We're already two films into the Star Wars sequel trilogy...

We're already two films into the Star Wars sequel trilogy, yet the Star Wars sequel trilogy has still failed to achieve its most important task - to justify its existence from a storytelling perspective. JJ Abrams can polish the Mouse's feces as much as he wants, but at the end of the day, it's still feces.

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Rey should be naked.



their natural, you can spot the calcium deficiency

I want her to gently bite my balls.

natural teeth don't sit slightly further forward than the gums


These movies were only made to trick the goyim.

natural teeth can sit where ever they please.

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I want her to gently bite my shoulders.

and you choose to sit on your boyfriend's gay cock

>this is the master race to /pol/

I wonder how many Jews she fucked to get that role?

No this is

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Not as many as the niggers they're going to make her fuck to stay relevant

Have sex

>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people


Have sex (with humans this time).

Why are you pretending to know what you’re talking about?

she has the same teeth since her teenage days in Tring. But she did got bracers and aligned the bottom and top a little bit between 2013-2014

It’s not gay to fuck a mans butt as long as it’s done as a display of power

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What wrong wit this nigga head

>It's important to find Luke, only he can fix this mess.
>Lets send this random girl, we've know for 2 hours.

>Luke, please help us save the day.
>Luke joins the battle as a fucking hologram.
>Dies from meditating too much.

when did sasha grey get a teeth job

so this is the power of new SW? fucking kek

>to justify its existence from a storytelling perspective.

The fuck does that even mean?

those chompers are real

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>We're already two films into the Star Wars sequel trilogy

more importantly OP you - yeah you specifically - are two years and counting into a dismal routine of whining repeated every day. without even being able to attribute it to autism

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>you wake up inside Daisy's hive, your arms and legs encased in some kind of gooey wax
>its hot dark and the air is thick and the smell of her musk violently penetrates your nose
>suddenly you hear a hiss as you see in the corner of your eye ,Daisy slither out of a hive wall and crawling towards you on the slimey floor of nest
>she gets so close you can feel her hot breath on your body, her animal like stench getting stronger
>you start to panic as her wet snake like tongue trails up your inner thighs, towards your manhood.
>her jaws snaps dangerously close near it several times making you even more scared
>she hisses and grunts as she smells your nether regions, her maw opens releasing steamy gooey strands of salivia
>you try to scream as she envelops your shaft with her mouth but you remember
>in the house of the Mouse, no one can hear you scream

Not gonna lie, she looks like such a qt here :3

why is daisy/rey such a shoulderslut bros??

because she has a flat chest

Honestly, TFA and TLJ should have been one single movie. Cut the fat, get to Skywalker, have him train Rey a bit, save Starkiller Base's function as a planet killer until RoS, leave a whole movie for something to actually happen.

It'd be something new, that's for damn sure. Attack of the Clones was just a runaround to reveal the clones and start the war (which could've happened easily in Episode I), The Empire Strikes Back is just a lengthy chase sequence and training montage... and then we got another chase sequence and training montage.

Star Wars just fucking Dead Man's Chested us again.

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I'll take it.

>nothing in Disney Wars will ever be as good as this



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Sure they do.

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Each prime examples of their own species according to Jews

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someone photoshop kit harrington in place of the action figure - thx in advance

Yes. Don't listen to the shitney shills. She has the most unnatural smile I have ever seen in my life. It looks like she's grimacing every time she open mouth smiles. Like her tiny mouth is struggling to deal with the giant veneers crowding her mouth

Why is Daisy so cute? I want to fuck Daisy until her pussy bleeds.

(((Sequel)))Triliogy IS NOT CANON.

I completely agree with you. Only the first six movies are canon, in my opinion.

Star Wars is now not only gay but doesn’t even make fun movies

>keep watching Star Wars videos on YouTube
>been doing this for about a week
>now know more about the lore than series' I actually follow
>still haven't seen a Star Wars movie

>You know, there is an appropriate time. We're using this appropriate time as an opportunity to see where we're going now that we're leaving the Skywalker Saga behind. But there's no question that there's certain characters that we've created certainly in the last three movies that we may very well wanna see down the line in the future.


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Mouse Wars is non-canon as fuck.

>perfect girls don't exi-

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I want her so bad.