I've never watched any Avengers movie or any Marvel movie made in the last 9 years

I've never watched any Avengers movie or any Marvel movie made in the last 9 years.

Looks like a bunch of gay PS2 CGI shit for faggots lmao.

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>Why do people keep watching this kind of shit >I'm convinced 99% of it is just classic mob mentality of people clutching to whatever is popular >Because nowadays your identity is made by what you consume and what you consume has to be socially accepted and confirmed

I've only ever watched Iron man 1. I caught a few glimpses of the avengers and iron man 2 or 3 on FX waiting for shows I watch to start (The Americans).

That's pretty much all I've ever seen and I have no desire to ever watch any of them.

Based and capeshitpilled

>Why do people keep watching this kind of shit

>I'm convinced 99% of it is just classic mob mentality of people clutching to whatever is popular

>Because nowadays your identity is made by what you consume and what you consume has to be socially accepted and confirmed

I genuinely enjoy all the Ironman movies and rewatch them from time to time

Every Marvel movie is 80% Reddit quips and exposition followed by 20% cheap garbage CGI fights for onions rats and Indians to scream at like subhumans.


My friend wanted to see Iron Man 3 for his birthday. I went even though I hadn't seen the first two. It was alright. Saw the other two afterwards but didn't enjoy them. I've also seen Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2, both of which I did enjoy quite a bit.

That's it. I haven't seen anything else because nothing interests me. I tried watching Avengers twice but I was bored out of my mind. I don't understand how people can continue to go to these, even the posters makes me want to vomit nowadays.

I have seen things outside of the MCU that were equally boring, like Deadpool (because my friend loved it) and some Superman stuff. Almost all of these were in the beginning of this superhero fad when I was naive and wanted to try them out. They're shit. I hate it.

What the fuck this is based and redpilled


I've seen one here and there. X-men wasn't half bad nor was first-class. Seen an Ironman. The Nolan Batmans. One spiderman and a few others. I'm not even into this, but there's just so many of them. Gotta watch something at the Kinoplex right? But yeah, hopefully general fatigue will start to set in pretty soon.

Marvlel superhero movies are infantile garbage.

Those with true kino taste appreciate the works of Zach Snyder.

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I saw iron man 1 and 2, Thor, Captain America, and Incredible Hulk. Hulk was the only decent one before I stopped.

When I went to see Shazam last week all the ads were for marvel stuff. The CGI looked cheaper then the few ones I did watch over 10 years ago. The Dark Phoenix trailer was the worst offender, looking somehow worse than the original Patrick Stewart one.

The Sneedvengers.

they hate him because he can take it

a toast to this based user right here

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based redditor

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>90% of tv bashes capeshit any chance it gets
>90% of tv is flooded with capeshit discussion on opening weekend

Yeah, I’m thinking ya’ll are just normies

Me too.

I only watched infinity warfare, was pretty good

sick of you fucking normalfags
based and redpilled OP

>the americans
if your favorite scenes werent the dad linedancing, you have shit taste

Cringe.. incorrect even but, goddamit, BASED.

you need to go back to twitch