
Pay your respects to Jorah if you think he is dying next episode or mock those who believe he dies edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


Bear Islands chadmasters exposing Basedsteros

Azor Jon


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RIP Ser Friendzone, sorry you never got to plow that blonde dragon pussy. We shall never see your like again.


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my waifu

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doubt he dies. his arc isn't complete.


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first for smirkfu

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So what's happening tomorrow? Will the crypts be breached or is there enough magic to protect the people inside? Will the NK nope out of there and raise hell in the rest of Westeros? I'd like to see another time travel memory bit.

People hate Olly

>But Jons gf and Tormund literally murdered his parents and fellow villagers.

You don't forgive shit like that. Tormund and Ygritte are immoral savages and I hate how they try to make Tormund into a ''good, funny guy'' the man is a monster.

>Jorah carrying Daenerys into that fucking tent as the Maege howling gets louder
Honestly he doesn't get enough credit because of his cuckold dynamic.

How would you rewrite Season 5?

>nope out of there
That's an interesting point. What if the NK just goes around Winterfell? I know he wants Bran but he could just go around and make a bigger army?

jorahs going to be the 100th lord commander of the nights watch

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He did fuck the superior blonde pussy
This. He will kill the Dragonwhore just like Jaime killed her father

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Tomorrow? the episode leaked 40 minutes ago.

70 minutes of poorly lit fighting where the numbers of undead are wildly inconsistent then ten minutes at the end of dany killing the night king and losing 1 or both of her dragons in the process

>see jorah was not a handsome man


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I'm not ready for it

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Jorah has the protection of the Seven. He will make it.
Heretics die.

wtf lads is this supposed to be Bessie? what happened?

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They didn't kill them for teh lulz, they did it to lure defenders from castle black to increase their chances of breaking through the wall so their entire culture wouldn't get wiped out and turned into zombies. A few faggot villagers from the kingdom who has been hunting and oppressing you for years are worth less than hundreds of thousands of your own people.

Hope this happens in Season 8 but she actually dies lmao rofl lol *dab*

>Maege howling
I was trying to figure out when the fuck Maege Mormont was howling in a tent, lol.
Anyway the scene where Jorah fights the angry Dothraki is kino.

no. She was crushed under the weight of her tits.

He dies saving the shitty Lyanna because a ten year old shouldn't be on the battlefield

Robert had his drunk goggles on.



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please tell me thats true

He won't die, that will be the twist.

Is Bessie the big tittied fat one? This is her friend that usually sits on the other side of the cute little brunette.

>tfw this turned into a whore goblina

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Was Stannis a good guy?

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I prefer AA Jaime but AA Jorah would be a close second

I hope so

If he has to die I'd like him to revive Azor Jaime by sacrifing himself or something

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>starts saying littlefinger is azor ahai
hahahahahahha fuck if this guy actually believes baelish is still alive I feel sorry for him. What a schizo

>burned his daughter alive


>king cunny

she looks like the type of person who would have a dad threatening faceless internet strangers by rambling about consequences.

probably got a breast reduction, the dumb whore

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He was until he turned his back on the Gods over some catfish hag. Thats where he fucked himself.
The Faith of the Seven blesses the continent.


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Bein aleev, I shuposhe dats off de tabe ash well

absolutely based
that's azor ahai

I'm gonna say it. Stannis honestly wasn't that great. He would have made a mediocre king.

What was she thinking in this moment?

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heretics die

sounds more like Cuck King with his (((edicts)))

>I hope he has dogs AND niggers.

show stannis isn't


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Show Stannis was the first king who acknowledged the White Walker threat.

He was, it's why they turned him into a shit character.
He was good and also male

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>tfw we never got to see Stannis on the Iron Throne with independent Norf
It hurts

have sex

have sex

have sex, incel

>guess that answers if it was rape

have sex

Like Tyrion, Varys and Littlefinger he was such a good character Dabid didn't know what to do with him. Dabid was also a Renly fag and this is why Stannis got killed off.

The actress and the character loved it

>tfw volcel
Your words have no power here

Joffrey was unironically the best king of them all and woke as fuck.
>goes so far as to call out tywin to his face
>wants a standing imperial army and do away with vassals and their peasants
>wanted to send people to kill dany and the dragons as soon as he heard of her
A tragic loss.

have sex

have incel, sex

Have sex.

