Damn didn't know war is such a downer, this movie opened my eyes! Also nazism BLOWS!
Damn didn't know war is such a downer, this movie opened my eyes! Also nazism BLOWS!
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This, but unironically.
war is based
nazism is based
Will we ever get a Dirlewanger movie?
Too deep for American audiences
He was a good boy trying to turn his life around who did nothing wrong.
I can't believe this ACTUALLY happened in real life.
We need more history lessons from Hollywood, we can never forget
This movie was made in USSR not hollywood
>most of the "all nazis were sadistic evil maniacs" rumors and stories was caused by one guy and his division of prison inmates
if they really did realistic story and not "(very loosely) based on true events", it would get banned in most countries and make the rest of germans look good
hell, even the rest of OG SS pales in comparison with this absolute madman
says the incel posting from under his covers in his mom's basement
btw literally no one in Hollywood gives a shit about the victims of the Nazis if they weren’t Jews or fudgepackers so nice try.
>"a psychopathic killer and child molester"
>"violently sadistic"
>"an expert in extermination and a devotee of sadism and necrophilia"
Why are white people so evil?
this movie was made my Belarus people and you know that this is just what happened to them. You can still appreciate the movie as the experience of being a kid in an invasion, even if the invasion was one that you think was a good idea. It's still going to be bad to be on the side of the people getting rekt even if you think they ?? deserved it ? or whatever
Have sex
this was a good film marred by the hyperbolic russian butthurt
Stfu leftypol
Your soviet atrocity propaganda fairy tale hoaxes have nothing whatsofuckingever to do with reality
Dirlewanger was never part of the SS proper btw (the division was only formed from random remnants shortly before they were smashed in the Halle cauldron), they reported directly to Himmler and Kaminski's slavs (who along with him perpetrated most of the actual war crimes and were later lumped in as "the germans" by post-war allied propaganda) were tried and many of them executed by the SS judge Konrad Morgen in accordance with german field law.
Also what those slavic axis soldiers did pales in comparison to any of the atrocities perpetrated by soviets or polacks against german citizens by far throughout the war
It's funny to see alliedboos trying to make a big deal out of Dirlewanger and give him shit for commanding ex-convicts when literally 90% of soviet front line troops were criminal felons drafted straight out of prison themselves (hence also the massacres and mass rapes they comitted during their advance into Germany, which stand in no relation to what Kaminski's slavic soldiers did btw - But a bolsheboo wouldn't mention that of course). Contrast this with a SINGLE fucking division most of whose soldiers were foreign slavic volunteers anyway and who didn't even speak german properly and you start to see how disproportionate the picture they're painting actually is
not based
As said, this guy himself fucked Germany's legacy up. He was the origin of soap making rumour because allegedly he cut up jewish women and boiled them to make soap.
I'd believe that
Even Stalin looked more aryan than Dirlewanger
what's left about feeling bad for belarus. they were just in the middle and collaterally expended. they're not russians you know
Belarussians are literally russians you retarded westerner
Impossible. You need at least one character for the audience to identify with.
she asked for it
yeah that's the main character
This film was written and directed by people who witnessed these sorts of events as children. It doesn't necessarily show exactly what happened how it happened so much as how it is seen by the severely traumatized Flyora. The over the top finale is the best example of how the scenes aren't perfect representations of reality, but the main character's somewhat skewed or exaggerated view of what's happening. So it may not be "realistic" depending on how you define the term, but it's a true representation of how the war and its atrocities affected young people who experienced it.
lmao fuck off retard
dreidel spinning hooked claws rattled out this post
right you are mate
Are you a retard? Just in Belarus at least 300 villages were burnt with most of the villagers.
>hurr one bad apple durr
Nazis killed Slavs as part of the plan for German overtake the land after their win. Nazis are the biggest niggers in White history.
Fun fact, most of the murderers were Ukrainians working for the Germans, not Germans themselves.
>Expect WWII movie
>Get lynchesque mindfuck in about 10 minutes of screen-time
Wew, and dat last segment where the boy's shooting the picture of Hitler was intense.
