what would you do?
What would you do?
1.) Be less cringe.
2.) Be bored waiting to be a grown up again.
What I did then
>Fuck my 15 year old girlfriend all day then go to my friends' to smoke weed when it was her bed time.
Have sex with other kids
Work up the courage to kill myself, there was never any hope in the first place
Fuck every girl who liked me, because I was too autistic too at the time.
Get a gf and fuck her
Fuck a 14 year old girl since that's legal in my country as long as you're under 18.
You are a pedophile
Start making my own killdozer.
I had already graduated from high school at 17. I guess I would be less of a shut-in in my first year of university and maybe fug the hottest girl in my program before she became a psycho yandere for my friend.
I'm not sure I'd even realize I was 17 again.
a school shooting
fuck a 12yo while I can
Fuck sloots
Watch 18 Again instead.
I guess I'd like to say I'd kill Hitler.
Lift regularly and actually try and ask out girls while I still had a chance
Live life instead of watching movies.
Take my dad's gun and try to prevent the 2015 islamic attacks in Paris and Nice, and that's fucking based and redpilled.
lmao same only I would cheat on her this time
based and redpilled
Wait things out until the 2016 election and bet my entire life savings on Donald winning
Start lifting earlier and try to unfuck my life as best as i can. Wish i had a timemachine...
This is not a time travel movie you retard, you just get younger in the current year
Dread going to college again.
Get a haircut
go blow yourself up you retarded goat fucker
Fill out one of those where do you see yourself in 10 years time questionnaires right.
fuck my daughter
pull out of my cousin and not get her pregnant
did she cheat on you or are you just being a degenerate
This is not a time travel movie
Fuck jannies and fuck trannies
a true Yea Forums style answer
id run around naked knowing full-well the other teachers would all want to bang me but they dont like prison. probably play WoW as well
>implying most posters here are over 17
Do what i already did.
Shave the molestache and not go wigger.
What the fuck? Then nothing changes, I just look a bit younger.
I'd kill myself before it's too late
take hormones
Get a programming job asap and do it right this time.
So me one year ago? I’d probably spoil Endgame for everyone
Kill myself desu
>you just get younger in the current year
That sounds like a nightmare
You know what
I wouldn't drop out of college
>never go to university
>enlist in the army
>leave home
>don't treat women like queens and talk to them more and ask them out
Hopefully these would help me not turn up a 40 year old virgin.
Also, Zach Efron is one handsome dude.
Slam that pussy and turn magically retarded in front of her before disappearing.
Go 10 years back in time? I'd buy bitcoin
I would bang my teachers
Act like a complete douchebag and fuck dozens of womens
I wouldn't notice any change, and nobody who knows me would. The only differences I could think of would be that I'd have less stubble and finer chest hair. My life would continue on as normal. Or do I get played by a different actor?
go to college, fuck the women that were obviously into me, and get a job at some shitty burger joint so I wouldn't end up a mid-20's KHV NEET.
You just get ten years younger. You don't go back in time.
Buy a road bike, got my first one at 25yo and was a really big deal.
>be 1 year younger
I would have to wait another year before I could post on this board again
Invest in Facebook and google
best answer ITT
you shouldn't be posting now either
save Harambe
uhh, I don't want to go back pre puberty
Stop my childhood friend from falling in love with a black guy who takes her virginity and leaves her a single mother and make her get with me instead
Are teenage years meant to be the peak of your life for normies?
My teenage years were mediocre as fuck and a bit depressing desu
Do better in precalc so I don't fuck up the whole process and have to essentially bluff my way through mandatory calculus classes before locking myself out of any mathematically-rigorous master's program.
Get a job and start betting on sport matches.
Ruin vidya and movies for people years/months in advance under the guise of my dad works at x studio so I am telling the truth.
Have sex with milfs
Cuck as many wh*Te bois as I can with my BBC
So literally nothing changes except I'm somewhat younger. I guess I would work out some more and binge calcium supplements to maybe grow slightly taller.
