>unstoppable villain becomes a jobber in the sequel
Hate this trend
Unstoppable villain becomes a jobber in the sequel
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He's not the same Thanos from the last movie. He never sacrifices Gamora and gets the will to win.
which makes the victory feel a lot more hollow and lame
A jobber? He had to be deus ex machina’ed away.
>old thanos and new thanos didnt tag team
such a waste
I actually thought he was stronger
He kicked everyone asses(except Wanda but that makes sense) and only lost because technology
Thanos (1) didn't even fight back lads
He didn't even move a muscle
He just let it happen
He fought weak bitches in the first movie
>Thanos with 4 stones vs. Fodder Squad and Dr. Strange
>Thanos with 6 stones vs. Fodder Squad and Wanda (who was jobbing)
>Thanos with 6 stones vs Thor, gets stabbed and *teleports away*
>needing a infinity stone to wins against Captain Fungus
they killed him twice
now we'll never get a post-phase 3 thanos who just wanders and pops in during minor events from time to time like marvel cosmic comicbook storylines and possibly develops even further into this gray character whose story might be explored further in that new Eternals movie, but we will never see him again. basically Ronan'd him
Are you kidding? He was kicking all of their asses without a single stone, let alone the gauntlet, until the ass end when he did.
>Wah! My purple grapefruit man lost in a story where he's villain. Why can't villains win bros?
That's you. That's what you sound like.
>takes the whole fucking universe to beat him
Yeah, what a jobber
>Thor with storm breaker nearly oneshots Thanos with all 6 stones in IW
>Jobs to a stoneless Thanos in EG
Is gamora still alive or not? Is past!gamora still in the present or did she fuck back off, and if so, how?
don't get fat kids
Gamora (1) is dead, but Gamora (2) is in the T1 timeline now, and the Guardians are searching for her
TF was that fucking sword man? why didn't he dual wield that slab of metal with gauntlet? he would have been straight up unstoppable
The Gamora that loved Quill is dead from the Soul Stone sacrifice just like Black Widow.
The past Gamora fucked off on her own in the present day universe because she doesn't know any of these people and winning her back will be the plot of GOTG3.
He went for him right after he snapped so I assume the exertion nearly killed him like destroying the stones was said to and he was off guard and unready for the strike.
>fuck these people are weak
>lol your strongest attack left a bruise on me
>what the fuck is this lightning?
>nevermind lets just block it cant be that stro-
>oh fuck oh fuck ABORT
I really wanted him to not be snapped at the end. I would be nice if Tony or Brie just sent him back to be isolated in garden planet
Can someone tell me what the fuck was wrong with Hulk/.Banner?
He was basically retarded
>He went for him right after he snapped so I assume the exertion nearly killed him like destroying the stones was said to and he was off guard and unready for the strike.
No, it was before the snap when he should have gone for the head
Mark Ruffalo
Marvel hates him I guess. He just held up rubble in the fight, didn't even get a good blow on Thanos
Well as we saw, having all six stone at once puts a massive strain on the person. So my guess is that strain made him vulnerable to Thor
He fired a stone powered energy beam that the axe plowed right through
>Thanos didn't get a good blow from Hulk
I was surprised too user, nuhulk is a total fag
>Thanos willfully disposes of the stones
>Is entirely serious about a peaceful retirement
>AVengers kill him anyway because of butthurt
I don’t think the gauntlet can use the stone’s individual powers to their full potential. It’s why, at least how I see it, Thanks had to take the power stone out of the gauntlet to push Carol away
doesnt this create a fuckload of paradoxes?
>Btfos Thor, Iron Man and Cap w/Mjolnir easily
>Btfos Carol with just one stone
who's victory?
he took the stone out so he could close his fist and use it...she was holding his gauntlet hand open
Oh you're right. I was remembering the colors surging through him which was probably overwhelming too, considering starlord is half god and was nearly disintegrated by one.
What a piece of shit of a film, they didn't know what to do during it and didn't know what to do to end it.
This film has effectively ended the MCU, they royally screwed up with this film.
>Thanks had to take the power stone out of the gauntlet to push Carol away
That was because she wouldn't let him close his fist
>accomplish your life's purpose
>it all gets undone by sore losers messing with time
how unlikable these heroes are
what the fuck was the sword made of? it absolutely shredded cap's shield
Kill Me, Pete.
I'm sure there's a detailed wiki out there somewhere
for people who aspire to something more than capeshit, a grey villain-but-maybe-something-more is way more interesting than just a boss that gets knocked down by going to GameFAQs.com (time travel) and finding the right cheat
Not really, it just fucks or saves the second timeline from where Thanos came with his army and Nebula + Gamora to fight the Avengers in the "original" timeline. When the Ancient One shows that black stand being an alternate universe, that's what 2014 Thanos' timeline became, an alternate universe that was saved because Thanos left it and didn't snap it to smithereens. So the Avengers won in 2 timelines at least.
