What happened to her?

What happened to her?

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jews finally got her because she was becoming too powerful

She looks super excited to meet that fan!

is that kendra sunderland next to her?

>random nobody chick on right is easily hotter

Are girls allowed to touch Chloe when she's out in public? What if a man tries to do it? Will Chloe slam him into the floor and violently beat him?

Did she really go full fridge or are these just shops?

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Why does she do the hover hand

I would deep creampie the girl on the right and force Chloe to watch

It's easier to say what didn't happen to her.

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She actually listened to Yea Forums.

Never listen to Yea Forums.

time was a mistake

Two observations:
1. It’s fan looks like a modern-day Anne Frank
2. The faggot behind it is wearing shirt in pic related

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> I once served Chloe at a seafood restaurant up in Maine.
> She ordered the snow crab and when I brought it out I realized she didn't have a little hammer or a pair of crab crackers
> Chole responded " That's ok I don't need them"
> I walked to the back for a bit before I heard a loud bang and then screaming.
> I rushed out to see several patrons bleeding and crying around loved ones.
> It looked as if a crab bomb went off. Crab shrapnel littered the restaurant. People trying desperately to stop the bleeding on those that were still alive.
> Just then another loud bang rang out and I was knocked off my feet. I looked through the haze of butter in my eyes.
> I see Chole using her gargantuan hands to smash and tear at the crab. I look to my left and see the hostess clutching her neck as a crab claw has severed her jugular.
> I look up to the ceiling and then Chloe appears over me empty plate in hand and she only says one word that still haunts me to this day.

> "MORE"!

her boob looks nice here

She thinking bout dem beans

We can’t tell anyone

She's actually hot.

God, I remember when fags on Yea Forums were trying to make her replace Boxxy as the "queen". That meme died when she entered her true form, the fridge.

some trannies don't age well

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Did Ellen Page have a yard sale?

What is this body type called bros?

I don't know what is real anymore

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The blorp

Jesus fucking Christ, I can’t tell what’s shopped and what isn’t anymore.

can this be achieved natty?


body dysmorphic disorder. she became obsessed with getting yolked. it's reported that she was going to the gym every single day for hours a day. injecting herself with roids way past what is safe or even reasonable. same thing that happened to pic related.

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>me with the cargo shorts

>What happened to her?
gamma radiation bomb

cheeseburger so good

You are all fucking psychopaths. Imagine scarring the life of a teenage girl by internet bullying and public shaming so hard she becomes a lesbian.

She was actually hot back then.
Hot for a 12 year old I mean.

>take roids
>think you're superman
>tries to race a train
No F for this fuckwad

She realizes she's a lesbian.
You can't turn gay. You were gay to begin with.

Or that's what the LGBTBBQ insists.


Do you have any idea how old that is in bodybuilder years? Rich did good

She looks like a freak.

>left: SOUL
>right: SOULLESS

Those tits though

It has to be really weird to have strangers feel like they know you and want to hug up on you to take pictures.

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the saggy tits of a fat 50yo?

It's even worse for youtubers. It's a lot more personal and if you put out content frequently people start to think they know you. It's nice but also a bit strange.

me in the back dominating the moor with my stern gaze

I know of youtubers in my country who've had to move several times because kids would literally camp at their door all night to stalk them.

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Right one looks bigger tho

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It literally says soul on right's shorts


what? race a train?
based piana died of cardiac arrest

>die at 46 because you're a drug addict taking substances which makes your heart and liver 3 times larger than what they should be
rich is absolutely based, but he was fucked up in a lot of ways.


It's like she took Hillary's briefcase of syringes with roids and injected them all to become Her->

Booker T looks whiter than I remember him.

Did he use an eyeliner? Never been around pasta niggers.

El ayuwoki

>The cuck cucked us by making a movie about cucking


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This image is not doctored, I ran it through all the latest tests

You're mixed up with greg plitt

She has that weird Olson twins mouth.

Like literally putting a bikini on a mini fridge.


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This. And then make her suck my cum out of the other girl's pussy while I'm berating her for being such a hungry hippo.

Same butcher I mean surgeon.

jesus christ...

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I would stand nearby and masturbate. Possibly some of my ejaculate would get on you.

crypt keeper

fuck those biceps are like 2x bigger than mine

American genes.


>some roadside diner shack
>multiple sets of utensils


Are her tits doubling in size every month

>dat zoom when camera guy realizes

she supported hillary
>putting a space after the >
newfags get off my board

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that's how michael jackson looked for about 5 years

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youre not very bright

isn't the nfl draft happening?

what roadside diner has art on the wall instead of old grease you retard

you know your shit user.

Would you a dominatrix Chloe?

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I used to be in a semi popular band and for me it was a great feeling

love that photographer. doing god's work.

based nobody musician.

I want her to hit my cock with that paddle until it is swollen, red and blue and then I want her to ride it while I scream in pain as she milks my balls dry fpr the 16th time in a row. She never stops.


you know some douche bag tapped that.

I assumed her brother and her did some shit, he was douchey for sure.