What movies can I watch that have this feel?

What movies can I watch that have this feel?

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Crank, maybe?

nuDoom is fucking trash and you should be ashamed of yourself.

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Rampage 2009
Just imagine the random civillians are imps or something.

Hardcore Henry

It's fine.

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how based would it be if the entire cast were colored girls


The Revenant

That movie is so bad though, like slow and boring bad. It's not even angry, just a failure at edgy. Fuck Uwe.

>implying that anyone would by it if it was exactly like the originals

So is NuDoom, therefore; the perfect movie.

I'm trying, but I can't follow your logic.

kill yourself, doom 2016 is pure kino.
t. beat it on ultra nightmare


Back to plebbit

Exactly what I was thinking. These guys should be working on the next Doom movie instead.

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Obviously Evil Dead, the whole Raimi trilogy

These all look promising.

Seen this one. I mean technically it fits the “too angry to die” bill and is kind of badass in its own way, and has a good villain, but it’s just too slow pace and weighed down by realism to match what exactly what I’m looking for.

Already seen this one; it was pretty good. Dress is kind of quiet and calm, but that trademark frown keeps the mood right.


There's actually two "The Revenant" and one of them is awesome, literally about undead but not angry.

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kino trips

the notebook

That's a good choice

John Wick 1 and to a lesser extent 2

came to post this, literally fueled by anger or else he would drop dead

For angry try the berserk golden age films mostly the last one.

the Doom movie :^)

Doom 2016 and the originals
Event horizon is the film equivalent story wise besides that one scene out of the 2004 movie
My issue was with the relatively small amount of demons it throws at you.
I just play arcade and snap map desu the sp story mode is meh
2019 better get mod support since they did away with snap map to push dlc

no way is it trash. the first mars levels are pretty shit I must admit but when the game gets going it GETS GOING


Reminds me of Redneck Rampage

it's a serious sam/painkiller clone.
I uninstalled it after it locked me in a room and started spawning waves, glory kills are also slow and needless.
It's a game for le brutal dewm crowd.

That'd be pretty good. Doom needs visual storytelling after all, like most concepts like these would need.