Why is it that Thanos disappearing from 2014 and never coming back does not create a huge paradox?
Avengers Endgame
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Because time travel :^)
They literally mention that each timeline takes place in its own self contained reality.
so everybody's still dead
And that if they they return the stones that does not happen
So... still a plothole
Yeah basically. They literally just travelled to another universe because they thought they wrote themselves into a hole.
Then how come old captain america is there at the end?
Because its a tetriary timeline. Where two altered timelines mixed
And yet, when Captain America travels back in time he stays in the original timeline. They fucked up with the time travel in this film.
>Because its a tetriary timeline. Where two altered timelines mixed
Then why wasn't the timeline mixed when Thanos was sent forward in time, causing a time paradox?
in any timeline Cap is on ice between 1941 and 2011 you dumb fuck.
so he went to some random timeline, spent 70 years with Peggy and came back.
Time travel is retarded. Any movie that relies on the time travel mechanic is immediately incoherent unless the main focus on the movie itself is with regards to time travel such as The Time Machine.
That was another timeline all together.
Realized that there were about 4 Captain Americas existing at the same time.
>past cap
>fighting current cap
>possibly while returning cap is putting stuff back
>and old cap somewhere else
Except that it's SHIELD's and everyone else's past
Yeah because there are an infinite amount of timelines for a singular universe where any arrangement of particles can happen.
>so he went to some random timeline, spent 70 years with Peggy and came back.
But he didn't "come back". He had no access to time travel when he missed his window to return. Instead he waited 70 years then met them just by going to that area.
Face it, it's retarded and time travel is always retarded.
>Nebula is so alpha that she just flat-out murdered her own past self for being a cunt and then continued to exist anyway
The thing is, it's not hard to do. It's very easy to keep things consistent but modern day filmmakers are just too lazy and don't give a shit.
How the fuck do you manage not fuck up the timeline and still exist in the same timeline without creating an alternative timeline
Because there will always be an alternative timeline to support your fucking up of timelines every time no matter the line.
Why don't Thor/Captain Marvel/Hulk/whoever go back in time to the moment Tony killed himself, take the gauntlet off of him and do the snap for him?
>time travel story doesn't make sense
I really didn't expect anything else.
>The thing is, it's not hard to do.
No, it's not. You can easily create paradoxes and alternate realities etc. That's why any discussion of a movie using time travel as a plot device devolves to discussing about time travel itself like the one we have now.
Why didn't they just snap him back to life in the first place.
Why didnt the creators of the movie just accept the characters they killed off were dead and just accepted that.
Just keep it consistent, that's all I'm asking. If every time they went to the past they created an alternate reality, I would have been content.
How did he come back? He just happened to be sitting at the park bench at the exact moment he went back in time, so how did he even end up elderly in the main timeline if he went to an alternate one?
They explain that a divergence only happens if an infinity stone is missing, but that still doesn't explain how Captain America's relationship with Peggy translates to the main timeline if there's no reason they should be united. It literally doesn't make sense and I have no idea how more people aren't noticing the absurd amount of plotholes and contrivances
Why didn't Thanos just make infinity resources?
How did Rocket extract the Ether from Natalie Portman after he sneaked into her room?
separate timelines noob
they literally state this in the movie
that means the timeline where thanos left never has to deal with him
That's not what the infinity stones do
Why didn't strange use the time stone to just reverse tony's physical state so he wouldn't be dead? Why not fix the hulk's arm the same way too?
>when a famously senile and careless old jap makes a more coherent time travel system than your billion dollar movie
They never mention that, did they?
Thanos was going to create a whole new universe. Some more resources shouldn't be a problem.
I mean he fucks it up in super
It’s not about the collective journey, but that they each of individually decided to make the ultimate sacrifice. Obviously it’s not some story about how a group overcomes the past but how the individual moves on to succeed. Ducking faggot
Only X-Men and Cable handle time travel right. He tries to stop Apocalypse but time travel fucks up over and over, it is not an "I win" card cause changing the past HAS AN EFFECT ON YOUR EXPECTED OUTCOME.
Endgame is just retarded.
m8, mangakas have infinitely more time and freedom to think it over. Directors and scriptwriters have to deal with handling a whole production team, actors, studio execs and relatively short production periods, not to mention budget.
there are an infinite amount of Caps fighting past Cap, because of a loop.
thus the universe is destroyed by an infinite amount of Captain America's.
nope, free infinity stones and resurrecting dead people with no repercussions at all! hail marvel!
>Thanos reverses time to get a stone in IW
why can't they do the same to save Tony?
there is no loop. its branching realities/timelines
>reading fan theories about endgame months ago
>time travel is not going to be a factor
>movie comes out
>time travel was justified and used right
Well Yea Forums?
there is one timeline where Cap travels back in time, every time, over and over.
the universe would be destroyed by the loop.
>resurrecting dead people with no repercussions
then why 'd she have to die, man?
No, they came back to their own timeline to reverse the snap. They just got infinity stones, mjolnir and some more time juice from other timelines. The main timeline is restored because that got affected by the gauntlet again.
He stabbed the syringe thing and exacted it from her?
she doesnt, they can go back in time and grab a past version of her at any point
Yes, it does, the ancient one specifically said "if you dont return it my new reality will be thrown into chaos/darkness" or some shit implying divergent timelines happen, but without the stones there, they would fall into ruin and chaos.
Not really. I actually kind of dig the whole concept of traveling back in time to save others from the android apocalypse, but then returning to your own time and it's still an android-infested ruin.
