If you told me 10 years ago that a giant corporation like Disney would be afraid of small time Youtubers, I would laugh...

If you told me 10 years ago that a giant corporation like Disney would be afraid of small time Youtubers, I would laugh. But reality is that Disney is terrified of Youtubers like pic related. It's insane to see orchestrated media outlets calling critics "Alt Right", sexists and racists.

Attached: anti sjws.png (1102x670, 1.09M)

Other urls found in this thread:


this board is fucking trash. why do i even here. do the world a favor and neck yourself.

hes such a bad faith actor, he will use such strong language when he's slandering a person or group but ive seen him cower and cuck out to multiple people when directly confronted, he cant even defend himself from a mentally ill tranny.

Glad WOC banned him and i cant wait for youtube to deplatform him

Eat shit shill



The guy on the right is an autistic retard
Don't know anything about the guy on the left

but thats what they are, you know it they know it. Why are you denying it user?

If he's just an autistic retard, why does Disney bother smearing him?

it's because conflict is an easy source of clickbait. Disney's movies have a lot of fans, so you can get clicks by writing stories about easy targets who are attacking the movies. plus the outcome is more people talking about their movies: guys in OP pic are indirectly helping Disney.

wow, the disney shills brigade was very quick on this one. Kind of validates your point, OP.

is that jay dyer?

>hes such a bad faith actor

This is literally just SJW Newspeak for "popular person with opinions I don't like".

Its da jooz guys

>what is confirmation basis

Because Disney is run by Leftists, and Leftists literally cannot tolerate dissent existing in any measurable capacity. It doesn't matter how small and grassroots. Wrongthink MUST be expunged, lest it grow.

It's the same reason literally any platform that allows for a diversity of thoughts and opinions, even to a limited degree (Yea Forums, YouTube, etc.) are labeled "right-wing hovels". It doesn't matter if Wrongthink is a dwarfed minority of the content. The fact that it exists and is allowed to exist means the platform is contaminated and thus invalidated.

usually is

>guys in OP pic are indirectly helping Disney.

OK, let me guess: The solution, or "winning move", is to "never say anything bad about Disney or its products", right?

no, he admits it with tweets talking about his focusing videos on topics that his demographic responds positively to. Thats not inherently bad but it means he has to stretch, exaggerate or outright lie and slander for fresh content on subjects he repeatedly makes videos on; hes pumping the well as hard as he can.

And i understand that to a certain extent everyone must pander to their audience but when you duplicitously disguise it as news coverage thats where i have an issue. What he does is no diffrent from Vox, Buzzfeed or any other garbage click bait factory. Only you're okay with it because it emboldens your philosophy

>Fourth or fifth thread about this guy in a row

I don't know who the beardy guy is but he pissed-off a tranny somewhere something fucking fierce, apparently.

>but it means he has to stretch, exaggerate or outright lie and slander for fresh content on subjects he repeatedly makes videos on

It actually doesn't, retard. That's an assumption on your part.

he's a pro magic the gathering player who got banned form the tournaments for bullying (actually true)

>It actually doesn't, retard. That's an assumption on your part.
Actually you're the one making the assumption
ive seen the guy's content and ive seen him spout off blatant mistruths.
perfect example is his repeated harping on "get woke go broke" surrounding captain marvel.
I saw him intentionally misrepresent brie larson's speech about white men and thats all the more hilarious considering just how bad that speech mader her look '
and i also saw him share conspiracy theories about ticket sales because a few twitter videos of empty theaters existed

And he still maintains that captain marvel was harmed by it's identity politics when it was a clear success

This is one recent example, i can recall him doing this over TLJ and solo too

who's the guy on the right?

>who got banned form the tournaments for bullying (actually true)

"Bullying" literally isn't a thing amongst adults you fucking wuss.
Even if what you're saying is true, it indicates that what really happened is some autistic got salty over something he said and got him bad by crying to the higher-ups about how the white cis male was oppressing them.

Disney's assassin is coming for youtube landwhale Hambly!

Attached: loder.jpg (350x197, 10K)

>everything I don't like is disney
>everyone is a disney shill

have sex

>perfect example is his repeated harping on "get woke go broke" surrounding captain marvel.
But it's still true. Captain Marvel massively under-performed according to Disney's internal reports. And the only reason it made money in the first place is because it's a fucking Marvel movie before Endgame.

>I saw him intentionally misrepresent brie larson's speech about white men
I keep seeing SJW's claim this but it's never true. She was literally up on stage shilling discrimination against white males. No amount of damage-control will change this.

I seriously doubt you watch this guy's videos, aside from maybe clips your SJW YouTubers promote in their hit-pieces. Sounds to me more like you're a salty SJW that is DESPERATELY trying (and failing) to play the reasonable and un-emotional card. But it isn't working.

Attached: SJW Stealting for the Middle Road Fallacy.jpg (1024x887, 183K)

why the FUCK won't anybody answer me???

One of the leading figures in the anti sequel squad


Is this the tranny that physically attacked him in a bar?

Based lefties defending their big orwellian corporation from the evil alt right youtubers.

>"Bullying" literally isn't a thing amongst adults you fucking wuss.
I'm not implying I was there, I'm just repeating the official story.

>I seriously doubt you watch this guy's videos, aside from maybe clips your SJW YouTubers promote in their hit-pieces. Sounds to me more like you're a salty SJW that is DESPERATELY trying (and failing) to play the reasonable and un-emotional card. But it isn't working.
Except im none of those things and you're a blind fanboy literally ignoring things that exist because it doesn't fit into your world view. Witch is likely why you respond positively to his content

And the point is captain marvel did not go broke, it didnt even under preform, it did a billion dollars and for a solo character introduction movie this late into the MCU thats great; compare that to antman the last new stand alone movie in the series and it more than doubled box office. So your're wrong there.

