Forums if youre this stupid. Thanks, dumdum.

>whoa dood like why did all these civilisations build their temples in the most simple and stable form they could?

that's their land, if they don't fight or build walls, the jews will cease to exist in a hundred years. it's different from racist white nationalists. they do it to survive

DMT allums are demons. Burn these hethens at the stake!


Says the guy trying to prove that humans can move objects with their minds because you've experienced telepathy and clairvoyance so therefore you can move objects with your mind.

Using anecdotes , but not just using anecdotes, using anecdotes to and making a false linear assertion.
>Sometimes i see things that aren't there so I'm sure if I tried hard enough I can bend this spoon using my mind

lol at all these people getting hostile at ESP

So are the "dude aliens lmao" people ITT also the ones defending white nationalism, or is it the opposite?

Attached: v82kmwtjezaz.jpg (750x890, 44K)

We forgot how to make Roman concrete as well. Does that mean all those Roman structures were built by fucking aliens too?

Yea, it's nice that he stays on topic during his podcasts instead of veering into crazy town, like Graham does whom I'm also a huge fan of.

>man, bronze age history is really neat
>hey, I wonder if there are any interesting lectures or documentaries on youtube
>99% of it is retarded ancient aliens garbage
What is it about the Sumerians that attracts so many mongoloids and autistic people? It's like the historical equivalent of Sonic and Super Smash Brothers.

I'm a white nationalist that supports connection to the environment, believes in ESP, aliens, and the urgent need to remove the Jewish scourge from this planet forever

>Can you imagine a serious show dedicated to debating as to whether or not the holocaust happened????
Another pathetic strawman. You are so stupid and incompetent. Even the most edgy and mean and antisemetic nazi doesnt believe the holocaust simply didnt happen. Its honestly not worth talking to you if you're going to be this disingenuous/ignorant. You're just rambling semi-coherently for the rest of your post about stuff you are figuring out as you go, against a strawman you've created in your head. I've already explained to you why you are right and also wrong, move on.

I also think you might have autism, but not the smart kind, the kind that turns you into a sputtering retard who doesnt know when to shut her mouth.

Pretty defensive about being called stupid. Wonder why that is?

We figured that out the last I heard. Something about a particular type of volcanic ash.

>We forgot how to make Roman concrete as well
being this ignorant. I spec "roman concrete" all the time, genius. pozzolan, microsilica, and ash are used in mixes all the time.

Timeline is really good, that's the only one I can think of off the top of my head. Curator's corner with irving finkle is cool too. Has done some stuff on Ur.

Blame the history channel. Same reason you can't have a decent conversation about the inner politics of Germany during the Weimar and 3rd Reich periods with the average lay person.
>Nazi gold
>Did Hitler Only Have One Ball????
>Hitler's secret gay lover
>We're Nazis in contact with aliens?
>The secret cult of the SS
>How the Jews were responsible for child rape in Weimar Germany

Just have to sift out the garbage desu

Nice strawman. Why would private studies conducted by the CIA not be accurate? You are suggesting they faked the data? Why would the CIA spend so much time researching psychic powers in the first place? Apparently you are smarter than their brightest scientists, youve got it all figured out xD

There are also other researchers outside the CIA with some interesting results. You're just very close minded. Obviously a hardline conservative.

people that listen to rogan and unironically believe in bigfoot and aliens need to be culled before the jews.

Johnny Monoxide? The fuck are you doing on Yea Forums?

>you've experienced telepathy and clairvoyance so
You confused me with someone else. I was simply pointing out that the girl pretending she knows absolutely what is and is not true about the human mind and the universe is a fool. You are a fool and have an unscientific mind.

I was an observer laughing at you. Your reply speaks for you.

That was a quote from the fucking post you idiot, sorry i didnt greentext i just thought you would be able to differentiate between my post and the one i was quote. Well done arguing against yourself you absolute smooth brain. Fucking kek at your life

>Why would private studies conducted by the CIA not be accurate?
Because the internal politics of the CIA is a lot more complicated than you think and I doubt you've properly read the studies they made anyways? You have absolutely trust that every factor in this CIA study was properly reported?

>You're just very close minded
Yes, I'm skeptical of the CIA. Because I'm not naive

i wasnt the person you just replied to. nowhere in my original post did i mention the jews. i dont think they are solely responsible for our subjugation. the groups trying to control humanity are more fractured than that. but you are fucking stupid if you look at remote viewing research and consider it 'magical powers'. im not saying everyone has impeccable psychic powers. but everyone who can play piano isnt mozart, ya know?

