Discuss the finale, did your caveman brain get set alight thinking of the whole meta'ness?
>The finale music was 100% kino.
>Amaras milkers FUCKING WHEN
Supernatural: MotorHead Addition
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first for mini crowley
I like having Supernatural threads
but the finale left me quite cold
Calling it now: last episode is Sam, Dean and Cas taking over things from God, Amara and Cas, respectively. Sam will be the new God, Dean will be the new anti-God and Cas will be the new empty. Season 15 will fuck shit up in the multiverse and our heroes will have to fix literally everything.
Someone screencap this.
>from God, Amara and Cas, respectively
Meant to write Empty there, lol.
more likely nu-death will stay as death, jack will become god, sammie and dean keep being normie hunters, rowena is dead and castiel is taken by the empty because he is finally happy
What songs do you want to played in the final season Yea Forums?
If they bring back Lucy youtube.com
They'll gather an elite team of old characters to overthrow god, because everyone is angry
I agree with this.
It's gonna be a huge throwback with all the past allies they had, expect A LOT of cameos.
living on a prayer
more than a feeling
dust in the wind
and the final countdown. unironically. the final countdown in the final episode would be so kino.
but god knows this.
god knows everything
he is literally god
they can't defeat god.
whatever they do, god wrote them to do it.
it's going to be tough for the writers to handle this paradox. jared and jensen said they will take active role during the final season with both directing and writing. maybe they have something interesting to offer. but it's mostly gonna suck.
do you think the chick from episode 3 will return who is played by AMY? I imagine the amyposter(s) here would cream heavy
No fuck you, amyposters
Lucifer wasn't that much right about God.
Michael, however, was fucking spot on.
it would be nice if heat of the moment gets played again or a reference to mystery spot/tuesdays
>it was the HEAT of the MOMENT
>the single most meta episode in the most meta series just aired yesterday and Yea Forums is too busy discussing game of thrones, marvel and alita
absolute state of this toilet of a board
how did alt michael know the real truth about God and all the failed worlds, etc? did they ever explain that? none of the archangels from our world knew.
Yeah, but he was a dick about it.
Could've helped a rebellion against god, not kill everybody when he knew chuck wouldn't care one bit.
Sigh....need I say more?
Calling it now: when Chuck uses his powers seriously his eyes are the same as Jack's.
once you catch up with the later seasons you'll get tired of bunkerposting and start wishing it getting burned down like the rest of us, anonina
amara never wore a bra
I don't want it to be destroyed.
I think he didn't know, he just guessed. Obviously the universe he came from was long abandoned by Chuck.
Probably tried to rationalize the things after he killed lucifer and then has got the puzzle assembled when Lucifer and Mary arrived. With final straw being access to the memories of God from Dean Winchester.
(Maybe even from knowledge that their universe didn't have Amara at all.)
Is that user a girl (female)?
Also, to add, Chuck was showing hints of being a megalomaniacal spastic, when he flung Metatron for bants against him.
He was always a voyeur with delusion of grandeur and God complex (duuh)
>access to the memories of God from Dean
that's it. nice recall
Oh no the cunny has it in for Xander and he drives a ice cream truck
If Amara joins their side, they'll have a chance.
If. We still don't know what exactly happened to her.
Or if she actually existed.
She either exists, but for this universe. Or Chuck has created her in order to recreate the whole Lucifer story for, pretty much, every universe.
Probably, that's why Alt!Michael went with the whole "kill the god". There was Amara in his universe as well, that, he an other archangels sealed back there.
>(Maybe even from knowledge that their universe didn't have Amara at all.)
Actually disregard this. Amara is vital part of the story of Lucifer, well, becoming the Lucifer.
Probably Alt!Michael peaked into Dean mind and found out about the Amara, which HE himself helped to seal away. And that tipped Michael off about what was the real story...
...that the Amara affair was part of the Gods' plot (hinted at with the existence of universe without her or angels)
convince me this show isn't for women and faggy men. give me a good ep and ill actually try it.
Take your glam rock and get out of here, Sam. No one wants that shit.
the Crazy World of Arthur Brown - Fire
Bon Jovi rocks dude.
On occasion.
