Don't mind me, I'll just slide on in

Don't mind me, I'll just slide on in.

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>What do I do with my hands?

what happened to gimli?

I wonder why someone like Netflix or CW hasn't tried to reboot Sliders. It's got a cult following and the concept is evergreen and with today's technology you can actually get away with a lot more extravagant shit.

Quintessential comfy 90s sci-fi.

It turned into utter shite when they left Fox

The creator of the show did a pilot for a similar show in 2015 called Parallels but it never got picked up.
I honestly don't think we'll ever get a procedural on a streaming service, sci-fi or otherwise. The whole-season style of release demands an overarching story for each season with very little repetition, not very suitable for a show like Sliders. But you never know, maybe the weekly format will make a comeback.

Which season was that? I just watched the first season but I'm not sure if i wanna keep going.

>The whole-season style of release demands an overarching story for each season with very little repetition, not very suitable for a show like Sliders

I disagree, all you have to do is adapt to the model and make the overarching story be something that feels like an accomplishment but doesn't undermine the core gimmick of being stuck sliding from world to world.

Wait. What the fuck. This wasn't the Sliders thread I was just posting in. Shit. Did I go through a wormhole?

Good thing I didn't have cable.

what did the cast become after sliders? especially the lead actor and the slut

He was in Joe's apartment. A crappy comedy iirc

It really turned sour when Dr Gimli died, after that they didn't even try to make sense and threw any old crap into the script. Those Nazi Neanderthals spoiled everything.

I want the serialized TV meme to die. Just because modern tech allows us to make shows into one long movie doesn't mean every fucking show needs to be like this.

just what in the fuck is he wearing

Great show, turned to shit after few seasons. Unfortunately the lack of budget was obvious as well, parallel universes got more and more boring.

Season 3 was a huge dip in quality but it got better in season 4, which is closer in spirit to the first two. Season 5 is an abomination

Didn't they start replacing the main cast?

Well first they replaced the creators of the show with a network stooge who did what he was told, since the creators actually wanted to make a good show while the network wanted them to rip off popular movies in each episode. That's why in season 3 every ep copies some 90s movie, there's a snake episode like "Anaconda" and a tornado episode like in "Twister," etc. They also kill off Arturo because he's old and they wanted more kids to watch it, and I guess they assumed kids hate old people. So they replaced him with fapbait Kari Wuhrer and then killed off Wade because Sabrina Lloyd didn't get along with her and also wanted to leave to be in Aaron Sorkin's Sports Night. What makes it even worse is that her character's arc ends with her being kidnapped by the Kromaggs to be used as a breeding slave or some shit, from what I remember. So basically she gets raped for the rest of her life, nice job guys.

Anyway, these changes didn't help the ratings but actually hurt them, so they reluctantly made the show more like how it was in the early seasons for season 4, and brought in Jerry O'Connell's brother. It wasn't great but enjoyable enough. Season 5 replaces the entire cast except for Rembrandt, and it's just awful. Season 3 is 10/10 television by comparison

Does Jaws' girlfriend have braces where you're from?

It's one of the best campy 90s adventure shows, but the GOAT is pic related

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