Let's get an Endgame plot-hole thread going … [PART 3]

Let's get an Endgame plot-hole thread going … [PART 3].


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>Bro.... i already graduated

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All of his friends were conveniently dusted.

who is hottest female Avenger?

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Wanda of course.

High-school would be meaningless if everyone came back after experiencing death.

Elizabeth Olsen

"If I tell you what's gonna happen, it will not happen" t. magic british guy

why didn't he say they'll fail?

There are too many.

thanos had the time stone for TWENTY DAYS and at no point during this time took even one look at the past or the future to see that the avengers were actively using time travel to defeat him. with the stones he could have literally time travelled himself to them in the future or the past and just killed them.

That’s so fucking retarded. You’d figure at least half of his friend group would have been fine and moved on with their lives.

I really liked the part where Captain Marvel took the infinity gauntlet and eliminated half of the testosterone in the universe

Man, what a crazy ending. I really did not expect Carol Danvers to utilize the powers of the infinity stones to eliminate the patriarchy. Nor did I expect all the background characters to say "I'm with her" as she chemically castrated Bruce Banner and Steve Rogers.

The sheer terror as Tony Stark realized that his muscle tone and doctorate in engineering had been magically replaced with a dad bod and liberal arts degree was breathtaking. Thor remained relatively unchanged because his immigrant status passed the diversity threshold in Marvel's mind yet he had to watch in horror as Hawkeye tossed away his arrows after realizing how blatantly phallic they were in nature.

I'm not sure that the graphic lesbian sex scene with Valkyrie that followed was entirely necessary, however. I can see how it was empowering, but it felt a little out of place. I think it would have fit better in some kind of sequel or spinoff series but that's just me being nitpicky.

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Wanda > Widow > Maria Hill > CM

who knew this movie was going to be so important

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>"If I tell you what's gonna happen, it will not happen"

wouldn't the very act of telling them this cause him to change the timeline.

He was pretty fucked up after using the gauntlet though. It took him 20 days to recuperate and destroy the stones after all.

Anyone who thinks Cap isn't a major plothole they're fucking retarded. It explicitly goes against the explanation of both Banner and the Ancient One. The Ancient One didn't want to "remerge" the timelines and make sure they didn't deviate, she wanted to make it so that her timeline wasn't fucked seeing as their stones were taken and when Doctor Strange happened in her timeline Dormamu didn't just merc Strange there and then, etc. When Cap went back he obviously changed the past, even in some small way, which causes a split. Therefore he wouldn't be able to be sitting on the bench of the timeline he moved away from, unless you consider that time is a fucking conscious entity that decides what changes are worth "splitting" for, and doesn't bother when it doesn't deem the consequences as relevant, which is physically retarded.
They could have avoided it by having cap time travel back through the machine and be old, but apparently a gaping plot hole was worth the "shock" of him sitting just out of shot.

Also they had enough Pym for one round trip each so after Nebula did a round trip essentially what the fuck was Thanos using to get to the future?

Poor Quill, literally worst ending for him other than being revived with his friends.

Thanks god there will actually be GotG 3

The whole cap situation at the end still doesnt make a bit of sense to me.

No, because in his vision he needed to tell him this for that desired outcome to happen.

Reminder that any time travel 'plothole' doesn't really count because as a concept time travel raises so many questions of reaction or probability anyway.
If you don't like the movie or have a genuine problem with it that's fine, just try not to think complaining about something thats always been problematic in fiction makes you smart.

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if I had a dog shelter running pre-Thanos snap and half of them (about 20) does that mean the facility have to care for the 20 dogs?

I'd rather die if I was them. Would be such bullshit to finally taste freedom but then you get brought back into the system

that sounds like a load of convoluted bullshit

He thought everyone would be grateful to him, not launch an insurgency

Thanos came back with Nebula, on his shrunken ship

Wouldnt pym be alive in his timeline? Maybe he paid him a visit?

ah. I see. thanks for the input :)

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crazy how they booked her as one of the important people in the mcu
i completely forgot about her

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It does when it directly works in two contradictory ways in the same fucking movie.
Riddle me this dingaling, what would have happened had Cap gone back in time to kill baby Thanos, waited until 2019 staying alive somehow, and gone to the bench? How would that have made a lick of sense? How would everyone else have gotten to that point when Thanos was aborted? They clearly state, and work off of the principles of alternate reality they were working with, then just throw that away for a shitty reveal.

>still uses it
Defending them doesn't make you any better either.

It not only sounds like a lot of convulted bullshit but it also IS convulted bullshit.
But Strange is a SORCEROR SUPREME so that was all part of the plan.

People almost always discount clumps in randomness.


There would probably have been a whole planet that got dusted. It is hilariously convenient that everyone who needs to stay at a steady age in Homecoming got dusted.

So Loki walking away with the tesseract created a new separate timeline?

Scarlet Witch, of course. Nobody can compete with that cleavage.

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Leads to the Disney Loki series

It could be that Cap didn't change the past, there's no saying for certain that he actually married Peggy, knowing it would change history, but he could have remained close friends with her throughout her life whilst the two still lived separate lives to avoid breaking the timeline. The implication is that he didn't change history because he was always set to go back in time.

nigger just the act of him shitting in the toilet would create an alternate timeline.

MCU's timeline is where Cap didn't do that, and just stayed secret.

Here's a question, after Peggy died, why didn't Old Man Cap put on the Space-Time fitbit and go back through the portal? Why wait a couple years by himself with his duplicate shield?

I stopped by just to make sure that nigga was dead

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See in quoted post
>unless you consider that time is a fucking conscious entity that decides what changes are worth "splitting" for, and doesn't bother when it doesn't deem the consequences as relevant, which is physically retarded.

black widow was pretty hot in Iron Man 2

Why was it?

GoTG 3 is going to be fucking awesome.

probably Quill will never recover what he had with gamora, but might even find a new romance in 3, Nebula is already on full redemption/likeable status mode to kick ass in 3, Thor will be an amazing recurring character, Groot keeps growing away from beiing the stupid minion it was in 2, Stakar Stallone is definitelly coming back and motherfucking adam is happening too.

because theres nobody there waiting for him with the time machine

>banner: remember cap just fucking somehow return the stones, I don't fucking know how you will inject back the red shit to Jane but you will have to figure it out. Else you will create past-future time travel shenanigans.
>cap: alright
>proceeds to literally fuck the original timeline because muh feelings

Agree with this user 101%. BW from IM2 > Wanda >>>> BW from the rest of the MCU
Hell, seeing her younger looks in the credits was really hot.

Unlike Strange, Thanos can’t do that. For some odd reason the sorcerers have a whole book on using the time stone.

Pretty much the only good thing about that movie.

Hulk is still there.

Kek my thought exactly here was that it took a funeral for Pym to be on Stark property

>MCU's timeline is where Cap didn't do that, and just stayed secret.
Doesn't make sense in the slightest. We're not working on a concept of unlimited parallel dimensions, we're working off a split timelines concept.
And EVEN if that were the case, Cap let all the bad shit that happened over his existence happen just so I could surprise a copy of his buddy as an old man. There's no logical reason Cap shouldn't have sorted the world out in his timeline. No reason he should have stayed secret. If we WERE in that timeline, there's no justifying that Cap is the biggest mass murderer by inaction history had ever seen.

And the most important thing: James Gunn is back in the director's chair.

>tells Gamora to go left
>that mistake still stays
>doesn’t defeat Thanos
>nearly dies to a scrub
>meet alternative Gamora
Seriously Quill got it pretty bad.

Half of sentient life. Dogs aren't sentient.

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I almost cried during the iron man death scene

Cap did the surprise prank. That is the movie timeline/universe.

