
Why could Captain America suddenly wield Mjölnir?
[spoilerWhere did Gamora go after Iron Man snapped his fingers? Why wasn't she with them in the end?

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I haven’t seen the movie but
>captain America is worthy
>Gamora just walked away

She went to GOTG3

Literally this

he was able to slightly move it back in ultron, so it was sudden. it was obviously going to happen eventually

Cap could have wielded it the entire time

because it was just used as a cheap callback rather than having any kind of real build up or tension


Why couldnt Thor suddenly wield it for the entire first Thor movie. You have to be worthy, and continue to be worthy.

I miss this Thor before he was turned into a boring funny man in Ragnarok

Why was she not classified as one of Thanos’ army? Or did tony make an exception in his head?

he was boring as fuck before Ragnarok that's why they turned him into a goofball.

stop mansplaining and have sex

Yap, bitch just walked away.
>I don't know this people, fukem.

>stop discussing a movie on a movie discussion board

He was able to move it in ultron but he decided to not steal Thor's thunder by ruining his party trick. He only pretended being unworthy.

>Why was she not classified as one of Thanos’ army?

She was which SHOULD mean she suffered the same fate as Thanos and his army since Tony didn't know her and probably couldn't tell the difference. What probably will happen is that she'll be the focus of GOTG3.

Because she had betrayed him and was actively fighting against him?

1. obligatory fan service, good send-off for cap, who gives a shit? it was cool to see

2. i assume it's a setup for GotG3 where Quill will run into past-Gamora again or something

gotta love capeshit storytelling

>obligatory fan service

He does it in the comics too.

that's why it was fan service, my sweet little user

>Stark just pulled all stones from gauntlet while fighting with Thanos
>couldn't do it in infinity war

>Thor just chops Thanos arm off
>couldn't do it infinity war

I know it's capeshit but those two things are just plain dumb

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past - Gamora already fucked off to her own timeline or something

>>Stark just pulled all stones from gauntlet while fighting with Thanos
>>couldn't do it in infinity war
The IW gauntlet wasnt made of Iron Man tech

The first point can be explained because of the new glove. Not well but possible.

Second is pretty true although, arguably, he didn’t get the opportunity in IW, but I don’t remember it all that well

well Stark didn't know anything about the stones in Infinity war so he couldn't prepare the tech for it I think
But his decision to sacrifice himself is retard
He could literally grab those stones and fly away as far as possible from Thanos and let Captain feminist rape Thanos's ass or sth

Iron Man

Can someone explain to me why they didn't just bring him back with the infinity gauntlet?

Bad writing

I guess because his death wasn’t caused by a person wishing it rather than collateral damage due to radiation

Whats it like having sex? Asking for a friend lmao

the gauntlet is all powerful,
sure Natasha can't come back because she's the soul stone now or some shit
But there's no reason that the gauntlet can't bring back people who died in the battle with Thanos and his goons

Why didn't they just use the time stone and reverse Tony?

>Thor just chops Thanos arm off
>couldn't do it infinity war

not that he couldn't but the script says Thor purposely doesn't one hit kill Thanos with Storm Break because he wants to gloat before he finishes him off, which gives Thanos enough time for the snap in the first place

>Why could Captain America suddenly wield Mjölnir?

Because Captain America is worthy of wielding Mjölnir.

well he can chop Thanos' hand first then gloat?

there's no in story reason why not

plenty or ethical reasons not too

Then why didn’t vision come back?

I guess they didn't have anyone to use it. Hulk was too injured. I guess Captain Marvel could've?

Fan service is something added for the sole purpose of pleasing fans. Cap doesn’t lift the hammer just to appease fans. He lifts the hammer because it makes sense that he is able to lift the hammer.

but dr. strange said there was only 1 timeline where they won user and it was the one where he sacrificed himself

>Then why didn’t vision come back?
Thanos literally used the time stone to bring back vision and the mind stone
now explain to me why can't they do the same to Starks and other nameless soldiers dying in that final battle

this irritated the fuck out of me, Banner and Stark basically gave zero fucks about Vision, only Wanda remembered him

he was a useless jobber anyway who accomplished nothing but friendly fire in civil war

Nah magicman was trying to say "get those stones and fuck off nigga"
but Stark took it a bit extreme

Using the stones isn't the problem, it's simply wielding them. He was already dead

Couldn't they have gone back in time or to a parallel dimension and got another Black Widow to replace the Soul Stone one?

Kind of like that Harry Kim episode where he is not the same Harry Kim for the rest of Voyager.

clearly not since that was the timeline where they won


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then someone else could use it???
Hulk still has his left hand

So all those paradoxes spawned the multiverse then right?

