
why are there no movies about lone women drivers and introspection and observing the world from a car? I think it would make kino - has any been made?

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Women can't drive

fury road


Or be lonely

Women never *have* to be lonely (but neither do the chads they always cast in lonely man flicks either). To be fair they could make films about post-wall roasties going crazy. I would watch it.

Because it would be 10 minutes of them putting on their makeup, a 5 minute drive to the shops then 85 minutes of them trying to park.
It’s anti-kino

This. So much this.

That would actually be Haneke level kino you pleb

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>To be fair they could make films about post-wall roasties going crazy.
Thelma and Louise 2.0?

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women cant introspect

user can't have sex


I will check this out

That video of the woman trying to parallel park while the guys upstairs heckle her is hard to sit through

I kept wanting to go help her park


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have [spoiler[buttsex

fury reddit

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What would their inner monologue be?

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God I wish I was a cute girl driver

should I tell stacy that I fucked 200 boys? I dont want to be seen as a slut but I cant have Rachel be the one with the biggest number cause Im prettier, am I? yeah I am, her boyfriend told me after I sucked his dick, what if he just told me that cause I ate his cum and not cause he really thinks that way? oh Im such a mess

>lone women
when have you ever seen an attractive woman who is a loner?

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Because women can't drive

>complain about a lack of lone women drivers in movies
>post one on passenger seat

Tbh you're right. Thats the most common picture of a woman lone driver because most of the times the driver is in fz or a cuck.

My gf (female) doesn’t even bother trying anymore and just gets me to do it. Any woman I see that can adeptly Park I now automatically think is a tranny

This. I want to put my penis in white trash taxi driving Winona Ryder.

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Women have nothing to brood about as they cannot be lonely.


Women were a mistake

>why are there no movies about lone women drivers and introspection and observing the world from a car?
Women don't observe, they narrate. Somehow involving either their SEARCH FOR THEIR OWN IDENTITY or their fucking kids.

women dont have time to sit around being introspective and observing shit ans thinking, when they have to be deciding what of the many available dicks they want to jump on later tonight. you really think some creature that is held up as some treasure by every drooling men and jealous other female has any deep thoughts?