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why was it that noone seemed to give a shit that black widow died except a few lines and a scene with clint and wanda?

The birds at the Avenger Compound imply that animals got snapped as well.

No birds -> Hulk Snaps -> Birds in the Tree.

Why did Thor let Cap keep the hammer?

>Tony tells Banner to think about bringing back the people on Earth
>the Guardians somehow come back too
>also Valkyrie is somehow able to be warped in by Strange? Since when did they have any sort of engagement? Did any other Asgardians come? Did Korg come?

Makes no sense. He would have to go back to around when he was frozen or during the period of time in which he was frozen. Meaning there are two Captain Americas even in the present now.

Wow that's a quite intense corset

he returned it back when he went back

Same reason no one gave a shit about vision. They have no body. And their only family is the Avengers.

Because he has a kickass axe infused with Bifrost, now.

Banner threw a bench.

Birds flew away, you.

Which makes him histories greatest monster. There were no consequences for saving everyone if it were an alternate reality he was living in. Accept it. as well as that he's created a loop where at the end of his life in an alternate timeline, a new cap goes to yet ANOTHER timeline where all this horrible shit happens, making his death count in the trillions.

Yes there are two. Old Cap lived his life with Peggy in secret so as not to fuck the timeline. He was always there, unseen and unknown during the other 21 movies.

Black Widow's ass
in Iron Man 2 and all the avengers films

I actually did my man. Especially when my gf gripped me tight when Pepper told him to rest

Cap most likely brought it back to Asgard (and past Thor) when he returned the reality stone.

because wheldon ruined widow in age of ultron

No Beta Ray Bill.
No Fantastic Four.
No She-Hulk.
No X-Men.

>Why even life?

>14 million timelines
>the only one they win in involves the plan fucking up and going sideways in totally avoidable ways
Was there no reality where Nebula was on a different stone team?

They just happened to come back to mess with Antman?

How is any of that a problem?

Feige said ALL LIFE were affected

Yeah Strange creates the biggest plot hole there is because he doesn’t explain any of it.

That's the next phase of the MCU. Patience, fren.

scarjo's ass in that suit, goddamn

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Tbf it's likely had she been on ANY stone team she would have been on the network anyways. They were already planets away when they linked up.

>predicts the rat saving the day

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Why didn't they have a scene where all the black super-friends were in the same area?

>The rat name is Mickey
Makes you think

He didnt look very hidden. I mean its not like people didnt know about Steve Rodgers

I think the point was the removal of the stones from their timeline was what caused the issue...so as long as they returned them to the time that they were taken, and he didn't warn anyone or tell anyone who he was other than his wife and lived a normal life, the cap in the ice would still be found, and the timeline would be fine. I don't know Carter's role in the MCU or if it would be changed much by Cap being in her life, as long as he didn't tell her he was from the future or anything he knew about the future. Obviously it would have implications on the timeline, but the fact that it didn't all fall apart at the end shows that the difference wasn't significant to create a large change, or if it was, it was one unnoticed/not explained.
I do want to say though, as soon as any franchise delves into time travel things get really wonky. One, you can't say how things would realistically be effected, and two it's hard to stay consistent to a point if you can just say...well let's just go back and fix everything.

Sharon Carter making out with good old uncle Steve.

He didn't use a time portal. He was just on a bench with a bag for the shield (probably from an alternate timeline where he dropped off the stones).

Cap had a secret life with the main universe Peggy.

What was the clanging at the very end of the credits. It sounded like someone was pounding an anvil.

That was Infinity War.

Callback to Tony forging the first iron man armor in the cave.

They did, it was called Black Panther


It's from the Iron Man movies. When he was banging on an anvil.

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this. so many goddamn nitpickers

you had several people with "powerlevels" high enough to wield the Gauntlet if they wanted to heal Iron Man, it's stupid. I get that he wanted out after 10 years of capeshit, but meh. Same Gauntlet has enough juice to wipe half of all living organisms or bring them back, maybe it just has enough power also to give Tony +10 HP?

the whole time travel opens so much bullshit alternative possibilities and has 3 caps exist in same timeline at some spots (New York, young cap defending tower, current Cap stealing stone, old Cap in a pensioners home around the block and maybe some extra timejumping 4th and 5th cap somewhere around just because)

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Because instead of "dying" in the plane crash Cap lives and then in 70 years they unthaw another cap. Surely to cause some sort of confusion. That or they don't unfreeze him at all and a frozen captain america is still just hanging out somewhere. But that doesnt exactly work either since he needs to participate with the avengers.

Tony's making an Iron Man suit to escape the afterlife

>tfw we never learn if Tony ever managed to stop all the war and terror on Earth since the Avengers eventually just deal with supernatural threats






How are people having trouble with this. He goes back, lives his life out with Peggy while that timeline’s Steve is frozen, goes back once Peggy dies as an old man, and the Steve in his timeline gets unfrozen eventually.

Time travel is a dumb storytelling device and it didn't make any fucking sense. Fight me.

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What song was played for the credits? Was it Iron Man by BS?

Why didn't they use the time stone to bring back tony like they did with vision?

This. Don't try to understand the explanation given, just assume it all works.

And hope in the future we get one-off movies for the alternate timelines created (Cap knowing about Bucky in 2012/Loki on the lam)

i still miss first avenger howard stark

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>we got this lil beater. SHEVENGERS ASS EMBLE
what did they mean by this line?

>'Time travel is a dumb storytelling device'
>posts Ahnold


Now are we actually discussing plot holes or is this a thread full of people who haven't seen the movie or missed important lines of dialogue

... do you think old man cap went from The First Avenger (Hydra in WWII) to banging Peggy to the bench?

Please say yes.

> or is this a thread full of people who haven't seen the movie or missed important lines of dialogue

Did Howard make an Iron Man suit at PC series? Would've been kino

you cant just timetravel back like that

At least the rules in Terminator are somewhat clear.

Here they establish that you need a pym particle for each jump, but then Nebula brings Thanos and his entire fucking army after using the last particle she got from the present Nebula?

>delves into time travel things get really wonky. One, you can't say how things wouldrealistically be effected, and two it's hard to stay consistent to a point if you can just say...well let's just go back and fix everything.
Again, there was an easy way to fill this plothole and it was just to have old cap TP in on the time travel machine. It's not like it wouldn't have made sense from the Banner perspective.
If you're saying you can "fix" timelines then I go back to my "time is a conscious entity" argument. There's no excuse, time travel can be done insanely easily with the rules they set out, the problem was the rules they set out didn't mean jack shit for the old Cap reveal.

Tony would have to be the one using the time stone to save his ass. But they could prevent a lot of things with it anyways.

If he doesnt tell her he is from the future then she thinks he survived and how does he convince her to not spill the beans that Steve Rodgers is still running around? Also its not like he was exactly some low key figure even during the 40s so surely someone would recognize him

So the original reality they left is still a shithole and the only people that benefitted were Captain Foundation and the Avengers?

mm hmm

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Asgard would have likely been out of range. Where exactly Asgard in the MCU?

He probably just lives a normal life. How many people will he run into the personally knew Captain America? 5? To most people he'd just be Peggy's husband who looks like the guy from the war propaganda.
By the time he's unthawed, he'll be an old man and no one will be any the wiser.

According to who? Lmao

Steve’s move was consistent with the movie’s time travel logic

It worked in Austin Powers.

anyone has that webm or gif of the cast and Whedon looking at Scarjo's ass

>At least the rules in Terminator are somewhat clear.
They change the rules in each Terminator movie. It is actually impressive.

