Why did they need to save Private Ryan in the first place?

Why did they need to save Private Ryan in the first place?

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this is explained at the beginning of the film

>because his mommy will feel sad if they dont

based sociopath poster

if they don't save the Ryan family name then his descendant Jack Ryan will never save America

To prevent a time paradox

I've seen this movie 5 times but I'm still not 100% sure what the motivations for any of it were (the film's plot, not the war).

>spielberg's historical flicks existed within the tom clancy literary universe

OP confirmed retard

to justify a movie about the ebil Nazis

They literally give the reason at the beginning of the movie.

Whether you feel that reason is actually justified though is valid - and even Ryan himself questions when first told.

It creates some kind of emotional center for the characters to work around, like Tom Hanks saying "If saving Private Ryan gets me home to my wife faster, then that is my mission..."

King Jewberg couldn't just make a movie about a bunch of dudes going from one battle to the next, because it would be really depressing watching them all literally die and then the movie ending.

It's all PR. It looks worse on the military to have an entire family killed in combat than have 8 unrelated dudes die going to save another

Literally because of this Tom Hanks' character could have just ignored the order though and fucked off with his platoon to some other company.
The top brass couldn't do shit.

It's symbolic, an American mother gives 4 sons for the nation and may lose her 5th. It's good PR for the military and motivational for America if they could bring him home

Its obviously explained but I think the explanation falls weak due to its focus. It clearly is a story about the ultimate sacrifice of everyone in war, but its a story lost in the battles
>D Day is so harrowing and movie defining it might as well be considered a D Day movie with an epilogue
>We only very briefly get the logic from the commanders at home and our reminded Lincoln said some shit
>This is neither portrayed as commanders being out of touch or over sentimentality being useless in war
>It is the reason for the plot without much examination beyond the sacrifice angle, an angle already explored by gruesome battles before
>It becomes a WW2 movie of a bad ass group fighting in bad ass battles with emotional moments
>With the over arching issue of their main mission being pointless being griped upon as more of a throw away
>Scenes were deleted that showed it actually was supposed to be an easy mission shit just got fucked
>Earn this man who did everything he was supposed to and still only earns survival guilt

>risk 10 people's lives to possibly have a shot at saving one's

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Why do whites make this face?

it's the "I hate niggers" face

An entire unit of soldiers in a movie of them tracking down another singular soldier through the records in battlefields could easily disappear no problem

>the incredulity mouth

Id be pretty fucking mad if I were tasked with such a bullshit mission. Thankfully they addressed this point in the movie.

well a movie needs a narrative thread, were all these assholes just supposed to run around killing and dying with no overarching story goal?

Yes? For Whom The Bell Tolls basically did this plot without a random rescue mission

Why didn't they just not send all the Ryan brothers in the war in the first place?

how much did For Whom The Bell Tolls earn at the box office?

>Disobeying orders
That's not how it works. Soldiers do retarded shit all the time in military. They get used to obeying retarded decisions. You're severely punished if you decide to disobey and do what you think is the best course of action even if it's a small minor thing. You don't "just ignore orders". You'd have to be pretty damn confident in your decision.

Nobody would know they disobeyed orders. They just couldn't find the guy, simple as that.

They essentially didn't that's the whole point and why Ryan can't deal with it.

Yea thy would this was a media PR mission some dickheads pet project. He'd know.

the troop was against it but it came down to
"do we debate the merit of risking all of our lives to save this one guy?"
"shut up and follow orders because that's our job."
that conflict is the whole point of the film