Who’s you’re sopranos babe

Who’s you’re sopranos babe

For me it’s Adrianna or Annalisa

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Only worth watching for her and Tony. And their arc goes unfinished.

Fuck this overrated show.

>poopy pants

>Only worth watching for her and Tony
is this a real opinion?

No it’s not overrated but I liked how after his coma he just asks for a pity fuck LOL!

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The ginger bird was fucking fire

For me its the strip club thots


This crazy bitch did it for me.

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Every other character is fucking detestable and they keep pulling characters out of their ass as an excuse to move the plot forward. Like in season 2 where suddenly Jackie's brother, who was never mentioned before, shows up. Not only is he the most detestable cunt in the galaxy, he gets plot armor because he's gonna be used for 10 episodes by Janice to fuck with Tony. If any other guy had done what he did Tony would've thrown him off a bridge at his 2nd fuck up.

The Russian whouh. But Valentina has a look about her that kind of does it for me.

Thick late season Meadow is a contender.


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Meadow's boozehound roomie

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>no Isabella

Homosexuals, all of you.

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Tracee best girl

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only correct answer desu

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I only thought she was cute in this episode

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Mama Mia those milkers

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Top tier koose


She’s cute, but I think I’m turned off by her smoking and missing a leg.

I love women like this and Jaime Pressly. "Ugly"-hot faces with sexy, athletic bodies who will give me handsome, robust sons. mmmmmmmmhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


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Jaimie Presley is actually pretty though. Adriana has a meh face but nice body.

based and patrician

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I disagree about Jaime's face, obviously. That's why I put them in the same category. Can't think of any others t.b.h

Just finished the last episode of season 6. What. the. fuck was that bullshit lol

I actually find Drea prettier than Jaimie.

tony killed them all

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Agent Sanseverino. What a mouff.

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How can you have these opinions

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demi moore

jackie's sister was pretty hot

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I always used to find her face attractive though.

There's something so inherently magnetic and sexual about her, even with her missing leg. You can just tell she could crank your dick like a gorilla opening a banana.

I thought you thought you were trying to think of attractive women with hard faces

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Dunno, I guess I have a thing for women which are not considered conventionally attractive.

did she even really exist?

You know what? You're onto something. We can include those too. Demi gets added to the list.

No she’s a dream. Some of the hottest woman I’ve been with were only in my dreams.

oooh interesting choice!

Lucky. Every time I almost fuck a chick in a dream I wake up.

How are Italians in terms of ass?

>How are Italians in terms of ass?
Italians have the nicest bodies. if they weren't all short then they would be models but they're all small.

pretty gud

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Most models are skinny Ukranian girls, it's definitively the fetish of a really powerful man somewhere. Not that i can judge

if I was AJ i woulda buried my nuts deep inside Roasie Aprile

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You're going to have to post other examples, fren. Monica Bellucci is a top-tier human specimen and shouldn't be considered representative of any race or ethnicity.

She’s smoked one too many cigarettes. Deal breaker for me.


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How can so much kino be packed into one webm?

>not a single post about meadow
idiots. the lot of you

>wanting jamal ginsburg's sloppy seconds

"I'm not ready to eat that ziti yet" gets me every time.

For me it's Ginny.

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>Eww smoking
Baby tier complaint
>No leg
Easier access

>wanting a bitch with nasty teeth, wrinkles, reeks of smoke, bad breath, and a raspy voice

what is the point of this show

i might have gone too far in a few places

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>not the 95 lb mole on her ass.


I would bury my coc in those fugging tiddies.

I don't know why they make Mafia-type shows super serious, I grew up being part of a Mafia family (we're related to a power Mafia family here in Jersey) and its not that serious and tense at all. Our sense of family is very strong.

The only trouble I saw was an uncle pulling an aunt's hair once and yeah an uncle used a euphemism for whacking someone (the phrase was 'taking him to a ballgame) but we heard it because our uncle was talking to another uncle and our walls are thin.

Sopranos is much funnier than most "comedies" during that time and even today.

Jeannie Cusamano was hot in that ep where Carmella was blackmailing her and her university friend to get Meadow into a good uni.

That's why I didn't finish the series, stopped watching when the guy with the chick from Joey got whacked. The guy looked a lot like my favorite cousin who bought me a PS2 and some stuff.

but seriously how do you even get away with this in a professional setting?

With what? Having some cleavage showing?

yeah, you think all the women who go to a restaurant are happy to see the hostess dressed like that?

>reeks of smoke
The only complaint that apply to the russian chick and there is a simple solution if you are such a new age pussy - ask her to take a shower

Probably not. I see it from time to time though, so they obviously get away with it here and there.

Adrianna had a shit face but her body is fucking unreal

Something about her pragmatic attitude made me diamonds. I'm a footfag and I don't even care if she's only got one foot for me to suck on, she makes my peepee hard.

Reminds me way too much of my ex, who looked and spoke almost EXACTLY like her. Bitch ruined Italian women for me, now I can't even look at Italian women without thinking of her.

My. Fucking. Dude.

I'd have split that traitorous ass in half.

I'd also like to add AJ's Puerto Rican girlfriend, because Latinas are my fetish, and the other Russian chick Tony was drilling,.

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her face isn't shit. her character just has to wear trashy New Jersey mob girl makeup

>This crazy bitch did it for me.
Commits suicide in Sopranos.
Commits suicide in What Dreams May Come.

It's like pottery.

Imagine her getting fucked by a nigger haha

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well at least he wasnt jewish haha

I would hate if that happened to this Italian catholic goddess haha
