>Cowardly kills his brother with dark magic
>Is completely okay with killing his nephew
>Kills his own daughter
And anons are still running around and preaching that Stannis is based? Can someone explain?
>Cowardly kills his brother with dark magic
>Is completely okay with killing his nephew
>Kills his own daughter
And anons are still running around and preaching that Stannis is based? Can someone explain?
Other urls found in this thread:
hi helow my name is where are the leaks
where are the leaks
you wouldn't get it faggot
>removes fags
nth for sideboob
Imagine making a thread early just because of your desperation to have Stannis as the OP
jorah dies tomorrow
>"i live to serve you, my queen"
let's retrace:
>serves daenerys out of love for her, but respects that she's interested in other men
>daenerys banishes him
>also confesses his love but she rejects him
>he goes through shit and manages to come back
>she rejects him again
>finally invited back to serve her, but this time he rejects because of greyscale
>dany tells him to get cured and come back when he does
>jorah gives up, but is deus ex machined by sam
>he now returns to dany's service, she accepts him
>he's now completely fulfilled, serving her as her advisor and general out of love for her and because he believes she is something special
>he still loves her, but respects her independence and knows that she's not interested in him
he's literally come full circle
now let's analyze the situation:
>dany has several advisors
>tyrion, varys, jorah
>tyrion is the lead, he's not dying
>varys is already completely irrelevant
>jorah is reduced to "loyle to my kween" general
since D&D only know how to finish the character arc by getting people killed, varys and jorah are dying - there's nothing they can add to the plot at this point
things are concluding, not becoming more complex
>the only thing that is left is jorah dishonoring his family name
>his father died before jorah could redeem himself
>ohlook.jpg a niece who is also the leader of house mormont now, i wonder how he's doing to redeem himself
the "leak" about jorah sacrificing himself to save his niece is probably true
You seem to be under the impression that all of that is cringe, when it is in fact based.
based and rhllorpilled
Stannis is based *because* he did those things. He's not as based as the Night King or Craster but he is close. Your IQ is too low to understand
a discord server for leaks, live steam links or download links
bran is based, you fucking fag
>verge spoils deaths of the two most popular pieces of fiction at the moment
>no one talks about it
here's your fucking leak guys
11th for Ygritte
>implying there are any leaks.
>implying r/freefolk is not the best place for finding any REAL leaks. These are the guys that brought you e2 leak last week.
Jon will die tomorrow
Then mellisandre will show up and rez him again, only to get stabbed by the old moralfag
nop, ep 2 leaked here on Yea Forums first
Bran was based. Too bad they literally killed him off and made the most pointless fucking character in all of television. This 3 eyed raven shit has served no narrative purpose and is actually just irritating as fuck because people not listening to him is a gigantic fucking plot hole.
dany will die and get resurrected because POTTERY
Reposting this. He goes at length in the video to talk about the Three-Eyed Raven and says that Bran's learned his lesson about time travel from when he fucked up Hodor. I'd say chances are, boys, we won't be seeing any time travel now.
I'd fuck her, you can't say you wouldn't fuck her
Shame it's all going to end badly for Dany and Sansa ends up Queen though.
They made him autistic to appeal to the audience, characters not listening to him because he lost his social skills and developed flat affect even though he is an omniscient wizard resonates with the normies and the autists.
>his favorite character is jaime
Nice try you sick fuck
i really hope bran dies, there are no stakes with him around anymore, i bet he will be the one that outs tyrion like he did with littlefinger
Even someone with an IQ of 80 would start listening to him when he has been predicting shit that nobody could have fucking known and seeing the future. Social skills aside, it's completely fucking unbelievable that Arya and Sansa wouldn't seek his counsel after he completely exposed Littlefinger.
Terrible fucking writing, and you're pretty stupid for defending it
The in universe response to Bran is relatable behavior for the low IQ social animal normies who eat this shit up, not good writing. They don't like him because he broke up with frogfu
Renly was a usurper with no claim
Gendry is a bastard so not his true nephew
I can’t defend the burning of sheeren but that was a complete character assassination
>Renly was a usurper with no claim
Who cares? Renly had the power, support and charisma. Instead of facing Renly on the field, faggot uses magic. A womans weapon.
>Gendry is a bastard so not his true nephew
still a nephew, fag
>still seething
Renly would have been an absolute shit king.
Who is your most shameful waifu/husbando?
