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Actually, it’s 100% deniable.
>Chicken Little > 101 Dalmatians

>Frozen and Zootopia as S rated
opinion discarded

>Hercules and Hunchback not being in S-tier
holy fucking onions

Please kill yourself

>not S tier on animation alone
Trash list.

>anything from when Disney was alive under B tier
>Memeaissance and CGI disney that high

> frozen
> furry shit

Also emperors new groove should be higher

Why do people hate on treasure planet?

>Hercules not S
>New Groove not A
>furry shit S
Yeah nah fuck off cunt

I just realized I havent watched most of the Disney classics, I just know enough about them and their story through social osmosis

Why is Dumbo trash?

racist with the crows

>Dumbo and Pinocchio that low while Shit like Frozen and Wreak it Alf are top tier.
The internet was a mistake.

but wouldnt that be redpilled in Yea Forums's eyes?

Literally has the most kino scene in any Disney animation


S tier is based and Elsapilled.

Fuck your Trash tier. Trash tier ruins your opinion.

>Emporer's New Groove

Fucking garbage list.

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Forgot Atlantis, also your list is shit.

>wreck it ralph anywhere above B
>El Dorado/Atlantis/watership down nowhere to be seen

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> Pinocchio and Alice in Wonderland are 2 of the best disney films

>Frozen S tier

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lol all of these movies are trash, Disney sucks

youre not on Yea Forums

>lilo & stitch same tier as princess and frog

Frozen above Moana?
Are you daft?
fuckin kill yourself

Placing Pinocchio that low is enough to expose you as one of the biggest brainlets on this board with absolutely no understanding of animation as a medium.

Kill yourself

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This is the worst tier list I've seen this month, and the fact you put fucking Mulan on the first spot of the top tier and not anywhere below mediocre shows you're a 90s kid with shit taste.