As for him misrepresenting brie larson its on his youtube i dont know how you can ignore real evidence.

I just hate bad faith actors of any political affiliation and it proves you dont actually know any facts you just go off what youtube personalities tell you. Everthing else was adhom bullshit i dont care to waste my time on

Considering how violent the alt-right is, I'd be afraid of guys like TheQuartering, too. I'm sure it won't take much for him to become the next Christchurch shooter.

why is it that personalites like this get triggered about anything that doesnt serve a conservitive agenda.

>I mean us gamers dont care who we play as

technically, if any underage posters read this you are guilty of a felony in at least ten states

whats up geeks and gamers its ya boy jeremy backatyaagainwithanothervideoooooo

If you are willing to defend Disney online you should off yourself for the following reasons:

1 - Having absolute garbage pleb moron taste.

2 - Being a pathetic corporate bootlicker.

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Why are you saying this in a (even if its sarcastic) thread shitting on capeshit

why is that guy so obsessed with brie larson? like every 2nd video is on her

Attached: AUTISM LAD.jpg (314x400, 43K)

Telling people like the OP they're a bunch of unfuckable neckbeards and wrong about everything is not "defending disney" you complete moron

sjw and anti-sjw are just as cancerous as eachother

He built his audience by dissing The Last Jedi. This is when I found his channel, too. But that well has dried up, so now he needs to continue with something relevant. Hating everything about Captain Marvel was an easy and obvious choice.

I think an even better question would be: how is his channel still growing?

Why do you think it's hard to have sex? Literally nobody I know IRL is unfuckable

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>afraid of small time Youtubers
Somebody post the wall of The Quartering's clickbait videos on Captain Marvel alone.

I don't know who left is, but literally no living person or corporate entity is afraid of that doucheking on the right.

t. jew

>you're a blind fanboy literally ignoring things that exist because it doesn't fit into your world view

Lol, try again, fatty. I didn't know he existed until Yea Forums started crying about him.

It's almost as if there's been a constant stream of controversies and PR gaffs surrounding Larson/Captain Marvel for two months straight or something.

these fat youtube nerds income source is making all you retards mad about the dumbest shit so you click on their videos and it works so, so well

Repeating and adding that you think it's
>(actually true)
implies that you believe it's a factual account.

>It's almost as if there's been a constant stream of controversies and PR gaffs surrounding Larson/Captain Marvel for two months straight or something.

there will continue to be a steady stream of 'gaffes' from her until they find another lady that they can use to milk adviews out of yall lmao

>Have an agenda
>Admit to having an agenda
>Insert agenda into games
>People who play games point out/comment on your agenda
>Get mad

Why do woketards operate under this logic?
When companies attempt shit like social-engineering or virtue-signaling through their product, it warrants discussion.

That's nice to hear, Chad!

I wouldn't call Twitter screencaps and maybe one interview a PR issue. It's just a false reality created by pol. The users fall for it and get trapped believing whatever shit someone churns out there. A majority of people don't give a fuck about Brie Larson or politics.

If you unironically think people who criticize Disney are "wrong about everything", then yes, not only are you "defending disney", but you're also a corporate bootlicker.

Oh, OK, so you're a delusional denialist. Good to know I can just ignore your opinion since you aren't in touch with reality.

you mispelled moneticize butthurt incel anger

>SJW's are engaging in censorship, forcing their views on everyone and generally shitting up society, but the anti-SJW's are COMPLAINING ABOUT IT. See? Le two sides of le SAME COIN!

Every single time. Fuck off.

Attached: LE TWO SIDES OF LE SAME COIN.png (960x419, 157K)

she said she would like to see some non white film journalists at press junkets as a change of pace and you fatbodies have been whining about it for months now

You're correct I'm denying the false hate reality that pol has trapped you under. When you grow up or mature you'll realize the time you've wasted, the people you've alienated in your life and the loss of purpose eventually. Hopefully then you'll break free from the fucking mind prison you've willingly put yourself in.

>I'm definitely not OP speaking about myself in the third person
Fuck off with your e-celeb shit you magapede faggot

Correct, and horseshoetards are more cancerous than both.

>it's all le money-making conspiracy, fucking INCELS RRRRAUGH

Lose weight.

Attached: SJW on Computer.jpg (668x445, 34K)

youre going to the gulag, bitch

This is what resignation sounds like.

I like how you go after the first part of his post and then ignore all his other valid arguments

>/pol/ is literally behind all discussion I don't like

Honestly, whatever you have to tell yourselves you fat Estrogen-filled sacks.

Disney is a morally bankrupt company.
Prove me wrong.

>Communists and Disney shills working together
What a weird world we live in

Attached: 1553423287804.jpg (911x988, 360K)

>forcing their views on everyone and generally shitting up society, but the anti-SJW's are COMPLAINING ABOUT IT.
kill all jews amirite fellow alt righter?

go watch some more youtube videos, stupid. go get your "red pills" lmao

I would pulverize both of them just for being whiny faggots who spend their lives making crap content on YouTube.

Attached: images.png (224x225, 8K)

It's painfully obvious you're a /pol/fag

If jews were the ones shoving "SJW AGENDA" then jews were literally shoving wholesome nuclear family stuff in the 80s

It's about profit retards


a 45 year old /pol/fag, mad about capeshit

>still running damage control for this cunt months later like a good little SJW bootlicker

Your propaganda tactics are shit. She literally said she wanted less males, especially less white males, participating in film journalism. That's objectively a call for race and sex-based discrimination, and if she had ever said the same thing about women or any race other than whites both you and the entire Mass Media would not only admit that, but it would have destroyed her career.

