Dawg in 1984 I used to go down to Dave's restaurant on Broadway to buy qualuudes from this Korean guy that was the cook...

Dawg in 1984 I used to go down to Dave's restaurant on Broadway to buy qualuudes from this Korean guy that was the cook there. This guy was a real Korean dawg. He snuck into America from Korea on a warship after the Korean war ended.

I ended up robbing him then banging his wife. I ate that ass all night dawg.

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Easily the worst Rogan guest. I can’t stand his voice or stories.

When people say Joey's stories are fake/lies, I know they haven't done shit. Some are likely fake. A few more enhanced, but the core beats of shit that happened are true. I was doing similar shit in the 80's and unonically have many similar stories.

This fucking guy has one story that he tells over and over

Hes a degenerate pile of shit will likely die of some cardiovascular disease in the next year.

>I ate that ass all night
Do people really do this???

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Kys boomer

Joey is fucking based, I wish I had an uncle like him.

He's always been really fat and disgusting, so all his stories revolve around him begging women if he can eat their pussy or ass. Then he'll talk about the 2 out of 1000 that said yes ad infinitum. It's crazy he's never been metoo'd as he has a rejection story for every well-known female comedian.

Joey has based life experiences, but I can't stand him when he starts talking about food or diet.

I like Joey Diaz, but holy shit is he an unrepentant piece of shit.

I don't understand why people hammer so fucking hard on him lying, when the far easier thing to hit him on is that he's a fucking genuine horrible person. Actually listening to his stories, they're fairly tame and make him out to be kind of a coward at times, but also genuinely fucked up when you don't have a guest laughing their head off because they don't have the frame of reference or context to realize what cokeheads are actually like in action

let me tell you joe rogan, the year was 1984, 19 fuckin eighty FOUR MOTHER FUCKER, and you bet your ass uncle joey was snortin up half of columbia HAHAHAHA
>slams desk/table
>hits bong
>smokes a joint
so joe rogan, as i was saying. the year was 1984-1985. i was down miami with jonny 'danger' lutherbago and we were DESTROYIN the city joe, jussst destroyin it!

I'm also a fuckin zboomer and I can say that I did much worse shit than Hose Diaz,
heron,coke,xtasy,weed,stealing,fights,shootouts, stabbins,rapes,undergtound goa trance parties,mobs etc,etc...

But for me it was never an funny thing, it was always an most fucked up thing, pure desperation, and I cant spin it into funny.
I member when one of my female friends asked their father if they could give some money so she can go out and her pop said:"No, you have cunt, go and earn your money."
She was ~14-15 y/o, I can0t forgot look on her face.
And, fuck, she did, she stole pensions from old grannies, she did some gnarly stuff I dont even want to mention.
But,BUT, today she is normal mother,housewife and her hubby has NO fucking clue as what crazy savage his wife is..

I know thousands of stories and I was not even so out there..there are guys who were way deeper into shit.

Joey is a guy who needed to grew up 15 years earlier, but entertainment business and too much movies.

you rang

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you have to be a somebody to get metoo'd

>Joey used to rob the gays prowling the parks at night.
>One time, one of them knew martial arts and beat his ass within an inch of his life.
>Decades later he still hasn't returned to park, fearing that the guy is still there waiting for him.

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now, this is one of Rogan biggest mistakes, up there with Segura & Ari,
only legit comedians out there today are Doug Stanhope, Louis CK, good old Billy GINGGER Burr(Burr is still top notch, and that0s not testament of how good he is but how modern comedy is low quality at the moment).

Chappele fall from grace, from new guys Theo Von has a moment here or there(but, he is nowhere one of the greats).
I honestly think we will see some new breakthru from east coast, at the moment LA comedy is most influential in mainstream, and you can feel that. No Hollywood rich bitch, son/daughter/hedgefunder is funny, no matter how much writers he buys.

Burr's last special was terrible. Stanhope only has MAYBE a half hours worth of material but his special is over an hour and in somebody's tool shed.

I'm not saying that they are great, but that they are greatest we have at the moment(and actually good overall).
I would beg to differ considering Stanhope, he has some hit or miss, but he is authentic old school Americana comedian.

i live in new jersey and it's not hard to believe that his stories are true.

>Doug Stanhope
isn't he that depressed drunk?

Joey is that guy at every party who can top any story, even if he has to make it up. And he'll claim someone else's story, in a pinch.

It just gets to where you can't figure out the truth, and the lies, and you just give up and enjoy the ride, but never trust a word the guys says.

Can this guy's face get any redder? The only people with faces that flushed are oxy addicts.