What makes it so comfy and special? What went wrong with the sequels?

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>Capeshit Comics
Weren't the Marvel Star Wars Comics shit.

Interesting story based around a simple adventure format, Lovable characters, good dialogue, good pacing and beautiful effects/design

Why is Luke smoking a cigarette?

>What went wrong with the sequels?
TFA and JJ Abrams

Episodes 2-6 are comfy, escapist movies with a rich universe made independently (except the 4th) from a based man named George

7-9 and its spinoffs are soul leeching Hollywood hackneyed shlock without an ounce of remorse.

this. He is an overrated hack

And Episode 1 is underrated kino

>What went wrong with the sequels?
They weren't needed to begin with. They were a fundamentally bad idea no matter who was writing or directing.

I maintain that Revenge and Force are of a similar quality as the OT. Not the same but not hugely far away from them.

>What went wrong with the sequels?
Kathleen Kennedy was too busy attending Feminist awards and social politics talks instead of focusing on her job and being involved 24/7 in a pretty important business project for Disney, which resulted in confusion, incompetent people being employed, incompetent people fucking up shit while unsupervised by the person who was supposed to control them (Kathleen).
Never give business management positions to Feminists, ever. Give them to Centrist and Conservative women, but never ever to retarded fucking Feminists unless you want to see a project abandoned and fucked up while they are busy having tea parties with vagina hats and self-congratulatory masturbation events.

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5 > 4 > 6 > R1 > 7 > SOLO > 3 > 8 > 1 > 2

>Execute Order 88

Yep. They're so caught up with using everything as a social paltform that they lost sight of making something purely for entertainment.

4 > 3 > 5 > 6 > 1 > 2

OT > prequel trilogy > Holiday special >Ewoks cartoon > droids cartoon > youtube fan-made shit >>>>>>> Disney

i don't understand how people like Disney Wars more than the Prequels.

Yes Episodes 1 to 3 have a lot of flaws but at least it has world building and a clear vision of what kind of story it wants to tell

Only Empire is good.

There are more SW movies I hate than I like. That's a problem.

Because they're RLM indoctrinated artists who refuse to acknowledge the prequels' strengths


5 > 4 > 6 > 1 > 3 > 8 > 7 > 2

>What makes it so comfy and special?
It's the sense of adventure and place. Throughout the films Lucas gives you these little moments of a living, breathing world lingering on a scene just long enough to get thinking about what else might be.

The prequels kept most of his stuff in the background, happening behind the main characters and nu-wars doesn't even get why Lucas did what he did and can barely get the main themes right.

most of the EU was pretty bad.

he was right about a lot of things he said about the prequels. You could rewrite dialogues and the story and have a great Prequel. You cant do the same with the shitty Disney Wars trilogy because it was built on empty nostalgia and a total cash grab

TL;DR: The prequels are not good movies but the Sequel trilogy manages to be even worse

Thrawn trilogy, KOTOR series, Dark Forces

it has more than current Star Wars under Disney

That wasn't most of the EU, user.

>You could rewrite dialogues and the story and have a great Prequel.
Then why hasn't anyone done this? Wait, because they're just a bunch of hacks, that's why.

Dark Forces and KOTOR are cool games but I don't find their stories particularly interesting. Thrawn is interesting, but it strains a lot against its source material and has never felt very Star Wars-y to me.

i never said the prequels were good but at least it had a vision. The fall of Anakin was the story George Lucas wanted to tell. Disney, on the other hand, had no fucking idea where to go. The left hand (Jar Jar Abrams) didn't know what the right had (Ruin Johnson) is doing

>Then why hasn't anyone done this?
Because what's done is done and the movies are what they are. What do you expect?

agree with you. The Prequels have at least small pieces that were good (EU material) where the new trilogy has none of it

- rehashed plot
- world building is shit
- boring characters

As approachable and accessible as they are, the first 3 never talk down to the audience. You get dropped into the dazzling world with all the effects and soak in it for 20 minutes before any exposition kicks in. Film is a visual medium where all literary elements take a backseat, especially with genre fare. The original trilogy embraced this.

what are the current best 35mm rips of the originals?