>as a change of pace
Fucking lel. This is pathetic. Nice attempt at hand-waving.

Keep trying to sweep her SJW white-hate under the rug. I just hope you're getting paid.

Attached: Male Feminist 2.jpg (848x860, 54K)

Yes all /pol/tards are like the guy on the right lmao

>anybody complaining about SJW's is a literal screaming Nazi


Do white guys actually think they are going to die over this shit?

Like it's kind of sad

>It's just a false reality created by pol.

Holy shit, imagine being so delusional that you ascribe all the backlash on Twitter, YouTube, real-life, fucking everywhere on the Internet, to a fucking Yea Forums board.

Attached: POL Boogeyman Comic.jpg (700x695, 107K)

>watches alt-right YouTube channels
>watches "SJW OWNED" compilations
>thinks "muh wooden doors" is a valid argument that the Holocaust was faked
>hates jews
>believes everything he reads on /pol/
Go on, try to deny these points.

go dilate in the corner some more, tranny.


>/pol/ doesn't perpetuate misleading conspiracy theories to "own the libs"

You need to try prove he ever said them first.

It's painfully obvious you're a tranny.

Stop shilling your videos you ugly dyke.


>It's about profit retards

Their social-engineering consistently loses them money, moron. But they keep doing it.

>"lol it's impossible for rich people to have an agenda other than money!"

Attached: Brainlet Bottomless Pit.jpg (645x729, 57K)

Maybe you're trying to perpetuate a misleading conspiracy that they do.

>he thinks you have to be the Chad meme to have sex

Have sex

>if you're right you must be a /pol/cel
>if you're left you must be a tranny
You two are exactly what's wrong with society. You are the problem, not anything else.

>baselessly projecting

Attack your opponent, not a strawman.

Hey I'm a really horny aryan gamer girl with big tits and a huge ass

Nothing turns me on more than grown men complaining about women and minorities in movies oh yeah

No I don't, the vast majority of people on Yea Forums who spout the kind of shit he's saying also fit into the categories I listed
Proving my point.


>blaming /pol/ for literally everything
>talking about "conspiracy-theories" in any capacity

Attached: Irony Detector.jpg (400x311, 21K)


This. How can all of you be so naive and unaware of the real fucking world is beyond me.
Politics were a mistake.

You're just getting mad about assumptions you yourself are making? Ok.

>the vast majority of people on Yea Forums who spout the kind of shit he's saying also fit into the categories I listed

OK, so you're admitting to projection based on your own delusional assumptions? Thanks.

Seriously, go the fuck back to Tumblr. You very clearly are being antagonized by the general culture here, while also not understanding how it works. You don't belong here.

Stop it y-you're j-just a big mean c-centrist!!!!!!

>You don't belong here.

lmao look at you acting like you're in a gang
ooooo so tough

I don't even care what you two nerds are fighting about, this is just embarrassing

You're right.

What REALLY turns women on is being a fat bearded prematurely-balding soi-cuck that white-knights for obnoxious female celebrities online.

Attached: Male Feminist 1.png (481x435, 276K)

Unironically the political belief that will save (or at least partially salvage) the future.
Screencap this post, you absolute fucking faggots.

>lmao look at you acting like you're in a gang

I think you might literally be delusional. Talk to a doctor. Schizophrenia is a serious and dangerous condition.

>I don't even care what you two nerds are fighting about
Sure Jan

Their critique of Brie Larson was justified at first but it's getting to the point of obsession now. She's a cunt but the two or three shitty things she's done or said in interviews doesn't required about 5 videos a day every day responding to it.

Attached: laughmelt-react075482.gif (450x288, 512K)

>durrrrrrr muh intelligent centrism

Daily reminder that faggots that can't shut up about how "neutral" they are are never, ever ACTUALLY "neutral".

Centrism won't do shit, they are content with their smug sense of superiority and don't need anything else, centrists are basically non-entities.

Lol wtf, I went to this guy's board game group in CT. He seemed like a chad but had a fat sjw dyke wife. He told me he hated board games and showed me convention pictures where he was surrounded by hotties. Made no sense. I think he got suicidal a few years ago.

>baselessly calls someone a "/pol/tard" with no actual justifaction
>get called a tranny in return

How is that not fair?
If it makes you mad don't go around constantly accusing people from being a low-population and overall irrelevant Yea Forums board, retard.

>durrrrrrr muh intelligent centrism
True, yes.
> they are content with their smug sense of superiority
You prove my superiority every single day.

It became cringe now. Just report of the crap she does and don't go see her movies, that's all.


Literally just the Middle Road Fallacy.

>"OK, SJW's want to kill all white males. Fair enough. Non-SJW's think we should kill NO white males. Also fair. Clearly the solution is that we shall kill SOME white males. That's a fair compromise."

>including quotes from posts you aren't even replying to

Holy shit. Make it more obvious that you don't know how to post on Yea Forums you fucking Tumblr-tourist.

what's the "centrist" position on genocide?

>Clearly the solution is that we shall kill SOME white males. That's a fair compromise.
I don't know where you pulled that shit from. If you corresponded with someone who was claiming to be a centrist and they told you this, they simply weren't proper centrist.
Believe what you want though. I already know how things will pan out in the future.

he pulled it from your very argument you ignoramus. what is the "centrist" response to "we should kill white males"?

