How did Disney manage to convince the hyperconsumer that the MCU has any value beyond being a popcorn flick?

How did Disney manage to convince the hyperconsumer that the MCU has any value beyond being a popcorn flick?
It’s like claiming candy has nutritional value.

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Maybe you'd understand if you had sex, incel.

what impact?

Comparing the MCU to Star Wars isn't saying that it's high art.

Unless you're a retard who thinks the OT actually was art.

wondering if, just like star wars, will it be killed by feminazi and shitskins

This, have sex

Why is Spider-Man in the poster twice?

It's nostalgia. That's all these movies are. People having nostalgia for comics in the past. Once marvel attempts to synch up the plot to modern comics there will be no nostalgia anymore and it will crash.

This meme is alright but it’s getting old

>Majority of the remaining Avengers on Earth after Endgame are POC or women

Gee I don't know user

This guy gets it. Star Wars was never a masterpiece. The Marvel movies absolutely are this generation's Star Wars in that they're both highly popular (to the point of being overhyped) series of movies that younger people really enjoyed and followed.

lmao this guy's girlfriend is hideous
yellow fever is a real disease

when is this going to be filtered, it feels well past time "have sex" and "incel" got the onions and desu treatment

MCU is the Harry Potter of cinema

It hasnt tried to do that, what a garbage post

Then why is #ThankYouAvengers trending on twitter?

>what impact?
Don´t know
Manchildren already existed before

I assume this person is underage. Marvel isn't even on the same level culturally speaking as the original Star Wars. They didn't even start the cape shit trend.

A better question would be why is Iron Man in the picture 7 times?

>Ugly asian gf


Doubt this very much. They had to run an ad campaign to teach people that Iron Man wasn't a robot, because people thought it was basically like the Iron Giant. These movies aren't popular because even 1/3 of the audience read the comics, or 1/4.

I haven't even seen anyone even dress up like a mcu character (at Halloween or comic cons)
It's just Harley Quinn and Poison ivy

Have sex.

Because the current culture supports a stupid pride in getting overhyped and raving about the consumption of corporate products to feel like you’re part of something

>basedboys who watch disney superhero movies getting laid

I never in my life met someone who wasn't somewhat familiar with the source who watched this although that's ancedotal evidence. I distinctly remember when Iron Man 1 came out everyone wouldn't shut up that "a drunk alcoholic superhero" is getting a movie.

After throughly analyzing your post and specific criticisms i have determined that you are derivitave bean milk

I don't think that’s the case. Most people from non-Western countries didn’t grow up with Marvel comics, still MCU movies are phenomenal around the world.

It kind of is the Star Wars or this time. That’s not to say it isn’t a popcorn franchise, but it’s a saga (really fucking long one at that) that becomes each years “movie to see” when an Avengers flick comes out. I got off work early yesterday and went to see it, and I’m not even a huge fan. It just had to be done. It’s not kino but it isn’t worthless either.

Quote five lines of dialogue from a Marvel film (no quips)

Americans, user.
They'll believe anything if you shove it down their throats long enough

Just drop out now, the main crew is over. You don’t have to worry about niggers and women did you stop after endgame like you should

>70 years of comic book history turned into this

it's a cultural genocide on nerddom, while they talk about inclusiveness and representation

The first part of the saga as a whole. Completed
That's what Star Wars should of been
It's the same style with Flash Gordon and Buck Rodger's. Marvel has blended too many elements and genres into each other that it's a cinematic slushie. Like the old Monster movies or any other kaiju flicks, everyone having their own story and there's an over arcing story where all their stories come together
The first part of a saga. Sagas usually start in 3s and go from there
So at least 66 movies by 2033

>Corporation tells me to be excited for product and that it is culturally relevant to this generation
>I consume product and repeat what corporation says
>I am a good consumer

2044 or somewhere around there. Did my math wrong

Hi, Nerd Crew! I didn't see you there!

Or you can just stop watching now. Tony’s dead, cap is an old fart. Scarjo is gone too. Is there any reason other than marketing that makes you think you need to go see the nuvengers when it comes out in 202~? I don’t know about you, but I’m good. Maybe GOTG3, and Spoderman, but after that? No. Consider this Jedi, ignore what comes later because it’ll just ruin everything that came before. And a movie that kills the hero better than Luke Skywalker, deserves a some credit.

Where? No one talks irl about capeshit.

in the defense of the OT it really was a technical marvel of filmmaking. the matte shots and the ways they combined shots were really great

it's hardly nostalgia no one fucking reads comic books these movies are good on their own

This. And support Israel as well.

that was marketing made for, brainlet

Very cool!

>Very cool!
Did the check clear? Do I like it now?

the OT, particularly the first movie, had absolutely groundbreaking special effects meanwhile marvel movies fluctuate between bog standard and PS2 era.

Even TPM and ROTS were cutting edge though not as revolutionary to how movies are made as ANH was. Really aside from the whole cinematic universe thing I can't think of anything that Marvel did for film as an art. It's true that SW flicks weren't cerebral hochkultur but they brought something new to the table.

Only thing old here is your virginity, incel.

star wars captured people's imagines so much that they wouldn't shut up about it for decades, every aspect of the films have been dissected and discussed to death

if i were to take the most dedicated marvel fanboy, list a bunch of plot points that happened in thor 2/thor 3 and ask them to identify which plot point was from which movie they would get most of them wrong because the movies are relentlessly unremarkable and completely forgettable, they barely even exist outside of the first few weeks of their release

comparing them to star wars is fucking ridiculous, this generation needs to get its head out of its ass and come to terms with the fact that they don't have a star wars and will never have a star wars because nothing made to maximise sales within a week (to the detriment of lifetime sales) will never be able to spark the imagination

As long as they keep putting heroes dabbing and playing fortnite or whatever retarded millenial/zoomer behavior is trending, retarded manchildren will flock to them.

10 years of PR campaigns, sort advertising, viral marketing, bought social media influencers, all that shit


AND a filthy yellow fever fag, who would have guessed