So fucking strong he forces Thanos to use 4 gems to take him down in Infinity War, he didn't even use his own Time Gem

>so fucking strong he forces Thanos to use 4 gems to take him down in Infinity War, he didn't even use his own Time Gem
>literally so OP the narrative has to create an artificial problem so he doesn't get to participate in the battle and BTFO both Thanos by himself
>is the only reason the heroes even had a chance to win to begin with
And he is still growing stronger. Reminder Captain Marvel got BTFO by the Power Stone alone and Thor's feat from Infinity War was confirmed to be him merely taking Thanos off guard.

How can the other "heroes" even compete?

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Just wait for Dr. Doom to power creep it all harder

He should have just chopped off Thanos's head with a portal like he did with one of the henchmen's arms

Why didn’t he just bargain with Thanos ?

>another fucking capeshit thread

Thor and Hulk are already absurdly powerful and had to be nerfed by bullshit. I don't think the writers really have a sense of power balance. Like fuck it, let everyone go all out DBZ, we're at that point now.

Wong did that and Dr Strange has an oath to never kill. Some incarnations of Thanos are also immune to most magics.

Just like in the comics, he’s the most based and the man with the plan. He’s too OP. The sequel is the movie I’m most hyped about now. Fave hero so far.
When the ancient one said he was the most OP ever I nearly shat myself.

Imagine unironically discussing super hero movies

Fucking die retards

Imagine having no sex. Have sex sweetie.

Good thing he's on the right side of history
the west BTFO

The witch managed to use magic on him just fine, although I suppose you could use the arguments that he didn’t have the infinity stones coursing through him

He wasn't solving an artificial problem, he just wasn't really trying. He knew that if he BTFO's Thanos and his army, Tony would never be desperate enough to risk his life to save the world, so he stoud in the corner juggling a waterall for 15 minutes


Even when he did have the power of the stones in IW, she was still actively holding him back when she destroyed vision.

Bottom line is that they nerf'd Strange hard so Thanos wouldn't get ass raped by the actual strongest avenger.

serious as shit, he's over there trying to weather the weather and that's not really his job nor title
I thought at least he was gonna summon some fathom type beast from the depths and really kick it up a notch and fuck shit royally
Summon a fucking old one on his ass
Okay, deal with that and him and all his armies get decimated and we now have a new story
They hyped him up and he made sure everyone wouldn't get wet

>literally has no idea how physics works and the water would pummel his own team first
How’s 4th grade retard

Strange literally saw every possible outcome. If it pertained to winning I’m positive he would have done it.

Stop watching capeshit retarded manchild.

I'm now thinking he was doing nothing on purpose just so get someone retarded enough to eliminate Thanos completely from all timelines, as if he tried to use the gauntlet himself he would end up dying.

So he picked Stark as the only one desperate enough to throw his life away for the cause.

he was using save states bro

Tk =/= magic

in this campaign psionics and spell resistance are two different things.

>See the future their on
>Can't be bothered to direct one or two of the other sorcerers to do minor water bending and save Tony.

Man, I thought they were cool by the end of infinity war

Old school Dr. Strange would've defeated Thanos with the infinity stones with ease, it's pretty crazy how OP AS FUCK Dr. Stranger was in the 60's and 70's.

Strange is cool af

Dormamu had no concept of time so Dormamu was aware of all of the resets just like Strange was. Putting Thanos in a loop would have no effect because Thanos would just be constantly living it for the first time (from his perspective.)

The only antagonist that would be interesting for a Dr. Strange sequel is himself

Dr Strange and Wong going on wacky powerlevel magic adventures together is the only thing I'm looking forward to for post-endgame movies. Fuck everything else. He should be one of the next Main Three

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I was hoping for more Strange/Stark bantz, I guess that wont happen now.

Reminder: Now that the time stone in his universe is gone there's nothing stopping Dormamaru now

You mean Shuma-Gorath?

He didn't pick stark, stark is just the only one who always ends up close enough to the glove to use it.

In their commentary they talk about how power balancing is something they focus on a lot because its so hard to make a story when half the team are ealking nukes like strange or scarlet witch.

The only thing stopping dormy was his promise, and even strange knows that wont last long. But he has to have someone open a portal to his dimension and strange is not a bumbling newbie anymore and can handle it.

Hulk got his ass whooped because Thanos had the power stone. Hulk isn't infinitely powerful from the get-go, his strength builds with rage and Thanos fucked him up right after Banner transformed.

Thor got his ass whooped after Thanos had almost all of the stones. If Thanos can literally use a moon as a weapon it's going to take more than just one person to overcome him, regardless if they're an Asgardian god

Thanos never stood a chance.
and without Space&Reality stones, there's really nothing that can stop him from just casually throwing someone into the mirror dimension and lock them in there (unless the victim knows magic).

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Strange + Doom are my fav. characters

You own eyes and directors direct quotes say that thanos did not use the stones to beat hulk. He is just a giant badass that has been conquering planets for decades and apparently fighting the strongest fighters himself. Maw tells the others to pull back and "let him have his fun" before the hulk fight. And we see him in endgame go down to the planet to fight the avengers himself and only deploys his army after he has beaten them.

Hulk is a pure brawler who has the ability to kill anyone IF he has enough time to keep powering up.

Hulk wasn't really defeated or even knocked out. He was down and then removed from the the fight by heimdell

Doesn't this make Strange essentially omniscient? I mean the guy can literally see the future--who can even stop him? If he really tried, he'd be able to kill anything and anyone.

It honestly confused me that he teleported Hulk but not Thor/Loki/any asgardian (his people). Yeah he was getting his ass kicked but you'd think he'd prioritize saving his friend and king Thor first

That's why Strange's villains are almost always Lovecraftian entities or manifestations of abstract concepts

that's most of his villains are crazy powerful interdimensional being (Dormammu, Shuma-Gorath, Nightmare). he's too op for normal villains, except Mordo whos also a wizard.

Have sex

Strange shouldn't have even been in Avengers. They could have pulled a Captain Marvel and made him busy dealing with his own shit at the time, then people who bitch about power creep would shut up.

Who else cheered when Thanos punched the fuck out of Carol Danvers with the power stone?

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there's no plothole here. Strange knew the outcome, no matter what he did the only way to win was someone to sacrifice themselves and snap Thanos out of existence

It's not rocket science

>Captain Marvel is the most powerful female in Mar-

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>has 5 gems
>but no "speed gem"
reminder that Flash would've whooped Thanos' ass in 0.00001 microseconds

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speed is a function of time


Flash can time travel with just his powers, retard. He's a living time stone, but more powerful.

Strange seems to be just a helper to the Avengers since Thanos is a universal's threat. After this, he'll probably leave and go back to dealing with cosmic horrors. And maybe finding a replacement for the Eye.

How long until Squirrel Girl is introduced into the MCU?

he sent the earthling back to earth and he crashed into a building. Seemed like a haphzard quick thinking move.

Speedforce is the most broken thing in the universe and Flashpoint paradox is the greatest kino DC have ever made

Have kids

Marvel doesn't seem to venture too far from their bread and butter "villain is an evil version of the hero" cookie cutter storylines and they like having powers, not so much joke characters, so probably never.

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thor is a joke character