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go up to the porter half drunk and piss on his sneakers.

imagine getting upset over people having jobs

imagine going to the movies to see such a mainstream flick.

based seething wagie poster

Yep that's part of working at a theater haha. Nothing wrong with having a job bro

protip: I make >75k/year. I'm not just some fat pleb who gets mad at nonsense

Im 6'7 have a super model wife and 3 cars.......yeah I'm thinking you're jelous ; )

>good guys win bad guys lose
How utterly unexpected. Next thing you tell me is that the climax of the movie is a big fight between the good and the bad guys

Why aren’t those drinks and popcorn dumped out? Fucking amateur hour

I must admit I'm curious what a trainwreck it is, post some screenshots

White people don't do this.

Poor wagie trying hard to cope lel

leave the employed alone, haven't they suffered enough?

this. If you watch capeshit, pay for it AND go to the fucken theater like a cuck to see this trash, you need to KYS

Imagine having to clean it after a Endgame session, pity those wagies.

that's not even that bad.
GO to an inner city based theater then come back to this.

i knew this was avengers spoilers but i decided to read anyway since i'll never watch it. got bored reading the image and didn't retain anything

I like to jam milk duds into the locks in the bathroom stalls and piss on the toilet paper. Also, make sure to bring your trash from the car because you can just leave it on the floor when the movie starts. Also, spill you cup of ice on the stairs after the lights go dim and maybe they’ll even get sued when the wagie doesn’t hustle up and clean it. Oh yeah, you can bring a little acrylic prism and use it to prop the exit door open. Kek it’ll fill the whole room with light

Is the wagie meme neets laughing at people with jobs or people with good jobs laughing at people with service jobs?

>Not even a turd in sight

lil bit of both I’d imagine don’t forget to open up a tampon and leave in the seat next time you go to the movie

>no used diapers or tampons in the aisle
>no cucumbers used for anal masturbation during the kino left out for wagecucks to clean up
those faggots have it easy, im amazed nobody has caught me at the local kinoplex. Sometimes I fish tampons out of the garbage in the ladies room just to leave them in the seats.

I make 7 figures working from home, kind of makes your autism check look a bit pitiful now, doesn't it? My dick is 36 inches and has the girth of a tall boy, and I just bought another private island. I'm going to take my harem of women for a weekly cruise there on my private yacht! Later NEETlets

I feel genuinely bad for the people working theaters during Endgame opening weekend

>bring a little acrylic prism
lol this is next level assholery

im laffin but also hoping he burns in hell jesus

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Where can I subscribe to your blog?

Both. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

people with shit jobs laughing at people with different shit jobs

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Youre a janitor working the premiere showing of Avengers Endgame and you see this. what do?

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Imagine poking it with a pin, imagine the mess bros


>go to bathroom after Endgame
>floor covered in paper towels and toilet paper
What the fuck is wrong with you slobs?

>Perfectly non-spilled bucket of popcorn right there

What's wrong with these people?

>cried the basement dwelling NEET incel over the internet

>the thigh cleavage

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I had a friend who jerked off in kino theaters often

ayy thats me user, manager as well for theaters, could just walk in and spoil the movie for them if i stopped giving a fuck

atleast he gets paid to do his work,unlike some people

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Movie theater wagecuck user here. Fuck you.