Dawg in 1984 I used to go down to Dave's restaurant on Broadway to buy qualuudes from this Korean guy that was the cook there. This guy was a real Korean dawg. He snuck into America from Korea on a warship after the Korean war ended.
I ended up robbing him then banging his wife. I ate that ass all night dawg.
Easily the worst Rogan guest. I can’t stand his voice or stories.
Hunter Bailey
When people say Joey's stories are fake/lies, I know they haven't done shit. Some are likely fake. A few more enhanced, but the core beats of shit that happened are true. I was doing similar shit in the 80's and unonically have many similar stories.
Josiah Thompson
This fucking guy has one story that he tells over and over
Isaiah Roberts
Hes a degenerate pile of shit will likely die of some cardiovascular disease in the next year.
Dylan Phillips
>I ate that ass all night Do people really do this???
Joey is fucking based, I wish I had an uncle like him.
Liam Hall
He's always been really fat and disgusting, so all his stories revolve around him begging women if he can eat their pussy or ass. Then he'll talk about the 2 out of 1000 that said yes ad infinitum. It's crazy he's never been metoo'd as he has a rejection story for every well-known female comedian.
Easton Mitchell
Joey has based life experiences, but I can't stand him when he starts talking about food or diet.