What in the fuck is wrong with Elon Musk?

He sounds like he's had a lobotomy.

Attached: Elon_Musk.jpg (770x433, 31K)

they just abused thier slaves.

Wage cucks are slaves.

The only definition of slavery that doesn't apply to wagecucks is chattel slavery which was a rare outliner. Ancient slavery and modern wagecuckery are pretty much interchangeable with the only difference being that masters don't have to buy slaves from other masters.

>Tfw actually a stemfag meanwhile you probably work construction or are a NEET
Yeah I really don't care what a white nationalist who believes in ESPs and thinks jews are his eternal nemesis thinks about most things.

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He's privy to a ton of information very few people know and he's tired of it all. There was an air of inevitability to the shit he hinted at.

>Some cave paintings are now at the same level of sophistication and organizational demand as a fuck huge neolithic temple complex with dozens of pillars and stone carvings

Based brainlet.

Life outside of the earth is a statistical probability it his however very unlikely that they've traveled the vast distances to visit here. Some religions and traditions are awfully close to the somewhat modern phenomenon of cargo cults. Beings like bigfoot have walked the earth and there are forests dense enough to support tiny populations of hominid. Anyone that goes all in on any of these though probably needs some kind of medication though, I'd concede.

An advanced alien race that focused on vases and pyramids instead of anything useful?

>unironically believe in bigfoot and aliens

I think those people are just would-be religious types except instead of church they go on youtube. It's a shame really.

Of course you're a NEET who does nothing productive

I'll check them out. Thanks.

Pirated some lecture called "Origins of Great Ancient Civilizations" from TTC a couple of months ago and had a blast watching them.

There is not a single worse sign than when a historical video/article/whatever starts with "How" or ends with a question mark. Instant garbage.

>there was an advanced human civilisation no one's discovered yet

Joe is talking about this so fucking often. It's nothing new

The finkel ones are short and more demonstrative, but still entertaining and informative and you can tell that gandalf looking motherfucker knows his shit.

Wow look at this Jim Jones follower. I love that people like this are talking about reading 1984, I only wish they would.

>but you are fucking stupid if you look at remote viewing research and consider it 'magical powers'
I mean, no. It's a classical magical power.
>Comparing musical abilities to psychic powers

Those with an open mind are more likely to stray from the path. Those who are open to the idea of mainstream politics being controlled by a select few, and the permanent state working towards a certain goal no matter who is in power, are more likely to be open to the esoteric concepts of psychic abilities or alternative history. Those close minded individuals who watch colbert and believe something because they read it on buzzfeed are more likely to pretend that theyve got it all figured out and act all condescending and pretentious as soon as they hear something that strays from the bland, sterile and corporate/political mainstream. They are too close-minded to even consider something "far out" so they will always be following and not truly thinking for themselves.

What absolute twaddle. So white nationalism existed to destroy non-whites in the time of Julius Caesar.

Joe Rogan is /ourguy/ confirmed

Randall Carlson is the real brain there, Hancock got btfo'd by that Shermer on JRE untill Randall stepped in.

Attached: Graham_Randall_Wallula-1024x683.jpg (1024x683, 120K)

>the one i was quote.
You never indicated which post you were quoting until now, and you know that, but you continue to argue dishonestly. I never said what you quoted and my point still stands. I have won by default unless you attempt to refute it.
>le kek xd
Nice job at feigning confidence.

What's Yea Forums think about Giants, and Jim Vieira?

>why would a spy agency work to deceive people?

>You're either a conspiracy theorist or an NPC!

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Hancock let his emotions get the best of him. I'll give you that. Randall is kind of an intimidating figure, you know he has some kind of autist super strength.

If the CIA thinks that psychic powers are worth studying, and some of their studies seem to prove their existence, and studies independent frlm the CIA also seem to prove their existence then you are a fool to pretend its all bullshit. I dont think you really know about the CIA, you are just pretending to know for juvenile rhetorical purposes.

The actual guys from Stare At Goats literally teach seminars. In fact you can download their lectures with a little digging. If this stuff is real you could do it yourself.