Well so was Robert. If Renly became king it would have actually been the Tyrells usurping Lannisters as the true power behind the throne.
bear loli
please end me already
>Cowardly kills his brother with dark magic
who is in open rebellion against the rightful heir of King Robert
>Is completely okay with killing his nephew
who is dirty bastard
>Kills his own daughter
willing to make personal sacrifices for the good of the realm and doesn't shy away from hard decisions
All the others do their things because they are easy and not when they are hard.
>Robb breaks his pact with the Freys for nice tits and a tight fit
>Daenerys is fucking hack playing on easy mode
>gets out-smartet by Tyrion
Stannis cucks never recovered.
>almost sacks the city and wins throne if not for tywin and the tyrells comming in at the last second
>hunker down and find a way to make things work
>burn your only heir at the stake because your pet titcow claims it'll send the problems bye-bye
that decision was bonkers retarded and was the action of D+D the hacks, not stannis the mannis
What happened to Craster's wives after Jon left? Did the NK even go there?
>pet titcow has been right about everything so far
Fuck you, that’s what happened.
Renly and co would have been steamrolled in open battle with Stannis.
I'd fuck her right in the pussy
"almost" isnt a great outcome when you have the entire fucking stormlands vs just the gold cloaks. Stannis' only had two military victories in his entire life, one was sitting behind the walls of storms end and the other was routing a bunch of literal fucking cavemen with armoured knights and the element of surprise
I’m fucking annoyed that greyscale was cured like a nothing disease and isn’t part of the story at all anymore, it was supposed to be firewights immune to white walker necromancy damnit
Renly's men were his men, he didn't want to kill them because their traitor lords sided with the wrong king. Personal sacrifice for the blood magic to end the conflict with minimal casualties was truly the honorable thing
we can assume that Mance and his army found them on the way to Castle Black
Stannis was in charge of the siege of Pyke. And probably the strongest mind for battle behind book Randyll Tarly
>Stannis' only had two military victories in his entire life, one was sitting behind the walls of storms end and the other was routing a bunch of literal fucking cavemen with armoured knights and the element of surprise
what was the greyjoy rebellion?
qt wolfgirl > dragon bitch
Nah Bobby and Ned took down Pyke, Stannis wrecked everyone on Great Wyk
Six Kingdoms vs the Ironborn. What a difficult war that must have been lol. Bravo
1st for Bessie
Defeating the iron fleet is an incredible feat desu
he defeated them on sea, he defeated victarion fucking greyjoy on sea, that is no easy feat
He was based all along
Those were tryhard cringe attempts to make him unlikable, because he was outshining all the main characters.
i thought its still basically incurable, dnd just forgot it exists
>still useless
>used goods
>learned most of her "strategies" from cersei
would you?
You now remember the kino that was "Baelor".
>Stannis defence force
I genuinely don't understand. The autist is literally a retarded pawn of Melisandre who is herself retarded. This is books and show. Your obsession with him has no grounding in reality.
I'm reminded of that fucking post where some user says "My dad asked me why I liked Stannis so much and I couldn't think of anything" and all the stannisfags couldn't think of anything when they replied other than variations of "I just do" and "Muh line of succession"
source nigga
doesn't change the fact that renly still got killed by a cunt smoke demon like the faggot he was
reminding just once more that jorah is way too good for dany anyway and he should get a non-roasted gf before the series ends
Why didn’t Stannis just peel off shireens greyscale?
>mfw Stannis gets cucked by Renly's figurative ghost
seasons 1-4 were pure kino, everything after has been pure fucking shit
>jorah dies tomorrow
>giving a fuck about her “strategies”
>caring about the “plot” at all at this stage
violently and repeatedly
he’s dying next episode along with tormund and davos unfortunately
>implying he will survive next episode
he totally should've fucked the maids eyefucking him in this scene tho
Stannisfags identify with him because he's an unlikable autist who has a hot priestess telling him he's the anime MC hero. He is whipped and does whatever she says, in the books too, so don't let any stannisfag tell you it's different in the books.
get stds? fuck no
Too many character close-up shots. Kino grids are better with more landscapes, or focus on shots with great colour or lighting, or are generally visually interesting
Why does Emilia seem 10 years younger there? was it the makeup? lighting?
It was 8 years ago
What was he thinking at this moment?