I've been waiting for years pete, please
but they said they fixed the timeline
>says you should have aimed for the head
>Thor didn’t even have a bladed weapon before this movie
>aiming a hammer at the head
What did Thanos mean by this?
Didn't she get snapped with everyone else?
How could stark make a glove that could hold the stones when it first needed a speciall one that forged in dying star? Also fucking hate time travel garbae just ruined all the future movies gg wp
Despite what any retards might tell you we have no confirmation whatsoever on what happened to alt-Gamora after the second snap.
when you're the first genuinely multi-dimensional villain since loki not to be a one-shot, joke fodder, or forgettable and they just turn you into fish flakes
It's clearly been established in Infinity War when it's in the gauntlet it can only be activated by closing the fist. That was the whole point of the fight on Titan.
Fucking idiot her being sacrificed was mentioned like 20 times and an entire 10 min scene jesus
I think they didn’t realize that once they got to the end and just kept it like that since it would take too long to redo it all. Then again they also filmed many different endings and maybe this one showed the best.
The infinity gauntlet that Eitrigg successfully shielded Thanos from his first snap, but fucked the gauntlet instead. It was the second snap that destroyed the gems that left Thanos a withered husk.
The iron Man made gauntlet didn't shield the snapper from the blowback at all.
The mcu ended anyway since all the good characters are retiring / dead now
A hammer to the head fucking kills you what are you talking about?
>no heart felt "we did it" moment with the soul stone.
IW Thanos was weaker and more prone to let his guard down due to his own hubris/ overwhelming power from attaining the stones. This version of Thanos was sharp and deadly, signified by the weapon he carried.
You’re talking about a guy whose head is able to tank a flying ship
>tfw we get the soul stone again
>we still don’t know what it does
did you forget the part in wich he doesn't get the stones?
Pretty much.
Is there a cool boss fight sequence like Stark fighting 2 peeps at once in that other Civil War movie
>hulk and hawkeye getting a solo movie
mjolnir is more psi than a flying ship or anything else in the franchise really
Cap with Mjolnir 1v1 against Thanos.
Thanos sword fighting against cap thor and iron man was cool
Well we know one person is stuck inside it.
That's about it. And we didnt even get that.
He literally defeated everyone in 3v1s and several 1 on 1s back to back. The only person he actually lost to was Scarlet Witch. They were forced to use the stones to snap him away.
how did Thanos get the hammer is he worthy?
Do what you want, pete..
I already grateful...
nigga are you dense?
We aint talking about Gamora that was in infinity war.
We are talking about past Gamora [ that came to the future with Thanos.
You're forgetting that she has the power of the fucking space stone within her so it makes perfect sense.
our victory
without ANY stones, he wrecked every single hero. Mjolnir Cap, Stormbreaker Thor, and even Captain Mary Sue (dont forget he tossed her around like a fucking rag doll)
>this line was never explained
The fuck guys
this, if anything he was too powerful
Thanos was battle ready in this one and demolished dual wielding Thor, Hammer Cap, and Iron Man. The only one who put him in a rough spot was Wanda.
I figure the only reason why Thor almost beat him in IW is because Thanos wasn't aware that Stormbreaker was forged by Eitri and could tank a full gauntlets power. It basically caught him by surprise. Thor is also out of shape in Endgame
I always assumed he meant his "knowledge" that the universe was running out of resources and something needed to be done to fix it.
thanos fucking bained him, hulk is broken
Also if Tony actually wished for thanos and all his followers to dissapear than gamora is gone
It makes sense, the first scene of IW is Thanos casually demolishing the Hulk without stones or sword
And? that's doesn't explain why Fungus can solo fucking Thanos in a 1vs1 he's fucking Thanos the same character that pushed Galactus ass
it was
knowledge that the universe can't sustain itself if people keep on being greedy like we are doing today. Hence the snap and tony building arc stuff to make unlimited energy
Why didn't Tony or Banner see baby Widow when they snapped their fingers?
But thanos beat her
Nah Movie Thanos is too weak in comparison with his comic counterpart where Avengers are too fucking strong
thor was a depressed fat drunk for 5 years.
Well realistically Thor is a God. Him being able to tank a 6 stone meme blast makes sense because he is literally a God and at his full potential.
Multiple people not being able to handle a stoneless Thanos was pretty fucky since the only reason he lasted in IW was cause he had some.
If Thanos showed up with 4/6 of the stones from his timeline and was like "Bitch I need the other two" that would have allowed him to be convincing why hes still so jacked up and fucking up heroes.