But Cell's double time jump fucks the whole thing over. There being TWO different Future Warrior Trunkses's, both of whom saved the past from the androids then returned to their own ruined timeline to defeat the androids there, but one of them gets killed by Cell and the other destroys him too. The only way to even try to make it make sense is that there's two different "modern" timelines - but both modern timelines are functionally identical because the only difference between them is what happens to the time traveler that visited them AFTER he went home.
It's bullshit.
time travel is the laziest fucking mechanic in movies.
why even have villains?
>Dr Doom shows up
lol just time travel to before he did bad stuff and stop it
>time travel was justified and used right
It wasn't. Use of time travel means that you are a creatively corrupt coward.
Using timetravel is never justified unless it's a casual loop.
Because time travel is retarded.
Time travel + capeshit = Double retarded
Don't try to make sense of it. The writers themselves don't.
That's why Doom is going to be the new big bad
>time travel before he did bad stuff to stop it
>find out he's already time traveled there ahead of you to stop you from stopping him
What part of her?
Cant wait for time travel to be used in Episode 9
You can't change your own past in MCU, just create a new timeline with a different future
Why is Doom wanked so hard
>not Galactus
Never he's too badass
Any part is fine? The Aether is all around her body.
because it's intended to create fodder for youtube videos, forum posts, and articles for people to discuss and read about similar to LOST>
He does as he pleases
Hes damaged
Hes a fucking wizard
And best of all. He's actually the best most peaceful ruler.
She doesn't and past-alternate Gamorra is proof of that.
according to the logic of the film they travelled to an almost exactly the same parrallel reality, picked up the stones from that realities past, brought it back to their reality, used it to snap everyone back, then snap thanos out of existence and then brought it back to the reality/timeline that they took it from, so everybody has been "snapped back to life" in the original reality/timeline. IRL this makes no sense due to the butterfly effect, but setting that aside it's still fucked considering the fact that Captain America goes into another reality and marries his sweetheart and never comes back to the reality he came from. In a parallel reality though he was always there and ends up as an old man sitting near the river, but that would happen in yet another reality/timeline, not the original one.
>Disney owns Fox now
>Which means Marvel can finally make Fantastic 4 movies
damn, they got spidey, x-men and F4, they fucking won
The film doesn't stick to just one set of time travel logic though. It mixes both "parallel timeline" and "unchangeable inevitable single timeline" at least. Cap went back into the former to return the stones but into the latter to live out his life. Not saying it's good writing but that seems to be how it works.
You'll get Captain Marvel as the leader of Avengers now instead.
expect lots more time travel from superhero movies in the future
it's the only way to "fix" real world fuck ups
X-Men: Days of Future Past fixing Last Stand
Deadpool 2 fixing Wolverine Origins
Endgame fixing not having any fucking clue where they were going with the IW script
I wouldn't even be surprised if they tried using it to somehow connect whatever Marvel does with X-Men to the Fox movies, if they're going to keep using the current version of Deadpool in the MCU (which they definitely will)
Cap lived his life with Peggy in another timeline, but went back to the original as an old man
Why don't you just turn everything you touch to good lmao
Nope. If he did, he would have hopped out of the time machine just like everyone and everything else (including Thanos's ship) when Hulk "called" him back.
She also got the most screen time of any female in the movie and more than double of Marvel's screentime.
>but went back to the original as an old man
Maybe he changed the coordinates when coming back? Tony did briefly show him how when they went back to 1970. It's dumb but not impossible.
They said that changing literally anything in the past creats different timeline, means he couldn't have lived in Peggy in original timeline because he is supposed to be frozen and Peggy marries different man
It's possible but unlikely. That scene is pretty clearly meant to be interpreted as "taking the long way home", so to speak. Cap knew exactly when and where it would occur so he went there at the right time. Classic time travel trope.
Yes. That's the problem. It's a massive plot hole as there is no way for him to return to the original timeline.
That's to go back to the past. It seems returning to the future requires them to appear at the same time machine they originally left from.
That's coz she an actual example of a good female character. And the fact she wasn't involved in killing thanos directly annoys me.
Feminists who call captain marvel a good character show they never gave a shit about well developed females. They just wanna self insert their ego and act like a even more shallow version of Superman
he wasn't dimension hopping, he was just going back to specific points in their own timeline where significantly divergent points were created and returning the stones to them; when he was done he went back into the past, laid low and lived the rest of his life out w Peggy, then returned to Stark residence when he knew they'd be sending him back in time in the first place and hung around for a little while
he never visits any of the "alternate timelines" because he returned the stones back to the points they were needed at
what did I miss?
and I do think it's all stupid and lousy writing
If Cap decided to stay with Peggy in 1945 he would end up creating alternate timeline with different course of future events, in the timeline he grew old there would be no Sam and Bucky in the park
I don't remember Loki escaping and stealing the space stone in the original timeline user...
>then returned to Stark residence when he knew they'd be sending him back in time in the first place and hung around for a little while
But that's impossible because the film says that making changes to a timeline creates a new timeline. That's how 2014 Thanos time travelling into 2024 doesn't create a time paradox
only talking about Cap's solo time trips, and also they nullified Loki getting the tesseract by going back and retrieving it from even earlier
they said the opposite of that
the whole point of Bruce's conversation with the Tilda Swinton
or rather, they said that putting the stones back where they found them in the first place prevents those divergent timelines from happening
Basically steins;gate
I love how the scene just lingers on Nebula after the murder, and you are just waiting for her to peace out. But nope. Hard cut transition and she is fine
It prevents the bad divergent timelines that comes from there being no infinity stones.
It does not prevent the timeline from diverging at all, because obviously there are dozens of changes that occur while they are stealing the timestones, including Thanos disappearing from that timeline.
