Steve, if you ever get a chance to go back in time and undo my entire life and legacy just to bang me in my prime...

>Steve, if you ever get a chance to go back in time and undo my entire life and legacy just to bang me in my prime, feel free to do that. You're a good friend, Steve.

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What's it like hitting old pussy?

Wait did he erase all her kids and make her husband an incel just cause he wanted to cum in her for a few decades?

He created and lived in a new timeline where he got to marry her

No, actually he was always the husband.
This of course means that he made out with his own daughter. What the fuck happened to her anyway?

She was her niece.
Which means he made out with his niece.


She was Peggy's niece, not daughter. Not blood related to Cap so it was free game I guess?


Your mom's cunt is still pretty tight. If your mom is anything to go by, it's not bad.

Oh, forgot about that.
based cap

Peggy was Sharon's great aunt.
He made out with his wife's sibling's grandchild.

it was in another timeline

based Steve, he truly is Captain America.

Gives a whole other way to look at Agent Carter, the TV show.

>Survive WWII
>Always do the right thing
>Get married
>Wife has a bit of baggage from an old fling, but still able to have a successful marriage and kids
>Live a good life, die with no regrets
>Turns out the ex was still live, he goes back in time to cock block you

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Her husband was actually Steve all along. There were 2 steves. One Steve remains hidden (and came from the future), the other Steve is frozen until the future.

captain alabama

He returned the infinity stones. There's only a single timeline.

what about souza?

I wish I knew. I almost got to fuck a woman 40 years older than me that somehow still had a perky little body and only some laugh lines for wrinkles but I was too self-conscious about my foot odor. All that nice woman wanted to do was ride my dick and feel young again, then be my mommy and make me breakfast in bed.

So are Steve’s descendants running around with perfect genes and super soldier serum?
>will MCU reverse the AgedCap, BuckyCap, FalconCap bullshit or does the MCU have to suffer like the comics?

You either die a hero, or you live long enough to become a villain.

>He created and lived in a new timeline
No, that's what SHOULD have happened. It doesn't work if he still grows old and is there as an old man in the original timeline, though.


how if he appeared old in this timeline.?

So fun question
Do we EVER actually see Peggy's husband in any MCU film?
Because if not, I say it was always Steve. Steve was her husband the whole time. Stable timeline.

>So are Steve’s descendants running around with perfect genes and super soldier serum?
I don't think he passes the super serum through his cum.

>will MCU reverse the AgedCap, BuckyCap, FalconCap bullshit or does the MCU have to suffer like the comics?
Of course not, cap is basically dead and won't show up in new movies. Falcon and Bucky will just turn into a disney+ series along with hawkeye and his daughter and probably won't be in any movies anymore. The movies are going to focus on cosmic marvel now, eternals, guardians of the galaxy etc...

They could just use Antman's joke time machine to make Cap younger again.

Nigga wants to die

>erase all her kids and her husband
Headcanon is one hell of a drugs in this board.

Yeah I was wondering about that. They established that the past isn't really your past, it's another alternative timeline. But then Cap does it....

he let the husband have his way with her and then raised the kids

bucky will be in black panther 2 as he is now “white wolf” sam will just be in the avengers movies as cap

The simplest answer is that the Old Cap we see isn't the same person we saw travel back to return the Stones and Mjölnir. Instead, he's another reality's Cap. The fucked up part is that means the Peggy Carter show we watched took place in his reality. It's no longer backstory in the main timeline.

This is my own reasoning, though, not the writers, because any retards that thought you could just re-access and return items "borrowed" from a newly-divergent timeline clearly didn't put that much thought into it. Also, they wouldn't be able to resist making that obvious just so they could suck their own dicks over how clever they are.

You have to go back