“Exciting, entertaining, and emotionally impactful...

“Exciting, entertaining, and emotionally impactful, Avengers: Endgame does whatever it takes to deliver a satisfying finale to Marvel's epic Infinity Saga.” -Rotten Tomatoes

Do you agree anons?

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I piss inside your ass

yes.this is a movie about white chads with minimal pandering to woke crowd. it knows who the heroes are. it will rectify the injustice made last year when dumb America made BP the highest grossing Marvel movie domestically. it never felt right and now it's time to take it back.

yet you still paid to see it. sad

It works as a parody of genre. It’s funny but not serious enough

It's alright

Of Steve returned the soul stone to vormir, and he had all the other stones,

Could vormir have exchanged the soul stone for black widow, alive

Like a refund?

Endgame is easily beating Black Panther domestically and also Avatar. The biggest challenge will be beating Avatar worldwide though.

All that matters is iron Gwen, and the amazing porn that will follow

Yeah, I do. This is the first marvel movie that you really need to know the last few to understand this one, but fuck is it an amazing send-off to the chads of the last decade. The star trek 6 credits thing is also so well done.
This is peak capekino, bros.

No, Widow is stuck in the Soul World

Reupping this question

It's biggest problem that it wasn't exciting. It was just endless fanservice with no stakes and a forced in third act that threw out all the development they gave Thanos in the first film.

Soul stone controls the soul world

>Marvel fans will love it
You don't say

Yeah, and the Soul Stone is also supposed to be semi sentient

No. Too many retcons of previously established lore and rules, third act battle was more hollow visual noise that we see in all these damn movies, some characters are completely shat on, Tony’s death felt like an obligation and held no weight (even his daughter didn’t give a fuck), and fucking Fortnite is in it.
I liked the time heist stuff and some other moments here and there (Hawkeye was the best character in the movie) but the amount of inconsistencies and rule breaking of previous movies pissed me off.

the biggest challenge will be beating TFA domestically. Avatar goes down cause overseas is crazy about it and domestic will be at least in 800Ms. but whether JJ's shitfest goes down it's gonna be tougher cause that shit had holiday legs.

How is that possible?
Where will the piss go?


If you're such a blind fan that you can look past the flaws then it's good.

If you're anyone else then it's crap.

list the flaws

>fortnite thor
>superwomen aka captain marvel "I save the universe"

>whatever it takes
So this confirms they are pretty much bought and paid for right?

Thor was funny.

Captain Marvel didn't even do a whole lot.

Thor was based

Deeper into your ass

Their explanation of time travel was bullshit.

The needless shoe-horned faggotry.

Hulk now nerfed

Captain America's ending that defies his character

The movie threw all consistency with Infinity War out the window to place captain marvel as the head of the Avengers.

Also, the final fight sucked. None of the baddies other than Thanos did jack shit. The whole fight was just Thanos manning up and kicking the ass of 3-4 avengers at a time with no stones and no gauntlet + a girl-power scene that ostensibly had to assemble to "help" captain marvel through an open expanse populated only by no-name goons (when she had just flew through an entire space ship without getting scratched). On top of this, remember when iron man and spiderman couldn't take the gauntlet off Thanos while he was unconcious before, but now he can swiper-no-swipe all the stones with one cheap ass grab that isn't prepped or even shown on screen. Bullshit