I would start a band
some spic soap opera
don't bother
Kill myself when I was 17 rather than doing it so late in my life at 27.
any style or flair that you would add?
I'd change my eating habits now that I know how easy it is to lose weight.
Wouldn't bother with college, instead going into carpentry or stonework.
>I’ll never go back in time to be less of a sperg and fuck the 4’11” short stack scene girl with DD tits granted a 6/10 face but those tits were something else that asked me out
Call someone the n-word
>those dubs?
Try to date and have sex and see friends more and don't waste so much time isolating myself once I go to college.
ask out the little filipina virgin freshman girl that had a crush on me
Sour grapes. It's okay I am too
sob uncontrollably because I have to go through it all over again
start eating better, work out, take more care of my skin etc, invest into bitcoin or in meme tesla stocks when they come out.
Fuck all those horny 13-16 year old bitches that i didn't because i spent too much time playing pc games and masturbating.
Not sure if i would go back to school and take a different lifepath.
Bretty much this. If I knew it would end I'd have fucked 5-10 more chicks.
>MFW I had teen tits hanging on my face and said no, wtf was I thinking.
do better in school, and not smoke pot. that would be about it
My girl also cheated eventually, but not until I was 20, her 18.
I think we all had those moments, brought up and believing in monogamy morals and you have to have a girlfriend and will love her forever.
Masturbating too much so you were not horny enough when the time came and said no. I had one moment where i said no went home and masturbated and said fuck why.
>Wouldn't bother with college, instead going into carpentry or stonework.
Become a captain and travel the world, never stay on land for more than a week and have a burial at sea.
Weird, for me it's the opposite, do worse in school, and smoke cigarettes
Go to a mental ward or rehab for some temporary treatment. Tried to an hero when I was 15 after years of depression eventually culminating in periods of psychosis featuring catatonia and hallucinations, only thing that numbed the pain and the serious amounts of post traumatic stress was booze so I drank myself into infinity.
My adolescence was pretty horrible overall and there wouldn't be much I could do about changing it so I don't dwell on the past.
Thinking the exact same thing!
That being stop my beautiful daughter from turning into a hambeast in the near future
Not really desu, for a lot of well adjusted people adolescence was not a fun time.
I'd do the same except I'd join the chair force.
Here it's legal even if you are over 18
I love this place
Start over. I was a chad at 17. Now I've fallen into lonely faggotry.
i would hide my fathers car keys that night
to 17 year old zac?
user i...
bet 7-1 toto for the worldcup and get rich, or buy bitcoin for 50 bucks a piece
not discover alcohol
Teenage years sucked. 27 now and have a better mindset, a good paying job and my own place. Thinking about me as a teen makes me cringe.
I do miss being around teenage girls though
I would stop being edgy.
Stop being friends with faggots.
Use my girlfriend instead of pretend we will get married later on only for her to cheat on me. I would cheat on her too.
The most important change in my life wouldn't be any of the above tho, the biggest change would come when I turn 18. Instead of going to college I will just work. Because god damn I wasted years of my life studying in college only to end up being a dropped out of college loser old as fuck that wasted half his life away. I should have just worked and amassed wealth. Maybe then I wouldn't live with my parents today.
You killed yourself at 27?
1 like = 1 prayer
Call me a faggot and all but I liked that movie, fuck you.
Thats a good prank
I was a personality-less simp doped up on adderall throughout highschool so I'd actually exist. Maybe I'd be somewhere today.
I wont call you a faggot, gayboi
It was 2 years ago, the fuck am I supposed to do.
Prolly take my wolf dog out for the daily 10km walk. I liked walking when i was 17 teen (and fight with the damn dog) 3rd gen wolf schaefer hybrid but still it wanted to eat other dogs.
i don't want this feel anymore
heh... heh good joke
6/10 is above average, retard. That means she's pretty.
Fucking moron.
unironically have sex
Sleep with the cute guy I got the feeling was coming on to me
Seduce my best friend before he joins the Army and runs afoul of a pack of junkie fucks that get him kicked out.