I hope this is true but why the hell would there be a faceless man other than Arya in winterfell

heathen degenerate
slain by a mighty warrior of the Seven

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"I'll have Theon fetch me the assplate stretcher."

...why was there one captured in a prisoner's wagon?

No arc has completed

Joffrey believed in Dragons. He would have definitely understood the white walker threat.

Did Joffrey even make a single fuck up during his reign? Nearly every play he made was a wild success. The only failures under his rule were Tywin's crappy military leadership in the early parts of the war.

Literally the fakest religion in the show


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fuck dutie
fuck loyaltee

Caught for murder like a massive scrub?


are there even any faceless men beyond Jaqen?

Brienne is the most loyal character in ASOIAF

>rightful king
a lie, take it out.

That one aged even worse

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magic is degenerate
Iron, the citadel, maesters, probably baths all came from the Andals.
The Faith of the Seven brought civilization to the apes.

stannis lost any claim to the throne when he started using dark magic, kinslaying and worshipping a foreign god



If Jorah ends up killing Danny I will literally shit on my hands from excitement. Screencap this

>changes the word anglo-saxon to andal and calls the celts the first men
Truly, George is a master of world building.

that's not how it works

only loyal to her own ego

For a man in his 50s (nearer 60 really) he looks remarkably boyish there.

British history is kino so I don't blame him

What do followers of R’hllor believe happens after death?

>no s8ep1 unserious q&a
>no s8ep2 serious q&a
Preston's really channeling his inner George

It's absolutely shit. European history in general post-Romans is quite shit. You want good history, go read about China.

hopefully he's prewriting some content for the next episode, it better be like 40 minutes long because the episode is twice the length of the first episode nearly

hey chang


1989 Tiananmen Square

Well both Thoros and Melisandre have been told by the people they resurrected that there is absolutely nothing after death, just darkness.

I want reddit fags to kill themselves


Davos has God armor.
Unwavering faith in the Seven.

Why are you still alive then, fren? :'(

I'm European. Eat shit. Not all of British history combined is as good as the Roman civil war or the Three Kingdoms era.


Shit in my hands instead, user. Screencap this.

How will he go out?

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>You wan sum good heestory, go read of CHAINA stoopid gwailoh
go back

>Arya kills the girl Jaqqen sends to kill him
>she goes back to the temple to show off
>he just lets her go
I don't get it, why? What was the point of her adventure with the faceless men? What did she learn, what was the message?

He's an atheist in the show.

I’m not your fren, newfag.

>Did Joffrey even make a single fuck up during his reign?
Commanding the guards to attack the peasants.
Although I understand the motif

>Itsh abshorutery shit. Eulopeeun hishtoly in genelar posht-Lomansh ish quite shit. You want good hishtoly, go lead about China.

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He's dead in the books, the fact that he's still alive in the show is nothing short of hackfraud show writing, he should be dead and his place taken by Barristan Selmy

>European history in general post-Romans is quite shit.
the events in paris in the year 1789 matter more than the entire history of all of east asia. lol

in general european history is the only history that matters

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>You want good history, go read about China.
>literal combat between insects

Oh no, I'm so scawed of the scawy pikshure, mr. phoneposting oldfag :'c

Colonial history is kino

loos like Euron lol

Do you think she'll die next episode?

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Triggered as fuck.

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that was jaqens final test and now she is an epic trained deadly assassin a true threat against the white walkers

it is when you realize it all leads to the villains/Faceless Men winning with (((Cromwell)))

Yellow hands typed this

>What did she learn,
>what was the message?
When she defeated the waif, The Faceless God signaled Jaquen that his servant was needed in Westeros

waman can't die in dabid

>say some soi shit
>everyone calls you a faggot
ah yes

>ching chong strong
>only you think that retard

Name a worse house in Westeros. Pro-tip: you can't

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>the rape, me
>it's beautiful

He was raised to knighthood and nobility under the Seven. Still counts.

>Not all of British history combined is as good as the Roman civil war or the Three Kingdoms era.
My favourite part of Chinese history is when the English, French, Germans and Russians literally carve up their nation like a fucking pie after the opium war. LOL

>supporting the mandate of heaven
Read some history, m8, this is quite embarrassing.

