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Would you like to see this movie?
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>casts the hot brown girl as a negro
if she was black, she'd have kinky hair
Only if it has fetish fuel
I always thought the yellow one is caucasian, just a bit darker
The show is set in LA. She's obviously a Latina of some sort.
>old fat hags playing skinny teens
How many naked pictures of them did Jerry have?
literal who? you know how i can tell it's a zoomer cartoon? because it looks like generic garbage
Pretty sure she's Hispanic
Cast Moner
wtf is that thing on the left? Get rid of it and maybe I'll think about it.
Here we have Alex's mother, or at least her first design.
>Totally Spies
The Zoomer cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Next time Alex's mother appeared she looked like this.
Then later Alex's father showed up
Finally Alex's father shows up again looking completely different.
>that alex
fuck making it live action just make an animated movie where they all show their breasts and get viciously fucked
Depends on whether it will have extended barefoot scenes.
This was her step father.
That's literally the same designs as the girls...
what's the best totally spies episode to fap to?
>live action latexkino
of course
The one where Clover turns into a giantess.
I refuse to watch it if it's got foot shit
I think this series is not for you, watch this instead.
The one where teen girls dress in skin tight latex catsuits
alex is a qt paki and i wont hear anything else
They're too old.
They might work as the girl's moms, but you need some actresses fresh out of highschool.
>She has black African and European ancestry and is proven to be 1/2 African in "Alex Gets Schooled", as her father is shown to be white and her mother appears to be African/Hispanic. Her father later appears with the same tan complexion as her in Season 6.
I think the wikifaggot is just being a retard. She's not a half-nigger she has sharp features.
Don't post boner fuel like that OP unless you've got financial backers.
>team early 30s with a fetish
>that redhead
I want to put them in tight corsets and then shoot the corset
haha what happens next
some really funny stuff
>They might work as the girl's moms
>age 23
>have 18yo daughters
This is not a British show...
Fuck live adaptations for they are absolute cancer.
And I know you just want Totally Spitroasted by Brazzers.
talk about shit taste
Also checked
if not brazzers, then where?
What is this Swiss dress called?
Why are footfags such pathetic individuals
I doubt it.
You can really tell it's a French show.
only if it has as much fetish material as the show
I doubt it can.The show had a shitload of fetishes
Imagine the footjobs
Holy shit, that Sam is perfect
I'd like a taste of her back roundhouse if you catch my drift
Why are the french so based when it comes to cartoons?
Complete lack of bigoted prudishness and other protestant cancer.
I wonder how many fetishes they could fit into a 90 minute flick
He got a negroplasty
Yea but cast sexy actresses instead
I see you're a man of culture and refined taste as well
It's not even a comprehensive list lmao
I'd love to see your idea of a comprehensive Totally Spies fetish list
Which one, Yea Forums?
>ugly fat nigress
>fat mutt with bleached hair
>mutt with bleached hair
To be fair, that's what the original was
>appears to be
Gib KatMac gf.
Indian. Give me spicy Indian curry buttholes with a side of pin worms please.
It's Austrian, and called a Dirndl.
How are her feet?
Why would OP want to see that uggo next to Dove and Kat?
It was Swiss in that episode.
Actually it's not my idea, it's some dude's suggestion that Dove and Kat retweeted and approved.
Pretty ladies love there being someone uglier than them. Look at Birds of Prey. Definitely not something I want to see.
Why did Jerry employ a bunch of teenage girls as covert field operatives?
>Black Canary
>actually black
>redhead character actually cast as a redhead
it's current year, bigot
He was a Yea Forums shitposter.
um hispanic is not a race ok buddy!!!
Only if they keep the constant fetish fuel
>character is cast as a red head
>they cast a girl with a tan and spotless complexion
Redhead's are more common in the US than Asians aren't they? It's not that hard to get a natural redhead.
Checked + kekd
Sam was also tan and had no freckles, what seems to be the problem?
It doesn't need to be british to be possible, peruvians can do it too.
Any evidence she's tanned? Thought she just had the default skin tone.
It's only when redheads hit the sun where the freckles show.
So have the french done anything with snuck in fanservice/fetish stuff since this and wakfu/dofus?
Why not just make a porn if you're gonna make it live action?
Oh yes
Outside of the skintight outfits there's very little in that.
>It's not that hard to get a natural redhead.
and it not that hard to use make up and an actress that is comparatively cheaper than it is hard to use an expensive bitch with pre-cancerous moles all over her body.
The only totaly spies movie I want to see is rated NC-17 and follows a group of french highschoolers falling into the world of BDSM while on vacation.
Dyed red hair always looks fake and unnatural.
She's ambiguously brown, a cartoon race where you can appeal to nonwhites without worrying about accidentally making your character a racist caricature like pic related.
Black, hispanic, middle eastern, indian, asian? Who cares as long as it means more little girls (and ashamed little boys) can buy the merch and watch the show.
The St. Pauli Girl.
I thought we were talking about the fucking moles m8, or are you just another user?
I wasn't ashamed at all
I fapped proudly to this show
you know how sweaty such skintight outfit would get in summer Paris after all day running and jumping?
>tfw introducing your black college roomate to DBZ
>Mr. Popo shows up
>Clover would rarely if ever give footjobs, and she'd talk about how gross and weird you are on those rare occasions. They would feel very soft and pampered though.
>Alex would give energetic and aggressive footjobs, but she'd be a little too tough with them and her feet would be kinda beat up and rough feeling
>Sam would give soft gentle footjobs, perhaps with a bit of light teasing femdom if you requested it, and her feet would be well maintained and soft, given her health-conscious and orderly demeanour.
>therefore, we can see that Sam is clearly the best candidate for a footjob gf
Rate the accuracy of my autism
that man is definitely thai or philipino.
Alex confirmed for jungle-asian.
Fun fact: Jynx was originally black but they changed it to purple because it was too racist for the US market.
>casting a white redhead to play a white redhead
Are they not aware that it’s curre year?
There was no nigger in Charlie's Angels, she's Asian
Accurate. Sam is also the one who would actually enjoy giving footjobs, Clover is too close-minded and Alex is too dumb.
whad did the French men by this
He was cunnypilled
They're meant to be cute'n'pure high schoolers user not expired roasties.
Pretty sure she's indian mate.
Thanks user.
I think Alex would like giving them too, but more in the "being giving to your partner" style rather than any actual affection for the act itself like Sam would have.
Yes but not that cast.
>and she'd talk about how gross and weird you are on those rare occasions
That's the best part
Would have also accepted "No!", but that's great too.
Nice double dubs.
she also looks pretty beefy and has some sad looking tits. these kind of live action movies are usually very good fap bait.
I will never understand your variation of the fetish desu
And I don't understand the faggots who want to whip and punish the feet, but I don't shout about it on every opportunity
no, maybe, yes