>useless for procreation since her holes have probably been ravaged by ramsay's entire army and his dogs
>useless for fightan, probably weaker than that little girl going to the crypt
>useless for strategizing since she only knows how to backstab people
>useless for plot since she's basically a secondary character at this point
>useless for bantz since all she does is whine about "muh norf"
what's she even good for?
I agree. But it's generally hard to find those shots for a TV show.
it's different in the books fag
>pray harder
>if i die my army is ordered to keep fighting to put my daughter on the throne or die in the attempt
in the books it's also implied him and melisandre fuck regulary, on the show she was cucking him every step of the way
This is what happens when white women hit the wall
>right in the sand snakes
do you even have a chocice?
They were really good at it up until season 7. Then they just kind of stopped trying
Show Stannis is a disgrace. Even the actor admitted it.
>Why does Emilia seem 10 years younger there?
because she was you idiot
>Ned: You grew up with actors; you learned their craft and you learnt it well. But I grew up with soldiers. I learned how to die a long time ago.
>Arya grows up with lowborns and criminals. Becomes a retarded chav
>Sansa grows up being a hostage and getting raped. Becomes a useless wallflower
Kino themes in this show
The actor didn't give a fuck about the show. He never read the books and wasn't interested in the premise. He just showed up, did his job and peaced out.
Jaime is unironically the best character remaining.
The best acted too.
Jaime, Cersei and Bran are the only well casted characters that have grown with the show.
>hit the wall
it's called "ageing"
Delusional stannisfag. Stannis was always a cuck. He got pseudo cucked by robert on his wedding night and he was always bitter about storms end. Someone who is controlled by a foreign priest that births shadow babies shouldn't sit on the throne.
the joke
your head
He expressed regret afterwards that he ignored the source material. Or atleast that's how I understood it.
You're forgetting Alfie
The Lannisters are the best actors in the show, with the exception of Lancel
There is a difference between gracefully aging and going from hot to not in the time it takes milk to go off in the sun. Emilia did the latter
theon has been a shit character since he escaped winterfell, we never got theon in the godswood ffs
Alfie doesn't have a good plot anymore. He hasn't done a damn thing since escaping with Sansa. Except rescue his sister...who is completely bloody useless and has done fuck all
She still looked good in S7. But she looks awful in S8.
Reminder that when the books are released Arya will be redeemed. She is essentially a new Lyanna. And Gendry is a smarter Robert.
Arya will have blossomed to be good looking, not a muleface, rebellious and intelligent. Lyanna 2.0.
Gendry is Robert 2.0, only smarter and more humble. It mirrors what Robert and Lyanna could have been and mirrors the relationship between Ned and Robert. Gendry will be legitimised and marry Arya. They will have a son that will be Baratheon/ Stark. A grandson that Ned would have loved.
Until then I am still mad as Fuck that Arya is a mulefaced autist
is it ever explained by those in charge why her eyebrows were never bleached blonde? seriously, that would take what, an extra 5 minutes every episode?
Jamie is Azor Ahai
Brienne is Nisa Nisa
Emilia Clarke is too babyfaced to be the mad dragon queen. She is the type of bitchy, popular girl who peaked in high school and drives a Fiat 500
here's your (you), also robert fucking selyse's cousin on stannis wedding bed was based
>gracefully aging
>going from hot to not in the time it takes milk to go off in the sun
it's called ageing
what did tyrion do bro?
accidentally posted an older, fucked up version
So do they still have time for CLEGANEBOWL?
They've been like that for 8 seasons.
Can someone post some slutty Sophie Turner pics. Specifically the one where she’s in jeans with her legs over her head
Leaks where?
Dany lives right?
Pic related is Arya
Edgy autistic mulefaced bitch
nth for Stannis
he conspired with cersei at the end of last season after she revealed her pregnancy and will betray dany and jon
my question still stands
Could Tamzin have pulled it off?
Reminder that Stannis fags are high IQ but dangerously autistic
*wins the Game of Thrones*
this is her, current year
kinda looks like emilia a bit
Ok thot, all humans age as badly as you. It's normal, don't worry.
no, we are only posting smirkfu in thris bread
Remember when D&D brought characters like Balon and Osha and the Blackfish back in Season 6 after several years of being MIA only to kill them off immediately?
No, Cersei is Nissa Nissa
Don't know who she is. I think Rosamund Pyke from gone girl could have been a great mad queen but is too old to play a young Daenarys.