How exactly are these skills of assassination and deception meant to be used on ice monsters that can't be fooled?

House Clegane

emaciated weak soi hands rattled out this post

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>Someone go fetch me the assplate stretcher.

retards at verge spoiled who dies, kek, i hope it's true for both of them

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And now they produce fentanyl for the entire world as revenge.

In all seriousness though, Littlefinger obviously know Sansa is about to fucked by that psycho manlet. I guess a cuck is still a cuck no matter how smart & manipulative he is.

Why are they working the dragonglass in the smithy? It's not metal, you knap obsidian like flint so Gendry won't know what the fuck he's doing with it. Might as well just give everyone a chunk and tell them to make their own spear/arrowheads

>hurrhurr guyslookhowretardedIamfuckoffretard.png

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House Tully

God I hope so

How does this even matter? China is going to be strongest country in the world soon. It also got conquered by literal horse-fucking barbarians like twice. Doesn't change a single thing. Bongland meanwhile is fading into eternal obscurity.


probably after the ice monsters are dealt with and arya survives and kills a major a character like cersei with jamies face just to spitball some ideas

>meant to be used on ice monsters that can't be fooled?
She was never supposed to kill the zombies. She had to kill the Freys to secure the North and then she offed Petyr to stabilize it and stop the STarkgaryenallience from being undermined

>the Roman civil war
which one?

Reminder that Jorah and Jaime are the only actually good characters left in the show.
If dubs they're going to die in the next episode and this show will truly be absolute trash tier.

night king is flying to king's landing

House Greyjoy

>good character
Maybe in season 1-2 but hes been pretty fucking one note ever since.

Pretty much everything from the Social War up to Caesar's Civil Wars.

She's kinda like boxers. She was always a goblin, but being young and cute masked it. As soon as the childhood cuteness wore off, you could see the goblinness in all its glory
The best guy. Until D&D decided he was too much of a fan favourite and murdered his character

Cuck orbiters aren't good characters

Jaime will still have to kill Cersei in the finale. Jorah, I am not so sure.

which hole does ramsay fuck, anyway

>Jorah and Jaime are the only actually good characters left
>Forgetting Chad Euron

jorah is shitty now too

jaime is the only one, jon too if the northern fool thing is true (which i doubt it)

Nope, the supernatural villain that has been hyped up for eight years will be dealt with in 1-2 episodes at most. You know it to be true.

huge if true


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She's not surviving the next episode doggy.

Also daily reminder that Sansa will end up as Queen.

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he has had like zero development and nothing to the show

the one between reek's legs

I will literally buy an hbo subscription if she dies

Poor guy/girl.

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Pussy, of course.
Ass is for later.

I miss 2007

>implying the Macedonian Wars aren't the most kino part of Republican Rome

Plot twist; he dies and the Hound overcomes his fears and takes up his flaming sword.

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Did I miss something, why are people here pushing for Jaime to be Azor Ahai incarnation so bad?

I guess. They sucked at pretty much everything. Euron is the only somewhat competent Greyjoy in the show and even then he still has that psychotic impulse from time to time. Robert should just get rid of those cunts when he had the chance.

it's shopped

Not really, family.

>implying azor ahai reborn would die

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>dear god please don’t let me be impregnated by this fucking manlet


I am glad he is back in S6-8. I wish we can get more of him in action with his flaming sword, too bad about Thoros though.

kino if true

my guess is they will retreat inside winterfell and they will find someone mortally wounded or dead, maybe jaime, and beric will give that person the kiss of life, or maybe i'm just putting too much faith in dan and dabid and he will just die in some sort of meme sacrifice

>rightful king
lol wut. He had the bigger army but a lesser claim

So sick of jorah good riddence

>there are dragonglass candles that are starting to burn again in the books

How the hell does that work?

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Not only is he the best remaining/one of the only good actors left on the show

He also has some of the best writing left ("Everything I did, I did for my family, I'd do it all again, etc.) and an actual character arc, whereas every other long running character is in one of three groups:

group (a): absolutely fucked by writers:
bran, tyrion, davos, varys

group (b): literally no character arc, so writers have to tell us they're making progress:
sansa, arya, gendry

group (c): actor is phoning it in and clearly sick of the role/just playing themselves:
daenerys, jon, cersei

you have 10 seconds to name

>your favorite show only character
>your favorite minor house
>your favorite valyrian steel sword
>your favorite king that actually appeared in the main story

He was a murderer and an usurper

But Renly claimed the throne before all that, which still makes him a usurper


Because they are stupid. This shit is brittle as all hell.