There’s been a lot of discussion about this that suggests you need special training to use the time stone like that but I’m with you: unless it’s explicitly stated then it’s an asspull

Why didn't they grab another Vision from another dimension?

well they have mr magicman THE SUPREME SORCERER standing right there who could use the time stone like a toy in his movie
just plug out the time stone and give it to him then bam, everyone is alive and healthy again

Hulk wasn't able to get the stones off Thanos. Only Tony was able to do it & only at that moment, hence Strange's whole 'one timeline' bs. And because he got them off Thanos that means he was wielding them, and because he was wielding them they were already killing him. Might as well do the snap himself & save Hulk an arm

This is a far bigger issue

honestly it was a missed opportunity to give Stark Extremis, but Downy wanted out so instead we get dead Tony....until Downy relapses and needs to fuel is coke addiction

>I will be reinstituting Prima Nocta
How could such an edgy joke run pass the Disney baby filter? It's funny though

i just realised that Dr. Strange is useless now because he don't have the time stone anymore

F my nigga

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Limited pym juice maybe?

Did jabberwock cuminhersnatch ever use the time stone in infinity war? I genuinely can’t remember

the time stone wasn't the source of his magic, user.

Not really, only in his own movie

>ant man jumps up thanos ass and turns into a giant while hes in his ass
>didnt do it in infinity war
i rape niggers for breakfast

he did use it to have muh one of trillion possibility, that's OP as fuck already
still nothing compare to the feats in his own movie
>brought back streets as perfect as before
>timelope so much that the big bad demonman can't take it anymore

he's probably used it enough times to know his entire life story though

Think he used it to see all the timelines. That's it though.

Maybe he'll be a better character in the sequel then? Or maybe not. I need to stop acting like I am going to watch any more MCU, right now.

>i just realised that Dr. Strange is useless now because he don't have the time stone anymore

He does have it. Cap returned the stone to the Ancient One at the end of the movie during his mission in the past.

Did you completely miss the last 15 minutes or are you just plain fucking stupid?

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Avengers is Fucking deep when you think about it. It's basically making a very deterministic argument and saying there really is no free will since there was only one possible way to defeat Thanos. Basically for that defeat to occur every single event of all the Superhero movies had to be predetermined.

It's saying even Superheroes with all their strengths and powers and abilities don't have free will.

Fucking deep.

You mean that Tony spend like 26 six days in space with no one else besides Nebula and she didn't told him about Gamora?

it's still a big factor in his arsenal

so what changed about captain america between this scene and endgame that he suddenly became worthy. seems like that would require a major shift in motivation or ethics but cap is still the same dude

they returned the stones to the past, in their present the stones are destroyed because Thanos was trying to prevent a mulligan

It's kind of like golf. If you have someone fun to bring along and both you and the other person plays well on all the holes, you're gonna have a really good time. If you're shit at golf and the other person is super annoying the whole time, it's not going to be fun.

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they most certainly do have freewill, they could have chosen one of the 14 million different possibilities and just rolled with it

they almost did until Scott fucked it all up because he wanted his fuck buddy back

stupidest post in the thread

Gamora and Nebula apparently went somewhere together after the funeral but they weren't with the guardians.

>invoking Voyager as an example of sci-fi writing.

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He didn't know that she was brought back. He just snapped his fingers and killed them all.

What are you talking about? He moved the hammer and then stopped trying because he cared about Thor's ego.

Could they have though?

>it remains destroyed in the current timeline

capeshitters really do have the lowest IQ's huh

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>they almost did until Scott fucked it all up because he wanted his fuck buddy back
implying you wouldn't for pre-wall evangeline lilly

Gamora fucked off back to the past

he was khhv and he finally hit 40

Right, how can Cap travel to four different timelines and return to the main one with 4 Pym capsules or am I missing something?

1 capsule for new york to return 3 stones
1 capsule for asgard
1 capsule for vormir/morag
1 capsule to come back

is that explained somewhere in the movie? it looks to me like he makes it budge but can't move it despite trying

If you mean the ending, Hank Pym was alive and could easily make more.

>erase everyone fighting for Thanos right now
That was easy.

What, you think Hulk had to know every single person who got snaptured by name?

The rest of them couldn't budge it at all. In Endgame when Cap picks up Mjolnir Thor straight-up says "I knew it!".

it's suggested that the only reason at that time Cap couldn't pick it up out right was because they were are competing and trying to show off and that isn't precisely the action of someone who is worthy

in Endgame Rogers in fighting Thanos was being selfless and therefore worthy

and then at that point any decision is divergent so there's literally an infinite number of timelines in which they win or are we just going to invalidate the fact that they've been time traveling and changing shit this whole movie

I took it to mean he's pretending to try & lift it but not actually trying at all, it's just that he accidentally wobbles it a little right at the start because he didn't realise just how light it would be

But he can’t be in the main timeline and marry Peggy

that's the stupidest headcanon i've ever read how do you people come up with this shit. if he was able to lift it he would have done so, he budges it but doesn't realize

why the fuck was a weak old human man able to use it? he was a fucking human. so any human can use the infinity gauntlet to its full power? what the fuck is that even?

no shit dumbass, that doesn't explain why cap can't lift it in ultron but can in endgame. the question remains, why is he suddenly more worthy now

Thor shows off all the time. Half of his character is gloating and showboating and claming to be the strongest. He is still worthy even when he is a fat bloated piece of shit.