Oh wow, I just remembered I saw a video of him a couple of years ago on the game of Ur and printed out my own version of it. Completely forgot about that. Man that game is fun, and surprisingly intense. I should dust it off again.

lol what a fag, kill yourself retard

>this triggered
It was your fucking post you retard, otherwise you would have read through it when you didnt see it said (you) next to it. Fucking idiot hahaha this is your brain while listening to David Duke

ok you are more dense than i thought. everyone has latent psychic ability the same way everyone has latent musical ability. with enough time and effort, anyone can become proficient with an instrument. however, some people are gifted with talent that helps them produce incredible works of art. same way some people are gifted with an ability to remote view.


the CIA does shit like this so that banana republic style governments like UK, Germany, NK, etc think its real and spend money, time, resources chasing down wild geese

>like the guy
>overlook his zany political views
>starts talking about how Egyptians used telekinesis to build pyramids

Never dropped someone so fast in my life

More strawmanning because you can't argue. That's all you SJW types are able to do. And yes, it is correct for me to assume you are an sjw, since you randomly assume anyone disagreeing with your immature worldview is a white nationalist or jew hater or whatever buzzword.

Oh wow, you study science in university?? That totally proves that you aren't a close-minded idiot, despite all evidence to the contrary. I doubt you're proper stem anyways, probably biology or maybe even psychology, since you seem stupid enough to believe psych is stem.

I'm a graduate chemical engineer studying catalysis. Cry more, retard.

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>It's a classical magical power

ITT: Infuriated materialists that seethe at the idea of free people not believing lies from some faggots in labcoats who pretend to know everything.

Nice strawman, redditor. The use of the term conspiracy theory suggests you are an NPC.

Levitate a mug with your mind, go on

cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.


record a video of yourself creating a psi-ball

>joe has a hack fraud on his show but doesn't ask any hard questions at all
getting tired of reruns

So you admit the CIA has people at CNN and other msm? You admit they purposefully lie about things like Russian collusion? Good.

Im not sure why they would lie to themselves by conducting classified studies nobody knows about till decades later.

Yeah, fuck 'em. Us non-sheep only believe in lies from some faggots in cargo shorts who pretend to know everything.


>It was your fucking post you retard,
No it wasnt. Another strawman and the complete inability to engage. You are very confused. Stay on topic or run away, stop it with this cowardly bullshit.

Yea! Hey fuck you, man.

Even if he has never moved or earned a cent in his entire life, you're still retarded for insisting they weren't slaves.

The pyramids were not built.

>my argument sounds dumb when someone else summarizes it, must be a strawman

This is why I never tell anybody I smoke weed, I imedietly get put on the same category as those guys

Absolute retardation

Fucking shut up you retard. You quoted yourself because you thought I said it and you argued against it. Turns out you said it so you literally argued with yourself. Now shut the fuck up you mong

Alright tell me how they lifted up dozens of 70 ton granite slabs?

cmon man the kings and queens back then did heavy level of drugs and might have brought those demons here to exist with people for advance understanding and knowledge

no I didn't dumb shit nigger

Indeed. They were materialized from the nectro-beams of an antediluvian era alien mothership.

One thing spies do is make diversions; one thing intel is definitely interested in is popular gullibility. CIA has extensive projects that amount to making a religion, they're connected to Jim Jones, early Scientology, and the Synanon rehab cult.
Picture a CIA director trying to push a claim on wonks and meeting resistance -- so he touches his forehead and announces "but I can see it myself with my third eye!" Only they actually believe him because of years of propaganda preparation.

No, you are literally taking quotes from other posts and presenting them as mine, then claiming I am a fan of David Duke, all while refusing to engage my argument. You are incompetent and are probably deflecting this hard on purpose to avoid having to argue honestly. Its very weak and you're probably a coward irl.

>Just take drugs like I do and shut up

genuinely retarded or troll, either way dont deserve a (you)

>You quoted yourself because you thought I said it and you argued against it.
I really didnt. You are so confused. Its not that complicated, dumdum libcuck. Maybe you should return to r3ddit? You are having a lkt of trouble and are getting upset. Dont poopoo in your panties again xD

Indeed, but now that is a whole other conspiracy theory before actually looking into the original evidence.

Clearly by smoking lots of DMT

Imagine going this much out of your way to ignore the argument.

>interstellar aliens show up with advanced tech and want to teach us things

>all they teach is moving large slab of rock a hundred miles or so and only enough to make a couple of structures, also how to make really good stone vases

Maybe we pissed them off and they left before teaching us the really good stuff.

