>Girl who I thought was my girlfriend just blocked my ass.
Movie for this feel, please.
And stay by my side , anons. I feel so alone, lost and abandoned.
>Girl who I thought was my girlfriend just blocked my ass.
Movie for this feel, please.
And stay by my side , anons. I feel so alone, lost and abandoned.
lmao how the fuck do you 'think' someone is your girlfriend?
how did you "think" she was your girlfriend?
Suicide Squad.
You know how you don't think someone is ur girlfriend? It's like that but opposite.
What a bitch.
Avengers : Endgame
Oh god, you're probably some disgusting, creepy fuck who was imagining in his head some girl was your girlfriend and then you started acting around other people and her like it's true which probably lead to her blocking you.
>internet girlfriend
bet you forgot the pronouns
What did you think was going to happen?
this is what happened, isn't it OP
there's not really any other way to "think" someone is your girlfriend, it's usually pretty out in the clear if that is or isn't the case
Because I'm an idiot. She's the girl of my dreams. But she wanted us to stay friends. I refused. And treated her as my girlfriend anyway "fucking sue me bitch". But she blocked me for another reason. I constantly keep insulting her, but I swear, man, It was all jokes. Why didn't I listen the first 593039372 she told me that she doesn't like that. Fuck me, and fuck her too
How do you think shes your girlfriend?
did you two fuck?
you are literally autistic
That's exactly what she said. Not even kidding.
We've never even seen each other. It was one of those long distance relationships.
she wanted us to stay friends. I refused.
I unironically beg you, kill yourself.
Stop falling for OP's bait you fucking tards
How will this thread of prophecy play out?
This is your average Yea Forums posters.
Man, this makes me even sadder. Imagine your life being so shit that a random dude on 4channel can't believe this shit is real.
>How will this thread of prophecy play out?
Ten or twenty more people will feed OP replies before the mod wakes up.
Taxi Driver.
you need some fucking Jesus in your life
>she wanted us to stay friends. I refused
And then she blocked your ass.
Now you aren't friends anymore. Everyone got what they wanted, win-win.
That's not a long distance relationship.
If it were, I'd have 4 billion girlfriends.
Lol, I will operate under the presumption this is fake, but I know there are actually losers who talk to women like this.
Op here.
>you can't reply to this conversation
Man that shit hurts
How do I overcome this?
Wat do?
I actually have her phone number. Do I think I should call her and say that I'm sorry?
Oh the cringe...
>she rejected me and I just pretended we were a couple in my head
what the fuck is wrong with you
Yes. You should keep calling her. She's just playing hard to get.
Keep calling and sending her texts until she answers. Send her texts every minute and she'll be forced to answer.
You should definitely call her. The block might have been a mistake. Call her a couple times and leave her voicemails asking her to check her conversation settings.
bich lasagna
>just saw someone who I was off and on with for like 4 years has a new boyfriend and looks happy
movies for this feel?
I really hope this isn’t real
She likes another guy. I'm sure he posts on this site tho. He's a literall cuck.
BLACKED.com season 4, the Jade Jentzen episode.
This, she will appreciate the effort and realise how much she means to you. Her blocking you is a test OP.
You pretended a girl you’ve never met was your girlfriend while she was interested in someone else. You’re the closest thing to a literal cuck in this situation
not that fake m8
Is that you Evan? The little bitch-ness is uncanny.
doesn't that make you the cuck user?
No. You're not seeing the full picture. He asked her on the phone to imagine him getting fucked while she watches and then the other way around. And he probably jacked off to those fantasies. Do you know what she said? "I thought he was special" is the what the bitch said. Of course I'm a cuck too, but for other reasons.
Women good men bad
if you lost a woman to a literal cuck and had to make believe she was with you that makes you a bigger cuck user
Just go on tinder and slay some pussy bro
LDR sucks
Give us her number and we'll put a good word in for you
I wish MatPat’s wife Stephanie was my girlfriend.
Nah, I'm thinking about posting her picture. But that's just too low.
Pic related.
She plays hard to get. You should try to have sex with her
Honestly had the same experience, except with the blocking and the insults, and we actually had sex a few times.
without the blocking and the insults***
>user I just want us to stay friends.
The man does good work, trust me.
If this is bait 8/8, if not you are pretty delusional, women who are not interested are not interested
>She's the girl of my dreams
>I constantly keep insulting her
fukkin lol
Women fake their lack of interest all the time, that's what they do. They think they're smart because they hide under one thin layer of fakery but in reality they literally beg to be raped.
>Girl who I thought was my girlfriend
you fucken loser
call her again and again and again and again
women liked to be chased
She might be playing impossible to get at this point, user. She told me to go fuck myself, and not to speak to her ever again. Do you know why? I said something and she replied with "oh my god" and because I know she's an atheist, replied with "where's your god? You don't believe in one, you dumb whore".. she got mad. Didn't even give me a chance to apologize. I'm really sorry.