I haven't seen Ultron because it's universally renowned trash. I watched the video & that's what it looked like to me with the context of Endgame behind it

yet thanos did pull one stone out

he was in need, that's how it works

he tried using it in the street before the other wizard used cables to wrap around his hands and neck and knock him out and then somehow his cape was able to pull his body out even though his neck was wrapped up in it

Cap wielded it in the comic these movies are based upon. It was an iconic scene from the source material, so it has to be in the movie too.

Bugmen and brown people don't know what that is.

that wasn't the full power, that was only erasing a couple hundred thousand max
people also said wielding the stones is the dangerous part, not using it

So the avengers are destined to do the event of endgame for eternity?

>that doesn't explain why cap can't lift it in ultron
He did.

You're both fucking retards because that isn't their world

give the damn time stone back to magicman, he could literally use it with ease and revive everyone in that battle

wielding the gauntlet is the same it was burning his body before he even did shit same with hulk even stormbreaker will do that

unless Kang or some other time traveler decides to try to correct their time fuckery, yes

They kind of overdid it in Endgame though.
All his character development from the last two movies just disappears and now he's suddenly "afraid" of Thanos and can't handle leadership which makes no sense.

He was worthy all along, but the current cause didn't require him to wield it, so it wouldn't let him

it's so fucking stupid. the only excuse is that the actor is quitting and they can't replace him because why the fuck not? quit sucking people's dicks

>Live in spain
>Go to see the movie with a friend
>He hates the word "America" because it should just be called United States or some autistic shit like that
>Captain America wields Thor's hammer
>Gets mad and starts saying that he literally wants him to die

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yeah I agree, he was best in IW and Ragnarok. EG went too far with it

yeah the snap/sacrifice was totally unnecessary, he could've one hit Thanos with the power stone
>Marvel/Cap/Thor could've ganged up on him
>he could've flied to Nepal with Strange portal

>adapting the source material is fan service

just keep the stones in your hand then, no need to use it lol

Someone answer this

So the timeline flows in one river that goes in one right? Meaning anything that happens is pretty much set. Taking an infinity stone from the past creates a new stream flowing in another direction and returning it makes that stream flow right back into the river where the same events should occur.

But if Thanos is killed in a 2014 timeline that should still follow the current timeline since the stones were put back (even if in a different condition than they were taken in like being in gem form instead of liquid or in a scepter or cube). Then the stones should still exist somewhere shouldn't they? Since the snap couldn't have happened without Thanos being alive in this now nonbranched off timeline.

To go into a little more detail. As far as the 2014 timeline is concerned, Thanos, his army and his children are gone. So the 2014 timeline which should follow the same path as the current timeline has been changed since Thanos has a very direct relation to the stones and what causes this current timeline.

So the current timeline can't exist, unless there are now two separate timelines, only one which has intact stones or you go paradox and there are now somehow an intact set of stones in the same places as they were before in the main timeline.

still dumb. Thor just stabs him and Thanos says he should have aimed for the head. Why not for the arm and then gloat... These scenes create serious plot holes that could have easily been avoided if the action pace was faster or some explanation was given.

still, he could have chopped his arm off and be done with it. But that wouldn't make any need for captain marvel or endgame

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using time tone has nothing to do with Pym juice

>can't handle leadership
Yeah because he was the leader of his people at the end of Ragnarok & straight after that nearly all of his people died. He thought he was supposed to be the one to kill Thanos & fucked that up too. His whole arc was about him realising his inherited role wasn't right for him
>now he's suddenly "afraid" of Thanos
What? He straight up murdered the dude in like the first 15mins. Didn't stop him from feeling like a complete failure though, & hearing the name only reminded him of that fact which the beer & vidya were there to forget. His nihilism was a fear of being responsible for himself rather than a fear of Thanos

he didn't even need to use the snap, just fuck off somewhere else far away and let cap feminist finish the job

christ that looks cheap, like shitty TV drama tier

Time stone doesn’t let you manipulate other timelines only see them

in gotg they show three different people handle it and it burned the people it touched. the only person that isn't burned by one of the stones is thanos

why? thor was doing the same thing as they were, and he was still able to pick up the hammer.

Why did they make Thor the new star lord and star lord a nobody?

