ITT: Celebrities at their lowest points

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if you're gonna shit on him, at least use his real rockbottom

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He looks like he is having a blast.

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lol, he is having the time of his life.

the kinda lad you want on your team

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This exact same thread with the exact same images and replies happened a week ago.

>don't mind me, I just like to drink and jerk myself off

Man is a pure chad.

This is every weekend for Kiefer

Probably every day.

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I know this show is shit but I loved it for some unexplainable reason

interesting premise I guess. how the fuck did you make it through the wife scenes? literally porn-tier acting

hmmm i dont remember seeing this in 24

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First week here?

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you're in for a ride

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Imagine being that short and not being a famous actor. Lmao.

I'm out of the loop here

The worst part being that his clothes don't even fit...

Herzog loves to show up where less expected. Like with Jack Reacher.

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I was going to be edgy and post the Chris Farley corpse photo but when I looked it up it just bummed me out. Damn. What a sad way to go.


multiple oscar winning director and terrorist shooting survivor werner herzog was somehow forced to appear in the latest star wars TV show by disney+


it's still running bro, the new season starts soon

welcome to Yea Forums

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>all 3 on heels

He's a fun drunk.

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What race is that?

I saw this dude in toronto. he was outside some indian all you can eat place smoking a cigarette. He kept looking at my like he recognized me. As I walked closer to him he sorta glanced away after he realized he didn't know me but I recognized him.
His skin looked like a brown leather couch.


Fuck these movies. Fuck Hackson.

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the pic on the top right is literally like something you would see in one of those virgin/chad cartoons, except it's happening in real life... unbelievable

Rice Nigger

Looks real fun..

I dont think thats fair to peter, wasnt it that del toro fucked off and he had to come save it and thats why it is such a rushed piece of crap

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Imagine having to chop your penis off to get roles.

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He was fucking with you, retard. He saw your retard virgin ass coming a mile away. Was that your first day outside of the basement?

if you watched that video you would know that it was all beyond his control.

I would even say that all things considered The Hobbit should have been a lot worse

lol. wow your autism is leaking through my screen.

Del Taco left in the middle of pre-production, Jackson took over, and right as they started filming the studio said they wanted 3 movies instead of 2. I don't put it all on Jackson, but man he made some absolutely horrific decisions.

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Good, it will go perfectly with the semen leaking from your asshole faggot.

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>being this edgy

you just know

>being this queer

Beep boop beep boop beep!

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This is crocodile tear bullshit because girls cover their faces when they're really crying.

del toro left all these amazing hand crafted practical fx that wouldn't mesh well with their silly 60fps video game presentation so out it went and we got cgi orcs

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>There was a time when that was cool

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But King Kong is pure kino. Especially the extended cut. I'd even say it's better than the original.

Just visited this dude’s Wikipedia (like a good Goy) and found pic related. Wtf

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Does she really not have a penis? Having one of those monstrosities suddenly makes her unattractive. I don't even want to look it up because she's now the main reason I watch that shit show.

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even then he fucked prime britney, he never had a low point

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Pretty sure that's just plain old dementia.

Oh yeah Justin Timberlake of all people is totally straight

Jesus H Christ the whole reason his boy band was given fame was because he specifically was passed around the execs

Say it ain’t so!
Say it ain’t so!

I'd fuck her in the ass, but not the axe-wound she pretends to be a cunt.
Honestly, before this, I just assumed she was a girl.

pretty sure that's a korean pop star. dont know why shes wearing the hijab though.

they're supposed to wear that shit in some moose limb countries. my ex gf was an air stewardess and she had to wear it in saudi arabia

get a job

Welcome to Yea Forums. Enjoy your stay.

prove it

Lowest point not comeback point.

He's in a comeback trail, you know.

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A video he produced said it wasn't his fault?


He looks good for his age.

I don't see how this is a low point.


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>this pirate crackdown's a go

How old are you? Serious question.

I cannot believe this is real

this photo of "oh damn, connery is old" is now old

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Full post op. I get the feeling she's had the money to get a really good one, it probably smells like freshly mown grass.

yeah, she should never have gone to that country, she should have known they'd obviously use her for propaganda, fucking dinks

Can't blame you

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He did not give one single fuck about these movies.