This wasn't the reason why they killed Slavs. There was never a policy of extermination when it comes to Slavs as a whole.
...you sayin'?
Wtf i love communism now
>Come And See
based retard.
wheres this from?
Me on the right
>when they go back to the village
So have there ever been any actual primary source documents on Generalplan Ost or is it as real as the humanskin lampshades?
The same film as the OP image. Idi i Smotri (Come and See).
About as real as the 6 gorillions. No proofs, no documents.
Yet people actually got sentenced to death over it lmao.
Here is the digitalized version of the whole plan, the original is from the Bundesarchiv Berlin-Licherfelde archive, and you can take a look at it yourself if you travel there and get a permission.
it wasnt a rumor, there was literally a facility near danzig where prisoner corpses were turned into soap
Best close up in cinema history?
Even Jews admit there's no evidence to say they produced human soap.
Difficult choice. The movie's full of them.
Virtually every German unit in the east did shit like this. Dirlewanger is just notable for setting records.
The poor 6th army that got raped in Stalingrad did this on the way there:
In July 1941 while conducting operations in Right-bank Ukraine, the Sixth Army bloodlessly captured the Ukrainian village of Bila Tserkva. Immediately after the village's capitulation, Sixth Army police units separated the Jewish population of the city into a ghetto and required that they wear the Star of David as identification. Two weeks after the occupation, members of Einsatzgruppen marched the Jews out of the village, 800 men and women in all, to be shot. The Sixth Army provided logistical support for this massacre, providing drivers, guards, weapons and ammunition. Afterwards ninety children aged twelve and under were left, their parents having been killed the night before. A staff officer with the division that made the village their headquarters wrote of their conditions:
"The rooms were filled with about 90 children. There was an indescribable amount of filth; Rags, diapers, refuse lay everywhere. Countless flies cover the children, some of whom were naked. Almost all of the children were crying or whimpering. The stench was unbearable. In the above mentioned case, measures were taken against women and children which were no different from atrocities committed by the enemy.".
—Lieutenant Colonel Helmuth Groscurth (1941)[31]:06:18
Sixth army headquarters was faced with a decision on what to do with the children left behind now that their parents had been murdered. The division commander passed the decision up to Walter von Reichenau, then commander of the Sixth Army, who personally authorized the massacre.[31]:06:54 All the children were murdered[31]:07:27 by Sixth Army regulars.
ok so then what were they using in their "soap experiments" at the danzig anatomical institute?
>mfw jews and tankies from /his/ come to whine on Yea Forums
you saying ?
I don't know, give a source on what made you think it had something to do with turning humans into soap.
And? You do realize that even if a major plan like that was deliberately kept secret, there were plenty of documents relating to it in one way or another because the implementation required communication with people who were doing the genocide? worldfuturefund.org
>a bunch of generals express dislike of Slavs (whom they are fighting and were their enemies in WW1)
>it wuz planned read the memos!!1!
Why does this movie break the fourth wall so much? Does it think it's Deadpool or something?
your "source" directly contradicts german books of 1942 and 43. The map of the "future for europe" is nothing like the german gov described in "Wofür wir kämpfen". I suggest you stop relying on hacked together websites
DO YOU SEE THE HORROR NOW ? Not really subtile camera work
Is Deadpool seriously the first film you think of when talking about 4th wall breaking?
The movie is a propaganda piece more interested in investing the viewer emotionally than telling a story. If anything it latently exposes the director's lack of confidence in his ability to convey the scenes he filmed.
How can it be "propaganda" when Klimov the director literally had to fight for 8 years straight in order to release it because the soviet government didn't want it to be released under any circumstance?
This is mainly because the majority of the "germans" in the film are ukrainian collaborators (like it actually happened), as evident by that entire under the bridge scene.
It's an anti-war film, there is not even one hint of why would anyone join the soviet army/partisans also, nothing but bad things happen as soon as he joins them, even before he encounters any enemy at all.