I mean, radically subverting the source material like in Iron Man 3 is 'a disservice to the fans', so yeah why not?

1. Mostly to have a "badass" moment, but in-universe Rogers became worthy.

2. The film doesn't answer that. Presumably Guardians 3 will be in part about the (As)Guardians searching for her.

Agree, End game time travel is fucking retard
Cap fucked off back the past and stayed there for decades but it changes nothing? Like how the fuck Peggy is still a grumpy bitch is he's back already

>Thanos plucked out the power stone and decked Carol
>A decent portion of the theater audience I was in audibly cheered and clapped

it feels nice having some faith in humanity

Is there a Primer timeline for Endgame yet?

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the better question is why didnt iron man use the snap to make himself as strong as thanos so he can use the gauntlet as many times as he wants

shes deus ex as fuck with zero weaknesses

Did captain america come back at the end with a capsule, or he just waited for the years to pass?

except a powerstone to the face and her grown up son

>muh popular consensus
ultron shits on endgame, it’s really not a bad movie

Why didn't Adam Strange come back and Fucking help them like he did in the Comic books!

>Ultron, a literal robot, was given emotions, personality and a snarky attitude

that alone makes it trash

because he's trapped in a bottle on Brainiac's ship right now

Ultron was based on Stark's mind. Stark is a cringelord.

He moved them back in time to 2014

>tony fucks around with the mind stone and accidentaly imbues a godlike malicious sentience into a robot
It’s the same old sci-fi trope of malevolent AI, but in the marvel universe, don’t know why u spergin

Lived a life with Carter. Hobbled his decrepit body over to a bench. and said hi, here's my shield, You are captain America now to Sam. Then cut to him dancing with peggy in the 2940's

>Ultron was based on Stark's mind. Stark is a cringelord

no Ultron literally came out of the fucking mind stone and based it's personality on what it could google about Stark

Yes, absolutely ridiculous. Ultron was supposed to be filled with complete Hate. Not some stupid snark lord.

because if it was just a hyper efficient killer robot I'd be fine, but they made him quippy and cringy

I also hated the first Avengers & just about every other cinematic universe bit of the other films I saw (bar I guess Fury & Widow in Winter Soldier) right up until IW. So yeah not entirely because 'muh popular consensus', but it didn't have the 'oh but this one's different' comments that half the films after it had to fool me into giving them a chance

Cap couldn't lift in in AOU because he wasn't worthy yet. Once he revealed to Tony that he knew about his parents in CW, his only lie/secret, it made him worthy.

are you retarded

Why did Hawkeyes wife have a working phone / phone plan 5 years later?

What does that mean?

He was always able to lift it you idiot. Watch the scene, it's very obvious what's happening. It's all fun and games before Cap because Thor is convinced that no one will be able to lift it. Then when it actually budges Thor suddenly gets super serious, because he noticed it too. Cap then gives a very half-assed "attempt" and gives up and Thor immediately starts laughing again to mask that he was actually worried for a second and probably thinks he was just seeing things after all.

>Droit du seigneur, also known as jus primae noctis, refers to a supposed legal right in medieval Europe, allowing feudal lords to have sexual relations with subordinate women, in particular, on their wedding nights. Some scholars believe the "right" might have existed in medieval Europe.

No he killed them just like Thanos killed half the population in IW. It was the same effect.

Based and redpilled.

There really is zero evidence anywhere that this was ever a thing.

Fake history like the "Dark Ages"

literally and unironically yes. For the fans

Civil war I guess, he told Tony about his parents and I guess that lifted some kinda bullshit lie which was keeping cap from being worthy? It's not written well.

Plenty of european lords were serial rapists anyway, so it's not surprising that a few later absolutist writers would retroactively say they had a 'right' do do whatever they wanted.

He was supposed to, I think, but they may have decided to save him for later.

dude isnt all acting like that? i dont get what you people want. its just acting

that doesn't prove that Cap was able to lift it dumbass. He was able to make it budge but couldn't lift it over his head and swing it. Nothing in the scene suggests Cap is just faking it to spare Thor's ego. Why the fuck would he do that? The "budge" is there to suggest that he's close to being worthy but he still can't move the fucking thing.

There are no "levels of worthiness", you either are worthy or you're not.

According to the films, you are incorrect.

Nothing changed. Cap was able to move it from the very beginning. He just decided to not do so to not hurt Thor's ego.

so i put it to you again - why the fuck wasn't captain able to lift the hammer in ultron? Don't say "he wasn't really trying" he is clearly trying to lift it and failing despite the hammer slightly responding to him, unnoticeable to everyone else but Thor. You are just pulling this stuff out of your ass.

>but couldn't lift it over his head and swing it
he could, but he didn't want to at that moment

>Movie would've been better with more exposition

Fuck off.

just highlight the text you want spoiler tagged and press ctrl+s you newfags...