Centrist here. I wish the holocaust happened

>y-you forgot to include the other user's id, you must be from tortureporn.com
Go kys.
Obviously that it's wrong. Centrism is about common fucking sense and contributing to your community as best you can. It's about finding compromise and working together.
Why must one side always win when we can all win simply by not being literal butthurt faggots who can't let go of their personal bias.

>what is the "centrist" response to "we should kill white males"?
What do you think the response is, you dumb cunt? Of course it's wrong.

Funny how if you post a thread asking how do you improve Yea Forums from the absolutely shitty state its gottenin, it gets deleted in minutes and you get a 3 day suspension but if you make one about some fucking cringe worthy culture warrior bullshit, it stays up for hours.
Wonder why that is? I hope you find a lump on your balls you faggot.

that's not "centrism" you moron. that's taking a side on an issue. you defeated your own argument and you can't even see it

The true centrist weighs in the pros and the cons of both sides, gets rid of the cons, and utilizes the pros to their full capability.
Everything else is farce and pacifism.

>Why must one side always win when we can all win
because that's literally not possible. someone always loses. "what's best for everyone" does not exist in reality, only in utopian delusions

ok. what are the pros of killing white males?

Are alt-righters the most easily clickbaited of all possible demographics?

That's the real reason these people are making videos, including ones with hard hitting and intellectually stimulating titles such as:

"Red Bull Gets WOKE On Gamers & Instantly Regrets it"
"Nintendo Bans Political Messaging! SJW's Very Salty"
"Study Shows Gaming Damages Girls ONLY"

If these people weren't being paid to shill the alt-right's own opinions back to them, they wouldn't do it.

There are no pros in killing any specific race. There are pros in killing people who deserve to be killed.
Judge everyone individually, sort the garbage out, and dispose of it.

>"what's best for everyone" does not exist in reality
Then why isn't humanity in a state of full blown war with itself?
The fact of the matter is, we are living in relative harmony, despite the political divide, and it is only because of whatever little semblance of compromise is still left in society.

It's this new disgusting marketing strategy that's taken off. People think there's some grand political agenda with this shit but it's really nothing more than PR companies with no morals using divisive methods to make money.

>Make "woke" commerical
>Anti-SJWs complain about it endlessly
>SJWs counter Anti-SJWs who counter them etc. etc.
>Everyone shares the brand name all over the place.
>Tribalism adds to with SJWs supporting the product

Attached: disgusteng.gif (386x244, 1017K)

Underrated post.

I want reddit to leave

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>leftist hates free speech

That's an extremely outdated image

not enough that they stop it.

If (((Disney))) for example pushes their (((propaganda))) in the Star Wars movies they still have Marvel movies to make them money

Implying alt-right red*iter opinions are worth listening.

Attached: 1554109922222.jpg (1881x2067, 420K)

you're right. you should get corporations and the state to suppress them. that'll show everyone what a radical free thinker you are


Oh look, we got a proud red*iter here

Attached: 1556310101523.png (400x400, 92K)

Yea Forums is /pol/ 2.0, now. What's happening?

Attached: hnkqK80_d.jpg (640x1138, 88K)

nice arguments lol

I guess your a proud red*iter than?

Attached: 1556335918058.jpg (647x831, 110K)

Since 2015 buddy

Attached: doomer.jpg (480x480, 34K)

More like I'm your mom's fucker lol

left side is hopeless and takes 15 minutes to discuss 3 minutes of content
literally who is the other claymation figure on the right

>More like I'm your mom's fucker lol
Pls go back to your normie webstite

Attached: 1556341035171.jpg (233x217, 9K)

lol this picture is the ultimate cope


Nah, just go to The-_Donald and yuou will see shit ton of basedboys who loved this stuff

i agree with the basic ideal but we are talking about a manchild that does clickbait videos about capeshit. get off your high horse for fucks sake.

As Sir Ludacris said: "Cry babies go HOME!"

>Captain Marvel massively under-performed according to Disney's internal reports

>a-an insider told me it was supposed to make TWO billion

Casualgate decimated

Attached: HamblyDong.png (314x540, 164K)

But they are scum. Homophobes and racists who are so fucking afriad of seeing a poc or woman in position of power. Baseless criticism just masks all that.

This isn't even all of them.

Attached: HamblyLarson.png (748x1230, 669K)

Based and redpilled

>We're supposed to be trying to materially improve the lives of ordinary people and our own. That's the only worthwhile goal and it's actually become very hard to achieve with the decline of trade unions and the decline of socialism historically. I do think that if Bernie succeeds new people who don't have the PC pathologies of a political subculture will change the culture for the better. See how Bernie and Zizek charmed everyone when they defied the woke scolds saying they shouldn't talk to bad people? Polling shows that the vast majority of people support many of the left's material goals and ideas but hate, for example, 'political correctness'. Personally I'm just very tired of nothing getting better. Capitalism is happy to grant the left all the cultural changes it wants but even the slightest social democratic reform in something like housing feels like an impossible uphill struggle.


Attached: Angela Nagle.jpg (800x571, 32K)

No one is afraid of the Quarterpounder.

Attached: quarterpounder sargon semen.jpg (1242x1534, 375K)

this is pretty stupid of him,
at this point he is just baiting for views

>jeremy spends months making himself a lolcow on /tg/
>popularity wanes
>suddenly he's back on Yea Forums

You guys don't know how happy this makes me

His gaming news without the politics website will sweep the internet, SJW cuck outlets like Polytaku will all Jonestown themselves as a result.

Attached: Feelstyler.jpg (847x715, 99K)

>at this point he is just baiting for views

He's admitted as much. Nobody is unaware of what he's doing, the joke is that he apparently honestly believes himself a dangerous, feared internet badass despite his obvious pandering for YouTube clicks.