>and has 3 caps exist in same timeline at some spots

Four actually

One fighting in New York
One stealing the stone
One placing the stone back
Old cap chilling somewhere and watching himself on the news

No. I think he went back in time. Let the Cap from that timeline get frozen, took his place, started fucking peggy/living his life with her. This is all fine until they eventually find/need to unthaw the frozen cap.

Everyone on Yea Forums made this face watching endgame

Nah man, a rat saved the universe and a quantum ass pull is fine cinema. Kino, some would say.

The point of a movie is to entertain moviewatchers while they're watching it. They're not going to think 'this shit doesn't make sense.' If you're thinking about plotholes after watching the movie you're missing the point of watching a movie.

then why is old steve in the ending?

I was thinking about plotholes WHILE watching the movie because I'm not a vapid retard.

Except also all the military guys that now think that Cap survived the battle

Tbh only retards can turn their brain off bro but only because they never turn it on.

It's one of the 9 realms connected by the Bifrost. Earth (Midgar) is one, too.

I don't know if it's already been discussed, but can somebody explain to me in a calm, collected manner why the fuck did Iron Man snap young Thanos and his clowns with ALL OF THE FUCKING STONES when he clearly had the upper hand and could have easily subdue him using one less stone?

then dont use timetravel as a plot device

It doesn't create a loop

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Once he was done “living his life” with Peggy (probably when they had already lived out a happy life and she died of old age) he came back to present time as he had nothing else to stay in that timeline for. Just to pass on the torch to Sam too.

Old Cap didn't take his place. They kept it a secret, so that the thawing can happen normally.

The only plot hole is if it wasn't a secret, and there is nothing to show that it was.

Old Peggy and Cap's reunion in Winter Soldier is a little weird now. youtube.com/watch?v=GBVh8G-7Edg

How can you turn something off without turning it on you fucking dingaling?

I want her to wear more and more leather as she gets more dark, until she becomes an out right antagonist clad in skin-tight dark red leather

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And risk thanos being able to recover the stones again nigger? Thanos was clearly far more powerful than any of them.

because people like raccoon could have been killed

You're starting to understand, nigger.

he didn't take the portal back, he stays and danced with peggy for around 60 years. The long way home.

And you're missing the point of posting on a plot hole thread.

so hulk waited decades waiting for steve?

And when he "becomes Benchy boy" you have to drawn another line up where NuCap goes back in time to become Benchy boy, and so on and so on.

those lines come from time travel.

It is like a looped string.

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Survived what battle? Everyone knows he died in the crash.

It opens up any return for Evans. Hulk was literally fucking with a time/age machine 50 feet from them.

It's established Thanos is too strong to be defeated while in full battle mode

The stones had to have "nearly killed him" for the team to hold him down and Thor to be able to actually land the killing blow

Thanos can also withstand the power of the stones AND Tony doesn't know how to use each stone separately

Who is they? Just seems like a big secret to keep...

That was the other thing that confused me. I thought they had a reunion but couldnt remember if it was in the first Captain America film or not. And so now she has to pretend like she is super happy to see him even though shes actually been fucking him for 70 years? Kind of awkward.

The person who edited this is clueless

Old Steve was sitting on the bench the whole time, maybe even watching the fight.

House of M movie when?

why did cap not stop 9/11 or hydra

or at least tell howard not to get in that car in 1992 or be a better dad to tony stark

what a shit movie

It wouldn't change their future anyway, it would be a completely different fracture of the timeline, dumbass. Did you not pay attention when the fucking lizard person was talking about the timeline? They even mention it when the anorexic black man was talking about killing baby thanos. It would create an alternate future. Pay the fuck attention next time.

Here is my version of it. Here’s the two timelines. Cap leaves present time and goes to past timeline. Stays there until he is old, comes back to moments before he left present time. Dashed lines just represent him jumping to the other timeline

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Using any of the stones probably would've killed him, especially the power stone.

Not when one of them has the stones and is able to put him in a coma or rearrange his brain. Snapping was overkill and served only to force a dramatic ending.

He lived his second life in a cap and hooded jacket

Wait what, they only unsnapped the earth?

The fuck are you talking about lmao. They all waited 5 seconds because that’s all it was for them

Indeed you're right and would be uncertain to defeat Thanos at all

So it had to be the snap

>Who is they? Just seems like a big secret to keep
Captain America, a world class spy (see: Winter Soldier) and Peggy Carter: Director of SHIELD (a SPY agency). They can keep loads of secrets. Probably had some kids.

Maybe Peggy told people that the kid was her niece...

And AGAIN. This is nonsense.
There was NO REASON for Cap to allow events to unfold normally. Things done in the past don't change the present. The movie is very clear on that. The Bucky he left, Tony's family, Hulk at the machine. They would have all still existed.
So you're essentially saying Cap let millions die deaths he could have EASILY prevented so he could see copies of his old buddies and give em the emotional moment. There would have been no consequences to Cap fixing the timeline he was in because it wouldn't have effected the timeline he came form.
It's a fucking plothole.

>Hey guys now that a bumbling idiot mentioned time traveling to me, I just figured it out.


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How does he get from ~1945 back to the present day? He didn't use a portal, just a bench.

That's my argument you dumbfuck. What are you talking about?

The long way. He ages.

Cap didn't change the timeline, he was always Peggy's unnamed husband.

Guess things just had to happen, whats weird to me is when did old cap get to the bench and how?
Was he sitting there when young cap was getting on the machine? No one asked an elderly man why was he attending an avengers funeral?
In a some what solid movie this whole cap thing sticks out like a sore thumb.

then you have 5th time travelling cap fucking her wifes niece
and 6th cap with a camera in the corner
and 7th cap who is getting lost while time travelling
and 8th cap who is future past trying to warn some other caps about risks of time travel
and 9th cap who stole his own frozen body and put it in Starks fridge as a prank

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Why doesn't the bio say he died fighting Hydra?

That was what every non-Hydra thought.

imagine not being able to understand the most basic, simple time travel in fictional history

hulk even says "he can take as much time as he wants"

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WhatSaid. I misinterpreted the scene. I thought he did jump back but he just “waited out” and went to the bench at the moment he knew his young self would jump back in time.

New drawing, blue line represents Cap’s lifespan

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The only possible way old cap shouldn't exist at the bench he split the timelines. there's no loo[

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captain america is a selfish steroid user who fucked our country over and proved ironman was fucking right

the time travel is full of holes

All the guys who were with him on the mission in which he died. Inkess the implication is that he went back after that had already happened. But he would persumably have to explain to Peggy that he is actually from the future and yadda yadda, which seems like that could create some timeline fuckery. Idk time travel is shitty.

It says he died in 1944.

>Scene with the little get together with Cap
>Guy talks about date
>His date is a guy

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he didn't use the portal. Just a bench.

fixed it for ya dumbass

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no you brainlet

Then how the hell did Thor managed to axe him in IW? And before that when they had him until Starlord went apeshit? That would have been it if the studio didn't want to draw things into another fucking movie.

they killed past thanos lmao avengers doesn't happen anymore

if he didn't use the portal he would have been in an alternate timeline and the events of infinity war would have never happened

you cannot change the present by affecting the past. you cannot move to a different timeline by sitting down and waiting. he just pressed the "go home" button they used to return home for the entire fucking movie

This or he waited out in the new timeline and went to the bench where he knew his young version would soon jump back in time.

Ill handwave this plot hole away for you right now.

Steve didnt really understand how the time travel worked himself like all of us itt so rather than risk fucking everything up he just let things take their natural course.

No full recursive "perpetual loop", just a loop-de-loop like Darn right Steve got to see some tits.

The loop people are talking about is essentially this.
>Original Cap time travels back
>Stays in his timeline secretively for no reason, allows his new timeline to happen exactly as his old one or nearabouts
>Becomes Benchboy
>Cap of the new timeline travels back behind Benchboy
>Go back to Step 2.