Atleast watch the film before spewing absolute ignorant bullshit about it
More like
>original documentation related to mass killings that can be confirmed by remains preserved in German archives, allow to reconstruct the original genocidal plan bit by bit
>some Nazi nigger in the year of 2019 thinks it's nuffin cuz his bois dindu
So, your argument is because a plan that WAS KEPT SECRET FROM THE PUBLIC didn't manifest in PUBLICLY PUBLISHED German books, it's false? Are you for real, retard?
t. butthurt edgelord
>how can a movie showing the horrors of fascism, nazism, and nationalism be propaganda?!
hmm well then you can reference those pieces instead of a unfounded plan you have no actual proof of.
So are you going to throw around buzzwords like a raging faggot you are or are you going to provide examples were it was propaganda?
And it isn't showing the horrors of the partisan side?
Again, atleast watch the film before spewing absolute ignorant bullshit about it
its also on public record at the nuremberg trials but since you're a nazi larper you probably think literally everything at the trial is bull shit and mengele did nothing wrong.
>ukrainian collaborators
Buddy, the movie was set in Belarus, not Ukraine, and there's not even a hint that collaborators depicted were specifically Ukrainian. And, like, every Soviet Republic has collaborators. Belarus, Russia (even more than Ukraine), Ukraine, Crimea (not a repiblic, but mentioning because Tatars were collaborating) etc.
>there is not even one hint of why would anyone join the soviet army/partisans also
How did you miss the part where partisans don't do anything questionable? Because irl they did blow up their own people at times, and often following orders of the Soviet government. It's more like joining partisans is depicted as a heavy burden, a necessity, but a good nevertheless.
>no actual proof of
Read through this. There is proof in original documents still kept in German archives. I can even find you addresses of specific archives if you want to see the originals for yourself to verify authenticity.
This refers to only one recent examination in 2006, in Poland. I am trying to find more information about this examination, as it's used as a source for the Wiki page and what you linked, but all the pages are dead. Like this one en.auschwitz.org.pl
Jesus christ you're legitimately retarded and beyond ignorant.
>the movie was set in Belarus, not Ukraine
No fucking shit, and who did those deeds in Belarus? Ukrainian hilfspolizei. The Ukrainian units (more like volunteers) were directly under Dirlewangers order you absolute dumb fuck. You can check this fact with the simplest of google searches.
>there's not even a hint that collaborators depicted were specifically Ukrainian
Have you even seen the film? What does the guy in the lower left frame of say and cry about? Why spew bullshit again and again?
>How did you miss the part where partisans don't do anything questionable?
Yeah except for raping and murdering the female german officer and shooting the entire unit, both the Ukrainians and the Germans for revenge.
You either have to be 12 or legitimately retarded.
Sheit girl from stranger things boutta get executed baka
Let me remind you WHAT YOU SAID, RETARD.
>How can it be "propaganda" when Klimov the director literally had to fight for 8 years straight in order to release it because the soviet government didn't want it to be released under any circumstance?
>This is mainly because the majority of the "germans" in the film are ukrainian collaborators (like it actually happened), as evident by that entire under the bridge scene.
First of all, movie doesn't point out that Ukrainians. Even in the bridge scene. Second of all, yes, Ukrainian collaborators,volunteers included, were active in Belarus. You made a point about Ukrainians specifically. And it's inconsistent as shit, especially with reality, the Soviet government didn't have a precedent of trying to protect Ukrainian collaborators from exposure. Sure, they attempted to tone down the importance of collaborators during the time when Soviets were losing, and that was a topic that was usually kept away from exposure to the wider public, I am in no way arguing against your point of Soviet censorship.
>What does the guy in the lower left frame of say and cry about?
Didn't say a word in Ukrainian, never was implied to be a Ukrainian.
>Yeah except for raping and murdering the female german officer
She wasn't raped. Killed, but she was... yeah, a nazi. Partizans killed nazis, surprise.
> and shooting the entire unit, both the Ukrainians and the Germans for revenge.
You can't even prove that they were Ukrainians and Germans. Some of them were German, but the movie doesn't depict even one of them as a Ukrainian, dumbass.
breathe moishe
>You'll never drink the rain water out of her boots
Now I'm sad.
Everyone mostly talks about the visuals and the sound of the film, but the writing is extremely good aswell, for all characters.
I loved the look on his face when he says this