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I dont see what the problem is here. Getting drunk isnt a crime and desu he looks like alot of fun to be around at a piss up.

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Is this really a dude? Looks very passable.

netflix picked it up after it got canceled. Burned though every showrunner it had.

Nicole maines

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>Living like a king of old
>Rock bottom


>Nicole Amber Maines
>Born Wyatt Benjamin Maines
>October 7, 1997 (age 21)
>Parent(s) Wayne and Kelly Maines
>adopted relatives Jonas Zebediah Maine


LITERALLY had to change his identity

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Truly the lowest.

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buckle up buckaroo

Dating an air stewardess you barely see is like a cuck fetishists dream come true

chuckle up sneedaroo

Herzog is immune to this kind of stuff Tbh.

He looks exactly like one of those PUA faggots.

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The worst part about this meme is my boomer dad actually thinks she looks good. He bought into it while I’ve always been disgusted by that lanky bitch

she knew what she was doing, what an insipid witch

not even close

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This isn't that bad really, LOTR as well has quite a bit of these pseudo-experimental visual inconsistencies.

He probably remembers her getting her tits out in trading places

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It's not real. I watched The Hobbit last week.

is there a video of this?

That's his peak though you fucking retard.

Should have saved up for teeth whitening rather than dick cutting.

>tfw no more Gibson kino

Fucking hell aging is horrifying.

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this one is the absolute worst, I mean how do you even try to explain that shit?

Oh my.....

Based Mel, he truly is /OURGUY/

>I wash in the pictursh ya know.

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not giving a fuck is pure alpha

Don't lie user, you'd be diamonds if she was rubbing that pussy in your face.

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>the enforced transsexual daughter
Angelina must have been trying to destroy Brad

To be fair, that goes beyond aging. Brando ate whatever the fuck he wanted without any exercise for decades. It's a miracle he lasted as long as he did.

this made me laugh out loud

you'll see it one day, if you don't neck youself.

google says he's the same height as sophie turner, but he's also wearing heels lmao. why do celebs bother lying about their height?
though getting mogged by gwendoline is not really embarrassing considering she's 191cm AND using heels

>I know all girls

Mom isn't every woman user.

me on the right.


My taste in women is the exact opposite so the scene in True Lies must have scarred me for life. Give me a short girl with tits ass and nice long hair. Not this horrific stick butch bitch

Know what?

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Shit like this wakes me up at night. Gets me to the gym.

Dood was a sex symbol. Time destroys us all.

why didnt he give a shit about The Hobbit films? Could have been a kino set of films but some reason was stretched into a trilogy. wouldn't have even minded a borderline 4 hour Hobbit film that covered pretty much everything.

if those walls could talk

It's just sad to see what they were and then what they are now. I know it's unavoidable, I'm not saying it's their fault. Don't we have our top scientists working on an elixir for eternal youth? Time's ticking.

> I once served Chloe at a seafood restaurant up in Maine.
> She ordered the snow crab and when I brought it out I realized she didn't have a little hammer or a pair of crab crackers
> Chole responded " That's ok I don't need them"
> I walked to the back for a bit before I heard a loud bang and then screaming.
> I rushed out to see several patrons bleeding and crying around loved ones.
> It looked as if a crab bomb went off. Crab shrapnel littered the restaurant. People trying desperately to stop the bleeding on those that were still alive.
> Just then another loud bang rang out and I was knocked off my feet. I looked through the haze of butter in my eyes.
> I see Chole using her gargantuan hands to smash and tear at the crab. I look to my left and see the hostess clutching her neck as a crab claw has severed her jugular.
> I look up to the ceiling and then Chloe appears over me empty plate in hand and she only says one word that still haunts me to this day.

> "MORE"!

>dragged across concrkino
>the madman
>passion of christ 2

There's a whole movie. It's called the hobbit

He just had two movies come out within two months

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> becomes uninsurable in your path

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>Collar bones
When you know you can see it

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imagine the smell though.

>Listen Will.......I gotta tell you....About Scientology.. And.... you w-...won't even believe me at first. But it's all true and you gotta listen to me.