On season 11 now trying to catch up as fast as possible. Luckily the weekends here.
just finished it. never expected that twist and it got me hyped for the new season. was thinking about dropping it. i also want something similar to the earlier seasons, with the small hunting jobs etc.
he probably had a discourse with god in his universe.
seriously, watch season 4 episode 1. that's the episode that hooked me
>was thinking about dropping it
user its the final season, just finish it
Fug I havent had the chance to post again in the previous thread. I thought it would die. I have another flight coming up but reading the theories and people getting hyped for season 15 is fantastic.
1-5 > 11 > 6-7, 12-14 > 10 > shit > 8-9
He saw Dean’s memories
I really want amara to return, season 11 was so good partly because of her and bringing her back wouln't feel like just fan service she could actually do some shit relevant to the plot
I need a fucking promo or something for s15
Holy shit what a cliffhanger
watchjust because tumblr likes it doesn't make it tumblr.
Why are the actors so weird
Ehat is with that picture of jensen kissing some kid
>be introduced as a supreme entity reigning in a world where God has no power, and where dead angels sleep eternally
>suddenly everyone can not only wake up, but also escape your world just because some nephilim thought about it, or some fanatic human makes up a spell to bring back lucifer
I just can't take the Empty seriously anymore.
American parents kiss their kids on the mouth.
>castiel is taken by the empty because he is finally happy
No way winchesters and god jack would let that happen
sammie likes celine dion, it's canon
this is a correct and based ranking, other rankings are not accepted ITT
Since when? The fuck
And why does he look like a douche frat boy in that picture
you're just jelous he's not kissing (you)
no they don't weirdo
They have jack death and the emty on there side
And they have free will god doesnt control everything just maniplates good
I'm willing to bet Chuck and the Empty made a deal at the dawn of time, eons ago, that they will leave each other alone. Only there is a new god in town, Jack, who took a big pile of shit in all this by waking up Cas.
>nu Death, Entity and Jack team up
Berserk behelit
Do tthose fucks even know how to write?
I like nu-death
I wish she'd shit on my face
I don't think I've ever heard anything from her.
I guess she's not a bad singer.
meant sit on my face
Hes probaly getting revived from the emty
And cage michael should be freed
As if there is any difference
why does cas retain his vessel form in the empty?
wtf you don't know titanic's theme song?
literally how
Jensen and Jared will be contributing to their characters, not the plot
I can see it being pkayed during an impala scene
>you don't know titanic's theme song?
I've never seen Titanic. I mean, I already know the fucking ship sinks, who gives a shit?
because if cas is possessing someone else normies don't understand who is cas and get upset
normies got confused when ruby and meg posessed different people for example. also, they are not firing misha collins
What does meta mean
don't know if you are being stupid, trolling or meta with me
>Chuck prefers the old Death
based God hating on strong black wymyn
I just have only heard it a few times user
you guys, we are close to getting 113555555
we've never ever gotten any good gets here, maybe today is the day
Kek what's the difference
But I would call it more sociopathic
God snapping jack confirms that God is a lot stronger than amara as she couldn't just snap luci I mean she almost could but still
And jack is worth at least 2.5 lucifers
>small hunting jobs
Not going to happen
There's more hellish creatures than humans now
How is this legal
It makes sense though
Many parents do that, mothers and fathers.
I neither liked it nor my parents did it to me, but it's not uncommon.
everything is legal when you are beautiful
Nice choice if Dean got a weeaboo episode
They should go bearded for season 15
Are you a sociopath for cleaning a petri dish when the results are unsatisfactory?
A creator god operates outside mortal morality.
user it's just putting lips together and it's common if parents actually love their kidsit's not like they use tongue or do it sexually. and parents stop doing it once the first blood or semen burst comes, they do it only to kids not teens
Destiel next season lads.
Prepare yourselves.
