I don't understand how someone could watch Infinity War and Endgame and not imediately think Marvel Studios would be...

I don't understand how someone could watch Infinity War and Endgame and not imediately think Marvel Studios would be able to make Dragon Ball Kino

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who should play goku in the live action movie?

some nigger

DBZ is capeshit done properly

Even their time travel makes more sense than the MCU’s

I won't argue that the visuals wouldn't be dope as fuck but I don't trust Marvel studios to not fuck Dragon Ball up even though its a super simple story. How would you even be able to translate Goku himself to live-action? His entire character these days is that he's retarded outside of combat and that won't be enough to carry his character outside of fight scenes unless its like the World Tournament were he's just fighting Piccolo

This absolutely doesn't have to happen, the animated format is perfect for it and it would be stupid to translate it into live action.

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Marvel Studios never had a problem tweaking characters for their films, so I'd assume the same would be done for a DB adaptation.

Make Goku less dopey and more ignorant. Not super bright, but still has common sense that he lacks in Super. Closer to Quill in Guardians of the Galaxy.

The problem with the animated movies is that the money isn't there to tell a fulllength 3 act story. As much as I loved Broly, you have to admit it wasn't exactly structured like a traditional film. It's all buildup and then a big fight with characters that have had zero characterization.
I want a REAL dragon Ball movie. A self contained 3 act story that functions on its own

Who keeps making db threads comparing it to marvel?

Both suck

You've got grown men gawking at super heroes or roided out dudes grunting and yelling both suck past the age of 12 unless you're a manchild

>doing action properly

Marvel movies would be way better if they were animated

The costume and character design might be a little too silly translated to live-action, you'd have to modify it heavily like DBE did and end up with a soulless half-assed westernized adaptation. Like, for as cool as Trunks looks in the mango and the show, a kid with a purple bowl cut and girl's jean jacket would look pretty stupid live.

Plus, you'd also have to find someone who's a legit Dragon Ball fan to run it. Say anything else about the MCU, but Feige is a great choice to run it because he's always been an actual Marvel fan.

So you are saying they are comparable?

>you'd have to modify it heavily like DBE did and end up with a soulless half-assed westernized adaptation
Or go the opposite direction and completely indulge in the franchises bright silly aesthetic. Fans would absolutely eat it up and general audiences would see it as original and refreshing.

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Dragon Ball is already shit. Plus, the stupid melodrama suits DCEU more than it does the MCU.

There is a reason you feel that way

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Have you seen avengers costumes?

What is man of steel?

Nothing like dragon ball?

Disney would fuck it up worse than star wars

Lucasfilm and Marvel are completely different studios run by different people, user.

it wouldnt be marvel running a DBZ adaptation. disney would hire some retarded woman like kathleen kennedy and they would make goku into a white woman

What studio do you think they would give it to, then?

Surely you don't think they would form a new studio just to handle a single property. That would be retarded of you.

hopefully nothing owned by disney

>Thinking Marvel will have problems filming people standing around yelling AHHHHHHHH for 20 minutes

You're an idiot. That's not how making movies works

the OP itself is a premise that doesnt make sense anyway

The dragon Ball ip being given to marvel Studios?

Would be too long mate. Which arc can you adapt? The smallest would be the saiyan saga and even that is too long.

The time travel in Endgame uses the exact same rules as DB, going back to the past just makes a new timeline, you can't change your own history.

Here is your goku mate yall

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>entire film about toranksu
yes fuck goku and begita

If they stuck to the original Dragon Ball I think they could make it work but they'd have much easier time doing something like Naruto or Bleach.

Piccolo, Saiyans, and the History of Trunks could all be condensed into a single film. Cell and Buu could easily be done in two

Frieza could be condensed into a single movie too as long as you made some Marvel style plot changes.

What are you talking about? Dragonball characters have the most simple costumes in all of fiction.

Goku is supposed to be a country bumpkin. He's more like Uncle or John Marsten



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Yep, that was pretty much the problem with this film. 70 minutes of storyboard had to be cut