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yeah and chiropractors
also are real mr rogan

It's the alex jones formula:

>learn about something that might have happened
>pull the exact details out of your ass
>mash this new thing together with a bunch of other half-formed bullshit theories
>convince yourself that all of these are capital-F Facts
>weave these together into a grandiose narrative of a world full of chaos and evil
>tell yourself that you are part of a chosen few who have been told the truth

And last but not least:

>Complain loudly about how persecuted you are when someone calls you on your shit

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How did they cut the blocks?

There is no way they did this with millions of blocks cut perfectly straight. And they hauled millions of tons of stone from that quarry like 300 miles away. Plus the actual construction of them. I dont think the mainstream theory is adequate in explaining the pyramids. No, you faggots, that doesnt mean i believe it was aliens, but there has to be some better theories out there.

demons are real you stupid fuck...stop acting like this is nonsense.
people like you are the reason we are all still struck on this rock

He is persecuted a lot.

they used rope, water, and sand

>they've been trying to replicate egyptian stone vases at los alamos since the 50s

Attached: ...........jpg (300x428, 27K)

The pyramids were power generators then the aliens taught us a lot more.

>here are some power generators
>made out of rocks

Ah yes, cutting millions of massive blocks perfectly with rope water and sand. The aliens theory is more believable.

That may be true but I don't have much sympathy for retards.

>we may not even have any natural resources on this planet of interest to the beings higher up.
post-scarcity, post-FTL civs wouldn't need anything from us at all.
like whats this shit about ayyliums need to put stuff in your butt and sample your DNA to save their species? i call bullshit.
>can fabricate materials such as that cannot be scratched or dented by earthly means, or can re-form and self-repair tears and scratches back to original shape
>can fuck spacetime right up its black hole with intergalactic magic disc craft, up to and including instantaneous point-to-point travel anywhere in the universe and a ZAWARUDO timestop to come kidnap your ass and nobody will know
>able to get to the center of a tootsie-roll pop in zero licks, can see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch, beat the undertaker at wrestlemania, etc. etc. etc.
but they can't synthesize complex amino acids so they gotta put this big metal hoobajoob up your butt. yep.

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which aliens did this one?

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>what are piezo electric properties
>what are electrochemical reactions
I dont even believe in the theory but at least learn what the fuck the theories are first you brainlet.

>listening to Joe Rogan or acknowledging his existence in any way

this is the evidence that these retards ignore. we can barely pick up 100 ton loads with today's tech. there's actual evidence of aliens in cave art but it's brushed aside.

Attached: aliens in ancient cave art.jpg (1000x566, 42K)

Thanks for this

Dude they need to travel 1000 light years so they can show us how to move large rocks (and only rocks) around then leave and never come back.

>there was an advanced human civilisation no one's discovered yet
Well, the sphinx has signs of water errosion and I believe it is agreed the most likely cause is sustained heavy rainfall. It hasn't rained like that in Egypt since the end of the last ice age which was around ~12,000 years ago, meaning it is far older than the claimed ~4,500 years old. It is possible there was a civilization we know nothing about

FtL travel through the cosmos negates the need to harvest resources from inhabited planets as there's enough shit floating around uninhabited planets and asteroid / meteor orbits.

The ONLY "precious" thing in all of the cosmos is life itself.

>what are naturally occurring things
>what are other some other things

It's easy to label people who offend you retarded. The fact is he runs a multimillion dollar independent media company and built it from the ground up. He is undergoing multiple lawsuits at any given time and still manages to be on air 3 or 4 hours a day live with no script.
>b-but hes retarded cuz hes says crazy things and is loud!
You're a fucking retard.

Cause we literally went from caves to the Sumerians having spoken and written language and architecture. Its such a weird evolutionary spike.

Those are just white people.

You couldn't grow crops in any soil but that which is on earth or some other life-bearing planet.

I don't think aliens did it. What is yojr point, dummy?

>First of all, the stones used for the pyramids had to be carried thousands of miles.

The Giza Pyramids were built right on the quarry, Polished Limestone was carried down the Nile from Tura about 10 miles away.


>people who haven't done DMT talking about DMT
For their next act, the neckbeards will talk about economic policy.

Oh so you're butthurt? Ok, good to know.

Nice deflection. I dont believe it was aliens, but you were arguing that all the aliens would have given himans was the knowledge of how to move rocks, you were intentionally or ignorantly misrepresenting a side and when I called you out you sperged out like a typical Toe Rogan chimp

Before Sumeria there were thousands of years of half developed agriculture, where they would plant crops and then keep roaming around until they eventually wandered back to where they had fruit bushes etc planted years before. The biggest innovation in Sumeria was that warlords started to make their slaves full time farmers.

there were no white people in ancient egypt, they were sub saharan poc.