I actually think Emma Watson would have pulled it off. I just think Emilia Clarke isn't really fiery enough to pull off mad queen. She was pathetic as Sarah Connor
>reminder they laughed at barristan selmy's actor for sending them a letter explaining in detail why killing selmy was a mistake
and blackfish offscreen, the fucking disrespect man
Baloney should have died way before season 6.
lost all respect for him after dany treated him like shit and he still licks her ass
absolute beta cuck
Kingslayer's busy, Your Grace.
>The only normal young boy in the story becomes autistic and stares at people/makes rape jokes, as all the powerful men die and women rise up to rule, swearing fealty to a horde of eastern savages
GOT is an allegory of the modern era.
single best episode in the entire series, imo
can't emember another that even came close
Lost respect for Jon for the same reason. Nigga be pussywhipped. Obviously trying to make him the new Ned being all honourable and shit but he's a Bitch now, hope he kills Daenarys
Ned was a bitch too. He basically let Catelyn bring his entire house to ruin by being unable to say no to her. Don't let him swaggering on pushovers like littlefinger and varys fool you.
Cersei said it best. Ned was raised to follow not to rule
Reminder that the show is a horrible portrayal of the books. Can't wait until the book is released.
> Inb4 the books will never be released
yes they will. It will be announced on the final episode
Y-you're... you're a... you're a drunk, Y-your Grace!
Has anyone got the link to the collection of GoT Wojaks with the flags like this?
No, people just age differently, it's not that hard to comprehend incel
Agree, characters have to be ruthless to rule. Ned was basically the nigga holding shit together. Jon is the same now
It's all so tiring
>Jaime dies defending Brianne, "It's the least I could do for a woman of power"
>Bear Loli defends entire crypt against a few wights
>showdown with night king, "No Man can defeat me!"
>Danny shows up "I'm no man!" and slays with MUH DRAGONS
>battle won they march to Kings Landing
>Brianne and Bear Loli lead armies that cleverly destroy the Lannister army
>Danny declares they should not kill Cersei as that is too barbaric, telling Jon Snow that the Old Way is just that - Old
>Victory ensues, Jon Snow is declared king as is his right
>he declines the throne to Danny saying the time of men was saved by women, and that it's "Their turn to lead now"
>yes they will. It will be announced on the final episode
i highly doubt it
>yes they will. It will be announced on the final episode
no they won't little boy
Doesn't Melly think at some point or outright say he's too weak to bang her since they created two shadow things?
>bitchy, popular girl who peaked in high school and drives a Fiat 500
fucking nailed it
>after dany treated him like shit and he still licks her ass
I understand that but it's called loyalty.
Oh boy did it include a recipe with Onions Milk?
>the Blackfish
I wish he just dived into the water, swimming away to fight another day.
I want one with the Tyrell flag
dubs decides what cersei's pussy smells like
Apologies, Your Grace. More wine?
>yara on a leash
It sort of feels like instead of watching Game of Thrones I'm watching a show about Game of Thrones
hard to explain, but the show feels meta. Like the characters are aware it's a TV show? I don't even know. It also feels less like a rich breathing world where a lot was happening everywhere, now it feels like the world is limited to only the main cast of characters. A consequence of this is that King's Landing, rather than feeling like the massively populated capital city it used to feel like, now seems like the emptiest location in the world since we only see Cersei and Qyburn there
I'm still mad that shit happened.
>literally the best swordsman in the world
>killed by some sandnigger terrorist wielding a dagger
like eurons dick
moon boy
cheese and wine
Hence why a union between Jon and Dany would work
sheep shift
How can one man be so lazy?
Why is everybody saying Jorah dies, has the episode released yet or are you fags meming again?
what? waste of dubs
Elephant breath.
jaime's urine
Jaime's dick
This makes me want to puke, but I bet it's exactly what will happen. Screencapped for future reference,
>Randyll Tarly is the battle commander of Renly's formidable army
>B-but Stannis will beat him with some 10k troops
>never got to see barristan leading the battle of slavers bay
liver and onions
what did he mean by this?
she would like that
Game of Clapbacks
Still waiting for one of them to say "And that's the tea!"
saved, confirmed if this post is dubs
I have one word for you
Forgot to add in that some character says "We NEED Sansa on this council - it's time we listened to women more!"