>time travel
>justified and used right
pick one
Something, something, vulgar nostalgia porn cash grab, that's why.
No, all past events are set in stone, you can't change them, that's why they can't just kill Thanos as a baby, when original Cap decided to stay with Peggy in 1945 he created divergent timeline where one Cap is frozen and another marries Peggy and grows old with her, meanwhile her husband from original timeline lives his life differently
How would that nullify it if they end up returning the stone to the same timeline which was your original argument?
I was fucking rolling during the vagina power scene. Shit was too comical.
jfc they literally spell shit out for retards and you retards still can't fucking understand
How many instances are there in comicbooks where the sidekick taking over the mantle or getting their own series worked out and didn't tank the popularity of the character?
The only one that comes to mind is Nightwing but that's DC. Any other examples? Because it seems like phase 4 will try to replace a lot of the gaps that were left by the A-list Avengers cast that died or retired.
loki got the tesseract but then they went back earlier and retrieved it before any of that happened
so loki never got it
then cap returns the tesseract back where they took it from later on
so it's like it never left
explaining that was most of how Hulk convinced Tilda to let him take the time stone
>time travel
truly the worst plot device there is
this is why I hate time travel/alternate dimension shit, it makes everything else irrelevant
who cares who lives or dies in the movie we're watching if there's an infinite number of them all out there anyway?
Same way he hopped to 1945 as a young man, with his suit and Pym particles
Maybe Stark sent them back to their original timeline with their minds erased of their knowledge from the future.
because the guy you're replying to is wrong, it was all on one timeline
the cap who went back in time stayed in the same timeline and grew old in it
Sure. Cap return the stone to the past. Therefore, the stone is there during the NY battle and the events would still play out like we see in Endgame with Loki getting the stone.
it's not dimension hopping, it's time travel
they only have access to timelines at points that they directly converge with their own
100% agree, unless a movie is solely about time travel, as in Marty McFly, T1, it's gonna suck. Thanos' law applies in End Game, no consequences, basically deletes the work of nfinity. Very average movie 5/10 at best (if only for nostalgia value).
>All this argument just for capeshit
>Yea Forums and /pol/ really capepilled
I agree, in the fight, Marvel came in, and it was just kinda anti-fun... 'oh boy, she's OP... cool...'
Like, i was waiting for her to show up, and then I was just disappointed
no, because they never go there to try and get it during the ny battle after getting it from Shield the first time around
time travel is bullshit, user
*Infinity, sry.
They literally say that the events in their past can't be changed, in the original timeline Cap is frozen for 65 years and Peggy marries different man, but it's possible to create alternate timeline where Cap from original timeline can grow old with Peggy
So it's simply garbage writing.
That scene with Thanos lighting candles and making food was comfy AF
Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.
Get out of my swamp!
how does cap go from one to the other? How does he come back to the main timeline after doing that?
he would have to go back in time again to the point where he decided to stay with peggy, then decide not stay with her, and then set his magic time watch to further in the timeline where he doesn't?
Yes, 1000%
Yes, the plot of this movie has a metric fuckton of plotholes and contrivances and nobody is talking about them because they like all the explosions
curious about how characters whose powers are dependent on infinity stones, like Capt Marvel and Scarlet Witch, still have their powers when somebody else is in control of them
shouldn't Thanos wielding the stones render Marvel totally powerless?
The movie has just come out for a few days, just give it time.
so who are all the permanent dead characters by the end?
Widow and Tony.
Captain America may as well be dead too.
No one because its now a universe where you can go back in time.
Does it matter when time travel has been introduced beyond a 2 min flashback?
Iron man, Black Widow, everyone else who died before snap
So Loki and Gamora are still dead? that's a little surprising
I don't know, it just bothers me knowing that this film will have a 90+ on Rotten Tomatoes and inevitably be one of the highest rated movies by audiences. It's a shame because Infinity War was genuinely good and more interesting then any other movie, then this movie is PEAK turn off your brain cinema
They are still dead, but also they are alive.
There’s an Alt Gamora in the main timeline now. She’s pre-guardians 1
yeah but 2014 Gamora who doesn't know star-lord came to the future with Thanos and is alive but ran away
Black Widow, Tony, Loki, Gamora from original timeline, Vision, Cap is alive, but is like 100 years old
in fairness to this stupid franchise, time travel has been possible with the audience's full knowledge at least since Dr. Strange
and it's technically been possible the entire time, since the time stone has always been part of the setting
the original Gamora is dead, but her past, pre-Quill self has come into the present and replaced her
>Infinity War was genuinely good
>then this movie is PEAK turn off your brain
and that's only because IW had the luxury of stuffing all of its problems and plotholes into this film.
Time stone is more like rewind button
Why can't a paradox exist? Maybe true paradoxes exist but we're simply unable to understand them.
>m8, mangakas have infinitely more time and freedom to think it over.
Toriyama had 91 issues, no breaks to write the Artificial Humans arc. This was over the course of just a few months under 2 years. It was a weekly manga, and he had to deal with his editor and his former editor badgering him about what he was doing in the current arc.
17 and 18 were not planned.
Cell was not planned.
He made up literally everything on the fly and everybody worth their salt in the community can explain the Artificial Humans Arc's time travel.
Nobody in this thread understands the time travel made up for a single film that had the backing of like 20 other films behind it.
Timeline 1 and 2 had them deactivate the Artificial Humans, which is why Trunks is weaker in Timeline 1. Never trained with Vegeta.
well, that isn't true or else Strange wouldn't have been aware that there was the single potential for victory that he saw in IW from travelling forward in time
>time travel was justified and used right
It was an asspull. It doesn't work thematically, it only exists to serve the plot and make the big action scene happen at the end so all the manchildren can cheer and see the movie twenty times.
