Why is Archie, supposed main hero of the show is never involved in the main plotline of any season?

Why is Archie, supposed main hero of the show is never involved in the main plotline of any season?

>Season 1: Betty and Jughead investigate Jason's murder, meanwhile Archie had those stupid subplots about his music career and affair with the teacher
>Season 2: at first it looks like he would go after the Black Hood, main villian who shot his dad, but by mid-season Betty steals that from him leaving Archie to focus on dealing with Hiram
>Season 3: everyone, even side characters is involved with either G&G, the Farm or both, meanwhile Archie goes to prison, hides in Canada and starts boxing career, always separated from the rest of cast

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He’s eye candy for the teenaged female audience this show is intended for, friend.

I have never seen more cucked protagonist in any show, they don't allow him to do anything

Was this scene really needed?

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They allow him to do this

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I'd recognize those abs anywhere!

Why did Archie become popular again in the past few years? As a kid I only knew the one guy wears a crown and eats burgers, but a few years back it seemed everyone had read it

I unironically look better than this nogga

>Evil Satanist Cult
>Evil Dungeons and Dragons game
Was this season made in the 80s?

I think he also showed his butt crack at one point

try "Arrow"

This show is unwatchable now. I'm just waiting to see how they deal with Luke Perry's (PBUH) death in the show and then I'm out.

I have watched 4 seasons of that and for most of the time storylines were revolving around Oliver, Archie feels like a secondary character in his own show who only ever gots B-plots

>FP Jones! As I live and breathe!

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Because the show is called Riverdale, i.e. it's about the entire town. Archie and his friends are just the point of view characters reacting to events differently.

Archie gets the manliest scenes so it sorta evens out. I'm hoping he rapes Betty soon.

>Archie gets the manliest scenes so it sorta evens out.
You mean gets naked in every episode?

His testosterone is too high to be contained in clothing. In fact its so high he can dirty bulk on burgers and still have visible abs.

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You mean shirtless?

episode 19 was his last

>Luke Perry will never cuck Hiram with Hermione

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They should elope. The show wouldn't miss Hermoine any way.

Too late, Luke is dead now

What's with Betty's dad being Hannibal Lecter all of a sudden with his glass cell, hand drawn cityscapes, and classical music? Also what happened to Dark Betty? Pyro Betty is fun but less dramatic than /ourgirl/.

Who here is /redcircle/?

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How that line stayed in is beyond me.

>Serpent pusy is a warrior pusy

The editors in Riverdale have no shame. Simple as that.

He's a white male.

He's Kiwi actually. Te red hair is a dye job

Isn't he half Maori or something?

Something like that. Hence the name too

>Dude I'm a musician
>Dude I'm a capo
>Dude I'm a boxer
They've never seen to know that to do with him

>Riverdale S34
>Archie and the gang must infiltrate an antimatter facility owned by Hiram lodge to steal the prototype bomb before he can sell it to the Black Hood Gang
>Archie saves the day by distracting the guards with a rendition of "Night Moves" before he boxes them all to death and then slits their throats gangland style.
>Still doesn't get the girl

/redcircle/? Like your anus after the gang bang these faggots look like they're about to start.

The show is pretty gay. Remember when Archie threatened to cum on his friend's faces if they didn't jump into a lake?

Why is this show, with its dreadful writing and atrocious acting, continue to have me watch it?

Because Archie is boring.

Even the comics mostly focus on Jughead, Betty with Veronica and Reggie steeping up sometimes.

COMIC Jughead and TV Betty are easily the best characters. Every single white person on Yea Forums jerks off to LILI REINHART.

They're all so pretty and the lighting is good

Because Betty is the main star of the show. Archie should be grateful he doesn't have Veronica's storyline.

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Why do they give Veronica so many cringy lines? I mean all characters get them from time to time, but actress playing Veronica seems the most embarrassed and uncomfortable saying them

At least Archiekins has stopped. Her club storyline is still stupid though

Back in November I read that Gargoyle King is Jughead's dad, seemed kinda silly at first but with each passing episode it seems more and more likely

The writers don't know what the fuck they're doing.

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I’m always confused by the club. Supposedly all of the characters are supposed to be 17/18 so how is this one kid who’s not old enough to go to university run a club with alcohol and gambling?

Reminder that Archie beat a dude to death in the boxing ring

He's too busy banging Sabrina

It's a speak easy or some shit, don't worry about it. Same as how you shouldn't worry that Riverdale is going to suddenly have a university next season that they all go to and that Jughead is the head of a biker gang that suddenly has no adults in it except the sheriff who is the sheriff despite going to prison for disposing of a child's body for a drug lord and that the next town over is magic

So is Ronnie the only one who hasn't killed someone now?

>Sabrina crossover results in Archie and Sabrina hooking up and becoming this weird hyper couple of testosterone and magic

I thought they were high school juniors in this season

When did jug kill someone?