With the help of the Power Stone, he shouldn't need that to wreck her ass when he can easily dominate Thor, Hulk and Cap with Mjolner
>dude the last boss of the 20+ year movie story line is a less powerful version of the dude from the previous movie
>he has a calculator that says overpopulation is a problem
>therefore he knows who Tony Stark and when asked "you know me?" He responds he is cursed with knowledge
You guys are actually incredibly fucking retarded
>bashed caps vibranium shield in half in 3 hits
he also btfo'd everybody he faced except for Scarlett witch WITHOUT the stones like in the last movie
the whole gamora plot was stupid anyways he used the reality stone to see her betray him so he tosses her off a cliff then the girls act all appalled that he did it when nebula tells them. what's so bad? you literally killed him he has every right to kill you back
>We would be WELL ADVISED to be QUIT of this site BEFORE then.
Why the absolute fuck do comics always italicize/emphasize words when it makes no fucking sense. Nobody talks like this. The words/phrases that are emphasized would never actually be emphasized if it were said.
they definitely didn't unkill thanos, they just put the shit they took back and called it "fixed"
Thor threw Stormbreaker at the meme blast so I'm not sure if I would say that it was Thor that tanked it. The way I see it is Thanos shoots meme beam and doesn't think there's something that can beat it, then gets hit by Stormbreaker for that assumption.
Thanos was never particularly challenged in IW and I doubt he needed the stones to beat them all regardless.
They "definitely" didn't do anything, because it's a movie and not real.
>BTFOs iron man, thor and cap on his own
>gets the gauntlet back despite every hero doing their best to prevent him from doing so, literally flying across the battlefield
how the fuck did he job?
Also thor fucking him up with stormbreaker is because that beam of his isn't that strong. doing lasershit isn't the stones true purpose.
All she could do was pester him and hold open his gauntlet to keep him from using the stones, shelling up her power into a barrier to buy precious time for the other Avengers. That's it. Hand to hand, they are leagues apart.
They put the shit they took back at the moment they were taken, effectively cutting the main timeline off from any divergences that resulted from them being taken in the first place. Alt-Thanos being dead has no effect on how the main timeline played out.
why is Thor a donkey?
This, he was really scared of getting fucked up by Wanda again.
If you remember what Odin said - these are tools designed to channel a gods power.
They are indeed incredibly strong on their own, but I mean you can even see a disconnect between Hammer Cap and how Thor is in all his movies
he cuts into his body with his axe. strombreaker is an axe.
How come when ant-man is working in the van you see him on the battlefield beating up space worms while black panther is running the gauntlet?
>Saw that he achieves his goal
>Never understands the burden of sacrificing his own daughter to achieve his goal
>Never lost his followers
>Never watched the sun rise on a new day
This Thanos never lived his destiny only saw what was to become, so he course corrected. But I agree he just became a lug rather than a flawed antagonist
Wouldn't executing Thanos in the beginning without a proper judgement configure as a space war crime?
broken women give good blows all the time, that's no excuse
Tony committed mass genocide by killing them all.
What I dont get is this.
Thanos from the past comes to the future and gets killed, so dosent the events of Infinity War now stop because Thanos is dead?
In that timeline, yes
that's Beta Ray Bill
me calmly telling you about the existence of beta ray bill
Please pete, i want to die and wake up in the CYOA world
what proper judgment did he made to half the universe?
That Thanos was from a diffrent timeline.
so why wouldn't war machine's baby murder plan work?
yes in that timeline there's no more thanos or gamora, now Ronan the acuser can get the stones for himself
cap's shield can tank mjolnir whatever thanos's sword was stronger than mjolnir hell thor's sister blew it up with her fucking hadn
>>Jobs to a stoneless Thanos in EG
Makes sense. He was an overweight drunken slob in Endgame. I'm sure you can relate fatty.
So at the start of Endgame, someone said (Rocket I think?) that the usage of the snap on earth by thanos released some strange energy/radiation throughout the galaxy, with most of it concentrated on earth. Will this be how mutants are created? One of the infinity stones did give powers to the Maximoff twins, making them the first mutants in the mcu.
because it would stop thanos IN THAT TIMELINE
not their own
In that timeline, it would do nothing to the current MCU
they can't put things back without having first taken them thanos did find out and thanos did go to the other timeline there is no changing that after it happens
who gives a fuck lol
what a stupid cowboy name
Should have been called
Avengers: Finger snaps
So this is like Dragon Ball time travel?
That’s just the infinity stone energy, it has to travel out to dust everything.
it wouldn't bring back the people he killed in the current timeline
plus they knocked quin out in that timeline so he never gets the other stone to the collector
why do they have to return to their own timeline? is there a reason they can't just find a timeline where thanos never happened to begin with?
yes the kino way of time travel and not that stupid loop of people disappearing if they kill their own grandad
So? All I said is it would kill him if he got hit in the head with it lol.
What would be the purpose of that?