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watch the clip. it was in the script. sorry im an actor i know these things. cap gives thor a look thats out of focus before getting up. cap's first movie is all about him being worthy in life. so he knows he can lift it. weather he was faking or not im not sure cuz you can see his muscles strain but you can also fake that in real life cuz if you think about it the actual actor faked it. so he mightve been letting thor keep his ego because hes the captain of the team. but he gave that look at the opening of the clip because he knew he was "worthy"

>why the fuck wasn't captain able to lift the hammer in ultron?
The entire point is that he WAS, but DIDN'T WANT TO. He noticed it and gave up on purpose. God you're fucking dense.
>he is clearly trying
If that looks like a serious attempt to you you might want to get your eyes checked. He gives up immediately when he notices the budge.

>It's another "Why didn't Thanos just wish for infinite resources"-tier """"""""""plothole""""""""""" thread

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Why didn't Lang just shrink the gauntlet so Thanos couldn't find it?

Because he was finally worthy. He wasnt worthy before because he never told Tony that Bucky killed his parents. After he did he finally became worthy.

the fact that you are an "actor" only lets everyone know how stupid you are. Congratulations on being too stupid to get a real job.

I just watched the scene. There is no special "look", you are just projecting what you want to be true

Feels like heaven for about ten seconds, like sticking your penis into the elixir of life. Then it gets kinda boring after ten seconds until she asks you to hurry up and cum.

Certainly, since that's what happened with Gamora. But first of all, Nat wouldn't want to leave her own reality, so they'd have to kidnap her. And if they kidnap her, she'd probably feel disconnected to the new reality. I'm imagining that will be the case with Gamora. She missed five years of life.

I'd imagine Cap crosses paths with her when he goes back in time at some point.

What about when you're not raping her?

Just waiting for the power creep in a future movie where the new big bad summons ten thousand Thanos with ten thousand gauntlets from their own realities and the Avengers still manage to win.

it'll just be doom doing the same plotline as infinity war

>>captain America is worthy
>homosexual cuckold

Sure but it had already been attuned to him.

he wasnt in need after thanos died, yet he still brought it around like it was nothing

>Why could Captain America suddenly wield Mjölnir?

shitty fucking fanservice

you can either move it or you cant, there is no making it budge, so obviously cap can move it

>he could, but he didn't want to at that moment
This. Technically, he didn't want to lift at the second """""""attempt"""""". He knows that would hurt Thor's pride. Not to mention the weapon was made Thor, well, "Thor" (or at least that's what Thor thinks), which became a problem that needed to be solved in Ragnarok.

Because he can in the comics. Says it right on the hammer that you just gotta be worthy. Hell, even a half horse half trex alien hybrid clone can wield it.

Horsethor was actually amazing though, wasn't he?

no, that cannot be it

the space stone doesnt go back to new york

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>Thor solos Thanos with all the stones
>can't beat him with stormbeaker and mjolnir

This is what I'm thinking, too. And it makes it even cooler when you revisit that scene.

Disney Shill here:
Why could Captain America suddenly wield Mjölnir?
Captain America was considered worthy because even knowing he could never defeat Thanos's entire army single-handedly he strapped on his shield preparing to fight to his last stand. He was then deemed worthy

This isn't the Gamora that fell in love with Peter Quill nor is this the Gamora who learned to be more than just "The daughter of Thanos" she is searching for a purpose

Tony built Vision.
Vision can lift hammer.
Therefore, Tony won the challenge before Steve.

Well, that sly dog. That two time trickster. That sneaky lil devil. That bamboozling shamster. Playin a trick like that.

>tony in his head:

there, gamora wasn't evil so she didnt get dusted, plothole solved

Dude, he's too much of a good guy and didn't wanna make an ass out of Thor.
He realized that shit was moving and put on an act.

>Steve Rogers knew Bucky killed Tony's parents

After that was revealed and Tony forgave Steve, he was deemed worthy.

Imagine being the one that fucks up and lets TRILLIONS die because you didn't go for the head. After your mother, father, brother, and half of your species are all killed. Yeah, he did alright all things considered. Couple of beers and some fortnite is expected

It was suggested in Avengers ultron that at some point, Cap would wield mjolnir. Who gives a shit about the specifics of what made him worthy in the final moments. It was unironically epic.

I don't remember where, but there was an article about it being misogynistic, so no it didn't manage to run through the filter unscathed

I'm more interested in knowing how he could utilize lightning powers with it
I thought mjolnir was only for Thor to channel his own godly abilities

This is what actual non-meme autism looks like.