Acid/DMT is life changing though, I went from a fedora tier arrogant atheist to a humbled agnostic in a single trip

What about the ziggurat? Thats way cooler than some fucking monkey niggers planting trees. Retard.

>hes retarded cuz hes says crazy things
yeah pretty much
>He is undergoing multiple lawsuits at any given time

for spouting bullshit about people

>still manages to be on air 3 or 4 hours a day live with no script.

This is easy when you do no research and just go on schizoid rants about things you saw on youtube.

look user I have found evidence that anime catgrils exist irl!

Attached: 63769702723e0f067ca6c3532affe9ef.png (420x420, 184K)

that is an image from a TV series


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Limestone is basically glorified sand. It's only the casing stones which required the real serious work.

So, just like you? And here i'm assuming you are educated.

You can't find all the resources you need on just asteroids and dead planets. It takes millions of years for life to build up a nice substrate of corpses and poop in order to turn regolith into fertile soil

>for spouting bullshit about people
No. You are totally ignorant. Your simlle one dimensional reply gives it away.
>This is easy when you do no research and just go on schizoid rants about things you saw on youtube.
Also incorrect. You are very disingenuous and obviously have formed your opinion of him through non-primary sources. You also don't know what schizoid means and are using a word which you don't understand. You're also an anime sperg and I bet you're a fucking tranny too, since that ties it all together. It is therefor safe to assume you are a retard, not Alex Jones, who is far more successful and well spoken than you will ever be.


I admit it's from a documentary, but you can't deny that the figures depicted in the glyphs are otherworldly.

One of the things I think that makes people so interested in the Sumerians is just how old and mysterious the civilization was and with that bizarre evolutionary spike, they think aliens had something to do with maybe tinkering with us and the Sumerians may or may not have the answer.

Seeing as how we are on the film board and of COURSE we're not fucking talking about movies, you should check out The Fourth Kind. Its got Milla Jovovich and ahe's always fun to look at and it has a segment or two in it where you actually get to hear snippets of Ancient Sumerian being spoken.

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>Limestone is basically glorified sand
Not at all. Way to discredit any other half-baked opinion you are about to say. Did you even watch the video? Fucking retard pretending to have it all figured out when you dont even know basic facts.

Fuck off lying retard, that's frkm game of thrones.

you can carve limestone with a sharp stick, moron.

>implying GOT isn't a historical documentary

It's sad when you think about how this ancient alien crap has been allowed to enter pop sci and now my brother and dad spout off about things they don't understand and attribute it to aliens. Why haven't we found any actual evidence of aliens on Earth, millions of fossils and archaeological finds but not a single piece of alien metal or tech when apparently they created humans and influenced our civilization. Their reasoning, oh it was the Illuminati or something hiding it from billions of people instead of just thinking they don't exist. Obviously thousands of people 5000 years ago couldn't have stacked some limestone over the course of decades people back then were like cave men right it must be aliens, my education, the Joe Rogan podcast and DMT trips.

So you are claiming that an ancient civilization built the whole giza complex and the Egyptians just took credit for the Pyramids? Despite there being absolutely no human records on the site found that wasn't connected to bronze age Egyptians, and all records point to the fact that most early technological advancement was brought over from Mesopotamia.

Elon seems to be operating on a level the rest of us aren't. Imagine taking how smart you are right now and adding a little bit of extra grey brain matter and neurons for you to fire off and interconnect.

Elon is probably on the spectrum, but he produces usable and practical shit so people tolerate it.

He seems like an all right guy though. He's cool enough to smoke pot with Joe for the first time.


just fuck off. Watch the video where they try to cut a block of limestone for 4 hours and get a few centimeters through it. You cant cut them with sticks you absolute fucking retard. I bet you berate people when they suggest an alternative hypothesis too, despite the fact that you may as well be 7 years old.

Timestamp of roughly when this happened?

Not him but its entirely possible flr a civilisation that we know nothing about to have existed before the egyptians and then were wiped out by some catastrophe. If you deny this possibility because there is no evidence you are stupid. Are you stupid?

What if these people attempting it were just very untalented?

in 4 hours, I can cut through a block of limestone with a pencil, you ignoramus. it has a mohs hardness of 2 which is a bit harder than chalk.. educate yourself before posting absurdities.