I'm told there are leaks

where are the leaks

fuck i want it to be true so bad, i really hope brienne the ogre dies too

how is his arc not complete, you fucking retard
>"i live to serve you, my queen"

let's retrace:
>serves daenerys out of love for her, but respects that she's interested in other men
>daenerys banishes him
>also confesses his love but she rejects him
>he goes through shit and manages to come back
>she rejects him again
>finally invited back to serve her, but this time he rejects because of greyscale
>dany tells him to get cured and come back when he does
>jorah gives up, but is deus ex machined by sam
>he now returns to dany's service, she accepts him
>he's now completely fulfilled, serving her as her advisor and general out of love for her and because he believes she is something special
>he still loves her, but respects her independence and knows that she's not interested in him
he's literally come full circle
now let's analyze the situation:
>dany has several advisors
>tyrion, varys, jorah
>tyrion is the lead, he's not dying
>varys is already completely irrelevant
>jorah is reduced to "loyle to my kween" general
since D&D only know how to finish the character arc by getting people killed, varys and jorah are dying - there's nothing they can add to the plot at this point
things are concluding, not becoming more complex
>the only thing that is left is jorah dishonoring his family name
>his father died before jorah could redeem himself
>ohlook.jpg a niece who is also the leader of house mormont now, i wonder how he's doing to redeem himself
the "leak" about jorah sacrificing himself to save his niece is probably true

High in the Halls of the posts that are gone
Janny would dance with his trolls
The self worth he has lost and hot pockets he has made
The posts that upset him the most

The healthy weight thats been gone for so very long
He couldn't remember his face
They spun him around on the damp blue board
Spun away all his money and days

And he always does it for free
Always does it for free
He always does it for free
Always does it for free

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Azor Littlefinger


>>your favorite show only character
>>your favorite minor house
House Dayne
>>your favorite valyrian steel sword
>>your favorite king that actually appeared in the main story

completely agree, they wasted varys and jorah will be die next episode to create more tension between dany and jon, and to rise the death toll

Will episode 3 leak early like episode 2?

Can’t be bothered with the rest

My lord. My grace... D-Daenerys Targaryen. She appears to be p-p-pegnant.

most kino voice next to Tywin. Will be missed

>I literally can't think of a single show only character so there aren't any worth mentioning lmao
>Dark Sister
>Robb. Fuck the contrarians, he was written to be too good so that it hurt when he died

>the dead are already here

what did she mean by this?

Bobby B

that entire plot arc is, imo, the biggest fuckup in the show
to think, arya used to be my favourte character in the whole story. Now I just hope they'll kill her off (they won't)

>your favorite show only character
no idea
>your favorite minor house
>your favorite valyrian steel sword
longclaw, mormont version
>your favorite king that actually appeared in the main story
mance (literally one of the best performances - ciaran hinds is a fucking god)


Dragonglass is not obsidian though doggy, it has magical dragon properties, it's literally in the name.

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>The reason Arya is so shit now is that the Waif replaced her
>We want her to die even though we used to like the character, because we realise that it's actually the Waif
Maisie's acting is truly brilliant to make us all feel this hatred

"I always wanted to be a meme." Did he make it, bros?

>your favorite show only character
night king
>your favorite minor house
>your favorite valyrian steel sword
>your favorite king that actually appeared in the main story

My sides

magic has returned to the world with the birth of the dragons

GoT obsidian =/= real obsidian

GoT obsidian is also called dragonglass. It's a gemstone imbued with supernatural properties that forges like steel

Bear loli will take up heartsbane and explain to the dead that she does not plan to sit aside while men fight for her.

>Karl 'fookin legend' Tanner
>Robert Baratheon

We aren't even at 300 posts, fuck off.

fuck off

>literally nothing but 'muh dick' since his introduction to the show
Book Euron was at least kinda intresting. Show Euron is the worst adaptation in the whole fucking thing, and that's really, really saying something

Olly but they all sucked
Hammerhorn, any minor house from the Iron Islands.
>Willows Wail

>your favorite valyrian steel sword

fucking cringe. What are you? A neckbeard?