Yes, but then they’ll also be leaving everything behind which is why only Steve did because he has nothing anyways.
then there would be two of each of them
because there would be two Captain Americas walking around.
and it feels kinda hollow doesnt it?
DB's time travel was fucking moronic and riddled with holes
yes, its brainlet as fuck even my sister and nephew understood it first time round. This fucking board man
What's Captain Marvel's role?
I hate time travel in movies. There are always more questions dude to plot holes
name one
The destroyer of space ships.
Why did Tony have to do a snap to kill Thanos anyway? They could have just killed him normally, he was weak without the stones.
in the comics?
literally the space Macguffin captain along with quill and nova
showing his resting bitch face, really, she doesn't smile or smirk, she doesn't make any facial expression
he appears in the begining rescuing stark from deep space and then at the end destroying Thanos ship
So is Loki still dead or what? I thought changing the past opens up a new timeline, is Loki only alive in that new timeline? Is he still dead in the "main" one?
Why the fuck was the time machine cell hijacked to go to the present pre-set to arrive a year before Frieza?
Did she die?
He killed his whole army
he was beating everybody without the stones
captain america already did that I just assume he made sure he didn't get unthawed
she smiled at peter
I didn't even see Captain Marvel, but was Larson as devoid of any character in that as she was in this? She was blank as fuck.
More like why didn't Hulk do the snap, I bet he could have taken the radiation or whatever it is
This might be where that Loki series comes into play since he's running about on that timeline.
he wanted to be the hero like in avengers witrh the missile
no, that was thanos
I wish she would smile at me like that
Yes, she was barely in the movie at all
Also that should have killed future Thanos
I think he did that himself cause to get inside the ship he needed to be a larvae, so he set it up some years before the androids appeared so he could wake up in time from his larvae form and then absorbing them
I agree with this
plus when they got him at the beginning he'd already won so that was just awkward imo
Captain Marvel and Wanda did ok against him solo, if they'd teamed up along with a few others they could have easily overpowered him. Point is without the stones he and his army are manageable, they can't commit genocide so there's no reason for one of the main avengers to die just to deal with them a little faster.
She didn't even know what to do in both movies because Russos were busy with all the other characters and kept plot details secret from the creators of her solo movie
Hulk did undo the snap. An additional one would have killed him.
I'm talking about her acting, not the amount of screentime.
Yeah, she doesn't ever get weakened and one shots the villain in her solo movie. It's the worst MCU movie
So she doesn't BTFO Thanos? No stealing the spotlight?
She's fine, it's staged. That's why you can't see the feet, and the stool.
Also yes
America didn't need to nuke Japan, too
>Black Widow dies
>gets her own solo movie in Phase 4
>it's set before the Avengers
for what purpose
If anything she gets BTFO. By ONE stone nonetheless.
its him knowing that the avengers, including tony, stopped him from taking earth in 2012. it's not fucking quantum physics, retard
It should have been phase one or two, I guess they figure better late than never.
was that a sherk reference
Because in Trunks' timeline Goku comes home after beating Frieza, hence Trunks not knowing about the instant trasmission technique.
This, even with everyone restored against him it took all six stones to kill him
>Carol no sells a hit from Thanos
Thank god for that fucking stone
They fight for 20 seconds and then he punches her with the power stone and send her flying into a rock
He was destroying the avengers, all of them, without any stone.
He only lost because of Tony's clever nanotech trick.
Why did he say hes cursed with knowledge in some ominous ass way instead of saying "you are the guy who shoved a nuke in my sky portal lmao"
I've seen this exact same thing before and it was lame then
he could still fly why he didn't run
Fat Thor was too much. It was okay for a bit, but to have him like that the whole movie? I was waiting for the lightning to "fix" him. Wasn't a fan of the beard or the matted hair either.
>drax didn't get to avenge his dead family and be the one to finish thanos
gay as fuck
How come Thanos didn't know he had no stones in his gauntlet until he snapped?
Like, everytime he used the stones he was seen visibly flinching and straining. He didn't feel the power of the stones wither away? He didn't feel his gauntlet running out of power?
What was that?
Cells says he used the time period already programmed into the machine
It's set to one year before Frieza arrives on Earth
out of the og six, they may have done natasha the most dirty in this movie. and that's saying something considering everything else they pulled
What was Thanos going to snap for before getting dusted? Half humanity again?
Future one is still dead, past one is alive and basically filled in for future one.
Because the Russos decided a villain doesn't have to be quippy like Ultron
who the fuck is wanda
He said he was going to reset the entire universe.
his intelligience level is up there just below strange/stark/reed/doom. He was told his destiny and he fucking fulfilled it. he just didn't know what would happen after. he fucking knows the watchers but you probably have no idea what the fuck I am talking about.