I don't see how your picture disproves this?

There will probably be some retcon about how Peggy's husband was Cap or how he returned back after she died.

this is the most accurate

The time travel in this worked the same as in the 12 Monkeys series and the timeline ends up just as fucked up

they said like 10 times that affecting the past doesn't affect the present

or did you somehow miss the part where nebula literally kills her past self and doesn't disappear

how stupid can you be

then why is old steve there

is the bench a portal? Probably not.

Secret Marriage Steve is the main timeline. The plothole is that Steve didn't stop 9/11.

we could say he went back like this when old.

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"waiting it out" wouldn't put him in his original timeline dumbass

Everything has to be put back so that it doesn't alter the future. But Thanos isn't put back....

At least watch the movie

It makes sense, why would he altar their timeline when he knew everything was going to work itself out in the end? Sure it's fucked up but it makes enough sense for a capeshit ending. Don't think too much into it you fucking autismo.

spot on

So what the fuck is going on with Red Skull again?

Why is he in another planet and doing some guru hippy shit now?

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its Joe Russo


Russo TRANSformation when?

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then the bench would have to be a time portal.

Old man steve is too old to run from a secret portal to the bench without losing his breath.

He wasn't in battle mode

That was clarified by the directors to be also the reason why he wasn't wearing armor at all

mmmmmagic milkers

then why is old steve there with the shield?

He would have returned at the platform if that was the case. Him going back, and living a quiet life with Peggy wouldn’t change much in the new timeline, so Infinity war and endgame would still happen in second time line and he would be able to show up in time to see the Steve from that timeline jump to a past timeline.

Blue green and purple lines represent Steve’s abandoning their timelines and arriving at the other

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You'll handwave it away by saying "just don't think about it bro". Wow.

Again, it doesn't matter what he thought. He shouldn't have been in the timeline he left. Even if he didn't try to make an impact, butterfly effect and so and so. You can't live a life in society and not cause changes. He would be in a different timeline. If you want to make the argument that he didn't change enough to stop himself from travelling back in 2019 due to a lack of understanding, then I'm going to make the argument that this makes Cap the worst villain in Marvel history as he has created a loop of one of the most deadly, destructive periods of time, causing timeline after timeline to experience this forever as he continously loops into new ones behind himself on the bench, forever.

Endgame plot-holes? I'm still trying to figure out what these damn numbers meant.

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Wouldn't the very act of killing Thanos, Nebula killing herself and Gamora staying in the future fuck over the timelines anyway? I don't see how Thanos traveling to the future wouldn't have caused a split already

Thor can summon it across realms to return to him as needed

See: Imprisonment in Muspelheim

He came back to the main timeline.

And your point is? He is not in his OG timeline but the Steve from it just jumped back into a different timeline, so there’s no issue.

>Who cares if he let millions upon millions die and didn't use his knowledge from 70 years in the future to advance society it "works out" for people who didn't die or suffer
>Being proud of being a vapid retard who doesn't think about what he consumes

I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want to put my penis into her mouth

Steve Rogers stays in the main timeline with Peggy, in secret . He doesn't stop Vietnam, 9/11, or anything.

He truly is America's Ass.

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>affecting the past doesn't affect the present

meanwhile captain america goes in the past and now we have a new old guy in the present. you guys are too stupid to see that the time travel doesn't work.

>And the most important thing: James Gunn is back in the director's chair.

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Who said he went back to his original timeline? Why would he need to anyways? The Cap from the timeline he jumped to leaves eight as he goes to the bench

why did they use old footage of the avengers if it was an alternative timeline?

That's why they had to put the stones back, they weren't preventing a split from occuring, they were making sure the timelines they robbed the stones from didn't get fucked up due to not having the stones. The timeline splits DID occur. Hence Cap being the only time travel plothole.

The writers just figured people were too stupid to understand the implications of that scene. And judging by half the replies to your comment, they were right.

I was about to ask this same question.

That new old guy was the Steve from the timeline that’s relatively behind the movie’s “main timeline.”


So when steve went back into the past (where thanos never snapped) how did he end up on a bench in a universe where thanos did snap?

That's about Stark's character development more than anything. He learns to be the sacrificial one, something he would not have been able to do previously (until he was a father) and the snap had to occur for his values to change and him slow down, become a dad, and then have that weight of responsibility motivate him to protect Morgan (and everyone else) through said sacrifice.

yes captain america went to the old timeline when peggy went sick
get real people

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found the answer
>After gaining possession of the mystical Tesseract and its unimaginable power, he decided to turn his back on the Third Reich and rule the world alone. However, as World War II raged, his plans would be challenged by the only Allied super soldier, Captain America. In 1945 Schmidt launched his offensive, intending to bring the United States to its knees, but he was intercepted by Captain America and vanished when he touched the Tesseract with his bare hands.

>Schmidt was teleported to Vormir, where he became trapped in a state of purgatory, becoming the Stonekeeper, a wraith who advises those who seek the Soul Stone. After over seventy years on Vormir, Schmidt met Thanos and Gamora, who were seeking the stone. He led them to it, and disappeared after Thanos sacrificed his daughter and claimed the stone. With Thanos successfully obtaining the stone, Schmidt's curse was broken, and he was free to leave Vormir and pursue his own goals once more.

Apparently "Don't think about it bro it's just a movie lmao just be entertained haha"

How will marvel introduce Shang-Chi?

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responsible for
jfk dying
based howard stark dying

Is this the hottest BW? I also liked her Winter Soldier hair.

Why would they?

how did old steve survive the snap

>With Thanos successfully obtaining the stone, Schmidt's curse was broken, and he was free to leave Vormir and pursue his own goals once more.

They said that in the movie? I thought it just faded to Thanos in a pool of water with the stone. No "I'm free!" or anything like that.

Repsonsible for those happening infinite times, you mean.

Think reverse golden equation. Once the set of numbers is complete it causes negative energy to spiral out.

luck. 50/50

Because he’s a badass.

No 9/11 = no Gulf War II = no Falcon = no new Captain America

Things have to happen the way they happened to that they happen the way they happened. Cap gets this, and it's why he can be trusted to go back and live out the good life without interfering

>This Is America starts playing

This he had to have split time. if he didn't travel back to the main timeline when he was old (which we know he didn't because he appears on a bench not the machine)

This is a plot hole he couldn't have spend all those years in the past to the present without affecting the timeline, we already see him dancing with Peggy which means he's already drastically changed her life. it's a butterfly effect

>old cap fucks peggy
>past cap fucks the niece

He didn't change her life. Peggy was always married to time-travelling Steve, she just never told anyone and he didn't interfere with her setting up Shield/Hydra. Despite presumably wanting to, he didn't in order to avoid paradoxes

now I think there can be animated shorts where Old Man Cap messes with Hydra in SHIELD to keep them from taking over the world before their big shot in The Winter Soldier.

thats dumb as shit. his entire character is defined by an inability to not do the right thing, even if it is difficult.

that means; bucky being tortured, hydra killing millions of people in the cold war, etc

kill yourself

It's a wiki, but they implied he was free.

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Gamora didnt stay though did she? Why do people keep saying this?

Which begs the question, wouldn't he be freed from Black Widow sacrificing herself for the stone?

if anything, it is a plothole that the butterfly effect DIDN'T happen.

>thats dumb as shit. his entire character is defined by an inability to not do the right thing, even if it is difficult.