Time travel only works if you film is a) specifically about time travel or b) isn't a deus ex machina/end all be all solution
I'll just copypasta my post of good time travel from the last thread
>Back to the Future
Central to the plot and themes of the story
>Dragon Ball
Not the end all be all solution and only serves to make everything worse for the characters.
>that third Harry Potter film
Only good for going back short distances in time and it's all fate anyways, as well as being constantly foreshadowed once they got to the school
>JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Time moving so fast the universe resets and only the main villain gets to use it. That, and a central theme of JoJo's is legacy and hope for the future, not to focus on the past, which is why only villains get time and space powers and DIO's stand was probably to copy Joestar stands.
>Rengoku no Karma
An incredibly obscure manga about some kid killing himself and reliving an hour the day after his death until he can save the six people his suicide effected. This is central thematically and to the plot, and while the story couldn't happen without it, the story is only about it so it's fine, unlike Avengers which is like the gorillionth film in a massive franchise with only one entry even having anything about time travel (being frozen in ice doesn't count)
>Groundhog Day
Central thematically and to the plot.
They failed to take it from New York. Cap would have gone back to the 70s and returned it to SHIELD.
that's what I said
In a way i guess you can make that 'make sense'. But that´s not what ruined the ending as much for me. The fighting scenes in this movie doesn´t make much sense in the end. And that´s where it kind of falls down.
Thanos has zero infinity stones in the entire battle. Not even the power stone. His entire army is on that gigantic ship of his. They spend a beautiful sequence unloading all that army so you see how massive the army is. You got the two armies ready to battle. Right. Then fighting starts then the ships guns start firing in space. Tatadatadaddadadaaaa dadadada.. captain marvel. Fly through the fucking ship in 2 seconds. And thanos can´t fucking believe it either. Cause it´s bullshit. Then she fly down to him. Can´t even break his fingers, he doesn´t have a single infinity stone.
They made her way too powerful
with the destruction of that entire ship. She should not be able to do that! Just flying through it like it´s made of paper. It´s much much larger than the great aster (ronins ship). It´s thanos's flagship. His entire army is pretty much on that ship. And she just wreck it in 2 seconds. And then attacks him and managed to get her ass kicked by him anyways
For me that´s when it really went off the rails. Up till then it was pretty decent setup for a massive fight.
Happens all the time with Batman. Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Damian Wayne, Batgirl, etc.
There's also Young Justice, Teen Titans, Bucky became Captain America at one point, as did the Falcon, there was Agent Venom and all sorts of other shit.
Most of them sucked though, much like with most capeshit. Stick to Batman, that has the highest amount of good shit comparatively to other capeshit.
>Thanos was going to create a whole new universe. Some more resources shouldn't be a problem.
The same thing would happen again. The problem was that species refused to exist in balance with their own planet and ressources.
So killing half of them off would obviously not work either. In a few decades they would be back to their original population numbers.
Why couldn't they just use the gauntlet one more time to resurrect Tony? Captain Marvel could probably use it without destroying her body.
I humbly submit my review to Yea Forums:
Rating 4/10: "Avengers: Endgame is a fantastic example of 2019 nostalgia eye candy porn movie making at its very finest, a perfect reflection of early 21st century culture..it's nature being as wide as an ocean, and as deep as a puddle of piss. It's total pretty much total shite and a blatant cash grab. But it sure does look pretty".
They made Captain Marvel too powerful? Homeboy grimace dicked down pretty much all the Avengers WITHOUT the infinity stones. How does that make sense?
have sex
Yeh, prolly sure desu.
>So killing half of them off would obviously not work either. In a few decades they would be back to their original population numbers.
No they would be afraid of thanos snapping it again, that´s what was discussed in avengers infinity war aftermath. Which quite frankly was a far better movie than this one.
It would work because they all see half of them dissapearing, so they would all recognize how they had so much to go around for everyone. That they would understand each of them, that this was a better approach, now that they could see the difference.
It´s same argument you have about africans. If they stopped having 10 kids when they can barely feed themselves. There would be plenty to go around for each of them.
In a very real sense africans are the problem in this regard. But people keep talking about that just keep shovel food into their mouth and these things. Cause there´s enough ressources. But they can´t provide for themselves and try to go to other peoples nations and become other peoples problems! Including they think other people should take care of their kids that they probably shouldn´tve had or atleast not had that many of.
This is the kind of malthusian argument thanos represents. But a sensible one.
Ressources are finite. Therefore you can´t have infinite growth and just kind of hope it works out. It´s actually hilarious to me how a lot of people will even question that. The infinity stones cannot make infinite ressources. What thanos says he will do is make a new universe similar to the one that exists now. And the difference is they won´t remember the avengers. That dialogue i think is vapid and i think thanos is dissapointing in endgame in a lot of ways.
no he didnt, thats a massive paradox and plot hole
you're gonna have to give me more info
And she then did the Cap-struggles-against-IG thing back in IW but now actually overpowered him. Thanos's normal attack has no effect on her and has to use a point-blank Power Stone to blast her away. Your point?
Cap is still in the ice in 1945 its just him from the future there he still goes on to be found just that he never interacrs with his past self.
>one of the main focus of Captain America's character arc through the movies is him dealing with the fact that he has to live in the modern world, accepting it and moving on
>movie ends with him shitting on that and just fucking off back to the past to be his waifu (effectively preventing her granddaughter, which he had a brief romance with, from being born)
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? If they wanted a new Captain America they could have him just sacrifice himself in the final battle or some shit like that.