Emily Olsen's character
they dropped that arc harder then the hammer on cap's shield
That's past thanos who has never used the stones yet.
All of sentient life, then recreate it.
>How do you explain the line
Three stones were in New York at one time. That was a full set piece in this one. Of course Thanos has people spying for him, especially after the Avengers beat them back the first time.
>unstoppable villain becomes a jobber in the sequel
That's a spoiler friend
>but you probably have no idea what the fuck I am talking about.
Yeah cause they ain't in the movie
do you think this gives you power here?
Its been a long time, I dont remember really, Toryiama wasn't known for planing ahead and the whole cell saga doesn't really make sense if you think about it, not because of the time travel but because an old earth scientist making robots more powerful the ruler of the galaxy its completely bollocks
>Black Widow's solo movie will be pre-Avengers 1
>Scarlet Witch/Vision's TV show will be set in the 1950s
>Loki's TV show will presumably be set in a new timeline where he wasn't defeated in New York 2012
Fuck me is time travel going to be a regular feature in the MCU moving forward?
>have to put everything back to avoid creating fucked up timelines
>didn't put past gamora back
>created horrid timeline where the guardians lose in GOTG2
boomer was 10/10, just waiting for the wojack edits
>fucking up the quote this badly
how come hope leaves the van for the feminist scene
How much of fungus foot is in endgame?
Real question is, what's stopping the next big bad from getting all the stones again (cap put them all back) and restoring Thanos and/or his forces?
All the stones are literally atoms spread out across the entire galaxy, it would be nearly impossible to do it. Even more impossible than it was before trying to find just six stones spread across the galaxy.
Why didn't Hulk do the final snap with his other hand?
Why didn't Captain Marvel do it? She had an opportunity.
They could at least make Tony's death seem like it was inevitable.
Welcome to comic books
the worst thing that can be said about the marvel movies is theyre getting closer and closer to the comic books all the time
Galactus won't give a fuck about stones. Annihilus might.
they are in guardians of the galaxy 2
but you're a brainlet so who cares
How did they do BW dirty?
>Why didn't Captain Marvel do it? She had an opportunity
Someone should ask this question at one of those Cons, they keep going on and on about Cap Marvel being the strongest person in the universe
Like 10 minutes in the beginning and 5 minutes at the end, most of the movie doesn't include her at all.
CM doesn’t know how to use the stones even Banner and Tony barely did. They just guessed.
How did Stark pull away the infinity stones? Why couldn't he do that in Infinity War lol? And what did Strange mean to say in that scene right before Tony snapped?
Haven't seen the film and am not going to. Who kills Thanos in the end? Please tell me it's not the antman meme
because rdj wanted out
They could have told her lol
>hey Brie just focus your intent and snap the bad guys out of existence
that's all
>Please tell me it's not the antman meme
It is
Did Stark killed Thanos or actually sent him back in the past?
Because if he killed him with the stones then they created a new time-line.
So if the time-line whose they took the stones is actually a new one, without Thanos and the snap, why is old Steve Rogers present in the final scene?
>How did Stark pull away the infinity stones?
I think Strange opened a portal to switch them around because they were looking at each other right before
Watching Thor, Cap and Tony get BTFO was the best part of the movie
Tony snaps him away
Antman steps on Thanos.
>trapped under tons of rubble, too far away
>too busy keeping thanos from snapping and getting knocked out
strange knew what was going to happen, which is why he spared his life for the time stone in the first place
hell, even the ancient one knew what was going on once bruce explained that strange gave up the stone
Why were there zero scenes depicting the earth in a post apocalyptic state? Way to absolutely shit on the atmosphere and tone of the movie.
The nugauntlet was Stark's nanotech. He had full control of it.
who the fuck is Emily?
Ant-Man wanders through overgrown roads and visits a weird graveyard at the beginning.
why shouldnt he be???
Liz's cousin
is adam warlock in this bullshit or not
thanos gets arrested
Because they fucked up the world building part of EG and focused on the plot.
I forgot the movie already, where was the Stark gauntlet near the end? Why was everyone playing hot potato with it
i feel his point though, they could have done waaaay more
but what do i know, maybe they just want us to watch the leftovers or some shit
Is there any way they could bring Thanos back in the future? I'm surprised they seemingly killed him off for good since he has so much potential for a redemption arc and he's the only iconic villain of the MCU.
he was executed horrible in this movie. not even galactic threat level, lmao who gives a shit. Dr. Strange didn't even have to interfere
what apocalyptic state though? half the people gone, big deal
You didn't see the highways clogged with cars or the harbor with empty boats?
So did Hulk lol
What would've happened if past Thanos had decided to stay in his own timeline except this time around in Infinity War he makes sure to kill every Avenger instead of letting them live. Would that just create a new timeline or would it affect this one? And what about using the completed gauntlet to also destroy any other timeline that doesn't result in this one snap?
how long were you int the fucking toilet. the film is almost 3 hours long, it was all there.