That was his character up to Endgame. He retired and went to live life with his best girl, like any soldier who survives the war is entitled to

It would have been so simple to rectify
>Hulk brings him back
>Cap is an old man
>Bruce assumes the time travel fucked up ALA Antman, starts going for the levers again and pressing buttons
>No Bruce, it worked just fine
>Realisation reaction shots
>I decided to live some of that life Tony was talking about

The bench Cap timeline can't be the original timeline. To come back to the original his only option was via the platform.

he literally gave his shield to sam and not bucky

Who says he didn't work to prevent a snap in his timeline?

Some say that he is still on that mountain. Guiding others to a treasure they cannot possess.

It's unclear. She may have been dusted by Tony's snap, or she may have just taken off by herself somewhere, hence why Quill is searching for her at the end of the film.

Because he was in "his timeline". Where the snap happened. Because he was on the bench. Not the machine. Keep up.

It only creates a new timeline if you take a stone away. He put the stones back so it's still just one main timeline where there are two Steve Rogers.

He has to have gotten to the main timeline at some point. There is a plot hole as to how he moved through timelines without the Hulk managed portal.

But it isn't a plot hole because of Pym Particles.

Which makes timeline 2 interesting. Sort of.
Nova corps are all alive, Quill sells the power stone. No GOTG.
Strange has the time stone.
Vision's alive with mind stone
Loki is fucking things about with the space stone. If Cap returned it further back.
Soul for a soul, presuming Natasha would return as Cap giggles at Skull.
Collector alive and has the reality stone.

So really GOTG gets fucked and quill eventually gets killed by planet dad.

It’s a way to make different timelines for the tv shows/bring the x-men in

Then why didn't they kill baby Thanos and not bother with the stones? You weren't paying any attention were you?

I heard so many people bawling in the theatre during that. I ALMOST shed a tear during the soul stone scene but didn't.

>Stormbreaker Thor defeats Infinity Gauntlet Thanos
>Stormbreaker Thor + Mjolnir Cap + Iron Man can’t beat regular Thanos

That was some stupid bullshit

so did Cap fuck his own granddaughter then

>Timeline gets fucked in Endgame
>No more Inhumans
>Now there are Mutants

I am actually happy.

>He has to have gotten to the main timeline at some point.

He was always in the main timeline. There were always two steves in this timeline. Cap went into the ice and then at some point in the late 40s Cap emerged via time travel and went to go bang Peggy. From this point there were always two steves, one living a quiet hidden life, another in the ice.

When Cap gets defrosted there are two Steves, one active, one old and passive and waiting for 2022 so he can go give the shield to Falcon

The only thing that can change the future is removing the stones, and even then it only creates a different time-line apparently
Yeah that's awfully convenient but at least there is rules

Thor was in incel mode in the second fight though

were you watching? hulk explained it

Oh shit. Without Quill, Ego takes over the entire fucking universe in that timeline.

Or did he need Quill to make that happen? I can't remember.


No doubt. Those eyes and that rack obliterates ScarJo of any era.

>the people who came back from the snap became Mutants

Bravo Russos

When they disappeared they were put on "pause" for 5 years so to say. When they brought them back they just continued their lives as if nothing had happened.

>he was always set to go back in time
It's clear the universe they have doesn't give a shit about causal loops, and it's heavily implied that any changes makes splits instead like what said. This allows Nebula to kill her past self, 2014 Gamora to travel to the future without making a Soul Stone paradox, etc. That said, the only conceivable way for Steve to be sitting on that bench, as indicative of a causal loop as it is, is if the entire fucking MCU we've been watching was actually a split he made by fucking his waifu in the past after traveling backwards in time from an initial, off-screen, parent timeline. Why he didn't warn anybody of the shit that'd happen and have Tony die again screws this whole theory over, though.

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>Then why didn't they kill baby Thanos and not bother with the stones?

They can;t kill baby Thanos because nobody ever killed baby Thanos. You can't change the past.

There were always two Steves, we the viewers just didn't know it. Only Peggy ever knew and she took that secret to her grave. Cap went back and lived the life that he had already lived, nothing changed.

They made shield because they thought CA died without Cap fake dying most of the shit in the timeline is fucked

what are you talking about? im saying that for 70 years he was okay with hydra torturing bucky and killing millions in the cold war

So explain to me what would have happened had they killed baby Thanos and then Hulk didn't return to his own timeline but travelled through time the usual route up to 2019?

I know what I'm saying is stupid, I'm trying to make you realise why what you said was stupid.

So one thing I'm unsure on; are they travelling through time, or using the quantum realm to move elsewhere/elsewhen? cause that's different as far as influencing the future.

whoa spoilers i haven't seen it yet

>that downblouse during her 1v1

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I barely remember ego calling him a battery in gotg2 so yeah probably.

I thought the movie was kinda whatever but I loved boomer Thor, he alone made it worth it.
Probably only gonna follow Guardians now, rest can fuck off.

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Why? So Cap is evil because he didnt understand how the time travel worked and didnt want to risk fucking everything up since he knows everything actually turns out fine?

Loki taking the cube fucked up more shit than what cap did

>Spiderman is a mutant

I always knew it.

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And No Thanos, No Nebula, No Gamora.So everything and everyone they meet after Quill steals the power stone never happened.

Time flows differently in the QR, so you can enter it and then exit before you entered it, or before you were even born

why the fuck was pepper potts fucking fighting? when did she get a fucking suit?

Name ONE fucking plot hole, nerds.

This could be true if not for early in the movie when cap meets himself this is the first time this is happening the older cap wan't aware of fighting himself and thinking it was Loki therefore meaning this is the first time cap has ever gone back in time and that old cap has not always existed

Tony made it for her as an anniversary gift. Her hero name is Rescue

But the new cap would travel to a third timeline. No loop necessary.

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Why was old steve rogers sitting in that bench?

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>winks at Banner
>"Oh, I'll inject Jane alright..."
>smiles at camera

>This could be true if not for early in the movie when cap meets himself this is the first time this is happening the older cap wan't aware of fighting himself and thinking it was Loki

Future Cap uses the sceptre on past Cap and erases his memories of the fight. This happens on screen in Endgame

If that's the case then why did Peter and his buddy start crying? To them they only took a nap for 5 years.

So doesn't that give a writing device to resolve any or the usual film time travel inconsistencies? It's not strictly time travel, it's rewriting reality across the multiverse.

>The cosmically-powerful entity known as the Beyonder once analyzed the Hulk's physiology, and claimed that the Hulk's potential strength had "no finite element inside."

Why did they gimp the Hulk so bad.

hulk punched the floor without breaking it somehow

I'm just going to explain it actually cause seems you're not the only person who didn't understand.

It wasn't that "only taking the stones changed the timelines". Hence why I asked >So explain to me what would have happened had they killed baby Thanos and then Hulk didn't return to his own timeline but travelled through time the usual route up to 2019?
It was that these new realities having their stones robbed would get fucked up by, for example, Dormamu when Doctor Strange happened in them. So they had to put them back so that these new timelines didn't get fucked up. Not so that a split never occured in the first place. She was telling Hulk he would leave her reality defenseless.
Obviously killing baby Thanos would have made a new timeline or else what would have happened if they stayed in a dead baby Thanos timeline? How would the snap occur when he was dead?

Hulk is powered by anger, Professer Hulk is actually quite mellow. So he's not at max strength anymore

So, everything is the same, except after Endgame our timeline has a borrowed Cap, and the timeline below us has our Cap, and so on and so on.

Old Man Caps, all the way down.

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Prof Hulk is basically Beast from X-Men

That's what we call a loop son. He's still looping the time.

Why did Cap just ditch Bucky in the present lmao I'm sure Bucky wants to see his parents again in 1945

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Has Hulk actually ever one a fight in this Universe (except for nobodies) he gets BTFO by everyone he fights.