The first result on google says the stones were cast concrete. That meand they were concrete.

starts at 56:20

Hundreds of years and lots of expendable labor

>ddurrrrre dddurrrrr
No you cant. If you had watched the video you would know this. You're fucking retarded and not all limestone is the same. Just fuck off with your ignorance, i bet you frequent r3ddit.

>You can't find all the resources you need on just asteroids and dead planets.
Yes, you can.

You don't need soil to grow plants, my friend, just water and nutrients.


>a mohs hardness of 2 which is a bit harder than chalk
Thats not how the scale works

You are thinking of sandstone. The pyramid blocks are difficult enough to cut with bronze or whatever alloy they used.

it's impossible that you are as stupid as you seem. a quick google search will quickly disabuse you of the ridiculous notion that limestone is hard. you can dissolve limestone with vinegar you complete nincompoop.

Then enlighten me, what kind of catastrophe manages to completely vaporize all signs of human settlement apart from these really important stone structures?

Millions upon millions of people tend to leave some sort of trace.

Which also begs the question, why the fuck did the bronze age Egyptians leave behind the evidence of a massive construction project including millions of people in a place that had already been constructed. I mean you gotta give it to them, the bronze age Egyptians spent fucking half a century or more on a fake construction site just so future historians could go, "evidence points to the fact that the bronze age Egyptians built it". Now that's fucking dedication to scamming people.

Off topic. The original point was that the stones were realistically capable of being cut with the tools suggested by archeology. The video shows this, and you have still not watched it and continue to humiliate yourself as you try to talk about cutting stone with pencils or whatever. Keep being a retard, you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

I'm not claiming anything, I'm saying it seems to be accepted that it has bad signs of water errosion and there has been no sustained down fall of water there since the end of the last ice age. Coincidentally the last ice age was around the last age of Leo, a pattern of stars that would have been known to them and looks very sphinx like in shape. I don't see a reason why it's impossible that it was built around 10,500BC by Egyptians or by an unknown group of people and the Egyptians moved in and built ontop of it afterwards. Maybe it was even built in 35,000BC, the last age of Leo before that. Plenty of time to acquire water damage

well why didn't you just say so in the first place? this has been a giant misunderstanding. I suppose the yt video you watched invalidates the science of geology, and limestone is a hard stone after all.

Well if the theory of the sphinx being 10000+ years old is true, and the evidence of water erosion seems to back it up, nothing apart from stone would remain. Metal and woods and everything else would all be long gone. Also, there were floods and asteroids hitting the earth, and there is a lot of melted sand in the area. You should really do some more research before you march around pretending to know everything.

>If you had watched the video
You mean the one you linked about GRANITE cutting. Which is a notoriously hard type of rock, which is why it was only used for the exterior the casing stones and not the main structure.

I've told you multiple times to watch the video wherein archeologists attempt to prove the leading theory as to how the blocks were cut and fail miserably. Keep sperging about how you can cut all limestone witha a pencil or whatever the fuck, retard.

Glacial advance would literally grind everything to dust. Also Robert Shoch believes there was a coronal mass ejection that bombarded the earth with plasma, sending arcs of lightning like rain across the americas in particular. Most settlements were coastal and significant sea level rise would just obliterate any evidence thereof. The younger dryas catastrophe(thought to be a cosmic impact event) 12,000 years ago would have sunk them all, possibly the mythological basis for atlantis.

Yes, how did they carve granite and get straight edges?

you mean this one, faggot?

try doing that with igneous or metamorphic stone, watch what happens.

>I don't see a reason why it's impossible that it was built around 10,500BC by Egyptians
Because there were no Egyptians in 10.500BC. Before Ancient Egypt there was just small settlements that at the time, were pretty primitive compared to their Mesopotamian counterparts.
>unknown group of people
Which managed to not leave a single trace of themselves?
>Maybe it was even built in 35,000BC
The fact that a civilization would independently with no shared knowledge of the preceding millennia be able to rival a civilization 32000 years it's junior and not leave a single trace, is how you say, somewhat unlikely.
> and the evidence of water erosion seems to back it up
It's not a widely accepted fact you know, it's the belief of a couple of fringe outliers.
> nothing apart from stone would remain
>Metal would all be long gone
Some yes, but there are some that could survive, but even so there would be stone or clay remains left.
Everything except for these structures that are eerily similar to a later bronze age civilization you mean.