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Ok, as you wish user


Tyrion and Gilly will be killed in the crypt, Jamie will kill Cersei then he will be killed by the mountain

God his 1st scene was so promising.
>I am the storm

>they smelt and cast obsidian somehow
>it still has that chipped, serrated look

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Lady Forlorn

>implying Gilly will not literally eat the white walkers

i overshot the time limit am i going to prison now?

He killed off the Sand Snakes. That automatically makes him a good character in my books.

How can the mountain kill Jaime when he’s too busy fighting the hound?

Don't know, Night king?

Was Locke the guy who replaced Vargo Hoat?

>your favorite show only character
>your favorite minor house
House Celtigar
>your favorite valyrian steel sword
>your favorite king that actually appeared in the main story
>favorite cadet house

Euron in the books is basically Coldsteel the hedgeheg though

>your favorite king that actually appeared in the main story

I think this calls for a minute's silence all round.

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I really liked him. Was sad when he got Hodor'd

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book euron is the meanest fucker in the entire series. And no one is even close.

Who was it that called him out on his bullshit and Euron just looked at him?

Rhaegar ;^)

the hound will kill him after

Since Dayne of High Hermitage is a major House I repudiate your poll.

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no that's clearly Darkstar. Euron is just every villain up to that point combined into one

Rodrik the Reader
based Harlaws

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The true and rightful King.

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>Euron just looked at him?
Euron ran off crying to his bedchamber.

he has chad bone structure and probably has a bigger dick than jon snu.

why is dany blocking his cock??



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>dragon horn
>valyrian steel armour
>blue hair
>wherever men see my sails, they pray *BOOM HEADSHOT*

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Why didn’t you protect his smile?

hes dead his arc finished

>helped the Khaleesi rise to power
>won back the Khaleesi's trust
>made peace with his father through passing on his sword
>made peace with his family

Their children would probably be average height

>I am the storm, my lord. The first storm, and the last.

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I can’t believe you fags still watch this shite

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Sunk cost fallacy, user
Kill me

t. Christcuck

nth for Stannis

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Euron doesn't have blue hair. He has a blue eye and blue lips. Also a a crew of men whos tongues are cut out for his ship Silence.

>Reek I
>Reek II
>Reek III
>The Prince of Winterfell
>The Turncloak
>A Ghost in Winterfell
>Theon I

this was kino. Best thing about ADWD

Renly was the best king, prove me wrong

At the time I was twelve (12) years old and absolutely terrified of Swarthy Men.

I can't believe I still watch it either, user.

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i just want to know how it ends as a bookfag since there will never ever be another book release


if you dont want this you are gay

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This. I just need to be able to say goodbye. I need closure. Apart from Game of Thrones there's nothing else I need to see finished. BERSERK became shit long ago, so did HxH.

Dany/Jorah is one of the purest ships on the show despite him being twice her age.

In season 4, Hotpie tells Brienne that the Brotherhood were going to sell Arya to her Aunt in the Vale, but that's not true; they were planning to sell her to Robb. Why? How would Hotpie even know about Lysa?

It's been a long time since I read the books, or watched the show. I literally refuse to finish this story except though reading the books.
But I was surprised to hear that Jon Snow is revealed to be Aegon Targaryen? Wasn't there another character in the book who was revealed to be Aegon? Who dyed is hair blue to disguise himself? Am I making this up?

Euron Greyjoy: I have sailed the Smoking Sea and seen Valyria!

Rodrik Harlaw: Have you?

Euron’s blue smile vanished.

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The only way to salvage this show is if they lose the battle of winterfell, killing all the major and older characters, do a timeskip and fire the entire cast, using new actors to represent the younger characters post-timeskip.

Even then that is a hail mary. This show is finished

you're not but you're a purist faggot so fuck

Griff, but we always knew he was a fake targ. ''The Mummer's dragon.''