Tell me
Kek it looks so wrong
God trips
see jensen is currently against destiel, but misha is on board. if jensen is taking active role in where his character is going destiel is less likely
I never heard of or seen that until now
No way the actual pedos
trips demand an answer
Meta (from the Greek meta- μετά- meaning "after" or "beyond") is a prefix used in English to indicate a concept which is an abstraction behind another concept, used to complete or add to the latter.
for example, if in a tv series a character says he is in a tv series, then he is being meta
same with when chuck sais sam and dean are their favourite show. or the entire episode of the french mistake, watch community, abed is even more meta than supernatural
Look at the way he acts
if you want to go next level with meta storytelling, watch this ultimate french kino about italian comedians in spanish colonial peru. best movie I've ever seen.
also you've probably seen the season 9 episode "Meta Fiction" in which metatron writes "his own story". So user, whether you were trolling or not, now you should know what meta means.
time to go digging in tumblr and twitter for salt.
the season finale had plenty moments in which dean was angry at cas, so they should be seethen and crying there
will post here if I find something funny
Is that something gay?
Why would a non-human cosmic entity wear something as constricting as a bra?
>what is meta?
>what is destiel?
okay now this is a troll
to make the tits look more thic and less saggy
Do I look like some fat thot who visits tumblr?
I’m sure Cas is gonna find one way or another to keep working with Dean
>season 9
Not worth remembering
It remember all the other seasons but 6 8 9 and lost of 10 is a blur
>A majority of Destiel fans are very vocal in their beliefs that Dean and Castiel are romantically drawn to each other. Dean is often referred to as Castiel's favorite human.
>Many believe that Dean does not treat Castiel like a friend or a brother but more like someone he loves romantically. This is referring to the many moments on the show where there is sexual tension between the two. Characters in the show such as Metatron, Balthazar, Crowley, and Meg have made jokes about the two of them dating. Sam has often been caught in the middle of a "destiel" moment, and has awkwardly had to cough to get the two to snap out of it.
>Although some actors do not openly support Destiel, hints or mentions of the ship have appeared in various points in the series. Other actors, such as Misha Collins (Castiel) and Richard Speight Jr. (Gabriel the Archangel), have openly said they support the ship.
>Some fans have created community groups based on a romantic relationship between Dean and Castiel.
Probably Meta seem
Meta seems kind of terrible
they also create fanart and memes
What's really meta is that I'm Peruvian.
we now have confirmed anons from
If you want a good comfy spooky show watch Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, its kino.
where did everyone go
Should I flee to Peru or Argentina when shit hits the fan in Europe?
>delusion of grandeur
it not a delusion when it's real
first 5 seasons are KINO, after that is debatable but season 5 is a good end point if you ignore the final minute or so
>as she couldn't just snap luci I mean she almost could but still
to be fair she had just taken a beating and was busy fighting god a the moment
Did everyone see them push their liberal agenda through when everyone told the truth in the finale?
Trumps tax returns and Russia and deal with the devil.
Checkmate nazis.
Oh whatever. It was a funny little jab. Trump isn’t president in their universe anyway.
>Are you a sociopath for cleaning a petri dish when the results are unsatisfactory?
I don't demand petty dish to bow at me.
imagine trumo talking to crowley
he is tho
it just occurred to me, they can use the "god was fucking with them" plotline as a way to explain all the retcons and inconsistencies, it was just god changing the rules and powerlevels to make things more interesting
>Other actors, such as Misha Collins (Castiel) and Richard Speight Jr. (Gabriel the Archangel)
They also said the Queen is a lizard. Such horrible lies.
>le orangeman bad
Man, the cringe when we go back and rewatch anything made in this era is going to be severe, its even worse than the Clinton jokes from the late 90s
>Such horrible lies.
I don't think so pal
An ex-footballer who believes in psychics.
England's really let herself go.
Don't knock ex-footballers, cunt
What's everyone's worst character this season?
Mines smug blonde lesbian.
"I can steal your car and get away with it because I'm a girl" "She can handle herself".
I was looking forward to a Jack having fun episode but they created pointless characters that ruined the episode for me.
Crowley: The Art of the Deal
Fuck you, Max is waifu tier.
jack, because he should have never been in this show
I hate lesbians in general
I hate every single one of you. Just a reminder.
I for one love every single one of you.
What the hell is wrong with you?
t. a lesbian upset over
>he plays with balls
is this how people in this thread would look like if we'd discuss the show irl?