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>"Why won't any men date me?"

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is that dan foot fetish sneider dressed as a fireman

In all honesty if you were the kind of Hollywood celeb with access to hundreds of model-tier pussy, why the fuck would you ever put up with that? I'm sure even Jonah has better options than this

is this even true, I bet there are queues of men ready to do her bidding.

Dasha Zhukova is mummy

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no belt....

what a pathetic diva

Just do your job. You're getting paid millions to read from a script and play imaginary games like a toddler

> I got you babe....

Not bad for Phil.



Yeah, so what? This isn't Reddit. Go fanny wobble elsewhere.

Probably tight as fuck though. Fassbender might be a pedo and he got the perfect one.

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>"Somebody just needs to grow a pair and step up. I'm shockingly available...I've made it very clear."
She literally said grow up incels who will take care of Tyrone jr. like in my memes.

This is Kim Dahyun from Twice, a kpop group I like. This is one of the best photoshops I've ever seen, it's even plausible that it's real. Does anyone have any more information on this picture?

neck yourself rice nigger.

Some of the things he must do to fund his many projects....

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Man, millenials are truly faggots

>Brendan's blank stare
>Wife smug little smile
It was planned all along

didnt you hear? shes converted to islam.

Closet case or dangerously low test.

>He doesn't know

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thats a dude

remember the alamo

I really hope he had fun and saving Star Wars becomes his 'crazy old guy' thing. Like when Christopher Lee decided he liked fucking about with metal bands in his 80s and played festivals with Manowar etc.

>im gonna say it!

Yeah it would be terrible to be Justin Timberlake haha

Almost looks like David Mitchell here

What happened to Brendan exactly? He just dissapeared.

If you refuse to sacrifice them in a satanic ritual you have to adopt them. It's the only explanation that makes sense.

Poor iCarly, she needed to fuck this repulsive fat jew to get roles.


I'd eat raisins out of her asshole

please let this wound heal

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Alcoholism is brutal

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I do not like this image and it is quite disturbing to me. But instructive.

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People complaint about Kit, but Sophie has a massive bald spot on the front of her head

Unironically, that's so sad. I will love to ask Miranda Cosgrove if it was worth it, being groomed since you are a kid in exchange for money and fame. Fuck the Hollywood dream.

That's an odd approach to Liam Neeson's situation. I took for granted everybody knew why he was so busted up and that he's still trying to subsume his grief in work.

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She's handcuffed you asshat.
Nice bait

Did anyone actually come out and say "He molested me!" or has it all been just a bunch of Internet Rumors (TM)?

fuck why did she ruin it by losing the pp. literally the only reason to fuck a tranny is because they still have PP!!!!

>Anytime I hear that door opening... I still think it's going to be her

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and they say white people have no culture

Lindsay Lohan past the age of 25

>be hot in your prime and fuck all the prime pussy you want
>grow old and feast like a gluttonous king
Seems fine to me

you pissed yourself mr lahey

sounds like based bobby b

I think he finally woke the fuck up this time. He skating daily and working out daily with PTs

Brendan didn’t deserve this

Does anybody have the article where she outright admits she hates her blonde haired blue eyed biological daughter

>I can just lift away the passing of time
You’re a fucking idiot

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>not knowing the Brendan JUST timeline
Come on user. The short version? He got fucked by divorce

what an absolute crazy cunt

>tfw you mature and lose your edge.

happens to the best of us user

To be fair, he was fucking amazing in there.

Bartic head

Don't get it.

That's pretty unfair, the extra movie wasn't his choice and he was given a real shit hand. They were so time constrained they didn't even have time to plan out fight choreographs, they literally had to improvise the scenes. He probably made a lot of money from it though, the producers must have panicked once Del Toro left.

Did he cum in pant

>Fuck Hackson
The success of LoTR became a curse. He was forced into this because he was basically the only person who could make the films a 6/10 instead of a 2/10.
Del Toro fucked the studio, so then the studio fucked Jackson. You can tell he was fucked because he put on 300 pounds from stress eating.
I feel bad for him and everyone else involved. The Hobbit could have been great if they'd stopped production after Del Toro left, started from scratch and let Peter make it two movies.