GRRM will never finish the book. He'd fake his death before he did that. He realises that the story he wrote is unfinishable. Too many characters and subplots. If you need proof, look at the mangled mess they've had to make of the show just to make it a concludable story. Even then, the ending will suck ass, I guarantee it.
>implying stannis would be any better
>declares war on Lannisters, Reach, North, Riverlands
>United States
>Two Words
The absolute state of /got/
he just has other interests besides asoiaf. his biggest special interests are football, burgers and poo
dubs confirm
>cowardly kills his brother with dark magic
Renly had no claim to the throne, and was prepared to kill Stannis. Stannis was next in succession. Renly even pretty much spat in his face when Stannis extended a peace offer and would name him heir. Fewer of Stannis' men would've died than if he fought a battle againat Renly.
>is completely okay with killing bis own nephew
Joffrey isn't actually his nephew, besides, he's Westeros' version of Hitler.
>kills bis own daughter
The show writers completely betrayed his character.
Bend the knee.
4 was pretty shit. 4 and 5 killed my interest in the series. I only just caught up and thought 6 was an improvement.
no arguments. Did you subhumans come here from reddo?
t. female
Even if any of this true, none of it makes him bad.
qt king tommen
renly faggots deserve death
North: either Sansa or Jon (as typical for the show, they bring up the question of Jon's political status after giving up his crown, but don't actually give an answer), under House Targaryen
Riverlands: Unknown
Iron Islands: Euron Greyjoy
Westerlands: Unknown
Reach: Unknown
Dorne: Unknown
Stormlands: Unknown
Crownlands: Cersei Lannister
Dragonstone: Dany Targaryen
Where do I stream season 8 for free anons?
I will not pay Jews any money.
Sun and steel.
>That map
Rewatched some earlier GoT episodes and my god, the writing is now atrocious
The word you're looking for is soulless. The show feels hollow now because they ran out of source material seasons ago. At first it was barely noticeable, then you started to notice cracks forming with the dorne storyline and stannis. It became irredeemable fan fiction after littlefinger's death, and now we're basically just getting d&d's interpretation, granted with direction from GRRM, but it's still entirely their artistic vision.
Post Jorah getting gang raped by zombies
Don’t forget big veiny cocks
>bookfags actually try to follow Martin's retarded attempts at realistic statistics, like saying the families have ruled for thousands of years or that millions live there, when its literally just medieval britain
damn d&d fucking dropped the ball hard. I didn't realise they lost IQ points after running out of source material
Seems I won.
>final episode
>credits start playing
>stops 3 seconds in
>video of GRRM announcing the last 2 books will be released in a week
I feel the exact same way. Even in Rome, as theatrical as it was, you always had Vorenus and Pullo going through the city reminding you that it was a living, breathing world. This shit feels dead and empty. Might as well just be two locations in the whole world.
>after littlefinger's death
Are you trying to tell me the absolute abortion that was the rest of that season was still ok?
>Osha dies as soon as she reappears
I was mad, I liked her.
>Rickon completely forgotten about
They don't even show Jon or Sansa telling Bran or Arya. They don't show his tomb in the crypt.
RIP tiniest Stark.
here's your (You), very obvious and tiring same fagging
>Renly had no claim to the throne, and was prepared to kill Stannis.
Did Robert have a claim? It's not about fucking claims you brainlet. It's about power in the game of thrones.
>Renly even pretty much spat in his face when Stannis extended a peace offer and would name him heir.
Shireen says hi. Also Renly offered the same and it was far way kinder than Stannis offer if you judge by the strength of their armies (aka reality)
>Fewer of Stannis' men would've died than if he fought a battle againat Renly.
majority of those deaths would be pathetic infidels.
>Joffrey isn't actually his nephew, besides, he's Westeros' version of Hitler.
talking about Gendry (or in the books Edric)
>The show writers completely betrayed his character.
implying gurm didn't tell D&D that stannis will burn Shireen. The same will happen in books, brainlet.
Good news!
>Tolkien *burps* did not consider the important *FRRRRP* things like where the king went to the toilet *crisp packet rustling* and the incestual relationships *BRAAAAAPPP* between the peasant folk and *weezes* royalty, nor did he *wow that was pungent* consider Boromir’s *licks fingers* monetary policy.
that is not how you spell murrica
Was so fucking happy when that kid shot her.
>Durrr she saved a baby she's completely forgiven for shooting that kid's dad while they were fucking farming
Fuck her.
niggers tongue my anus
I shoppushe...
