40 years of Alien

What did you think about Fox's cheapo indie films?




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disney-princess xeno?

Nice feet

imagine those two pairs of arms jacking you off haha

Wait, does 'she' have arms for tits there?

for the LOVE OF GOD just give me a xeno gf already FUCK OFFFF GOD I NEED ONE

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imagine if she used the minimouth

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More or less.

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The next story focus for an Alien movie ought to have the Queen as the main character.

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Predators are better tho

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look at this point i want either as a gf

Agree, Daisy Ridley needs some work once SW is over.

I j-just wanted to talk about these shorts...

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>that pic
no you didn't


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pleb opinion
Geiger had heroine induced horror psycho orgies and created art out of it.
Stan Winston is a normal person.

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literally a human with lizard hands and predator hat.
Giger was on another plane of existance with his art.

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giger was our fucking guy
based beyond belief
a true degenerate auteur


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They had some pretty interesting early concepts for the engineer city in Covenant.

Why do you feminize a species that is inherently primitive and masculine to the point of stupidity?

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what makes me a bit sad is that we are so desensitized that nothing shocks us that much.
I wonder if we ever get something like Alien for the people in 1979. Probably just some really trippy shit and less real forms.

>tfw yautja waifu

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The weird thing is that Predators could actually work in the Alien setting. Just make them more elusive, alien and grotesquely brutal in their actions. Instead of being some mary sue species with oddly tsundere relationship with humanity, just make them this weird and mad tribal species that goes hunting amongst the ruins of the old gods. Kinda like one of those random species in Lovecraft's stories that have affinity with the alien side, much more powerful than humans but still nowhere near the top of the food chain. Make them sort of an echo of one possibility for fledgling race like humanity. They went to space, saw what was there, the ruins of civilizations that advanced beyond biology and individuality, rejected that option and regressed back into becoming just terribly efficient primitive hunters.

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