I think that basically most American superhero comics, and this is probably a sweeping generalisation, they’re a lot like America’s foreign policy.

America has an inordinate fondness for the unfair fight.

That’s why I believe guns are so popular in America – because you can ambush people, you can shoot them in the back, you can behave in a very cowardly fashion. Friendly fire, or as we call it everywhere else in the world, American fire.

If you’re up there in the stratosphere so that everything on the ground looks like ants, it might be insurgents, it might be an Iraqi wedding party, it might be some English soldiers

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:


There’s that beautiful bit of dialogue from the cockpit video when they say, “You’ve just bombed a load of Brits.” Their pilots say, “Woah, dude, we’re going to jail.” This is the Iraq war, not Bill And Ted’s Excellent Adventure!

I believe that the whole thing about superheroes is they don’t like it up them. They would prefer not to get involved in a fight if they don’t have superior firepower, or they’re invulnerable because they came from the planet Krypton when they were a baby.

I genuinely think it’s this squeamishness that’s behind the American superhero myth. It’s the only country where it’s really taken hold. As Brits, we'll go to see American superhero films, just like the rest of the world, but we never really created superheroes of our own.

And as Londoners, when we had that little bit of bother on the 7th July 2005 – after America had two big buildings blown up... Terrible shame, but we had a lot more than two buildings blown up during the ‘40s when America was providing most of the munitions to Hitler...

But when it happened in England, what was the reaction of the American forces on the 8th of July, as soon as those bombs went off? They pulled the American servicemen outside of the M25, because London was too dangerous for the armed and trained American military men.

Then after a few days, they thought, actually, this does look kind of bad, even for America, let’s creep back into London and pretend we’ve been here all the time.”

why do brits think they're still important though?

>As Brits, we'll go to see American superhero films, just like the rest of the world, but we never really created superheroes of our own.
What about all the knock-offs of Superman that were created in Britain in the 1940s and 1950s

>you can behave in a very cowardly fashion.

It's time for this low-level wizard to go silently into that good bog.

Attached: churchill genocide manaic jews holohoax ww2.jpg (895x960, 133K)



Might as well add another 0 on there nazi faggot

I don't know about his "theory" on the popularity of comics but my fellow countrymen are turbocowards. I've always felt like a foreigner because I'm not afraid to fight 1v1.

There's a lot of brits killing other brits in this list. More than I would have guessed.

Also I've never heard of Americans providing munitions to Hitler. I'm going to look that up.

I can smell the cafe so,y on your lips

Attached: bombing dresden holohoax.jpg (960x681, 117K)

>but my fellow countrymen are turbocowards
What country do you live in?

Attached: dresden bombing nazi germany america british holohoax.jpg (866x652, 430K)

>Also I've never heard of Americans providing munitions to Hitler. I'm going to look that up.
lol, they also say their were masturbation death machines and roller coaster rides into gas chambers ---not joking.

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>this number seems inaccurate

You sure showed him.

NPC programing malfuction, folks. Never introduce new information to them.

Churchill wrote an autobiography and pretty much admits it.

Attached: Churchill ww2 reasons usury jews bank.jpg (986x761, 292K)

>germany attacks poland
>brits have an alliance with poland
>this isn't a declaration of war

i wish this motherfucker would just shut up. thinks he's so fucking smart about everything just cause he wrote the fucking overrated Watchmen a million years ago


You've got the entire world figured out, it's all a conspiracy against Nazi Germany but you're not even aware of the fact Neville Chamberlain declare War on Germany, not Churchill

Keep them info graphs coming Nazi. Remember the 6 million at Dresden!

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Pity we can't test your skepticism by firebombing London's population centers and counting the bodies.

Another convincing flawless argument.

All very good except for the fact it was the suburbs that were mainly targeted. (munition factories)
All very good except for the fact most of the dead were foreign laborers from Poland, Ukraine and France (based Nazi white supremacists)
All very good except for the fact neo nazis and even David Irving never claimed for more than 100,000 died AT MOST.

>Churchill wrote an autobiography and pretty much admits it.

Well, that settles that. An anonymous post on Yea Forums is all the verification I need.

it's pretty rich for an englishman to be lecturing anybody about "inordinate fondness[es] for the unfair fight"

Alan Moore wasn't alive when the empire was around.

bongs BTFO

America's not even 250 years old and is already destroying itself

How the flying fuck did you live in America and think they don't love to fight? What vortex do you live in? I want to move there now.

>Keep them info graphs coming
A qoute from Churchill's book is an infograph?
t.low reading comprehension
>but you're not even aware of the fact Neville Chamberlain declare War on Germany, not Churchill
Not really though.

It wasn't until Churchill that they entered the war that the new Prime Minster of Poland started after the old one that was friends with Hitler died. Poland got beat so hard it was a huge suprise

Churchill campaigned for total war by bombing civilian targets. Hitler sued for peace.

>Well, that settles that. An anonymous post on Yea Forums is all the verification I need.
You could read his book. It's online, zoomer.

Attached: hitler poland start of WW2.jpg (870x815, 552K)

Oops here

Attached: churchill hitler 3.jpg (800x600, 132K)

>America is the only country where superheros have taken hold
What the fuck is Super Sentai, Kaiju films, and like 80% of shonen you dumb hack? Moore has always been basically Dave Sim without the actually good art and with an equally insane philosophy but not an entertaining one like Sim.

Attached: 198466.jpg (318x425, 27K)

Jews don't like when you talk about Dresdan, that's where all those fried bodies in the holocaust "documentries" come from.

Attached: holoax bodies dresden.jpg (710x960, 80K)

>guns are popular
>because you can shoot people in the back
You can stab them in the back too you drugged out hack

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Go back to pol/you racist prick,you are a stupid niggerfaggot poltard.

shame Hitler's distaste didn't stop them from completely destroying Rotterdam and Warsaw before Britain dropped a single bomb on a German city or stop them from using firebombs first before the allies

they were literally only got buttblasted when the allies started doing it better and on a larger scale

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