Also, how the fuck did he ended up in the main timeline as an old man when early on they established changing the past creates a new timeline? And does that mean he didn't do shit to stop Hydra from doing all the nasty shit it did or torturing his best friend?
That was so fucking retarded.
i dont mind paradoxes, but the movie very clearly sets out rules against paradoxes, and then tries to break them at the end of the movie. you cant have it both ways
Why didn't he just throw the gauntlet into the lava?
>They made Captain Marvel too powerful? Homeboy grimace dicked down pretty much all the Avengers WITHOUT the infinity stones.
How does that make sense?
With the infinity stones he is completely untouchable, it´s only without them they hav ea chance. Cause he´s a titan. It´s why he´s an arch villain. Because he´s extremely powerful.
However there´s a difference between that and flying directly through a near planet sized starship in 2 seconds. Some of the powers are out of proportion. Which makes the fighting scenes ridiculous. When they go in close combat. If you got someone that can easily btfo his entire ship in 2 seconds and destroy his entire army. Then he´s not as big of a threat as he´s supposed to be.
But Thanos destroys the infinity stones in this movie so what was stopping the universe from repopulating after that?
What's stopping thanos from a..3rd or 4th (etc) parallel universe from jumping into their world and fucking shit back up?
Cap grew old with Peggy in alternate timeline, what he did there didn't affect ours
Thanos was more untouchable without the infinity stones than with them.
Congrats, you've just written the next cash grab MCU movie.
So there's 2 cap'n americas in the same universe?
its not possible for cap to go back and stay in his own timeline without changing the entire course of history for that timeline. basically the past cannot interact with the present
we know this isnt possible because nebula kills her past self, and a bunch of other major stuff that affects the past happens and the ''present'' timeline is unaffected by it
>But Thanos destroys the infinity stones in this movie
Yes, i think there are lot of things like that that are stupid in this movie. He had the infinity stones, he had done the flick. All he had to do is sit and enjoy his retirement. The infinity stones was guarantee that he could not be touched.
The notion is that when 50% of every species is wiped out. They will see how it is to have plenty to go around for each. And will not desire to increase their population. There´s no need to do it. They will realize that mistake. Also they would be afraid thanos will snap his fingers again if they go ahead and do it anyways. So from that perspective it was setup nicely in infinity war ending.
Then how the fuck did he show up as an old man in their timeline?
nothing, but he has to find out about timetravel
the only reason that particular past thanos knew about it was because the present nebula went back and accidentally made him aware of it. which made his timeline diverge at that point. the thanoses in other timelines dont have that happen
>Thanos was more untouchable without the infinity stones than with them.
Nah. When he has the infinity stones he´s just toying with them in comparison. Since he has the powers each stone gives. Without them he really has to fight and give his best. You notice he doesn´t use his sword whatsoever in infinity war. And the more infinity stones he gets the more armor he takes off. When he has all 5 he has taken all his armor off.
>Hail Hydra
What if the old cap in current timeline is cap from different timeline who came to the current timeline to return the stones?
Does this make sense?
Yep. The butchered Cap. They also fucked over Thor. Thor's arc over his films was about him becoming responsible and accepting his destiny as King. But it's thrown out the window at the end of this film.
I am so fucking glad I did not get into this marvel movie garbage. If Yea Forums, which has a higher IQ than normies, is confused as fuck about the story than it means the script was total garbage
what does that have to do with anything?
Cap put back the stones, then went farther back and found Peggy and stayed with her, laying relatively low. How does that interfere with anything else? It's just progressing farther along a single timeline. He doesn't interfere with anything else the concurrent Cap is doing and everything is okay.
In Infinity War he nearly gets fucked by the trap laid on Titan and Thor comes extremely close to killing him and that's with most of/all the infinity stones.
In Endgame he has nothing but his sword and yet he holds his own against nearly the entire MCU with just the support of his jobber liutenants and his army of mooks.
Nigger even blocks the axe that brushed off that Infinity Gauntlet beam and almost killed him in the previous movie.
Why didn't Dr. Strange use the time stone to locally revert time and save Tony, just like Thanos did at the end of IW?
>Infinite resources
>literally means you create literally infinite mouths to feed
Well you fucked up.
that doesnt make sense
that implies that the ''current'' timeline of the movies is actually a past timeline, and future cap has come back and lived to be an old man in it. we know that isnt possible because of the events of the movie + previous movies
No. Because if he returned to the original timeline he would have appeared in the time machine when Hulk flipped the switch. That's they way everyone returned to the timeline, even alternate Thanos.
Where the fuck did 2014 Gamora go?
She probably got Snapped just like everybody from that timeline.
because he creates an entire separate timeline at the point. he cant timetravel backwards and then have the future remain exactly the same in the SAME timeline. its not possible, even by the movies own rules
>they literally ripped off a Rick and Morty ending
"Listen *burp* Dr. Strange we can only do this two.. three more times tops"
Peggy had a different husband in the original timeline, Cap marrying her would create a new timeline
That would imply that Cap acted like a massive selfish cunt and allowed countless atrocities he could have prevented like the Hydra infiltration, Stark assassination, the rise of the villains of each previous movies, etc from happening.
Fuck, he is already a massive selfish cunt for fucking off and leaving everyone to fend off by themselves after Tony sacrificed himself to protect the world and the Avengers need a new leader.
>In Infinity War he nearly gets fucked by the trap laid on Titan and Thor comes extremely close to killing him and that's with most of/all the infinity stones.
>In Endgame he has nothing but his sword and yet he holds his own against nearly the entire MCU with just the support of his jobber liutenants and his army of mooks.
>Nigger even blocks the axe that brushed off that Infinity Gauntlet beam and almost killed him in the previous movie.