>Cap starts dating Sharon Carter, Grand Niece of Peggy. A Grand Niece is basically Peggys siblings kid.
>Meaning that if Cap went back and Sharon was in her 30s, it’s almost physically impossible for her to have not met her Grand Uncle as its such a close relation
>Even if they didn’t meet, Peggy and Steve living a normal suburban life would literally be impossible because he was fucking Captain America and there would be pictures everywhere
>Sharon would have either met him and called him Uncle as a young girl or saw pictures of Aunt Peggy with Captain America
>Meaning Sharon probably knew exactly what she was doing

Is there a word for a female cucking another female knowingly?

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Stop giving help for pop culture youtube channels for their endgame time travel explained videos

Bucky is past all that shit, he just wants to go back to living the chill life in rural Wakanda and maybe bang T'Challa's sister on the side

Because Bucky hasn't been a character in 5 years

If meme magic logic the young Cap got snapped

Why is that his responsibility? He was probably tempted to interfere but it’s small time compared to trillions getting dusted. Plus the dusted comes back anyway. Shit, old Cap himself could have been dusted and brought back.

Sharon wanted Uncle Steve's D, but was respectful and waiting til Peggy was dead to start talking to him about her leather thigh holster

Let's say Capt put all the stones back, and theres no more 2014 Thanos. How is everything set up now in the extended universe?

Ego/Yondu/Taserface is alive?
The Collector/Knowhere?
Nova corps?
The Other/Ronan?

Is this what would be canon now?

all that foreshadowing for nothing

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>I'm sorry. I just realized any law based around age is FUCKED. Like, holy shit, if you're a government how do you even deal with that? The old system for calculating age, of taking the year of birth from the current year... that now has a success rate of fifty per cent.

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He won against Loki.

But Hulk is kind of the Warf.

Because doing nothing makes him a sociopath. Not really in character

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Yes but Hulk is rage machine, the more angry he is the more powerful he becomes.
Prof Hulk is kinda just super strong, nowhere near levels of Hulk.

Looked so fucking much like Lou Feringo in that scene. Had to of been an intentional throw back.

Because Bucky is gonna be White Wolf

They literally called him white wolf in one of the movies

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theyre gonna both be captain america in the upcoming series

Since they never took the Power Stone, Nebula never connected with her future self and Thanos never Time Travelled.

by closing off that alternate timeline when he out the Power Stone back, he undid the consequences.

How is that a loop?

Holy shit that art is terrible

If this happen are they basically going to make wolverine a zoomer or keep him basically being alive for all the wars

Impact era, isn't it?

Everyone snapped is already on a big registry (at least for countries capable of that, like the states).

There's probably a little note on IDs to indicate the Snappening.

They won't mention this in Homecoming.

I've got one. Why isn't Rocket sitting on my face?

The point is Capt America going back that way is changing the past. Now, it would work in an alternate timeline, but not the original one. They could go back to 1970 100 times , that would mean just 100 different timelines than the original (remember they are infinite), because, again, you can't change the past. that mean Cap could steal pym particules every time. These are their time travel rules, not mine.

Someone remind me why Cap was going for Loki's scepter when the Tesseract was in a different briefcase that Tony and Antman were after

which is dumb as fuck. what is thanos even talking about in IW- if you kill half of all the biomass; you'd cause mass extinction. what are people going to eat

>Old Man Caps, all the way down
Possibly. One Cap might encounter a timeline where that timeline's Cap doesn't go back, and so he meets his younger self at Tony's funeral.

But how about when Steve hails Hydra in front of the elevator fags, or when Nebula kills her past self and 2014 Gamora survives? Causal loops can't exist in their universe, the timelines anons have been making where Cap splits the timelines are the ones that have to make the most sense

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>IDs that are shaped like yellow stars
>red skull finally free

Hey that guy from MIT who works at my looks exactly like my son. Did my wife have an affair with that asshole?

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Jesus fuck me, this is so going to happen and they will makeover every X-Man into dumbass teen.

Because it keeps looping. When one cap gets old, the next cap travels back and gets old, and the next cap travels back and gets old, and...

You're saying that because a specific timeline doesn't loop it doesn't count because technically it's a new timeline each time but that's not what people mean when they say a time loop. You're just using silly semantics.

how is Black Falcon going to be captain america when he's just a regular guy?

He's going to be White wolf. Didn't BP actually call him white wolf in IW.

Black dude and buckey have a tv show coming out on that Disney streaming shit also Loki, SW and visions is getting one too also they’re trying to reboot the Netflix shows but Netflix is threatening to sue

vision had a thing with wanda, and hulk had a thing with nat

Looks like stylized Kirby homage to me. Probably from the mid 00's when it was trendy for marvel to get a bunch of less-talented indie artists.

elevator jerks forget about it in a giant coke binge after the Battle of New York.

because he was rogers likable friend in winter soldier and black


He’s too brutal to be Cap, plus he’s been broing it out in Wakanda

Falcon is a squeaky clean cornball

>The point is Capt America going back that way is changing the past
>They could go back to 1970 100 times , that would mean just 100 different timelines than the original (remember they are infinite), because, again, you can't change the past. that mean Cap could steal pym particules every time. These are their time travel rules, not mine.

What are you even arguing in my post?

By putting the stones back (mind for elevator, power for nebula) he negates everything that happened afterwards and closes off those timelines, reintegrating them with the one true timeline represented by the Ancient One's golden line.

They killed Thanos in the present, but by putting the power stone back the past was retained and everything that happened in and after GotG still happened as well.

Time travel is dumb if its the only way you can write yourself out of a hole.

It's been years, he probably forgot what Mr. Potts looked like.

But he unconsciously resented anyone with weird beatnik beards.

Bald Mrs. Baldman tries to tell you that, once Cap returns the stones all the possible other timelines cease to exist and there will be only one MCU line which we have now.

Scepter was Mind stone, Tesseract was Space.

He has wings and shit. He'll be Cap in his own way. Captain America is a symbol, you don't have to mimic him to represent his ideals.

What’s gonna happen to the Loki that escaped in the old time line?
Also now that past Thanos is gone, what will happen to the timeline he came from?
Technically these aren’t plot holes, but they’re still unanswered

I wasn't. I was replying to the guy, but following your post.

That kid at the funeral is going to be the next Iron Man when the series reboots.

Attached: IronMan4.jpg (700x467, 141K)

My only issue with Sam is that hes a normal-strong human. He wont be able to take the hits that Steve/Bucky can with the Serum.

>What’s gonna happen to the Loki that escaped in the old time line?

He'll have his Disney+ show and then it'll end with him going back and being recaptured and taken to Asgard to face trial.

>Also now that past Thanos is gone, what will happen to the timeline he came from?

It all happens the same, by putting the power stone back, the consequences of taking it (ie Thanos time travelling) are undone in the past

It doesn't have to continue though. Since each timeline is different, the next Cap might not even go back in time.

Nah, it’s gonna be iron sheboon Riri. This is the woke marvel era now.

Doesn't need to, he'll use his wings and drone thingy and fight in a unique way whilst still emulating the Captain America ideals

Movies are made to tell a story in a visual medium. If you can't find a way to wrap your story up without major plotholes, or by resorting to lazy writing, then you're not making a good movie.

>There are no more Infinity Stones in this timeline

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The problem it was not necessary, Thanos destroyed the stones in Endgame, so they didn't need a way out from IW. In some way, it's even worse, it was, in their mind, the best option.

In my diagram, the theoretical Cap 3 doesn't even go back, and just continues on as normal. Hence, no loop.

This is what I've been saying.
GOTG2 never happened in timeline 2, because quill sold the power stone or still got into a fight with rocket/groot. But theres no Thanos/Nebula/Gamora.