I don't speak American. They took the SATs and Betty was talking about her college fund though
Didn't he kill Tallboy? At any rate, he kidnapped him and got rid of the body so it's basically murder

If only they follow the comic books

It means they are in year 3 outof 4 of high school now

American high school only has four years?

All the kids need to go to prison. Betty and Jughead for covering up a murder. Veronica and Archie for doing illegal things for Hiram.

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middle school is years 7-9 iirc

Fingers crossed user. If also like the season finale to be they find out that G&G is actually magic and that there’s some church of night fuckery going on in riverdale.
That way they can shoehorn in the show merger

Your system is very confusing

This show is an abomination, even the Archie reboot comics are better and those are absolute shit. I liked Afterlife with Archie but Aguirre-Sacasa just needs to be shot along with the current head of Archie

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No it isn't.

Why isn't Riverdale haremkino yet?

We have two levels of school seven years of primary, six years of secondary and then you graduate. None of this sophmore high junior middle schooler shit

That is a better system most likely, middle school is a crock of shit that needs be abolished.

Education, man. It's underfunded and usually shitty but all anyone ever calls it is a silver bullet against everything. Really makes you wonder if the powers that be want things to improve.


Kek I ask the same question about her dad. Also Lili absolutely hates playing Dark Betty so I think that's why she hasn't made another appearance. Every time someone brings up Dark Betty on Instagram live she nearly vomits.

someone explain me how a newspaper comic in line with snoopy got adapted in some kind of deep teen melodrama wtih murders and shit

A lot of hard drugs and bad ideas can make some strange magic

That's lame. So she doesn't need to go full lingerie but the juxtaposition between wholesome girl next door Betty and drowns people while pretending to be her sister Betty was on of the things that made her interesting. I miss season 1, everyone had so much more going on as characters.

Veronica actually looks like the actress playing her on this cover

It already is

giv betty gf

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I mean I wasnt a fan but when I see pictures of the comics and then I watch a scene the tone is totally different, did the writer aprove?

No it's waifu bait, it won't be haremkino until Archie is dating at least Betty and Veronica at the same time. Poly relationships are supposed to be in, why can't the writing team take a risk?

It's based on a darker and edgier run of the comics so it's not entirely out of left field. There's no magic in the show though except for that one episode where Death showed up.

Best part is how Archie gets cucked out of having relationship with Betty, even though the only thing people know about Archie comics is love triangle

All so that the Sprouse boy doesn't throw a hissy fit when he gets more burgers than girls

I forbid you to post that pic without the edit with the green eyes. This is a Riverdale thread after all

giv betty gf

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Atta boy

Not burgerlander here. Why is this line good/bad?

Because a few hours before it aired he stopped living and breathing

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what the fuck do you guys actually watch this show


Will we EVER learn what the Farm actually is?
Will we EVER learn who the Gargoyle King is?
They started these story lines ages ago and have still revealed basically nothing about what it's all about.

Sweater puppies. Punished Archie. Cheryl fan service. Ronnie's outfits. Lighting.

That's about it I think

Because Lili is reaching thicc levels that shouldn't even be possible


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It’s like the prequels. You know the dialogue is awful and the acting is far below standard, but occasionally it can be pretty good and all other times it’s just entertainingly bad.
Also thicc betty and THICC Veronica.
Annoyed she’s not as thicc as 1st season though :(

would lick her legs ngl

>She'll never crush your head between her thighs

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I watched the first 2 seasons and I plan on watching the third one too. The show is essentially gutter trash but something about it keeps pulling me back. I think it may be the pure hate I have for this show. I don't think any show has ever made me physically cringe as often as this one.

The third season is fucking awful. I'm hate watching it just so I'll have finished the season and I'm quitting after.

It's so bad even Lili eye candy isn't enough to keep me watching it

Yeah just browner

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Why is her toe so red?

back to r*ddit faggot. archie is our guy

Rate Lili's dogs, Yea Forums.

It's a scan of old comic, probably got wet.

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Fuck. Forgot pic

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I wonder if that panel is any better with context.

Why do girls love dogs so much

If it's any worse than the last episodes of season 2 I'm not sure I can take it anymore.

She's just obsessed with Archie

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Actor who said that died a month before that episode aired

>tfw no thicc blonde who’s restraining order-tier obsessed with you

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they dont have be fat for nine months and destroy their vagina to get them

The feeling of caring for something cute without the commitment, effort, or permanence of a child.


the knot homie.

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Serpent slut

God I wish I had a girlfriend


Just finished the last episode and fucking hell that cult. There has to be some sabrina tier shit going on there. Maybe that’s the riverdale coven they’re talking about in Sabrina?

fuck Archie only Lili matters

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Her personality is great.

-good lighting/cinematography
-literally all actors are divine beauties

Hehe yeah the main reason why I watch riverdale :^)

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I'm a man in my 30s and still watch this shit.
I always watch those shows intended for teenage girls, like Veronica Mars and PLL.