Why hello there, user! I'm Rumbo, Robert's pet elephant. I'll be deputising for him this month due to his sprained ankle.
What do you want for your kino meal?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Some powdered ivory to snort while I get my money's worth out of these whores I bought.

I'll have a glass of warm milk, please

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This dude is having the time of his life

What a ride

Get me some of that stuff, we used to eat it all the time back in the day...pusy

Just one Cracker Jack, please!

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Hi Rumbo, one jumbo bucket of peanuts please. And tell Robert I love him.

I can’t keep up with this shit anymore bros, should I just give up and a make a facebook profile and become a boomer?

But user, you've always been a boomer

Cool thread

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Is this the new animopron preview?

Welcome to Trump tower cinemas. We have the best popcorn, don't we folks? $1 from every sale goes to Israel and an additional 10 cents towards the wall. Please don't believe yelp's fake news, we use real butter. Thank you, and make kino great again.

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stay cool, dumbo

Damn. You’re right...

Robert my man!

Don't worry I have a date to get past the no singles policy she's just meeting up with me later kek

I'll take some crab legs and kino corn for my falcon. Extra butter on both!

I better take a bullet proof vest too. Don't want another incident like the last kinoplex! Designated shooter missed half the theatre and got escorted to the popcorn mines for 3 months!!

Hopefully I pass penis inspection in the showers and don't get sent to the manlet pits kek

Can't forget my theatre anvil!

And Robert, big guy! Watch out for those wet floors!!

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12 dollars for popcorn? sorry but im out PEACE

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Based, fuck elephants

user why do you remind me of how hard the elephant dating market is...
Life is already hard enough...

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/k/ pls go

Imagine a world where an average middle aged man can take on and kill a fully grown elephant by himself and win.
Guns are truly the ultimate tools of equality.

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Holy crap Louis that elefant got shot by Pitfall

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where is ROBERT
I want my CRAB LEGS from ROBERT
not a fucking ELEPHANT

This is wrong and you should feel bad, user.

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Even if the funds from the hunting goes towards funding the nature reserve, I cannot imagine why anyone would ever want to kill such a beautiful animal. How do you not feel like a massive piece of shit afterwards? And what's the sport in it? It's not like it's challenging to shoot a massive, slow animal.

WoW cool it with the elephantophobia user

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fuck me, that super cute

you try going into the african wilderness to track and hunt a massive creature like that. i dont condone killing elephants but its definitely not easy if you do it on foot.

Why are elephants so fucking cute.

What zoo is this


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How hard can it be, it’s like the size of an elephant, I’d be more impressed if you missed

Imagine staring down a full grown African bull elephant. Imagine seeing that massive wall of muscle and bone charging at you in a blind rage, with only two bullets to put it down. What a fucking rush that must be