Even Planet dad never hears about quill surviving the power stone and even IF rocket/quill/drax/groot still band together they'll get destroyed without gamora taking her damage from the stone.

How can returning the stones “erase” the alternate timelines like Loki escaping or Hail Hydra cap?

Like yeah it will fix the MCU proper but arent there now a bunch of tangent timelines where weird shit happened?

But heres where im confused, plus a little drunk. Going back to the past doesnt change the future? So how does it become undone by putting the power stone back?

>white Iron Man

They would because the preconditions are the same. Cap 2 would act the exact same as Cap 1 because there's no reason he wouldn't because Cap 1 didn't influence events that caused Cap 2 to do what he did. Hence we can assume it loops.

Why doesn't Cap3 do what the other Caps did and have an infinite series of timeline hopping Caps?

We only have the movie to off of, so as far as we know, all Caps would go to Peggy.

>dude don't think too much lmao
where have these kiddies come from? Is this reddit?

Should've clarified I meant he split the timeline when he went back for Peggy, I can understand why he'd bring back the stones at the exact moment they were taken, but Bench Cap has to be one from a different timeline

He just has to train harder. He’ll be fine at Nat/Clint skill levels and with a lil more tech help. I’d prefer Captain Bucky too but Mackie seems like a good dude and deserves a chance.

this. dude scene was legendary

Original timeline would be Sorcerer Supreme meeting Hulk and Hulk taking the stone

The tangent is not the SS without the stone

Cap returns literally within seconds with the stone

Tangent erased

Watch the Ancient One / Hulk scene again.

There is one timeline, the gold one the Ancient One demonstrates. taking a stone creates a divergent timeline (black lines in the AO example) but putting them back at the same moment they were taken erases the divergent timeline and reintegrates everything back into the single true main timeline.

So Thanos can time travel and die in the present because that's a divergent time line created by taking the power stone, but still be there in the past when the power stone is put back and the main timeline continues from that moment as it always did

he didn't lose complete control he's still professor hulk

i got some:

>nebula not telling them that whoever goes to get the soul stone is a half-way suicide mission.

>nebula not realizing she could be accessed through wifi back in 2014

>tony figuring out time travel in literally one second

>tony being angry at cap when they reunite instead of realizing they are both equally to blame because of the events in civil war which they both caused

>no one feeling awkward that half the world missed out on 5 years of leftovers tier grief

>peter's friends have not aged at all and are still in HS

>tony staring at cap's ass

>loki possessing the tesseract

>mystical people like that woman who possessed the time stone never helped out during the battle at new york in 2012

>thor could 1v1 thanos at full strength with all his infinity stones but he, cap with mjolner, iron man, and fucking captain marvel can't beat 2014 thanos with zero infinity stones.

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Holy fuck he's the kid from IM3. That answers it thanks user

And he'll probably hook up with Tony's daughter in the future movies

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Going back to live with Peggy didn't create a different timeline, because he didn't take anything from there and bring it back to the present. Inserting himself doesn't create a new timeline, it just means that there are (and always were) two Caps in the main timeline, one alive and keeping a low profile, the other frozen in the ice.

some asshole told me on reddit not to think about it

like i pointed out "what, did captain america wear a disguise for 70 years and never tell his wife that hydra took over shield?" and this dickhead says "its a movie dont think about it"


Fuck your plotholes. Can we talk about ridiculously stupid the unsnappening plan is?
>half of life stops existing
>industry dwindles down to support fewer people
>survivors move on and form new relationships
>suddenly everyone just pops back into existence

Ignoring all the relationship issues that would arise from the original survivors having moved on, remarrying, having kids, etc, there are now 4 billion extra mouths to feed in a world whose food production would have most certainly slowed down. If we're being realistic, the Avengers are basically bringing back a shit ton of people just for them to slowly starve to death.

Now*** not not

Banner has to be wrong that you can't change the past.

Cap tells himself that Bucky is alive before he would've found out and messed with the Elevator Hydra Jerks.

There have to be parallel dimensions, so that the "past" can be messed with, but returned to an okay state (they have their stones back).

Because Cap 1 is from a timeline with no Old Cap hanging around in the past, butterflying things up unwittingly, and so is a different Cap to MCU Cap, who might in turn act differently in the next timeline creating different ripples in timeline 3. These slight variations will eventually result in the loop decaying.

It would not be possible, but...even pretending it could: DEFINE at the same moment, please.

So Cap 3 doesn't have a bench or a Peggy?

That's sad.

how did the avengers survive Thanos nuking the HQ

anybody got a webm of this moment? her creating the golden timeline is so satisfying

Take the stone/hammer + Put them back before the original sequence of events requires them = same moment.

eg. Rocket shanked Jane in the back to steal the Aether. Cap then appeared and shanked her again to put it back. The enxt scene in Thor 2 the Aether is where it's supposed to be, so nothing changed in the main timeline.

I just saw it tonight, but that makes more sense to me now, thank you user. time travel is confusing with so many details to keep in mind. and alcohol.

Banner is the one that puts the stone back and argues that everything will be fine.

The Ancient One is only convinced when she is told that the Sorcerer Supreme thought it was a good idea.

Timeline 2 is just fucked. It doesn’t matter though because they’ll just do GotG3 within timeline 1 with Fat Thor and 2014 Gamora to replace dead Gamora.

Cap three transitioned into a woman by the time Winter Soldier happened, so it doesn't really matter.

not even one piece of rebar through a limb

go on, Soul Stone?

when was this established?

It was very solidly built to withstand-
Nah. Just kidding. Plot convenience, as usual.

Tony tells Morgan when she's playing with the mask, just after antman comes back.

Cap went to Vormir and put that shit back. He flips off Red Skull and probably chuckles to himself about that ugly nazi fuck being trapped there once in a while.

Oh right, the part where Tony's daughter was playing the helmet, its Rescue's helmet

post ironmans snap

ya, but now Jane is complaining about getting stabbed (twice) during Thor 2. The movie is surprisingly not improved.

The AsGuards probably forget about the rabbit after the the Dark Elf attack.

This thread is proof movie time travel is always trash. Once a timeline splits, that should be it, anything that causes them to fuse is a pandora's box of plotholes and paradoxes.

How does Cap put the Soulstone back, anyhow?

Maybe Red Skull knows how to set the sacrifice magic up again.

>ya, but now Jane is complaining about getting stabbed (twice) during Thor 2.

If he puts the mind stone back last, he can use it to erase people's memories as he goes

I was kidding, just for Red Skull-Cap joke...The problem is you would never access that timeline, but another one, identical, but not that one, because you can't. In at least one (and its infinite branches) it doesn't happen.

But that's stupid because we see Cap 2 doing what Cap 1 presumably did, growing old with Peggy. And if he does do what Cap 1 did, which we have evidence for, as he was dancing with her.
Cap 1 had to have changed the past, but he doesn't have to have done it in a way that effected Cap 2, and we have evidence he didn't, much more than we do have evidence he did. And if Cap 3 did it then Cap 4+ will do it.

Anyone else hear crying in their audience when Tony dies? Fucking chuckled.

>tony figuring out time travel in literally one second

I agree that this was bullshit, they can make scott lang a tiny bit more competent and at least imply Tony or his father are very familiar enough with Hank to at least respect that scott may be onto something despite not knowing Hanks work.

>tony being angry at cap when they reunite instead of realizing they are both equally to blame because of the events in civil war which they both caused

Ehh he was delirious from 22 days without proper nutrition thinking he was going to die with an android. Plus his narcisisim will never allow for him to admit guilt in anything.