/ourguy/ jack should have smited that cunt
113555555 is coming so get ready and make a good post so it won't get wasted if we get it
Best character you mean
El goblin
The fuck happens she looked cute a few years ago
Yes. Yea Forums is already filled with reddit (see got general) but then you have reddit tier shows who basically exist through fanservice (supernatural). This thread is reddit/tumblr.
Will it stop me from sometimes posting in it? No
More like this
>What's everyone's worst character this season?
luci and sleeve
at least jared and jensen unironically love all their ugly fans as much as they like their non-ugly fans so it doesn't matter if its true
What if half this thread is full of girls?
more like this
>he fell for the 'there are girls in the internet' meme
Jack's gonna be new God. He's going to hit the universal reset on everything and remove all monsters from existence
more like this actually
did he lose his old jacket?
just take a second to think. you look like jensen and you have to take a pic with what's right on the pic. what exact thought go through your head? no person is nice enough to not think in his head wow what an ugly landwhale ugh disgusting. Imagine him and jared have been doing pics with those things for almost 15 years.
>he gets them crushed
God didnt know Sam was going to shoot him
He's thinking, "If it wasn't for this show I'd be Captain America and set for life." The fans don't even enter into his mind anymore.
it's acting, also, fag
let's just be grateful we got 2 qt lezbos because they as sure af don't look like this irl
Anyone can find ugly fans
checking everything worthy
find me some good looking ones
poor jensen
the ginger looks qt
What a qt
Imagine if they were ugly that would be rape.
>reverse image search
>sam and dean being protective of little sister
lmao, user what?
they literally ask jensen and jared to do that
he's thinking cha ching $$$
i went to a spn con. i didn't pay extra for pics etc. i think it was $140 or $160 extra to get a pic with Jensen or Jared. I did some math at the con I was at where J2 were only there for Saturday (one day) and figured out that they both made around 40K each for one day of "work," aka as people idolizing you.
Dean girl is acceptable
also, they are both prolly feminists so lol @ the irony
good to know that the pain gives them money, not even mad at this
The season finale has been one of the most hype finales in the shows entire history. Hopefully they end the show on a high note.
top or bottom?
Post yfw "God was never on your side" started playing
The safe bet is on switch
>orange man good
okay I take it back, not all fans are uggos
but the vocal ones still are and you can't refute that
>S: deen look at this
>D: what is it sammeh?
>S: i found it behind the men of letters refridgerator
>Its a pamphlet about something called "the steve receptacle"
>according to the lore it's a shippin container designed by this guy in toronto who claimed he could contain God, or any of his theoretical family members.
>D: sam, look here, between the men of letters couch cushions. it's a brochure about a binding spell for entities that can create multiverses.
>mixing the fingernail of a shedim, the second pancreas of an anti-christ, and eye of newt, we can summon cHUCK long enough to push him into that receptacle.
>quick we gotta get amara's yahweh blade and put all this stuff together
>S: after we trap him billy can throw it into a black hole in the deepest part of space
>D: not if i jump in it first samy
fair enough
>Using a show about ghosts to push your political agenda
When will they learn?
>getting upset about comedy on a homoerotic ghost hunting show then complaining on your Armenian Fish-gutting forum
And then,
>S:DeaN nO you can't
>D:Cas please
>Cr:hello boys
>D:too late I'm dead
>Death:last time I'm doing this
>montage of them drinking beer and having fun
>credits roll
She was fuckin ugly in this season.
goodnight anons, I cant stay up any longer it almost 4 AM
good thread, dont let it die
did anyone notice the title card last night, that it looked different maybe? was it different than what they used earlier in the season? it was very cool
does anyone have a webm or screen grab of the title card from this season?
How far you on Buffy? I'm on season 5 now
good night bulgarianon
me on the left
did it cost money to just go to the con as well? or only pics. from what I know, some actors like the chuck's actor also sing there
the time of the get is JUST around the corner
get ready
warmup get is was
Its a Spike episode
he wasn't a dick, just devoted to a fault. he's god's bitch through and through
post faster, I want the get already
cba waiting, good luck user
What age does chin and jaw stop growing
Better version
Jacket looks to big
Someone on the set had to steal it
Hello boys
Fuck capeshit
Sam's a chad
Is that that dyke?
fucking when already
Based Supernatural fan
>plot point about heaven losing souls
>hell loses souls instead because God
writers lie
cant take this
>no person is nice enough to not think in his head wow what an ugly landwhale ugh disgusting
you should take inspiration from what i'm going to say: yes, there is more than one person to not think that and it doesn't take a particularly nice person to do it either, you're just that conceited
Who's happy that stupid cunt is dead?
