On your own scale, how hyped are you for the new charlies angels?

on your own scale, how hyped are you for the new charlies angels?

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Not at all, although hopefully KStew will show feet

will it have Kristen Stewart fucking the other two with a double dildo strap on ?
Then yes

>double dildo strap on

2 dildos on a strapon belt.
Stack the two women on top of eachother and then you can fuck both.

did you make that up? I'd like to see some video evidence of this contraption to fully understand it

Where’s the Asian girl?

10, solely for Kstew.

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>Kstew (right) pictured with her toilet slave (left)

i might have made it up but only because i thought i actually exists. I'm surprised.
I was thinking in the likes of Bible Black double dick lesbian threesome, i was sure someone replicated that in real life.


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why not a second dildo on the back so the wearer is sandwiched

do you think Kristen wants to get fucked or rather fuck two girls ? I think she is more on the dominat side.

that doesnt seem like the type of photo she would take... is that even her or was she doing it for a role?

Kristen would have one worship her feet while the other eats her ass

Isn't she a dyke now? Who wants to watch Charlie's Angels with a dyke?

That just ruins the idea you could have sex with them.

With that logic, you should never watch lesbian porn
Oh wait, you aren't some kind of pleb who doesn't watch lesbian porn, are you?

do you think all those lesbian that come out now are really lesbian or just overcompensating because of all the producers harassing them.

>I was thinking in the likes of Bible Black double dick lesbian threesome, i was sure someone replicated that in real life.
You have to keep in mind that anime genitals can freely move around the body to line up with dicks from every angle.

In real life, genitals are fixed in position and something like this probably wouldn't work very well.

Most lesbian porn doesn't feature actual lesbians, it's just girls fake fucking for money.


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I'd buy three copies.

Neither is Kristen an "actual lesbian"
And hell, who says the character in the movie will be a lesbian?

>lesbian porn

Naomi Scott looks like the Indian grls I go to school with, so fucking lonely user.

>lick up anons

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Kristen is ugly anyways

Imagine being her shoes and fully aware and feeling her feet fill you up to the brim

nice noses

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i don't know man, if you position the dildos correctly and have them be the right material and have the 2 right girls stacked upon each other.
I believe.

In the 90s some pornstars would only do lesbian scenes because they were married and they both didnt consider girl on girl as cheating.

No cute redhead in the team, no buy.

I love how lesbian porn has gone from some blond bimbos with bolt-ons pretending to like it to actual qts expertly pretending to be into each other

Why did she cheat on her husband?

an astute observation, very nice

Pornstars still do that, maybe not the married part but they have boyfriends that only want them doing lesbo porn. Also lesbian porn has less stigma attached to it

probably(idk not a doctor) seems like less likely to pick up a disease with girl on girl

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I can't tell if Kristen Stewart is playing a cis man, a trans male, or a transgendered female who went back to being a man

>porn without a dick going in and out
whats the point?

change the latina/arab for a redhead, and it would be perfect

>Also lesbian porn has less stigma attached to it
it also pays a lot less than almost any other kind of porn. only solo/masturbation scenes pay less than lesbo stuff. interracial anal pays the best by the way

based chad dyke

watch less porn, you don't need a dick to be arroused

Literally who cares, its about feet you retard.

kinda hot any way you phrase it

Yeah its almost the more disgusting and humilitating the porn is the more it pays, everyone is okay with licking pussy of good looking girl but nobody wants niggers fucking you in ass.

This looks more like a Danger Girls project with those haircuts and those clothes

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>not having a super long dildo that goes through kstew out her mouth and the butt and into the other girls butts so we get some ass2mouth and some ass2ass kino action

On a personal scale of T to Mars I am lasagna

google "foot fetish explained"
its literally brain damage

solo is the only porn for the discerning man
gotta pander the pleb audiences, tho


i would like to nominate this for post of the month

it is very epic

>two british actresses and one american

Attached: naomi scott-533.webm (1920x800, 2.59M)

>change the latina/arab for a redhead,

She's Anglo-Indian, but yeah I agree.

>read first sentence
>freud mentioned

Foot fetish is explained by evolution retard, women with nice feet means they are healthier and take better care of themselves. Also means they are of higher social status since they do less walking.

Bout three fiddy.

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the POC is really cute

on the far right

Bro there are prettier mentally ill girls out there. You don't need to be obsessed with this one just because she was in Twilight.

Which one?

the dark one


the mulatto and the poolato are like the same colour

>asian replaced with black
it's like these people are incapable of understanding what makes movies bomb

On a scale of 1-10 I'd say I'm at a solid 2.

go see your eye doctor and get your prescription checked and or adjust the colors on your monitor cause YOURE BLIND

>putting long range scope directly into sand

does she not believe in bras?

You’re exaggerating. When I zoom into the OP pic she’s maybe a shade darker. In this they’re basically the same tho.

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Yeah, you definitely need to do that mate....

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They cute

There are no girls out there that are better nor prettier than Kris10.

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Nice diversity there. Im so tired of this

This. Cute redheads make everything better

Thought that was Tessa Thompson in the thumbnail and almost flipped shit at the thought of her being in yet another thing

lmao the denial


Not hyped. I only cared as a kid because Lucy Liu and Cameron Diaz were hot. As an adult I'm not particularly attracted to any of these females although the one on the left is the most fuckable.

>tfw kstew and naomi will never be your lesbian gfs

her mother is some tv chef

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Op wut site you use to cut merge picture

I know. She’s very qt

oh damn i love her british accent and gapped tooth

I unironically am hoping its good, this group looks like they could be fun on screen (and off)

just zoomed in screenshots and pasted in word processor

aye mum is banging, am glad daughter went on mothers looks and not her slavic? pop

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lol same teef


I am the only one that thinks Jodie might have raped Kristen? It's pretty common for boys to turn gay as adults after being raped by men.

>Charlie's Angels
>without Farrah Fawcett

Attached: Farrah-Fawcett-Cropped.jpg (1196x1600, 495K)

Dumb boomer your queen is a bag of bones

Except Tanya Roberts was best girl

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girl on right is fine as fuck, who is she?

>dies due to being addicted to anal

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Naomi Scott

she could be the next eva green if she wanted

Asslet the movie

3 actresses and none of them is THICC

I am out

Actually some good looking girls, how did this happen?

She must have got bleached hard and good

>literally the top two causes of anal cancer are HPV (sex) and sexual activity

>(sips)Farrah Fawcett. Now THAT was an actress.

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Shit taste. Jaclyn Smith was obviously best girl

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Looking forward to the all male charlies angels, about time Charlie started mixing it up a bit.

That's fucking gay, no thanks!

Pink Ranger Jasmine

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