The thing I don't get is that if Thanos gave up on searching for the stones when she saw nebulas memory then surely gamora, vision and the events of any infinity stone film after gotg 1 are retconned?
The more I think about the film the less it makes sense and the more issues it creates through all the films.
The first snap would never have happened?
apparently Thanos didn't snap a single japanese
It poofs away.
They're just incompetent with zero desire to make something really good.
They probably will for a few seconds in the big big team up movie against Doctor Doom and normies will lose their shit seeing him as a good guy.
Heroes are never supposed to kill.
>Who is the villain now?
there's a timeline without Thanos and without guardians of the galaxy, yes
How did they get time travel? Please don't tell me the 'iron man just creates time travel' shit is true
they were trying to get it far away from the battlefield, I think the gauntlet either disintegrated or melted into Tony's arm
>people driving cars, buses, planes disappear
everything crashes everywhere. There are a shitload of planes in the air at any given time, imagine if even 1/10th of them fell down. It's literally armageddon
oh, so he's even less well-written in the comics.
Funny, I thought they overdid the apocalyptic aspect.
It's been 5 years since the snap. I found the streets filled with missing signs and the harbors with rusted ships to be ridiculous. Mankind would have rebuilt civilization.
Why was all the female-targeted violence off-screen? Captain Marvel for example was knocked out by Thanos' punch and apparently felled for the rest of the fight but we get no confirmation. Other heroines are unscathed and cartoonishly breezing through the battlefield. Meanwhile the male heroes are knocked down, impaled, broken, drowned, and burned in their life/death struggle. Where's the equality and how is the audience supposed to "feel" for them?
Why was Iron Man so concerned about time travel when he solved the equation alone in one night???
He did it in his kitchen with a mobius strip.
Yes just like they re built Detroit
ant man
go watch the film and stop posting
it's been five years
Strain can't be that much if Tony lasted long enough to snap and kept living for a little while after actually using the stones. Fucker should've been disintegrated
in one of the behind the scenes videos online the original dialogue was
>Thanos "Stark."
>Stark "How do you know my name?"
>Thanos "I know your soul. It is much like mine, cursed with knowledge."
>Stark "My only curse is you"
This is after the fact that Thanos has the soul stone and can pretty much know everyone's soul at this point. I think it's another way that Thanos knows that Spider-man is an "insect" and how to effectively counter all of Strange's attacks. would have been good to keep in.
Clip related
Well yeah, comics are litteraly a medium for 7 year olds. What did you expect?
Yeah that was crap. I just wanted a kino scene where a bunch of planes just drop out of the sky. Maybe show it from the POV of Pepper in New York.
I have shit to do, will probably do it next week tho
Leading the feminist charge that saves the Earth at the end.
he wanted to stay with his loli
Because they created a new time-line when they killed the Thanos of the past.
Thus if the Battle of New York isn't at the same time as Guardians of the Galaxy's beginning, then they created two new timeline: one without Thanos and another where Loki escapes with the Tesseract.
why do brainlets asked stupid questions?
nvm fixed it
Natural disasters take years to clean up in real-life. All the shit caused by the loss of half the population would take way more than five years to clean up.
because that whole scene at the end of IW is bullshit and stupid
The real hero is a fucking rat, who ejects antman from the quantum realm.
Antman explains to the avengers that he was trapped in the quantum realm for five hours instead of five years so he thinkers with Hulk, then they get with Tony and they invent time travel.
Yeah I meant the immediate aftermath of the snap
>Winning "muh, she is erza" trope
He lucky get killed by snap, instead oneshot by woman
yes so? Peggy is in one of them so he went there and then back
The bacteria on planet earth
>"muh, she is erza"
They fucked up by killing Thanos in the beginning. How did the alternate Thanos come to their timeline? Near the end, they are on earth right?
>people complaining about time paradoxes in a fucking marvel movie
Who honestly gives a shit? I can't even wrap my head around how people become invested in such shallow characters and stories. How did this movie confuse ANYONE? The plot is practically told to the audience several times, and people are STILL confused? Superhero movie fans are so fucking stupid, I swear to God
The fucking rat lol. Almost everything about this movie is dumb
if he kills half a plane there's still one pilot in each one
its in infinity war you turd
he thought that messing with the past would alter the future and he didn't want his little daughter to disappear of existence
Probably Uru since that's the go-to space metal.
Might be some way to introduce the next big bad like Doom or something.
Well I mean they are the AVENGERS, it'd be retarded if they did anything but avenge everyone.
go watch the movie you dummy
The fags are too busy crying on their dates to actually do anything.