Thor said it himself he's slain thousands of foes with little effort. He believed it to be his destiny to rule over Asgard. When he lost to Thanos he was bruised but not beaten. He figured he needed a stronger weapon in order to destroy him. Once Thanos snapped and killed half of life Thor blamed himself for not killing him that's why he just decapitates thanos in endgame and says "I went for the head"

After that Thor really had no other purpose other than to "rule over Asgard" because that's what he was told he would become. He was believed he achieved his goal and he was to rule but he still felt like he failed because half of all life was destroyed but he could still make the claim I killed Thanos and no one else did

>I'm more interested in knowing how he could utilize lightning powers with it
The inscription on the hammer literally reads:
"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

Your friend has issues.

This honestly. If you were paying attention Thor says "I knew it" in Endgame after Cap calls the hammer. Probably my favorite moment of the movie since there is zero reason Cap shouldn't be able to wield it

Why didn't they just get the Time Stone and then use that to get back all the other stones? That way you don't have to worry about pym particles / putting all the stones back in their place at the end

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Have to get this off my chest. I know why iron man had to die but come on your just going to leave your very cute daughter to grow up with no dad? Fuck man might as well let me look after her

>Why would he do that?
Because Captain America is a good person which is primarily why he can wield it in the first place you idiot

nothing. he could've lifted it the entire time. he was just pretending to not be able to because he didnt wanna make Thor feel bad

Captain America always knew he could use Mjölnir since Ultron. That's why he even attempts to do so in Endgame

>Thor suffers from an okay and a terrible movie which had that annoying woman from 2BG in it
>just kind of there in the team ups after Avengers 1 or not even at all in Civil War
>gets a GOTG-style movie and a haircut and people love him suddenly
>movie-stealing entrance in IW
>by extension of Thor, Mjolnir-wielding Cap rightfully takes the climax of Endgame
Thor and anything about him really stepped up to the plate in the last year and a half for the better

I love how pic related pretty much sums up End Game.

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if you hadn't noticed, almost everything was just left lying around in the streets. So assuming services still worked, and most people weren't really working, we can assume the service was just left running. That or barton was extremely committed.

maybe he was still paying for it?

I'm not going to see this gay ass movie. Explain the pic to me.

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I swear this board has easily the fucking dumbest posters
Stark created this new glove using his technology which is the exact same as the technology his suit is made of it would be absolutely retarded to not design some fail safe
Thor hit thanos straight in the chest in the hopes of tormenting thanos
Absolute fucking retards inhabit this board. These are movies designed to be completely comprehensible to CHILDREN and even then you still can't figure things out

It's a right-handed glove, though. Sure, Tony built it with enough extra panels to unfold and expand to cover a Hulk / Thanos hand, but it's still a righty glove. Everything would be backwards, stones on your palm.

So how the fuck do they beat Thanos? I'm not going to watch this stupid shit but

How do they find him?
Why doesn't Thanos use any/all of the stones to fuck them up?
Is Thanos' army worthless?

time travel, they back in time to save everyone. but b/c of plot they can't revive the people who died: Iron Man, Black Widow, Vision, Gamora/spoiler]

>The gloves releases a lot of energy everytime all the stones are used
>They track the glove using this info
>Find thanos at his house jump him and cut his arm off before he can even figure out what's going on
>Find out he destroyed the stones
>Thor decapitates him
>They use time travel to get stones from the past
>Past nebula captures future nebula and impersonates her
>Uses the time machine to transport Thanos and his army
>All dead avengers, wakandans, asguardians, monks and other still living warriors get brought to fight thanos
>Iron man uses the glove to kill thanos and his army and dies

>they literally jump Thanos before he knows what's going on and fuck him up

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I’m a fence-sitting skeptical neutral progressive faggot and in this moment I can say God Bless the U S of A. Thank god I was born here, you both sound like foreign cucks.

cuz cap is a good boy

Kys pedo

It was, really. Say what you will about Marvel, they know what they are, and they're pretty content to just be that. Hammer and the shield was actually a pretty sweet combination.

>i just realised that Dr. Strange is useless now because he don't have the time stone anymore

yeah now he can only simultaneously open portals all over Earth and other planets and hold back giant water tornados. pathetic, really.

the story arc from civil war. His only real sin was lying to protect bucky. It was burning him the entire time. He had to absolve himself of that guilt to be worthy.

>Can someone explain to me why they didn't just bring back Tony Stark with the infinity gauntlet?

Because RDjr is done with MCU. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

why didn't Thanos just make every female have a 50% chance of being infertile?

what would happen if he handed the hammer to someone?

They would get their arm wrenched real hard when the hammer falls to the floor.

because most of the casualties were wakandans

wtf disney that's racist

He probably thought when he snapped
>kill thanos and the dudes who serve him
since Gamora no longer served Thanos, she was spared

>Spider-Man gets snapped
>comes back 5 years later
>just goes back to school with his old friends like nothing happened
Wouldn't his friends be 5 years older?