Attached: HamblyShill.png (532x827, 113K)

>scared of a fat nexkbeard autist who surrounds himself with plastic toys while complaining about a childs card game to fight the "culture war"
Shaking in their boots, surely

Attached: 1555922280922.png (894x773, 48K)

SO how's this assholes half-million dollar lawsuit coming along? You know, the one he filed after admitted he tried going to the cops and they laughed at him and told him to fuck off?

Attached: 300px-HamblyGenconPic.jpg (300x212, 24K)

Imagine beleiving this

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>I don't know where you pulled that shit from. If you corresponded with someone who was claiming to be a centrist and they told you this, they simply weren't proper centrist.

It wasn't meant to be a literal response on a liter problem you idiot. It was an analogy of the fallacy that "centrists" engage in when it comes to SJW's, i.e. not recognizing extremism.

SJW's want things at a 10, while normal people want it at zero. "Centrists" come in and think people should compromise at 5, even though that's still too extreme despite being in the """"center"""".
Then a year later SJW's still want it at 10, so now "Centrists" want another compromise at 7.5.
Then the next compromise is at 8.75. And that keeps going until you're eventually at 10 anyway.

>while normal people want it at zero

>He thinks he's normal

Hate to break it to you, faggot, but "normal people" don't sit around stewing for weeks on end about She-Ra.

Attached: laff lady.jpg (990x879, 117K)

OK but that's not a "centrist" perspective. You just took a clear side on an issue rather than compromising between the points. Hence the problem with self-proclaimed "centrism".

>His gaming news without the politics website
Wait it's a real thing? I thought it was an april fools joke.


Not a thing.
Did you mean "normal people"? Because normal people are the ones fed-up with SJW grandstanding and cultural influence.

>dude just put things I don't like next to a soiboy face someone else drew, then I win the argument even though it doesn't make sense lol

Why are leftists so intellectually and creatively bankrupt?

Attached: NPC Photo Editing.png (680x821, 203K)

Fuck off fatty

Whine about it all you want: the fact remains that Captain Mary Sue didn't make the money it was supposed to based on its pedigree and resources, and investors aren't happy about it.
No amount of deflection/whining will change this.

>but we are talking about a manchild that does clickbait videos about capeshit

If that's the only threat here why does it warrant Disney, and you, getting so butthurt over it?

Yeah, imagine making more than one video on a single topic.

Attached: Colbert is Obsessed with Trump.webm (1280x720, 2.35M)

Apparently you/they are. You can't shut up about him. And your mass-media faggots care enough to create hit-pieces.

If you we're afraid you'd ignore him.

Do you have a single counter-argument?

>didn't make the money it was supposed to

>a literal billion dollars

I feel like all of you decided this was going to be the company line going forward when you thought it was going to do Doctor Strange money, were caught off guard when it didn't, but feel like they need to keep pushing it because you felt like you had to.

Go on then, tell us what "The Insiders" told you they thought it was going to make.

Attached: mfw Sarky.gif (255x234, 2.37M)

>baseless projection

Normal people also don't think there is a need for "less white male journalists". Normal people also don't think that statement isn't racist.

>unironically trying to pull this off

Jeremy just go.

Attached: only pretending.jpg (349x642, 29K)

>it didn't underperform because i dont think it did

Really it's whatever you have to tell yourselves, faggots.

Are you just posting random images in defense now?

Actually post something relevant to what is being discussed.


It's not "projection" when there was literally a controversy about a baby cartoon.

I feel like you guys just hear a bunch of words and phrases from places and try to shoehorn them into conversation regardless of what the actually mean.

Just because you grew out a memebeard doesn't mean we don't know you're a fat fuck with no chin

>a billion dollars is a lot
> "no it isn't!"
>really? how much more did they expect?
>"shut up"

Boy, stretch that out into ten minutes and I see a successful YouTube career in your future!

Attached: mfw winger.jpg (687x658, 69K)

>when there was literally a controversy about a baby cartoon

There wasn't "controversy" over it. It was a shitty cartoon and people called it shitty.
The fact that your fat Tumblr ass got rashy over that doesn't make it a "controversy", Barbara.

Also the dumbshit Netflix She-Ra abortion has nothing to do with the actual conversation ITT. You brought it up out of nowhere because you're a schizoid.

>gets 500k subs
>character threads about him increase 10fold
Something wrong trannys?

Attached: anime female with question.jpg (716x620, 257K)

Oh yeah the multibillion corporation that has the congress in their pockets is run by leftists.

>There wasn't "controversy" over it. It was a shitty cartoon and people called it shitty.


Whatever you say, "normie"...

Attached: She ra.jpg (867x900, 153K)

I'd rather have a lucrative shilling career like yours.
Disney must pay you a lot to "influence" online discussion like this and baslessly try to counter criticisms that make the company look bad.

>When you grow up or mature you'll realize the time you've wasted, the people you've alienated in your life and the loss of purpose eventually. Hopefully then you'll break free from the fucking mind prison you've willingly put yourself in.

Sure you aren't describing radical left/progressive circles? Sounds like them as well.
Ideology's a bitch.

>people calling a shitty cartoon shitty is a "controversy"

I mean you can call it whatever you want. It doesn't mean your schizoid definitions of words mean anything to anyone else though.

Hambly has a nasty habit of samefagging and self promotion, he used to just make threads where he would pretend to people just being "redpilled" by his hardcore banter, but as he embarrassed himself more and more on YouTube people started making fun of him more and more.

Granted, he's a Sargon-level attention whore so I'd assume he would consider that chain of events an epic win regardless.

>you can't be rich AND be a leftist!!!!

t. sub-intelligent Commie-cuck.