>builds up an awesome character in IW
>kills him off in 15 minutes
>We get discount Thanos for the whole movie
>Justin Christensen, a research scientist at the UCLA Physics Department pointed out that there are around 20,000 planes in the sky across the globe at any moment. If one assumes that a fourth of those planes would lose both pilots in the snap -- most planes have two pilots or more -- and an average of 200 people are on each of those doomed planes half a million people could die in airplane crashes alone. Use similar logic and apply it to road traffic, boats, trains, and pretty much any other mode of transportation and you've got another 0.3% of the population dying.
nebula sent him there using something, the whole ship in fact
he swapped his daugthers
Then why wasn’t Hawkeye an absolute beast?
thanos wouldnt kill people driving, he's a bastard but he's not a fucking bastard
Was beating Japs Hawkeye's way of coping? What was he doing there?
There's now a timeline where the snap is undone, and one where it never happens.
First, it kills half of all life, not just sentient life. Secondly, why would you think it would only kill one pilot? Very good chances it will kill both pilots for a lot of planes. Third, there's so much more than just pilots who coordinate landings and such, meaning airports would be a fucking cluster fuck of death. Lastly, fuck you for making type this
please tell me does tony stark die or no bros someone spoiled me
he literally did in IW
Airplanes can by flown from the ground from take-off to landing by computer, now, in the real world. What do you think they're doing in Tony Stark world?
no the question is why is tokyo intact
Thanos crashes his helicopter while trying to escape.
No. Now fuck off and watch the film already.
I didn't watch captain marvel, but I don't think she can do ftl travel.
Can someone explain to me how the fuck she carried a ship to earth in a day? Like even if she can ftl, I assume the ship would need some sort of protection to survive the acceleration.
Someone pulling a ship so fast it would reach earth that fast (considering stark mentioned they were thousands of light years away from anything), would just rip it to shreds, as well as the crew.
That bit just made no sense to me.
ALSO, what was the point of Nebula's story about the "garden" if the team detected Thanos' power surge two days prior, and why the shit were they saying they can't find him, only to SUDDENLY find him when she mentioned that story. How the shit did that story help?
Ok so, what's the deal with Loki?
He snatches the tesseract and teleports away during the time heist, we can hope to see him again?
i ask this because how cap is still in the original timeline after going in the past and not returning
He was taking revenge on all the bad people who were not killed by the snap. Before Japan he was in Mexico slaughtering cartels.
Half of all life on earth is dead with no explanation as to what happened. Most people in the world have no clue what happened or why, and the sheer chaos of HALF THE WORLD just disappearing would be the end of civilization.
I don't get your point.
People can't point out the flaws because it's a movie and movies doesn't need to be coherent? That's retarded.
that wasn't written by Jim Starlin who created Thanos
>tfw we'll never see /ourguy/ in the MCU
It fucking hurts.
the whole mcu should only happen in the milky way, making it about the whole universe is silly
Like Peggy sent him back in the future?
Japan rebuilds after disasters. It's what they do. They don't sit around crying over salads and deserts five years later.
it wasn't a day
>I didn't watch captain marvel, but I don't think she can do ftl travel.
you also never watched IW by the sounds of it
That's not even factoring in the air traffic controllers and stuff either is it?
>A quarter of all the planes crash because no pilots.
>Even more crash because a sizeable chunk of the people on the ground making sure the pilots are informed of any possible mishap are gone too.
not if it killed muslims and blacks, also the guardians of the galaxy has basically give the earth space travel so humanity would conquer the stars easily with that tech
>but I don't think she can do ftl travel
She literally does at the end of Captain Marvel.
>Can someone explain to me how the fuck she carried a ship to earth in a day? Like even if she can ftl, I assume the ship would need some sort of protection to survive the acceleration.
This is where you let suspension of disbelief kick in and stop caring about every minute detail like an autist. Iron Man himself should be long dead due to the physical effect of reaching the speed of sound in a tin suit would have on his body.
But to answer your question, she's basically Superman.
>we can hope to see him again?
He's getting his own show on Disney+, no one knows if it's related to him disappearing in Endgame though
well they deleted that dialogue and thus the knowledge of what the soul stone does. Like i said, it would have been good to keep in.
I did, but I don't know how captain marvel can pull a ship ("Thousands of light years away" - Stark) before the ship ran out of air (Which he mentioned is one or two days away?). Does she do some sort of wormhole/bifrost or similar thing?
he is literally the next big bad, the fuck are you smoking?
or are you just snowflake posting
They have the rights to him now but will probably take their time with X-Men and FF so will be at least 15 years before Secret Wars imo
he could travel back to the present and he did after spending a life with her
>some sort of wormhole
That is literally exactly how FTL travel works in the MCU. Did you watch any of the other movies? Or even this movie?
The two reasons commonly given are either Cell ambushes Trunks before he sets the correct date or Cell had no idea what the fuck he was doing with the time machine and just travelled back as far as the machine's fuel would allow.
