And then he raped her so much she shat herself

>And then he raped her so much she shat herself.

What the fuck?

Attached: dx1es1.jpg (355x439, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Wait a minute, this is shopped!!!

Attached: 1555856638235s.jpg (124x121, 2K)

to what are you referring?

where is this line from

Sorry you can't handle mature storytelling, incel

>not posting the torrid prose

>she shit and shit and shit and then she shit some more watery diarrhea
>when the sun rose, she was still shitting
Literally 5th grade level of writing.

have sex

>His pants came off and immediately he started shitting. The brown waterfall hit his chamber pot and the air around him immediately took on a putrid smell. He didn't mind the smell and kept on shitting and shitting until he could no longer do so.


The phrase that you love so
>sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.

I'm reasonably sure this wasn't in the book, but I'm not 100% sure and that angers me.

Robin Arryn = Azor Ahai

>I shit...
>And sometimes I write books...
>about shitting...

Attached: 220px-Portrait_photoshoot_at_Worldcon_75,_Helsinki,_before_the_Hugo_Awards_–_George_R._R._Martin_( (220x269, 15K)

It's a language of subtlety, something you don't understand.

4/10: you got me, but I just thought you were a retard, so I didn't really get pissed off.

Yes, yes. Very good, G.R.R.M. Very good indeed. HOWEVER, did you retroactively make characters homosexual for no purpose? Or indicate you always meant for a character to be black, despite literary evidence to the contrary?

Attached: 145114_800x600.jpg (800x550, 38K)

It’s completely real. Dance with Dragons, Dany’s last chapter.

Robb Stark was actually a zoophilic trans woman from Essos named Rubb Stikk

>Eru made Gollum trip to his doom

Tolkien is guilty of this also, but it's an afterthought so it's OK.

Trending searching: scat.

incredibly based anons for replying to me, also dubs checked and most certainly redpilled

>This is the best literature America is capable of

Is she dying of dysentery?

> makes 10000000000000000000000 million dollars

Yeah the real Martin is far fatter

i would but im afraid i might get shat on

I hate this so much. Why would you spend three books building up heroic, brave characters willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of Middle-Earth only for some deus ex-machina god, that’s hardly been mentioned, swoop in at the last second and save everyone

Attached: rowling.jpg (960x562, 39K)

I didn't know GoT had stands

Reminds me of that South Park episode where the boys tried to write the most disgusting book ever.

Infinite shit loop.

>HOWEVER, did you retroactively make characters homosexual for no purpose?
didn't the TV show confirm that Renly was a fag when it's only loosely implied in the books?

Stuoid little American "Christian". Eru willed it in the sense that it was destiny. Its not dumbass mutt God interceding on behalf of a baseball player to help him win the big game. It was woven into the very song that created the world.

No its almost as explicit in the books.

Thank you


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stupid youtube links.