Yes, you can be rich, powerful AND have a leftist agenda. There is no reason why you can't.

>e-celeb shill thread
>194 replies

Zoomers are the cancer that is killing Yea Forums.

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>literally no counter argument
I thought you corporate stooges consider that frog to be problematic.

>I'd rather have a lucrative shilling career like yours.

It doesn't pay enough, sadly. I only made a billion dollars doing it last year.

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someone needs to punch that quartering queer in the face again

>he used to just make threads where he would pretend to people just being "redpilled" by his hardcore banter

Do you have literally ANY proof of this to back this claim up? Any at all?
Because this sounds like yet another schizo tranny conspiracy-theory.

>those viewcounts

Who are all these retards obsessing over capeshit?

This fucking board is obsessed with Brie Larson. Everyday is a thread with a bunch of incels complaining about her

whos the guy on the right? looking to subscribe


Once wasn't enough, tranny?
How about using your words and controlling your emotions? Or are concepts like self-control and maturity yet another "social construct" created by the white man to oppress you?

When and where did Disney smear any of those two?

Colbert is total shit, no arguments there. I would say the one difference is Colbert actually has a career and an audience (although he's way less popular now than he was before), while quarterboy gets only 100k views (sometimes less) per video despite having 500k subs. Only videos that approach or exceed 500k views are when he mines trending topics like Captain Marvel. Essentially, the only modicum of success he has is only attained thanks to Brie Larson. Ain't life a bitch.


>Unironically the political belief that will save (or at least partially salvage) the future
>Leftshittism enablers
>saving anything

Imagine equating politics with capeshit

Fucking Zoomers

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actually based

because his opinion differs from the violent left's

>I would say the one difference is Colbert actually has a career and an audience (although he's way less popular now than he was before), while quarterboy gets only 100k views (sometimes less) per video despite having 500k subs.

It's almost like one of them is a millionaire celebrity that is constantly pushed by massive corporations in both the old media and the new media, including YouTube itself, and the other is a guy with a camera in a room talking about Trading Card Games and superhero movies.

I have no idea who this is or what's happening, could anyone explain? I've skimmed the thread and there's a lot of gibberish and stuff I don't understand.

Is this just some Star Wars/Marvel stuff that I simply couldn't care about if I tried, or is this man trying to ruin wholesome, nice, family fun Disney/Pixar?

When was the last time a lefty shot up a mosque

>implying disney doesn't have enough money to kill these small timers and make it look like natural causes

>"ORANG MAN BAD" = "politics"

Lol, no.

Actual paid Lucasfilm shills absolutely hate him


Yeah but why do you act like obscurity is a sign of quality?

That would be contrarian edgelord logic and you're not an edgelord, are you user?

When was the last time a right-winger tried to kill people with a bike-lock, on camera, and then got away with it thanks to activist judges.

>the joke is that he apparently honestly believes himself a dangerous, feared internet badass
is that why Yea Forums and Yea Forums are constantly making threads to shit on him?


>truth is a lie
beep boop

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This thread was made by a fan of those e-celebs. They're always made by fans. And then fans get mad when anons show up who don't like e-celeb cancer on their board.

>I have no idea who this is or what's happening, could anyone explain?

A guy on YouTube hosts a short video-show where he talks about news relevant to Trading Card Games and genre-entertainment.
He has repeatedly expressed negative opinions about Brie Larson and Disney's turd that was Captain Marvel.
This drives Leftists up a fucking wall for some reason, so they constantly make threads whining about it in between sending trannies to sucker-punch him.

>If you told me 10 years ago that a giant corporation like Disney would be afraid of small time Youtubers, I would laugh. But reality is that Disney is terrified of Youtubers like pic related. It's insane to see orchestrated media outlets calling critics "Alt Right", sexists and racists.

Yeah OP sure is "whining" about that Youtuber.

When was the last time a righty shot up a Gay Bar?

Attached: Omar Mateen Registered Democrat.jpg (1326x351, 50K)

OK thanks, this is of even less interest to me than I could ever have imagined though.


It wasn't helped by his egregious PA requests a year or so ago.

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who's the onions on the left

capeshit isn't all politics now?

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Their agenda is to make a huge profit, nothing leftist about it. Putting women and black people in their movies does not make them leftist

Everything is political in the eyes of a zoomer.

Kingdom come really stepped on leftshit toes, didn't it? One guy from post communist country wanted to make a game about his country and all of the leftshit cocksuckers were screeching like pigs that there isn't enough niggers in it and try to get his investors to pull out.
Unfortunately for them those investors also remembered leftshits when they enforced their paradise of equality and social justice in the EE and didn't cave in.
Based as fuck.

Attached: hxEwUPaa_400x400.jpg (380x380, 13K)

yeah nothing says leftism like a turbo-capitalist market leader about to become a monopoly... You dense little faggot

Now if only Righties would stop crying every time there was a nigger in a movie or a video game.

>Captain America
>meant to be the fucking paragon of masculinity and patriotic American virtues
>is played by a weaselly metrosexual leftist soi-muncher that whines about how BAD ORANG MAN is oppressing him

Worst casting ever?

Attached: Chris Evans is an SJW Faggot Tweet 1.png (769x402, 68K)

I guess you could say that about the thousand Disney/marvel threads too then, right?

Oh shit plz delete this is a hate speech, or we will be forced to sic corporation on you.

mmh yes suck that presidential cock zoomy

>If I just state it again, it will become true.