>peter's friends have not aged at all and are still in HS
I thought this too, theres no way EVERY high schooler peter knew was dusted.
>mystical people like that woman who possessed the time stone never helped out during the battle at new york in 2012

It made sense because before Stephen they were strictly to themselves, even in the comics. In the Strange movie she mentions the Avengers defend the world from physical threats, and they defend the world from mystic threats.

>ITT: People don’t understand what closed time loops are

Everything happening has always been happening. The Endgame Avengers where there in 2012 running around the background like Back to the Future 2

Just because it’s unseen doesn’t mean shits not happening in the background

>Driving down street
>Guy cuts you off but you cant see him
>Scream at them
>You find a time machine
>Driving in the past, cut some jerk off the fuck off
>He screams at you

Truly, the Star-Spangled man with a plan.

He has to put them back in chronological order (1970s first, GotG last?) because he has no time portal to hop around with.


Attached: Time Travel Explained.webm (954x400, 2.92M)

I'll add that we also saw Cap 1 doing what Cap 2 did in that it would be an insane coincidence if Cap 1 were to time travel froma different time and he was just sitting on benches near him until it happened. We can presume that Cap 1 time travelled from the exact same location, and that means any butterfly effect he caused would have little to no effect on what Cap 2 was thinking because it had no effect on what Cap 2 was doing. Think about it logically it's the infinte Cap.

Cpap and tony had no portal but were able to travel from 2012 to the 70s without returning to the present first. They used their return journey Pym Particle to go further back instead because they knew they could get more whilst there.

Cap could presumably go in any order putting them back as he had spare Pym Particles.

that can't work because young Thanos and his double-sword jumped ahead during GotG (2014?).

That meant that Thanos didn't talk to Ronan during GotG, and Infinity War didn't happen (in that timeline)

>Closed time loops when the movie directly contradicts such a thing occuring.

Just because you're a mental midget willing to overlook bad writing doesn't mean the rest of us are lad.

Biggest plothole is why they didn't call in Carol Danvers for help when they had a potential solution to reverse the mass-dusting of the entire universe

ya the missile flew straight into where antman was and detonated behind him no way he could have activated his suit in time.

Cell phone service after 5 years of unpaid bills.

Attached: Laura_Endgame.png (913x666, 270K)

He knew, like, four. Didn't he? Let's say there's what... Sixty, seventy kids in a grade for a school that size?

Five kids out of thirty. He probably knew plenty who didn't get dusted but weren't necessary for Homecoming. Yeah, perfectly plausible.

Cap goes back and fixes that though.

So Thanos can both come to the future, but be fixed back into place by Cap

Its a stable time loop

>All you need to hop through time is a special suit and some Pym Particles

Fucking Pym Particles.

Attached: 445.png (1221x702, 459K)

But I can't see how going back in time in itself wouldn't have made another timeline, considering the rules of their universe. Even if the changes are slight, off-screen, and limited to the suburban town they decided to live in, the fact that someone from the future came back should've branched off from the main timeline. The way to fix to make sense of this otherwise is if their concept of time travel involves causal loops, but that's not the case.

Attached: 1416693651435.gif (330x247, 704K)

he should be able to trade the soul stone back for blacked widow

And in addition, the fact that regular humans like Hawkeye are able to survive an AERIAL MISSILE BARRAGE

I thought: wow , they killed Ant-Man (I like that character, btw), cool, let's see who else they got. This movie ain't that bad, after all...

I was confident the ONLY people who could survive that were Hulk and Thor, MAYBEs would be Capt, Nebula, possibly IM and WM due to their suits. And the others should have died.

But why didn't we see a Cap tackle Nebula and Rhodey to the ground before they knocked out Quill?

But then which Thanos did that Cap fight?

I'm saying there doesn't have to be a full loop, just alternate timelines a la Dragonball.

People going to the past doesn't creat an alternate timeline, only taking something from there and bringing it back to the present does.

Hulk half-heartedly throwing a motorcycle didn't create an alternate timeline, that's just something which happened off-screen in the main timeline. Same with Cap being there.

Its a good question, that could be an actual plot hole,

But what Im saying is that the whole thing is one stable time loop because Cap was always in the past returning the stones and they were always in the background stealing the stones

Its still the 2014 Thanos, only now he is still alive has the same memories as GotG film memories, with Ronan having the power stone and it ending up on Xandar.

Anyone here trying to defend closed timeloops should read up on chaos theory. If you so much as wink the wrong way you end up changing the future.

>little to no effect
That's all it takes. Even a black hole eventually decays due to minute quantum events in its vicinity.

Where was this guy at the temple of the power stone?

He was there in GotG, but not there in Endgame.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Are you dense?

A stable closed loop simply means that whatever you do in the past you always were doing. Its predestination fiction

There is no butterfly effect in Marvel time travel.

Say you travel back to last Thursday, punch a horse and then travel back to the present. You didn't create an alternate timeline; unbeknown to you, last Thursday you appeared elsewhere and punched a horse before vanishing again. that already happened, you just didn't know it at the time and going back is just you playing your part in a history that is already determined.

... but then that isn't a full repeating loop

because that event still needed to happen for the rest of the film to happen, so once Nebula was out of the area, Capt could put it back before Quill regains consciousness and then teleport away again.

Whereas if you went back to last thursday and brought the horse back with you, that creates an alternate divergent timeline because there is now no horse there. And the only way to correct it is to go back to that exact moment and put the horse back, thus erasing the alternate timeline and returning to the one main timeline

>Avengers go back in time and SEEMINGLY meddle with the past
>In reality they were always there because its a stable time loop and they were simply off screen
>Come back with the infinity stones and fuck Thanos (2014) up and kill him and his cronies
>Cap takes the stones back and fixes everything cementing it as a closed time loop. The Endgame Avengers were always stealing the stones, Cap was always putting them back.

What is so hard to understand


I suppose I could buy this in a way

For sure, I can understand how the power stone could've been brought back, it's just that one user who said it was a stable time loop that wasn't making sense

oh thank god

bring in actual Mary Jane

Hilariously, they can't have returned to their own timeline.

Paul Rudd

However, let's say I go back in time 10 minutes after you and kill that horse 1 minute before you go there...That's why it doesn't work this way. I would go back in time and kill the horse in another timeline, every time. Killing you would be even worse, weren't you supposed to return to meet with the horse? They are different timelines, doesn't matter how little the interaction is.

It was on Clint's name

Theres one timeline

Watch this


This was happening in two ways. The New avengers sneaking around stealing shit, and then Cap returning it just as stealthily


"Hey, you know what? There's another name you might know me by. Korath the Pursuer."
"Korath-Thak, man. Legendary agent of the Kree Empire. Guys?"

Attached: Korath_the_Pursuer.jpg (241x413, 18K)

Events and information will always propagate through any means, it doesn't matter if you're not aware, eventually it will leak into the 'stable' loop and cause a paradox.

More so on the personal relationships stuff than food. People can figure that out easily enough, unless it's a shithole country, but they're fucked anyway. Worked out great for Hawkman, but yeah, bunch of people mourned for an appropriate amount of time before remarrying, only for their dead wife to suddenly materialize in the bedroom while they're getting it on with gf.

I didnt see that, I was piggybacking on the convo, plus I am drunk. I doubt any of this will make sense for all of us for a while. I am interested in seeing what comes to light as being consistent.

Didn't Captain America fight himself, though?

Yeah, but he saw the locket and probably realized what was going on.

Future Cap would have the memory, past Cap would one day become future Cap

Cap used the sceptre on himself to erase his memory of that fight.

Plus, he learned about Bucky too early.

Cap has to go around mind wiping people with the staff, which he did to himself on screen.

Good fucking catch user