Younger version was hot though.
beautiful get, gives me hope for the big one
yes, i can't recall exactly how much, but it's very pricey. i went to the day when jared and jensen were there and it was more than $100 for each ticket. they have tons of different packages to choose from, but iirc to get a gold ticket for everyday and including pics was over $1000.
also, i should clarify. the 40k for J and J the one day that i calculated was JUST for the pics. i have no idea how much more of the cut they got.
also, i have to say that chuck's band was pretty freaking good. they played tons of great classic rock covers. additionally, it was a ton of fun. i got to high five jensen and i met misha and mark sheppard. misha is a nut. super friendly guy that loves the fans and being in the crowd etc. also, i met jared sister (who is a super qt and very tall like sam) who writes/illustrates her own children's book and had booth selling them.
ask me any other questions you have. i seriously recommend going to one if you have a chance. it was a blast.
>jared sister (who is a super qt and very tall like sam
insta googled her
she looks like she should bully me
Blessing this thread
jared's sis (not my pic). i bought both of her books and gave them to my cousin who has little kids. they loved them. i read them too and they are awesome. she's very talented.
how many females and how many males were there? and how many of the women were uggos, sharks and whales?
i can't believe she hasn't had a guest role as an angel on the show. she's very elegant and angelic irl.
Fuck off chuck, you were never on our side.
glad to see someone joining the cause
if the big get comes, dean will finally uncuck himself from what lisa did to him
You mean what Chuck did, right?
Is that a Sam amulat
fuck chuck
probably 70-80% female. mmm, i'd say most were total nerd type chicks and 70% of them you'd consider uggos - and by that i mean say less than 7s. there were the occasional qts though. it was so funny to see so many chicks in flannel. it seemed like the real qts all wore revealing clothes, like they fed off their hotness compared to their counterparts. there was also a good amount of boomer chicks there too which surprised me. all in all, if you want to get laid, go to a spn con. you will find someone.
>TFW no God
here it comes aaarghghr h
Such a qt.
>not if i jump in it first samy
Do you mean boomer boomer, or internet boomer? Because if you mean the former, I'm not surprised at all. My aunt is way into the show and the reason I found out about it. It caters pretty hard to that demographic.
Empty is gonna form a army and kill god
welp, the next big get is the ultimate devil's get, six sixes, we have a week or two until we can fuck up again.
Put a bag over her head and shed be a good slampig
yeah, boomer boomers
Who's the big guy
>never even considered extracting Jack's grace
>never brought up the cage to hold Jack
>never asked Billy to bring Jack far away like Deanmon
>hell is radio silent despite being in anarchy and basically no angels left
>Naomi in prison for some reason
Alt-Michael was right. The writers are screwing up this show and going to end it and reboot with another.
>when half your height is the neck
Height should be measured at the shoulders
Who's the ugly bitch on the right
He looks like a twink
So how is the character? Is she a stupid whore?
Reminder that God's (formerly Chuck) true personality was revealed in his first appearance
I assumed that chuck destroyed heaven to
pretty sure its the same as its been all season
I like that Sam dean John and Mary all actually look really similar
Do you have autism?
How is Jared and Jensen?
Her long neck anables her to take very long dicks in her throat, like jared's
Also reminder that its canon that sam's penis is very big
More like cursed
The cage was all Cas talked about during the finale, except no one wanted to listen or enjoyed how screwed he was to help. Also, pretty sure Billy's had enough of their shit that asking for help is literal bottom tier. The rest of that is conveniently ignored to avoid over complicating or admitting the budget constraints of the show.
Not to say the writing hasn't been poor, but it's not as bad as it used to be.
>>never brought up the cage to hold Jack
Cas was trying to get into hell (talking to demon in the alley right before chuck showed up) in the finale to study the cage for that reason. they were thinking about that one user
Any chance to get a ruby cosplayer?