I get there are obvious holes in some of the fight sequences. But if you go watch infinity war right now. You can easily tell that thanos is toying with them big time. He´s barely even fighting in comparison when he has 1 or a few of the infinity stones. So he gets a bit careless.. That´s essentially what it´s supposed to signify. In this movie. He has to fight and give it his 100%.
stop asking questions and go watch captain marvel the strongest avenger
>If Yea Forums, which has a higher IQ than normies
You shitting me? Yea Forums doesn't know shit about movies.
Rule 1 about Yea Forums. If you wish to have a real discussion about a subject, never go to the board that specializes on that subject. Retardation gathers in those boards.
it's a childrens capeshit movie - what did you expect?
no, he just marries her before the other guy did, preventing that from being an issue
he'd done all that already, before travelling back in time
if he doesn't interfere with it happening, it all still happens, because there are two Caps living concurrently
have you guys watched time travel movies before??
To be fair, his people actually were killed before the snap. He had to accept he couldn't change that future. THat was the whole point with his talk with his mother.
It was likely all part of what Tony did during his snap.
assuming dead with everyone else.
I mean he did fight himself didn't he?
If he stopped that shit then he wouldn't be in the same timeline as the movies because it would change a lot of events.
If he didn't and allowed it to happen, then he is a cunt.
no, your theory is literally impossible and you made up an entire headcanon to support it
that means that old cap is a future cap that already came back in time
the only other way is a time paradox, the movie explicitly says the past cannot alter the present, so him going back doesnt magically insert him as an old man in the current timeline
i liked it
Robert Downey Jr.'s contract with Marvel just ended so they had to kill him off. Thats probably the reason they wont revert age on Captain America even though Ant man has the tech to make him teenager again.
>no, he just marries her before the other guy did, preventing that from being an issue
Any changes made to the events of original timeline create separate timeline with different future, Hulk explains it when they propose killing Thanos as a baby, whatever already happened is unchangeable
>movie shits on Back to the Future multiple times because it makes the most sense and fucks their retarded shit up
>we will just copy Looper because fuck continuity and rules and we love Rian Johnson
He altered the coordinates of his chronoGPS to take him back to Peggy. Him being with Peggy does not strictly create alternate timelines, since the TV show establishes that Peggy had other partners prior to marrying her second choice. He would have also told Peggy about the future, and Peggy would have been responsible enough to continue her work for SHIELD and guarantee that the timeline doesn't diverge.
This is how Cap stays in the same timeline. Also, it doesn't matter if Peggy didn't create kids with her original husband or if she did through invitro fertilization since her children were of no consequence approaching Post-Thanos Years 1-5.
you guys are literally too stupid to understand a fucking time travel movie
there's only ONE Captain America and one timeline that the movie bothers with
sometimes the one Cap appears in the same place/time as his past self, but everything WE see is still on one timeline
- Cap goes back in time
- Cap replaces infinity stones to appropriate times
- Cap travels back to appropriate point in time to reconnect with Peggy
- Cap stays there
- if he does not interfere with any of the events of the previous movies directly, he does not alter them, and they play out exactly as we've seen them do
- he grows old
- he remembers to travel to the time when he was first being launched back in time to connect with Sam and give him the shield.
ONE timeline, one Cap, no repercussions, no needing to wrap your head around anything difficult
we live on the timeline where Cap marries Peggy, we saw that being the case.
How can you sound so confident about something you aren't even close to being right about? How the fuck would he just "come back" to the present timeline? Banner, Sam, and Bucky were all gathered around the only time machine. They tried to bring Cap back several times and were unsuccessful.
Why did DOFP do this so right and this did it so wrong? Cap should have time traveled into his younger self like Wolverine did
Dude, you can't make any changes to your own past, in the original timeline Cap always spends 65 years frozen
In DoFP they were in a situation that was fucked beyond recognition. They literally had nothing else and risked it all.
>Antman establishes the rules early
>Don't interact with yourself or it causes a space paradox
>Capt says fuck that and fights himself
Who takes this shit seriously?
>Thats probably the reason they wont revert age on Captain America even though Ant man has the tech to make him teenager again.
Gotta wonder why Pym wouldn't use that on himself. Or his wife
whole movie wasnt just fanservice
Cap stopped being Cap the moment his mission to return the stones was done. He practically became an average joe for the rest of his days.
Wait, so Cap didn't get any lifespan buff from his powers, the only reason he stayed young was because he was frozen? And did anyone see any kind of setup for anything besides Loki teleporting away with the tesseract? I know they said some BS about self contained timelines but that's such a big red herring if it doesn't amount to anything...I'm honestly suprised that there was no "Galactus"ish mid credits scene to keep the hype going, this really was the end.
by the movies own rules that is impossible, YOU are the one who is too stupid to understand a timetravel movie
the only way your scenario is possible is if there is a never ending time loop of future caps going back to the past, (which we know isnt possible due to the events of the previous movies not being altered) or if there is a literal time paradox
>Antman establishes the rules early
>Don't interact with yourself or it causes a space paradox
That was a joke, brainlet.
My favorite part of the movie was the thanos gorillas
in his own timeline yes, not in the timeline we are watching. that impossible
also the same captain america who fought super ironman lost in a fist fight to past captain with the pajamas
total bullshit
>Be me
>watch Back to the future 3
>wait this is stupid there are 2 Deloreons in the wild west
>watch Endgame
>wait this is stupid there are 2 Captain Americas in the 1940's
No, you are the retard.
They established that if you go to the past then anything you do there creates a new timeline that doesn't affect the current one, meaning that even Cap was such an asshole that he did nothing to prevent a lot of death and suffering, he would still be in his own timeline and not the main one.