Absolutely based
I refuse to believe any functioning human could act this way
Tell her that it was a mistake that she told you her addres. That will keep her up at night
>replied with "where's your god? You don't believe in one, you dumb whore"
The absolute lolz
The absolute madman
Keep rolling user, who cares about sex and roasties
Share some of the messages so we know you're not LARPing.
>times you acted like the joker
Hey lads the girl who I thought was my wife just filed a restraining order against me
We'd never met or had any contact prior to me proposing to her but I've loved her forever, wat do?
Girls actually secretly like being treated like shit. Just because she blocked you doesn't mean she wants it to end. She just wants you to try harder to see if you really care.
Do you have mutual friends? Because they aren't gonna be your friends anymore either, creep
It's interesting to actually see this from your perspective. I've heard stories of wackjobs like you but to see you describe it is infinitely hilarious
How do you have literally zero self-awareness?
Let her go
Is this true bros
Some R*ddit fag is gonna screenshot this and post to nice guys. Thanks faggot making Yea Forums look like autistic cucks.
Oh no reddit is going to bully us again
Give me her number, I'll tell her what a great guy you are.
>Befriend girl
>Think she might like me
>Hit her with the bantz like I do all my other friends
>She can't handle it and gets mad
Every time
Why do I keep doing this to myself?
it was real in my mind
sure why not?
Ordinary cucks on reddit laugh at autistic cucks on Yea Forums
>mfw every girl I have ever dated has ended up blocking me
My love is just too intense
Send her dick pics. That will change her mind.
Man, I fucking wish. But, it's not in English so you wouldn't understand shit.
We'll see. She'll probably come back tho. She took a break and stopped talking to me for like 3 months, I ignored her, she came back. Women are retarded.
What do you propose? Call her? Wait for her?
Love blinds you, bro
>start dating girl
>go out 3 times
>everything seems good
>ask if I can kiss her
>she says yes
>have first kiss
>feels nice
>pull away
>really want more
>kiss her again
>yep that's good
>she laughs and goes inside
>4th date
>ask her if she's my girlfriend
>she asks if I think she's my girlfriend
>say yes somewhat nervously
>she giggles
>says she's not
>ask how long until she's my girlfriend
>she says it's not a time thing
>a few weeks later
>go on another date
>ask if we're bf/gf now
>she says we aren't and breaks up with me
what the fuck did I do wrong!
Me too brah, although its probably for the best, so we really want to see them happy without us?
I know that feel. Delete all social media, it's for the best.
Was this during preschool? Why would you ask if she’s your girlfriend?
>making Yea Forums look like autistic cucks.
>look like
but we are
You didn't rape her.
Not that user but I wish I could. I can't stop obsessively checking my ex's facebook now to see her and her boyfriend. Its been like a year, somebody help me
call her for one ring once a day for the next 5 years
>Love blinds you, bro
Having an internet "girlfriend" you've never met is only acceptable for 12 year old kids. It's the most patethic thing imaginable for anyone older than that.
If you haven't met her and fucked her within a month of getting to know her online, she's just another internet "friend". Guaranteed she's talking to 5 other retards just like you who wants to be her "internet girlfriend".
>Why would you ask if she’s your girlfriend?
I was in my 20s and hadn't dated before so I wanted to know.
Heres a tip. You don't ask her is she is your girlfriend, you tell her.
my inability to talk to girls
She does not. Not true. Nah.
Yikes if true
speak for yourself dickwad
What a fucking retarded faggot. I'm sure your "gf" is just as retarded but leave the poor girl alone. You're a fucking freak and shouldn't be trying to interact with anybody.
It is, user. Best to move on.
No fucking way.
Someone actually flirts with him and he fucks up THAT hard??
I swear this is how the great flying spaghetti monster came into existence.
Broke up with my version of this years ago. Same thing happened. She got engaged a year later and she really chilled the fuck out and stopped being such a neurotic cunt. The issue is that while we had sexual chemistry out the wazoo our personalities just clashed horrendously. Also helped he's some hippie guitar teacher in a band (she's way more of a druggie than me, always smokes weed and regularly pops ecstasy and other shit at her house parties).
It was a bit painful but ultimately she was a bitch when we were together and i did the breaking up so i moved past it quickly.
I imagine it was something like the sneedsons episode where ralph tells everyone sneedsa is his girlfriend (formerly boyfriend).
Why torture yourself bro? I’ve looked at mine once in 3 years and even though I’d do anything to get her back I know that checking her Facebook will just make things a lot worse.