We can do it
Only another arch angel could extract?
Wait colonial Sanders did it
lol, yes for sure user. there were attempts at cosplay for all the female characters, not to mention you will never see more females in flannel in one place on earth. i even saw someone with a little kid dressed like this
It was planned
Extracting his grace would kill him, remember?
Sam's neck isn't long though
And how is the latter cannon?
>showrunner who planned for 5 seasons then left planned for 15
rude and gross. pls kys
It might not have been planned,but Chuck was always meant to be God, a capricious God
Do I need to be a giga chad?
>only 1 guy wrote season 5
It was
Dean has always hated him
>God, a capricious God
No he wasn't. this line was just a meta joke considering Chuck himself is god and he's shitting on himself, same with the rest of the episode like how he "wrote" himself into the books he was writing and said something about bad writers do that or something
>one guy was running the show and the vision for it
dude he vanished, a lot of people including me thought he was God from s5 long before it was confirmed
She's ugly in all seasons
Now that'd be some kino for the last arc.
On thread topic, still a couple of episodes to watch this weekend. Read some spoilers on the last thread, but nothing that makes too much sense. Some big game changers apparently.
no. jensen and jared are awesome. it was much more of an intimate experience than i imagine most cons are. it really is like a big family thing. all the actors were there (Gabriel's actor, richard spreight, was the "host" and Chuck's band was always playing etc) all the actors came out into the crowd at different times and all the people in crowd were kind of in tune i guess. like we all were there for "our" show and it was such a cool vibe to be around all the other fans. it wasn't like some random con with a bunch of different fan bases. it was so much fun to be around a bunch of people that were even way more into the show than i am. i love it, but some people REALLY love it
He vanished at the end, which means when you rewatch the episodes it's clear he was being meta
>he was God from s5 long before it was confirmed
I did too. Didn't even need to be confirmed in show since the showrunner and actor joked about it. hate they brought him back and did that sister shit though
Yes, what do you think showrunner means user?
>He vanished at the end, which means when you rewatch the episodes it's clear he was being meta
all prophet "vanish" after their tasking is done. some user long ago posted the bible canon for this. at the time no one really thought chuck was God. for years most thought he was just a prophet writing a the Winchester Gospel.
>it's a god is out of character episode
>he used to care but now he doesn't lol
whoever said that was wrong and talking out their ass, all prophets do not vanish, a couple did like Elijah, plenty didn't like his successor elisha also daniel, joesph and many more, in fact only 2 'vanished' elijah was taken by the chariot of god and Enoch who
>was translated that he did not see death and was not found because god had translated him
I thought he was god at the time and pretty much everyone I knew who watched the show thought so to, even before he vanished when he did it just confirmed it
No-one noticed the manlet joke in the finale? First Game of Thrones, now Supernatural. Based.
powerful magic in these digits
here on Yea Forums. i've been here since season 4 and back in those days most anons didn't think chuck was God.
in real life everyone I knew who watched the show did, I remember trying to convince people on Yea Forums but some fools just didn't listen
i have to admit i was one of those at the time that didn't believe it. i was prb one of the people on here arguing against you, lol. nice to see there's other oldfags around.
just remember we're here forever
How big is hell exactly?
crowley has mentioned he's got millions of souls, and that was back before he became king, so big very big
i know user. i know. it's not the worst thing in the world. and checked.
100 billion people have ever lived. Naomi said Heaven had 46,750,000,000 souls. Hell must have the rest minus the souls in purgatory which is still in the order of tens of billions.
no user. it was a very friendly atmosphere. low expectations were in the air.
we've never learned the criteria for going to hell. Not being a Christian should be an overwhelming advantage for hell. i never understood the importance of the crossroad demons when so many non believers exist.
We need a webm of Dean breaking Chucks guitar
Because it doesn't work like that, it seems getting to heaven or hell isn't about belief
>Amara loves kino
at first I thought Chuck was bringing back every monster they had killed throughout their life, but then it's just zombies? Or is it both?
It's everything.
do you think it was for us?
Anubis judges souls based on the good and bad they did through life.