So I am confusion
Gamora, nebula, and thanos from 2015 travel to the future.
Is Gamora now stuck in the future with the current timeline? When Peter quill wakes up after being punched by future nebula in 2015, would he never meet gamora since she’s no longer in that timeline? Somebody explain!

MCU time teavel is split reality time travel. So Gamorra from the past is actually another reality Gamorra, it would have split as soon as they went back.

First gauntlet was made by Eitri with uru metal, that gauntlet was made with nano tech and knowing tony, he probably had a fail safe which ejected the stones on demand.

It's not even like it's that much of a stretch since we've seen his tech do more weird shit.

>Is Gamora now stuck in the future with the current timeline?

Yeah, but she has no reason to want to go back anyway. Her Thanos and Nebula are already dead, and half the universe missed out on 5 years so what's 4 more going to do?

>When Peter quill wakes up after being punched by future nebula in 2015, would he never meet gamora since she’s no longer in that timeline?

I would assume so.

His reaction might be overblown but he is right in his own way. America is a continent, North America specifically. Everyone on the North and South continents are technically Americans. It's not enough for me to lose my shit over but I see what he's getting at. It'd be like the Spanish saying they're European and never called themselves Spanish/Spaniards.

When Cap went back in time to put the infinity stones back in their rightful place he closed the branch of the alternates so his timeline became one with the true timeline. Thus he did not need to use time travel as all he had to do was live his life normally until then

Can't really excuse Gamora though, lots of development ruined in one movie. Unless Cap putting the soul stone back triggers her "soul" or memories to rebind with eachother. I know it doesn't make sense since Black Widow was use for said stone but I don't know, timeshit they can give some bullshit "it's magic I don't gotta explain" shit in the third movie

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Captain America's been proven worthy since Age of Ultron, when he "tried" to lift the hammer.
Not wanting to steal Thor's thunder, he pretended he was having a hard time lifting it, but betrayed a slight movement.
Since you can't be semi-worthy or any bullshit like this, it has to be assumed that Cap has always been worthy of Thor's hammer, and his lack of hesitation in going for it in Endgame showed that he knew this himself, and bided his time for a rainy day.
Basically the same reason Superman jobs in a race with Flash. Cap's a good man who doesn't want to invalidate his friends.

Basically yeah. Lucky for them he happened to be recovering from some serious burns from destroying the stones.

>Can't really excuse Gamora though, lots of development ruined in one movie.
It's painfully obvious that this development is meant to get reconstructed somehow in Guardians 3. Gunn already has that script laid out, and he's back in the director's chair, so we'll see how that goes.

It doesn't make sense how he can use lightning from it

"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."
In the comics you literally become Thor's avatar by holding the hammer.
In MCU it gives you all of his abilities.
Good ol' i ain't gotta explain shit magic.

the hammer grants anyone that can wield it the power of Thor.
Thor's power is lightning, as we found out in Ragnarok.

Do we really have to go through the same development again though? Somehow he gains Gamora's favour again? How tedious.

Yeah, not really. It's true that back in the day, people identified as being from the colony / state way, way more so than any kind of general thing, like, George Washington would say he's a Virginian. The whole national identity thing came later, much later.

But no. Just as the Republic of El Salvador is filled with Salvadorans; Commonwealth of Dominica is full of Dominicans; the United States of America is Americans.

Wtf why doesn't he just find someone in the universe worthy then and he'll never have to risk his life and he can play fortnite

At the time the hammer was destroyed and there was no major threat.
And by the end of the movie he did exactly what you asked when he handed it over to the ugly nigger girl from MIB International.

I mean it's possible, but I don't think that'll be all.
My theory is that in trying to win Gamora back and failing (like Phil trying to recreate the snowball fight in Groundhog Day) he ends up falling in love with Nebula. Least that's what I'd do.

The problem here is that the Republic and Commonwealth aren't named after continents. Just as the Spanish are European, the Canadians are technically American too.

i dont want to share a demonym with brazilian monkey southies so its fine by me

I don't blame you and I'm not saying I get angry at people from the States saying they are American, just that I can understand the frustration some might feel. My only real response is 'what a shame'.

Adding; the entire reasoning for Cap being worthy is exactly the same reason why he was chosen to undergo the Super Soldier Program; he had always been worthy, it isn't something the just developed trying at the table and now picking it up.

Thor saying his reaction means it has bothered him for years, I like to imagine him asking Cap constantly if he wasn't faking it but Cap playing it off like 'Nah man, I really couldn't'

He could have, but then there would be no rest of the movie user. Not everyone has lived a perfect life without making mistakes, and watching movies about people that do are boring.