Unless old Cap temorarily traveled to the main timeline to give Sam his shield, he shouldn't exist there.
Just the slight time travel shit the Avengers did probably created a whole bunch of new timelines too.
Or do you think the timelines have some sort of change threshold where marrying a woman who ended up with a completely different guy and had a family with him allows you to remain in that timeline but doing anything else magically creates a new timeline?
there's one timeline, no loops
Cap only time travels as we see him do it
time = straight line
one character going forward along one timeline only
think harder
we don't see any off those timelines
they're irrelevant to this story
you don't understand how stories about multiple dimensions work, for some reason
WE only see one timeline and one Cap, moving forward along that timeline
the other timelines are moot
What are the odds that they'll adopt the Requiem story arc with this new Gamora of christmas past?
Those weren't the rules, Iron Man calls him a retard for thinking Back to the Future is an actual time travelling guidebook in that very scene.
The actual rules are explained during the "Why don't we kill baby Thanos?" scene and when Bruce meets the Ancient One. You travel back in time and do shit, you create a new timeline that has nothing to do with the original one.
That's why they had to take the Infinity Stones and bring them back to their own timeline instead of just going back a few years and murdering Thanos' ass before he did the snap.
not possible. the entire events of the past movies wouldnt have happened if the current timeline had future cap in it
guy, this isn't hard, just think about it for a little while, I've already explained how it works
1. Cap might have gotten a slight lifespan buff. Red Skull looks like shit compared to his fighting days, so thats as far as the buff carries them.
2. They set up Loki to return in the main timeline with the Tesseract. If he (i.e. the actor) doesn't return, its not a big deal because Loki fucks up and gets caught all the time.
3. Contained timelines basically is another lingo term for alternate universes.
This is really embarrassing for a Time Travel movie. The most fucked up part is when Tony Stark met Howard Stark. You just don't do that.
>In DoFP they were in a situation that was fucked beyond recognition. They literally had nothing else and risked it all.
That's Endgame too though
Just got out of the theater and wanted to see what you anons thought of the movie. I for one thought it was great.
This is why the movie is stupid. No one listens to Antman and everything gets worse. Literally Thanos becomes Biff thanks to no one listening to Antman
>thats impossible
>thats literally what happened
if it was impossible, then Cap wouldn't have met anybody sitting there because there would have been no Thanos snap in the alternate timeline to necessitate all this nonsense.
you didnt explain anything, your scenario is quite literally impossible
60 years
60 years doing nothing
also watched peggy suffer in the hospital
good for you
you're wrong and I don't care that you can't understand a story this simple
If there is only one timeline, then killing past Thanos should have caused a massive paradox. Not to mention, Loki stealing the space stone and escaping.
What you don't understand is Cap has a cuckold fetish, and Peggy still married the other guy.
Nothing in this universe changed, Cap was always there.
So....is the Peggy Carter TV show now irrelevant due to the new timeline?
>new Captain America is black
>in any timeline Cap is on ice between 1941 and 2011 you dumb fuck.
>so he went to some random timeline, spent 70 years with Peggy and came back.
So the timelines are self contained yet this one instance since the plot calls for it he reunites with everyone else in the main timeline? Even Terminator Genesys is more cohesive than this
So, you can fuck with everything except the infinity stones. But Thanos created a soul stone with Gamora and the Avengers created another soul stone with Black Widow and it's everything fine? And what about Loki with the Tesseract (that is an infinity stone) and the Avengers with the other Tesseract?
Also if it was a single timeline with a universe-shattering paradox, the Sorcerer Supreme would have said so. But thats how I know certain user in the thread haven't watched the movie.
no, the cap sitting there is the same cap who left 10 seconds ago, he just lived his life in a different timeline before returning
he cant simultaneously go to the past and appear in the future. its not possible.
have sex with the plot hole. stick your dick in the plot hole and fuck it.
Loki stealing the stone was prevented by them travelling further back into the past to grab it even earlier
Past Thanos traveled to the present and got killed there; all the events leading up to him coming to the present had already happened and were set in stone; he wouldn't have even had the opportunity to travel forward in time if they hadn't, because Tony and Bruce wouldn't have developed time machines.
We already know that the timeline we have been following through the entire fucking MCU isn't the one where Cap goes back and marries Peggy because we were shown she ended up with a different guy and met her family in Winter Soldier.
So old Cap showing up at the end of the movie makes no sense. Even if the story suddenly switched to the other timeline without telling us, there is no way all the shit in Winter Soldier could have played out in the same way and led to Sam and Bucky being the same people in the same place that we see meeting old Cap.
>>new Captain America is black
Anthony Mackie literally supported Trump, got shit on and backpedaled to save his career. He is /ourguy/ on the downlpw more than that Romanian gypsy fuck Bucky.
It wouldn't...if they didn't violate their own rules to bring Cap back as an old man at the end, after sending him back--which, as we are told, creates an alternate timeline. But apparently only when convenient.
Has armond white reviewed it yet?
Wow you're an idiot.
>Timeline Thanos is fucked
>Timeline Heist gets stones stolen
>Timeline Thanos is repaired
>Timeline Heist gets stones back
>Captain America returns to Timeline Thanos, but instead sets the year to post-WW2 and proceeds to lead an ordinary life without interfering with events
Of course he came back to the main timeline.
It's the same reason he returned the stones to the other timelines.
He's a hero, he can't abandon them completely.
Why wasn't there a scene where Hulk took a black board and explained timelines?
