the fuck did I just watch?
The fuck did I just watch?
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A shitty overrated movie that made no sense cause its an unfinished mess of a plot and is only praised for its animation
Loser teen attains god-power, but can't handle it and ends up destroying himself.
virgin vs chad, the anime.
It's a lot more coherent on the second viewing
>have alpha Male friend since kindergarten
>tfw testudo's feelings of resentment and inferiority hit too close to home
Cant even watch the movie anymore it just bums me out
Virgin tries to become Chad, dies
Good animation with unfinished rushed storytelling I hope they reference the soundtrack at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo though
A Comic book the size of a phone book compressing into a 2 hour movie.
Some kids grudge against Canada who pronounces it weird.
How much of a fucking brainlet do you have to be to not understand Akira
Am I the only one who likes the movie far more the the manga? The manga goes on forever and does nothing interesting with all the extra story, is full of unnecessary boring extra characters, including Akira himself being, and has a far shittier ending.
Arguably the finest anime film of all time.
it's not hard to understand, but it doesn't take a genius to see it's poorly executed
Its a very densely told story but its pretty coherent and not very complicated.
>running low on Coke
>put on custom Kaneda jacket
>put on earbuds
>play soundtrack
>hop on scooter
>pop some vitamins
>mom's meds
>start to get dizzy
>start going faster
>drive over middle of the road
>feel bump
>look back
>kid bleeding
>head open like a melon
>make it to the 7/11
>pick my treats
>get home
>news said kid died
>fat guy with thriller jacket loose
>fuck you its kaneda's jacket!
>phone book
It's a remarkable feat in animation, but falters in every other way.
the original akira manga basically has three whole volumes as thick as yellow pages, the movie basically covers the first then skips right to the end of the last, it’s still coherent but it glosses over 99% of the explanation behind what the fuck happens to tetsuo at the end, there’s a tonne of buildup to his ascension to godhood etc
I've watched it maybe 5 times in the past and I couldn't with certainty tell you the plot. Something about government experiments on alien shotas. It doesn't matter. The movie is about the personal drama between the eternal virgin who remains such even with immense power, like a Hollywood Jew exec with too much money, and a chad who has always been a chad and remains a chad by virtue of being born a chad who gives zero fucks and lives as he pleases.
Lots of Manga do this, like any serial medium that has gained popularity it will start to get bogged down with filler after a strong start. This is true in Berserk and One Peace as well as stuff like Breaking Bad and GoT. There's always that one chapter or episode thats just about sitting in a room staring at a fly on a wall for 100 pages/minutes.
You're the pseud brainlet that doesn't know the source material, nor understands that the movie is shit.
Depends what you mean by 'filler'. That Breaking Bad episode gives great insight into Walt's character at that stage.
Me too. The movie is compact and got all bases covered . The manga seems pointless in many parts.
An adaptation of the first half of the first volume, and the last half of the sixth volume of the Akira manga