I’ve seen this recently with a few hookups and fuck buddies, it hurts we all die alone anyway
Well my guess is something went really wrong with the kiss
>we all die alone
brainlet here
what does this actually mean??
dumb faggots having feelings for fuck buddies. If you like them put a ring on it
>But she wanted us to stay friends. I refused.
>what will reddit think of """us""", the tight knit, like minded community of Yea Forums
top cringe
Problem Child 2
You both sound like urban liberal middle class degenerates so i can't empathise
>spergs out because of a figure of speech
toppest of keks
>lmao how the fuck do you 'think' someone is your girlfriend?
She pretended to be nice to user because she felt a little sorry for him. user conflated human decency with "holy shit, she wants me!" and well...here we are.
Absolute top tier explanation
why are the best threads on Yea Forums always the ones that have nothing to do with tv or movies. These random threads and porn threads are the only good things on this board
because anything even remotely on topic gets invaded by insecure /pol/cucks who can't stop shitposting about politics
And then they 404’d and get replaced with capeshit, it’s all so tiresome
literally rent free
>incels wonder why girls think they're weirdo creeps
Post them anyway even if they aren't in English.
We will get someone to verify the chatlogs eventually. There is always that one guy from a literally who country lurking.
It means exactly what's written.
But lots of people die in hospitals surrounded by family, friends and doctors.
Other people die on battlefields amongst their peers who die with them.
In what sense do these people die alone?
You need professional help man, go see someone
There should really be a stickied capshit and GOT general
What's wrong with refusing to stay friends? I did that once with a girl. She broke up with me, said
>I want us to just be friends
And I just said
>nah, I got enough friends
The worst time to be on Yea Forums is late in the evening in Europe, which is when Americans are starting to wake up and climb out of their cucksheds.
In the span of 2-3 hours, the catalogue gets filled to the fucking brim with GoT and capeshit threads. And the average IQ in every other interesting thread suddenly drops by 25 points. Even early in the morning in Europe when Australians are shitposting at maximum levels, things aren't as bad.
I told you literally nothing about me but you've just told the entirety of this thread about your incredible insecurity
If he hadn't backed down that would have been very based.
As an American I can confirm this is true.
lmao I lost a girl too over jokes. Girls have very thin skin mate, I learnt it that day
When you die, YOU die. Nobody starts dying because of you dying because of some magic and shit. Only you die. So you die alone.
Is this another reddit raid?
>caring about what rebbit thinks
But a lot of times, people die with you. Like imagine soldiers killed in a drone strike.
Or all the japanese people that were killed instantaneously when the nukes were dropped. Your definition of "alone" makes no sense. Why does no one dying directly because of your death mean that you die alone?
No plays football directly because I decide to play football, but I still play football with other people and not alone
>I told you literally nothing about me
You told him that both you and your ex were druggies. The fact that you misused the word "literally" sort of plays into his hands, since that's what soibois and teenage girls tend to do.
Holy autism batman
It's a stupid saying. People die together all the time.
Car accidents, plane crashes, train crashes, trucks of peace, mass shootings, etc.
Literally me. Also Lalaland or whatever the fuck was that Goose movie
yeah I bet they all care about fat user sitting next to them in a plane crash. Fucking autismos missing the point
I met my gf on a video game and she lived 1300 miles away. We live together now. My cousin met a man online who hardly spoke English and was a submarine operator in the Norwegian navy. They’ve been married over a year. You can find love online you just have to not go about it like an autist
Are there any girls ITT? Pls be my online gf
Your view of death is too romanticised, I’d imagine the vast majority of people do die alone, particularly widowers. Strokes/heart attacks/ etc; are far more common than war related deaths, maybe my view of the world is a little skewed because I’m bitter and friendless, however when I think of death I don’t think of a Hollywood moment with all of my family/friends/wife surrounded around me I just think of me dying slowly until I cease to exist
What game mate?
I know you can. I fucked a girl for a while that I met online. She actually became my best friend after "our thing" got old and we started dating other people.
My cousin also dated a man she meant online once.
Its just so autistic tho, even if its possible its autism. I prefer to meet people in real life than gambling over online love.
>But she wanted us to stay friends. I refused.
Fucking based. You've passed her shit test. Girls like guys that insist. Just don't outright insult the next one, and yes continue acting like her boyfriend and don't ask for anything, just grab what's yours but make it subtle and progressive. Show your sexual interest indirectly, compliment and tease her back and forth, create a million contradicting emotions in her head, and create a situation of fact where you guys HAVE to be in a relationship. Girls don't like to make choices and don't know what they want, so just impose it on them subtly.
And don't forget to dump them after three months max because after that the relationship will get routinely and boring and she will realize what happened and lose respect and admiration for you.
I'm not saying no one dies alone, or even that only a minority die alone.
I'm just saying that the phrase "everyone dies alone" seems fundamentally wrong
World of virginity craft