Are straight 35mm scans available anywhere? I only know of the despecialised editions.

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i've got some 35mm scans but they're a couple years old and i dont know whether or not better scans have been made available yet
i know some (or all) of the movies are combined scan from multiple 35mm sources because no intact 35mm tape was available at the time

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apparently there are some 4k 35mm scans even
anyone have a torrent? i havent paid for usenet in a decade

4K77, ESB Grindhouse & 4K83.

Because it was from a time when you were bullied for liking it and everyone chastized you for reading the books, buying the toys and wearing the t-shirts. You found solidarity and comradery with the characters and despite being an outsider in this universe, you could be a someone in that one.

Now those same assholes who bullied you for liking it and those same cunts who sneered at you and ignored you entirely for associating with it are all of a sudden Star Wars fans. Overnight and out of the blue and they have been the whole time, silly. Only once it became almagamated into the Marvel/Disney universe they have been conditioned by the powers that be to be familiar with and cheer for did it lose its appeal and everything thst made it unique and distinct in any form of media.

It was an event when these movies came out. Now its routine. It was pushing film technology into new frontiers, now its by the book rendered shit. It could be used as a launchpad for amazing careers for upstart no-name actors to become superstars, now no one can recall the names of the leads or anything else they have done five minutes after the credits role nor do they care. These movies were truly special because it was made by arists retelling ancient myths instead of by cynics only wanting to make money. Bloodless. Lifeless. Dickless. And no mention or allusion to the transcendent, mystical or spiritual which was a major appeal to these films in the first place. We all took something away from it because it gave so much.

You know, for a company and institution that prides itself on running "the happiest place on Earth", the records show footage of both George Lucas and Mark Hamill crying on camera at the hands of their decisions and actions.

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>the records disney let you see
They're controlling the whole narrative, even down to the negatives

That's true. We will never be privvy to the behind the scenes muscling and bullying they did to George to get him to sell it down to the intimidation they gave Mark Hamill over his overt criticism straight up to explaining himself over his tweets to today. Having to explain why he posted a picture of him and the old gang in the Falcon cockpit when all he said it was a missed opportunity (((they))) didn't capitalize on.


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Quite much this. JJ Abrams is an awful director. It was no surprise that his SW movie sucked just like all his other movies.

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When's the last time you've been outside?

>i don't understand how people like Disney Wars more than the Prequels.
>Because they're RLM indoctrinated artists who refuse to acknowledge the prequels' strengths
No, it's not that.
It's people who judge movies entirely on their initial emotional reaction to them. For them, there is no difference between a real storyteller and a charlatan. For them, being fooled into enjoying something is the same as enjoying something for its substantial traits.

Prequels were outright less focused in the same manner as the OT. They overstuffed the prequels.

Sequel Triliogy is not canon.


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pretty much.
the retcons and plot holes and such mostly have worthwhile tradeoffs, versus NuWars attitude of being willing to sacrifice the entire story for one throwaway joke.

>Sequel Triliogy is not canon.
Next you'll tell me clone wars isn't canon

Lucas directly oversaw the Clone Wars and isn't involved in Disney at all, it's way more canon than the new movies because of him.

>Clone Wars
which one?

I think you'll change your tone after the new disney season comes out.

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empire and rotj aren't canon

space newports figured out the cancer problem

>What makes it so comfy and special?
follows the hero's journey to a t - basically the oldest story in human history
>What went wrong with the sequels?
postmodernist deconstructionist diarrhea aimed at demolishing the tropes of the heroes journey but forgot to construct something in place of what they destroyed so we only got a shattered pile of rubble

but I love that show

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>tfw got the despecialized trilogy in a great looking physical set last year with a shitload of documentaries and interviews

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>What makes it so comfy and special?
You were 12 when you first watched it

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>Tom the Grandstanding Liberal

despecialized or 4K77 no DNR?

listen to jizz

hey man, not many people can do a handstand

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This, the sequels went out of their way to be the most anti-Star Wars shit possible while copying plot points from the OT.