The Trunks that Cell kills is from a timeline where there's no Cell in the past and they use the remote to destroy the androids. He then takes the remote with him to his own timeline and uses it to destroy the androids there, hence Cell's need to travel back to any time before that happens. Cell going back creates the timeline with Trunks getting a power up etc, which is why when Cell again tries to ambush Trunks he gets bodied instead.
Cell literally plays himself.
The next big baddie, but not in the MCU as we knew it. He's not gonna be facing the original six.
It would've been fun to see.
Oh okay I'd understood she can only do light speed or something. I looked it up now, fair enough
Kill me, Pete
based Nips
This movie was too long and I had too much coffee at work this morning, so I had to get up and go halfway through. What happened with the Ancient One and Hulk?
captain Marr vell is literally space god. not space jesus but space GOD. She travels through it like a paddling pool. The Marr Vells, the Summers and the kree are literally universe mcguffins for re-correction
I clapped! I clapped when thanos punched captain marvel! we never need to see her again though, seriously. stay in space, you have a shit personality
>Hulk did undo the snap. An additional one would have killed him.
No it wouldn’t have thanos did a two snaps and he survived BOTH. Are you telling me the hulk. Who’s literally feeding off gamma radiation couldn’t have done another snap with a glove that is predominately gamma radiation
Cmon now
Ancient One didn't want to give the stone, Hulk told her Strange gave his up willingly in Infinity War, she realized if Strange gave his up then she should do the same because he's meant to be the smartest of all of the Sorceror Supremes.
that was supposed to be endgame. marvel took their shot, they may have missed
Doom can't exist as a villain without Reed so what you are wishing is non-existent, I just hope that whoever is doing the doom film actually knows sense and doesn't make the shitastic 4 the main plot of the film
As much as they push in her in the comics despite no one liking her, there's no doubt we'll way more of her.
How, wiping out half of life alone nearly killed him. Surely killing all life would’ve killed him
So I got the bit about Marvel being able to hop objects around space at will.
Does anyone have some insight on the way the scene of finding Thanos was so weird to me?
They literally said they can't find him and after her garden story they said they saw a signal two days prior similar to his original snap, was it just me that seemed retarded to?
you can wish for anything with the click its not limited in what in can do but it needs to be a clear thing in your mind
Thanks. I really wanted to stick it out, but I suspected there wouldn't be another lull any time soon.
maybe if she had someone nice to play off of? i wouldn't mind if she like APPEARED from time to time, maybe in gaurdians or something, but i didn't like captain marvel at all. maybe it was just her chemistry with fury but i really think i just don't like her acting/character/attitude.
it was simply to move the plot along in a 3 hour flcik, stop looking into it.
>somehow the ant man juice shrinks an entire fucking space ship when it’s only ever been used on humans
What the actual fuck
When he snapped half of life way, he did it with Thor's axe in his chest. He was fine after that. It was snapping the stones themselves away that nearly killed him.
she agreed to the role and was fairly professional with the performance, she along with the director of that movie were kept out of the loop as to what the fuck was happening in endgame.
she needs screentime with other heroes and she will be fine, despite having no ass
In Ant-Man 2 they shrink down cars and entire buildings.
>when it’s only ever been used on humans
So you didn't watch ant man 1?
I’m referring to the physical toll it would take on thanos not what the stones are limited to
That's not what I've said.
I'm not saying Thanos and the gotg wouldn't exist, I'm saying that Thanos would not have pursued the stones and so gamora and nebula would never have met Peter or the gang and so both gotg films would be impossible, but they still somehow happened because the snap still somehow happened even though the younger thanos was killed and he never sought the stones.
>when it’s only ever been used on humans
Is this the first movie you've seen Ant-man in? Because he uses it on inanimate objects in literally every movie he's in.
NU uh cause hulk had the exact same shriveled arm after snapping half of life back into existence showing that thanos’s shriveled arm was caused by the initial snap
Thanos is stronger than Hulk and has a specially made gauntlet for it. They explained it right at the beginning of the movie.
the physical toll isn't related to what you wish for its the actual use of all the stones at once which fucks you up even if all you asked for was an ice cream
That’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard because
1.if when any man is shrunk down he’s able to stand on Tony’s arm as if he weighs the same as a gnat
However. He’s able to punch like a normal sized man
Even more so when the pez dispenser they throw out of the van is grown to be 10x larger so does it’s mass and it literally breaks concrete
The physics in this movie is fucking dumb
It was an axe in Infinity War. They spent a quarter of the movie making it.
>CM uses the gems
>everyone not black muslim or woman is dust
>Existense as a whole collapses
>being so fucking dumb you can't understand a COMIC BOOK MOVIE that is mostly a comedy called fucking ANT MAN