They have agendas other than making money and everyone knows it, queer.
You're a leftist in denial over this, because you can't stomach the idea of your ideals NOT being represented as the underdog. Your entire identity is based around fighting "The Man".
But the fact is that Leftists are "The Man" now, and they're using money to forward their agenda.
No amount of whining and denial will change this.

the left is in a death-spiral, its never been this bad, even in the bush days

So did this faggot post anything about this now that his claims have been debunked by the big fat nothing that was the Mueller Report/Witch Hunt?

Yes? Capeshitters and Youtubers are part of the same cancer. Doesn't Geeks+Gamers even shill for all capeshit except for Captain Marvel?

Please tell me then what their leftist agenda is.

funny, almost every 80s film/video game had blacks and women in it, even in starring rolls. you nuts are delusional

I'm all for your anti-Disney hivemind and all but you're seriously standing up for the Quarterpounder just because you have Disney derangement syndrome?

>The US interfering with democracy in countless countries all the fucking time
Are Americans unaware of their own foreign policy or do they just not give a shit?

You were shitting your diapers in the Bush days.

But they don't. You're a faggot that's relying on baseless projection, misrepresenting when people complain about forced-diversity, because you don't have any actual counter-arguments for that legitimate complaint. So you strawman it as "ur just triggered by niggers LOL".

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Reminder that you can thank Evans faggot for the uggos in movies like Tessa Thompson, because he was the one who shilled them to producers.
Also a good pal of Smollet, Colbert and Kamala Harris.

>muh russia

Why are alt-cels easier to trigger than muh SJW?

>in the EE

What's the "EE"?

But they do.

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Americans were a mistake.

youre not even American

kek, I feel nostalgia

Once leftshits cancel all the tax payer sponsored college classes about showing niggers everywhere.


It's painfully obvious what your fetish is.



Jeremy Hambly is a retarded obese loser. Stop posting his ugly fucking face here and on Yea Forums

Good point. If Alien 2 came out today Geeks and Gamers would make 5000 videos about its forced diversity.

heh, yeah, just like he apoligized to the threats on the Covington kids


Eastern Europe.

mmh yes suck that Mueller cock, queer

Attached: Mueller Retard 1.jpg (732x981, 90K)

>turbo-capitalist market leader about to become a monopoly
>rich person
Pick one, retard.

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nice try 'pede

This is just what anyone with a large amount of power wants to do. It's not left or right, both sides have been guilty of it at various times. Drawing these artificial lines in the sand will just make you blind to when the pendulum swings back and it's the other side that's fucking you.

why do commies love fags and women and other degeneracy how come they cant ever be social conservative commies or something

and at the end ripley (now trans-racial xernacorn) would say something like "fuck drumpf" or whatever Colbert parrots now, and would win 20 oscars

But even champagne socialists called for and supported leftist policies. You seem to think the definition of leftism is casting more women and black people in movies.

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And even if she didn't, you'd still find a way to be victimized by her.

go back, dude

His deflection is him making fun of your Trump Derangement Syndrome tho.

Why the fuck do you need it explained to you?

Look up the things leftycucks typically have a boner for. That's what they promote and want to influence society to be more accepting towards.

Stop feigning ignorance. It just makes you look disingenuous.

Maybe you could explain what makes Disney leftist, aside from a recent profit driven sensitivity to minorities.

How long have you been here?

And if she didn't you would still blame white cis males

Quaterpounder is a slimy rat who gets fucked in the ass by his wife (I shit you not, look into it, she said as much on Facebook/Twitter)

I see. Please remind me of all the queer and trans characters in recent Disney movies. I have trouble remembering any.

I don't really know, im not dilating

No I wouldn't, you don't see me making twenty youtube videos per day about the patriarchy, do you?
Your guy on the other hand...

>the left is in a death-spiral


>Broadcasting fake news about Mueller's supposed proof of the Russian Hacker conspiracy and then having Mueller himself step in and tell you your stupid and wrong
>The Gillette commercial dumpster-fire
>The shooting of a black child that was hyped to be "the crime of the century that is dividing the nation" because the victim reported the shooter as being a white guy, with the story then being immediately Memory-Holed when it turned out to be a black guy
>The Covington Kids being labeled literal Hitler Youth by seething, foaming, psychopathic leftists for getting attacked by insane minorities and doing fucking nothing, and then being completely vindicated by indisputable video evidence
>Multiple high-profile Virginia Democrats toeing the Political-Correctness line then getting exposed as dressing in blackface or molesting women
>Literally hundreds of SJW bloggers getting laid-off
>Rotten Tomatoes killing its own credibility
>Mueller submitting his report that now confirms the "MUH RUSSIAN HACKERS" conspiracy-theory was baseless and untrue, but only after wasting two years and hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on a partisan Witch-Hunt that came up with nothing
>Empire faggot faking a supposed hate-crime committed by kids in MAGA-hats and then being exposed as a liar, but then also put above the law by nakedly corrupt Democrats
>Michael Avenatti under arrest for trying to extort millions of dollars out of Nike under threat of a PR-disaster based on lies, on top of embezzling millions from his own clients and beating the shit out of his girlfriend
>Woman that physically attacked a guy for wearing a MAGA hat getting arrested by ICE and about to get deported
>NJ "transgender activist" burning their own house down with their pets inside it and then claiming it was a "hate-crime"

All in a mere three months. This is shit they won't recover from for a while.

Attached: Gay Community Summation Macro.jpg (480x480, 27K)

>im totally not obsessed or anything!...

>If Alien 2 came out today Geeks and Gamers would make 5000 videos about its forced diversity.

Keep telling yourself this, Leftists.

>I don't really know

Not less than five years, right?
You're not some kind of zoomer mongrel, are you?

>you don't see me making twenty youtube videos per day
yeah, I know. now whos the stupid shmuck?