This video makes my normal penis my big penis. Why can't Jaime do this?
is this supposed to have some sort of coherent point or is it ment to be jibberish????
What would Littlefinger do when faced with undead threat? Would he even care about trying to fight them to protect his power?
What's your favorite example of, completely ignoring anything from the books, the show managing to fuck up its own continuity and history?
Mine is when Tyrion complains multiple times about how Theon told a bunch of dwarf jokes back in Winterfell in Season 1, when in reality, Theon was nice to Tyrion, and it was Tyrion who was a huge asshole mocking Theon for being a prisoner, the Greyjoys losing, and his dead brothers.
It is the best episode in the series I agree. It was the perfect climax for the season.
Tell me you niggers
Bad news...
kek, sounds like a skyrim npc
just torrent it you underage retard
>doesn't know where to find streams
>doesn't know how to torrent
You have to go back.
>Cowardly kills his brother with dark magic
You mean the degenerate faggot who not only eschewed the natural laws of succession but also allied himself to the Tyrells - the same guys that Stannis starved himself protecting Renly against
>Is completely okay with killing his nephew
You mean Cersei's incest bastard abomination?
>Kills his own daughter
t. the character assassination of King Stannis Baratheon by the cowards DB Weiss and David Benioff
They had to kill him off because he was getting too based and a world with Stannis in it is a world where the only thing Dany gets in Westeros is a prompt execution.
>night king won't bring back dead characters all the way back from season 1 as vengeful spirits or something
why even live?
their budget was literally community collage theatre tier back then
youre so retarded you should kys
nevermind found it
>after Littlefinger's death
Shit diverged into fanfic territory long before that. Hell it even showed in S1 when D&D foolishly portrayed Cersei as a mistreated wife rather than a psycho bitch.
You forgot to mention that he did all that because a woman told him to. A king doesn't obey women
use the hbo free trial
Suck my dick and die
Those establishing shots look so great.
The show presenting Sansa as a bitchy idiot for the entirety of the show and then she becomes a tactical genius good at governing out of nowhere for some reason
Davos bizarrely claiming he's not a fighter despite having been in more battles than most characters on the show
shansha PLEASH!!!!
my favourite is when jamie's fucking hair went brown
and the accompanying excuses, not by the showrunners who long since stopped giving a fuck, but the contrarians on /got/ trying to say it was natural for someones hair to fucking change colour in winter (maybe for fucking mousy hair, not an actual blonde you autists)
>when Renly is ready to kill his brother it's OK because power is more important than claims
Stannis explicitly said Renly would be higher in succession than Shireen.
You can't hold it against a commander for wanting to keep his men alive.
Stannis was estranged from Robert and never knew Gendry. If you want to say blood is thicker than water, Tyrion wasn't justified in killing Tywin.
The writers knew Jon Snow would die but the D&D made him die for a different reason than GRRM did.
despite being a complete bastardization of his book counterpart, euron is pretty based on the show
what the fuck was that anyway
>nigger mutt who doesn't have blonde hair
Shireen's death.
And still sets and costumes looked way more elaborate then than they do now. Everything is just dark and everyone wears the same generic dark clothes.
Sansa is the sum of the people who fucked her over. She started out as Ned's precious little princess.
Then Joffrey taught her cruelty. Cersei taught her ruthlessness. Tyrion taught her politics. Littlefinger taught her keikaku. Brienne taught her resolve. Ramsay taught her cunning.
They and others made her the Lady of Winterfell.
>what is blood magic
You get executed for doing that shit in Westeros
> If you want to say blood is thicker than water, Tyrion wasn't justified in killing Tywin.
yes. Fuck Tyrion. Tywin was the man.
dorne and stannis storyline are the prime examples
When they had Cersei say she had a fourth child that died way back in Season 1 and then had Maggy say she'd only have three
If blood is thicker than water then why was it OK for Tywin to have Tyrion executed for a crime he didn't commit? You can't have it both ways.
Because they had descriptions of places they could follow. Now they have to run with their own imagination, which is bland and sterile.
the bridge scene is good
kingsmoot is pathetic
him killing the sandsnakes is godtier
everything else is meh
guy still has potential
Someone give me some book lines to record.