>I like to imagine him asking Cap constantly if he wasn't faking it but Cap playing it off like 'Nah man, I really couldn't'
user, reading this I'm almost positive a scene like that was on the table.

Better question, why could Vision hold it

Some might argue it is cause he is a machine. However Vision is also a perfect being creation, whereas with Ultron it became tainted Vision is pure and unstained which could be a reason for him to become what you might call worthy. He is pure in mind, heart and spirit the perfect creation when done right, a pure creature.

>people still playing Fortnite 5 years from now

This is the hardest part to believe.

When Captain America held the hammer for the first time the cinema went fucking crazy. One person actually shouted "WOO!" It's like watching a movie with niggers.

Why does everybody think the fact that the actor budged the hammer without the editors and cameramen noticing mean more than it does?

The hammer has the power of Thor. Thor also has his own power of Thor.

This. It's a magic spell.
What happened was Odin was fucking angry when he cast it, and didn't really plan it or think it through.
His goal was to remove Thor's powers and transfer them into the hammer, but what he ended up doing was put a lock on Thor's powers (that Thor ended up figuring out how to remove thanks to Odin in Ragnarok) and copy them onto the hammer. "Whosoever" meant that this spell applied to anyone who was his definition of worthy.
Cap ended up being worthy based on his virtuous, selfless nature. When he picks up the hammer, he has Thor's power. Them's the rules.

Come to think of it, Odin's wording could've been a failsafe. If Thor was incapable of getting his shit together, then the hammer and Thor's power could at least go to someone who he could trust to handle it.

>without the editors and cameramen noticing mean more than it does?
do you legitimately think they film non-CG things like that just once and say 'good enough' without ever looking at the playback to make sure they got it the way the director wanted it?

>Why does everybody think the fact that the actor budged the hammer without the editors and cameramen noticing mean more than it does?
Considering how obviously it budges, the fact that Thor pays a huge amount of attention to it, and the fact that the hammer being stationary is the huge focus of the scene, I'd say it's super unlikely for that to be the case.

not only that he can just go back to the sanctum where it is kept /is at still

Even then, Iron Man could have done it in the scene where Star Lord fucked up. Spider-Man also has instant kill...

Look at Thor's reaction.

>Why does everybody think the fact that the actor budged the hammer without the editors and cameramen noticing mean more than it does?
The actors and editors fucking emphasized it and even told Thor to look shocked by the movement, you actual retard.
I hope to Christ above that you were only pretending to be retarded.

Yup I saw movie two times and people cheered the loudest for that scene in the movie.

thats literally just a shortened name

officially the country is always the US. very stupid thing to get angry about.

Like jerking off into a woman

Nothing. It was the last movie, that's what changed. Please, stop taking this shit seriously as a story.

> captain America is worthy

> He's actually a Commie closet-case.

>>> He's actually a Commie closet-case.
he is?

Same, now Thor is just Chris Hemsworth doing cosplay.

Bad fanservice happened.

>Dormammu can now invade any second
How many neurons are the Russos lacking? It must be a lot.

I meant to reply to

>Or did tony make an exception in his head?
Pretty easily. The Gauntlet isn't a fucking genie, you don't have to be careful with what you "wish".

Man, this was so goshdarn satisfying to see.

Why didnt they just get the TIME stone and then use that to manipulate TIME?

Why didn't they just get the REALITY stone and then use that to manipulate REALITY?

because the infinity stones' power is severely underrepresented as power cores for the snap-your-fingers machine

he literally did that to the dragon thing in the first scene of Ragnarok

I completely forgot this picture exists, and now I'm really happy.

For a moment i thought that when they were going to reveal old cap it was going to be Stan Lee, could have been kino if he was never used as a cameo until that scene.

>tfw that is actually a more accurate representation of Thor now.

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same reason an elevator can lift mjolnir

what's up with tony's nano tech
why doesn't he have a liquefy button or command
>oh no, thanos got the gauntlet
>let me just collect my nanobots

I think the main focus of GOTG3 will be Adam Warlock, or whoever the fuck the gold people were making after GOTG2

>Saw the first avengers movie
>don't get the humor and the actions scenes are pretty mediocre for a studio as big as Marvel.
>saw second avengers movie
>feel disconnected from the plot and characters completely
>watch third avengers movie
>have absolutely 0 interest in anything that's going on, feel nothing when the characters die

What happened? I loved stuff like the original Iron man and GoG but the avenger movies are just completely unappealing to me.

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even though im a huge doctor doom fan, i really dont see him being the big bad of a crossover like avengers, unless he gets the powerup he did in the comics a few years ago my money is on galactus

Really blows how we didn't get to see Thanos in his golden armor during the day just single handedly beat every avenger. He pretty much would lose to Wanda, Cpt. Marvel, powered up Thor, Dr. Strange, Hulk etc.

Where the links at though