Keep being a fan of a freak who takes it up the shitter then pal.

Wealth redistribution through taxation and limiting the power of corporations. Generally also anti-racism and anti-sexism but that's not an exclusively a leftist idea. By your retarded definition the fucking Soviet Union was less leftist than Disney

>now whos the stupid shmuck?
I'd say the one who spends all day making videos about things that upset him.

>Yea Forums shitposting
>reflects reality

lel, whatever you have to tell yourself.
Even if it were totally serious, Disney has outright admitted to trying to turn Star Wars into a pozzed SJW campaign. Complaining about affirmative action casting is totally legitimate.
Cry more.

Attached: Star Wars is now an SJW Promotion Tool 1.jpg (768x1851, 455K)

Not that guy, but there's a lot more to leftism than just race and gender.

Even then, you could make an argument that Disney, by making so many stories about Europe and deriving narratives from Western writers, are promoting European ideals to the rest of the world. That would be seen as Eurocentric by a lot of modern leftists.

im too old for you, if that's what your asking...

Stop replying to yourself, tranny.

the guys fucking rich from making vids about marvel shit. stay mad.

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>baselessly call someone a "/pol/fag"
>get baselessly called a "tranny"

Why do you hate fairness? Don't talk shit unless you want shit talked back, faggot.

>bad faith actor
>means person I dont like

It literally means you're a dishonest little shit and you're not being truthful about your intentions. If you come to me with a controversial opinion I cannot tell if you're coming at me in good or bad faith but if there's a pattern of behavior that you're either doing it to push an agenda or troll then you're a bad faith actor.


Why did you leave out all the male executives and story group members, user?

You're not trying to push an agenda... right?

Oh I'm not denying his ability to make profit off cancerous capeshit-obsessed zoomers like you. He's smart for capitalizing on your mental illness.

>You seem to think the definition of leftism is casting more women and black people in movies.

It's one of their key beliefs you faggot: promoting blacks, gays, women, etc. because "it's 2019 muh diversity" while suppressing whites, males, Christians etc. because they think it "balances" historic racism and other such nonsense.

You provided nothing to deflect against, queer.

And Disney is even richer from pandering to lefties. Stay mad.

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The left will just rebirth itself as something new, that's the way it goes.
Hopefully they can get back to discussing class inequality instead of all this racial bullshit.

>This is just what anyone with a large amount of power wants to do. It's not left or right, both sides have been guilty of it at various times.

OK but none of that invalidates the fact that Disney is run but wealthy evangelical leftists that are using their money and influence to mold societal beliefs through media.

>It's one of their key beliefs
Americans, everyone.

>you don't see me making twenty youtube videos per day about the patriarchy, do you?

No, but you probably watch that many.

>Not that guy, but there's a lot more to leftism than just race and gender.

And? That doesn't make someone "not a Leftist" for focusing on one aspect of the belief rather than another.

No. Sorry to disappoint you user, but not everyone is as obsessed with e-celebs as you.

>massively underperformed
>did better than Guardians 2, Spider Man, Thor, Ant-Man and the Wasp by 200 mil

wow what a FLOP and a BOMB shittiest BOX OFFICE EVER jesus OH NO

>profit driven

It fucking LOST them money, retard.


>one movie flops
>the other 500 make brazillions of dollars
Wow you showed me

They literally included the presence of a "queer character" being added to the live-action Beauty & the Beast in the promotion of the fucking film you amnesiac revisionist.

I see. One supporting character with a screentime of a few minutes.

Any more examples? Since Disney is promoting and "influencing society" with these things, surely they put it in every film right?

>Your guy on the other hand...

Quartering doesn't believe in some imaginary "Matriarchy" and never has. Nor is that belief literally being promoted by Mass Media and Academia, for that matter.
Try again, cuck.

>ignoring the rest of the post
If you want to associate something with one ideology or another, you should probably bring more than the tiniest fragments to build a case out of. Being nice to blacks and gays isn't inherently leftist either, plenty of right wing politicians view diversity as a good thing while others hate it.

Oh I'm sorry. Making twenty youtube videos per day about SJWs is okay of course.

>Wealth redistribution through taxation and limiting the power of corporations.

Disney execs are totally for this so long as its other people's wealth and other corporations.

What makes Disney so evangelically leftist, though? Some of their biggest work is about producing old world European stories and sharing them with the world.

>the investors aren't happy about it

user are you not aware that investors are autistic children?

>nintendo posting record profits, company is thoroughly in the black, making tons of cash, selling tons of their gameboy thing, game sales are better than they've ever been, the last smash bros is the best selling game in its series and genre of all time, its retarded "lolis with super-soakers" game has outsold the halo series, a racing game for toddlers from 2014, a PORT, has sold 18 million, a low-effort port of a mario game that already sold well sold an addition four million copies in three months...

Investors are retards. They will never be happy with anything unless it's ultra-explosive growth. They'd probably be crying at 2 billion in sales desu

>They STILL have men on their team so it doesn't count!

Yes, it's not REALLY SJW shit until they literally ban 100% of all males.

>the image is wrong but the SENTIMENT behind it isn't!

Kek, you argue exactly like a Facebook Boomer. Are you a Facebook Boomer?

>It literally means you're a dishonest little shit and you're not being truthful about your intentions.

That's what it's supposed to mean. But Leftists call literally anyone a "bad faith actor" if they don't like them. Especially if they can't actually counter-argue their views with actual talking-points. Instead it's an easy way to try and discredit someone. "Th-They don't even actually BELIEVE what they are saying!"

>Leftism only means what I think it means
>Please ignore all the patently observable shit Leftists say and do on a daily basis

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