>but the contrarians on /got/ trying to say it was natural for someones hair to fucking change colour in winter (maybe for fucking mousy hair, not an actual blonde you autists)
Yeah, some people were extremely autistic about it. One guy tried to explained by comparing it to when his own light hair turned brown when he was a child.
>this guy thinks punishment for crime is kinslaying
Retard alert
they looked unrealistic before, if anything theyre more period appropriate now
>period appropriate
It's a fantasy you retard.
>Robert and Renly had no claim, but fuck the law
>the more she drank, the more she shat
someone post the book screenshot
bran taught her she doesnt need to think for herself
>more period appropriate
>nobility wearing dark clothes
The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die
Little redcape," he snarled, "when next you bare steel on Shagga son of Dolf, I will chop off your manhood and roast it in the fire."
"What, no goats?" Tyrion said, taking a bite of his cheese.
>now it feels like the world is limited to only the main cast of characters
Exactly this. We're being told the stakes are at their highest because the entire world is under threat, but the world of the show has never felt smaller or less valuable.
>Might as well just be two locations in the whole world
Literally. They're pretty much the only two places in the intro now; they didn't even bother animating Last Hearth.
D&D either don't know how to write a world where shit's going on or they don't want to. They just want their cast to conveniently all be together so they can quip at each other. Travelling has always been inconsistent, even in the books people move at the speed of plot, but now we've got absolutely ridiculous shit like Beyond the Wall where Gendry reaches Eastwatch, sends a raven to Dragonstone and Daenaerys comes on her dragons, all within the same amount of time it takes the rest of the adventurer party to run across a lake and sit down for a bit.
Look at the amount of Unknown in . We don't know what the fuck is going on anywhere else or what's become of the Reach, Riverlands or Dorne after Cersei's defeated them: they just conveniently stop existing. I don't think anyone's mentioned the fucking Stormlands since S2. For all we know defeating the Night King is going to be redundant because Daeny left one of the largest khalasars ever seen unattended and they've destroyed everything south of the neck.
Olenna killed Joffrey, not Tyrion, dumbass.
>no one supports the usage of blood magic in westeros. Not the common people. Not the highborn.
oh wait. It's like a poetry. No one in westeros support Stannis either. LMAO
>6 kingdoms vs 1
>literally hiding inside a castle
>taking an empty castle as the war was winding down
>routing savages who've probably never seen more than 5 horses at once
well done
More blonde and more white than you buddy
Yes, nobody's hair goes from blonde to fucking brown unless it gets really dirty or they've just turned 7.
they didnt have bright color dyes like they do now, dark natural leather colors is more immersive
That's why I genuinely like Sansa. She's been through a lot and now it's her time to shine and show off the things she's learned.
how could Tywin know that? It the eyes of everyone Tyrion conspired with Sansa to kill his own nephew.
That still doesn't explain why it's OK for Robert and Renly can break the law but Stannis can't. You have so much double standards about Stannis it's insane.
I know his hair has been gradually getting darker for years but this season they literally just said 'fuck it' and had him show up at Winterfell with hair noticeably darker than when he left King's Landing. I was really confused if it was intentional or just a result of the fucking grey filter they put over everything.
>Season 1 they can't afford to show large battles but they can afford to give every knight a shiny suit of plate armour
>Now they show large battles all the time but you can't tell who's killing who because everyone wears the exact same brown and grey cheap-looking plastic 'leather.'
Every time Jaime or Brienne move around in their """"armour"""" and it doesn't rattle or click and you can even see parts bending it causes me pain.
This better be fucking bait
Deserves 7.5k upvotes and one reddit gold.
What law? Kinslaying and Blood magic are like the worst things that you can do in westeros. It's a stain on your name forever. Nothing to do with law.
If kinslaying is bad, why can Renly do it?
in the battle field it's not that bad. Renly would also more likely try to capture Stan instead of killing him desu
He said to Catelyn he was having him killed and giving Loras lightbringer
Honor gets you killed. Just look at Ned Stark. Stannis was being smart.
>lose for sure
>maybe win with the magic you know has worked in the past
Shireen's sacrifice was something that any rational leader should do. It's women with kids who watch the show that don't understand anything about wars or winning.
D&D knew this. This is why we never got the king we deserved.
my girl
Tyrion will get pregnant with Cersei's baby and will die in child birth to bring things full circle
What episode will CIA come back? Arya is going to use his face at some point.
Book Stannis refused to burn his daughter and even told his army to put her on the throne if he died.