Get laid

>GoT and /got/ both ending
That’s all the motivation I need to finally hang myself

he thought he was the eggman but he was really the walrus

M-muh Renly

>Euron doesn't have blue hair


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You are correct, a figure is introduced to the story in the fifth book claiming to be Aegon Targaryen, Rhaegar's son with Elia that was said to be killed by the Mountain as a baby. The claim is that he was baby swapped and survived in exile, being trained to be King. He invades Westeros and takes much of the Stormlands by the end of the book.
Amongst the fandom there is much debate over who this Aegon really is, but because of certain passages and his alliance with the Golden Company, there is a theory that he is a secret Blackfyre.

But all in all, Jon being called Aegon is retarded because it means Rhaegar named both his sons Rhaegar

the first 2 episodes of this season were really bad
what makes you think it's gonna get better? we are already 1/3rd of the way in and it sucked so far

Yeah George wasn't even fucking trying. Writing all that backstory about the Golden Company loathing the Targaryens. Any retard figured out he was a fake, same as everyone figured out R+L=J

kys reddit

You can shit about Stannis arc but this scene was perfect.

>Am I making this up?
No. Young Griff claims that he is Aegon, the son of Rhaegar and Elia, who was swapped by Varys with some common boy when it became apparent that the Targs were going to lose the war. That got cut. Instead we have Jon as the confirmed son of Rhaegar and Lyanna, who also just happens to be called Aegon because of reasons.

it hasn't been good since season 4 user


Hot Pie is the key to all of this

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because it means Rhaegar named both his sons *Aegon

more like season 2 but for some reason people still have hopes and get excited for this

>go on do your duty
i'm still amazed those hacks dan and dabid managed to write the perfect last words for stannis, if only they didn't completely fuck up everything else

Muh prophecy


show your warface Yea Forums

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he was ugly in books.

ep got leaked?

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no that's just a screencap from the promo HBO used to promote next episode, fucking hacks


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What is even the point of speculating on the books? We will never get another book besides GRRM doing retarded shit like 1500 pages of backstory about a minor character. TWOW is never coming out. ADOS is never coming out.

Why Emilia is so good comedy materiał?

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Reminder that Jorah has a big demon's head tattoo on his face after he's put into slavery

Attached: ser_jorah_the_sellsword_by_mike_hallstein_dajeg2i-pre.png (834x958, 1.38M)

>most important person on the battlefield
>not wearing helmet because audience needs to see actor's face
>also standing in the first row
great writing

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She's unironically a fun person to be around.

she dated Seth MacFarlane for a while

jorah looks fucking badass in the books, in the show he's like a classy englishman

Don't let autistic haters fool you, she's probably the nicest person on the cast. Most actresses are snakes

The English did not believe in divine right until James I and even then, just his court and pet preachers like Andrewes and Laud did. England functioned more like a "monarchical republic" if you believe post-revisionist historians. You certainly should since both revisionists and whig historians have been more or less proved wrong. I can provide books if necessary, but Yea Forums doesn't read, so why bother. Also, popular history doesn't count.
China is cool too, but Roman history is the safety net for spergs that World War history doesn't catch first.

t. MA student of British history

I can smell your newfag, head back to plebbit

>"Tyrion isn't dying"
user, I.....

Most girls and women in general are snakes who would gladly watch people die if they would gain something from it.


he meant not dying in the next episode

MacFarlane dates a lot of hot women. Shame he doesn’t wisen up and just date women below his status and just not marry them.

>daaron is rebbit

>legend of gin alley
>House Baelish

the books aren't like illustrated, my guy. this is one artists interpretation of Jorah.

House Codd

Post some Bobby B before I piss myself.

Attached: Lancel bring the meme stretcher..jpg (1659x913, 146K)

i know, but his description in the books creates amuch more badass character
>hairy like a bear
>bull neck
and now he has the tattoo, on the show he's just too handsome and classy to fit his book character i guess that's why they changed him

Stop using memes you dont understand fucking reddit

Have sex incel


I really really hope he doesn't die. He's always been one of my favourite characters, if not my most favourite.

Jorah gets made fun of a lot for being a cuck but he's actually the embodiment of the courtly/knightly romance of later medieval and early modern literature. He's a knight who loves his lady and dedicates his life to her even though he knows and accepts that they can't be together because her status means she'll be betrothed to some other lord.

You're probably fucking right and I hate it

Late Roman history, after the crisis of the Third Century is pretty cool though