Tv shows happens in the original timeline, Cap marries Peggy in different timeline
No, Loki steals the stone back regardless because the stone that was stolen in the 70s got returned back to the 70s. But Loki escaping with the Tesseract again isn't really of consequence because Loki will eventually get caught again.
There was easily 30 minutes worth of jokes they could have shaved off
Youre not thinking 4th dimensionally.
the guy is an idiot
What the fuck was brie Larson was even wearing at tony's funeral? It really looked weird to me
Biggest dick
How would stealing the stone in the 70s stop Loki from stealing it? Cap returned it to that time at the end of the film.
Which means there is a massive paradox.
They should have simply committed to alternate timelines, but then they couldn't get their old Cap moment at the end. Fuck plot cohesion, am i right?
No, Cap+Peggy is in original timeline. If it was alternate timeline, Cap could only return back to the teleporter (or if he used up all his Pym juice, he would not have returned at all).
I don't know how you guys can't get this movie, it's one of the simplest ever, time travel wise
maybe you're just overthinking it
you guys think it's Primer, but it's not even Donnie Darko
one timeline, one character traveling forward along it, no retcons or alterations, no affect on the events of movies previous to this one
This was literally an episode of Rick and Morty. If you think you are above this go fuck yourselves you fucking cunts.
Why did Iron Patriot show up at the end? That made no sense.When did War Machine get that armor?
you must be trolling or a double digit i.q
no one can be this stupid
I'd hate to say it user but you might have to accept the possibility that Cap was cucking the original husband.
but then everyone will notice how boring and dragged on the movie actually is
sure you can
fanservice bullshit
Any time you time travel you create alternate timeline that does not affect events in main timeline in any way.
Because imagine, if done properly, the fight between Strange and Thanos, except 100x more batshit crazy with spells and visual fuckery.
He would hands down be the most visually exciting villain ever.
>Shuri is a Disney Princess
This is correct. They mixed the explanations to make way for the convoluted resolution they wanted: no loose threads on alternative timelines, loki is alive for his Disney show, cap goes back to the 1940s and lives to meet the other guys in the future
Ok guys. Riddle me this.
Peter parker is gone for 5 years, awakens in present and is alive again.
Then at end of movie.he's back in school hugging his fat friend sobbing like a lil bitch. I mean. Why is he in school again? Did he enroll again? Hes been gone for 5 years.
>cucks some random guy
>allows literal nazis to infiltrate SHIELD and kill a bunch of good people, including his friends and his friends' parents
>does nothing to stop the villains of most movies from killing a lot of people
>allows his best fucking friend to get tortured and turned into an autistic cyborg working for the nazis for decades
>shows up as an old man just to give back his shield acting as if he isn't an apathetic and self-centered asshole
Truly the Avenger's paragon of morality.
watch this starting at 1:20 Paul Rudd knew what was up
Maybe Ned (that was the fat friend's name, I think) was snapped too?
Then why was it so important to return the stones.
>Hes been gone for 5 years.
He got snapped along with half of the student body you fucking retard
You think the kids aren't gonna go back to school? Welcome back kids, don't get an education because we feel bad?
he needs dat g.e.d
>never go to the board that specializes on that subject
This, it's why you have better Yea Forums threads on Yea Forums and Yea Forums than Yea Forums.
But if Thanos destroyes the stones in all reality, then almost all of them fall to darkness?
He's a breathing representation of the US, so it checks out
I'm sure he's not the only kid in school who got dusted but it's retarded that all of his friends died and came back just like him
It was half the kids in the school you mongoloid, school is still going to be a thing to the millions of kids that came back
>bro.... i already graduated.
Spiderman is in another timeline. Sony didn't reup so Marvel created a fuck you timeline
They wasted their chance to make his girlfriend be 5 years older than him and have a whole scene in the next Spiderman movie where they discuss if she is a pedo or not.
>America's ass
>This is America starts playing
There's now an alternate timeline where Thanos never gathered the stones because he disappeared during GoG1 and never came back.
That timeline didn't get snapped obviously, so some good came of it.
Cap's fling was a whole other story that I'll let everyone else argue about.
I thought no one was aware they were gone?
Plus, everything was destroy or in disrepair with the snap. How is the school back to normal..half the kids are back and enrolled. Sounds stupid to me.
theres another one where loki is running around with the tesseract
and another one where thors hammer has been stolen
Does anybody know why they didn't mention the armors from Mark 51 to Mark 84?
Exactly..now parker is underage...and if he fucks her. She coulf go to jail.
Parker gonna get some if that 23 yr old puss?
She got the fuck out of there. Starlord was searching for her before Thor came on board the ship during the end. I assume GotG 3 will be about the search for her and trying to win her back.
Nigga, that's hot
Cap returned the hammer. He took it with him when he set out to return the stones.
I'm more curious about how re-injecting Jane with the Aether went.
This entire movie was stupid for not having pic related
Didn't Ragnarok made a point that Mjolnir was just a conduit for Thor's power (kinda like the god version of training wheels) and ultimately he had the power inside him all along?
Ignoring the fact that IW shits on this by having him need a new weapon for no reason, how the fuck did Cap manage to use lighting powers while wielding Mjolnir? Being worthy doesn't mean you are suddenly Thor, right?
The Reddit comments are so cringe
How is it possible for them to ''return the stones''?, the movie states that changing the past does not affect the future, so once they have altered a timeline and created a divergent one, how does putting the stone back suddenly erase the divergent timeline?
Mary Jane confirmed for 23 year old pedo who will fuck a young 17 year old peter parker...far from home.
He cant resist her big titties.
Why are you here when you haven't at least pirated the movie?
Yeah all the people are hugging like I haven’t seen each other in 5 years. The half that didn’t get deleted would of graduated
Go back.
It's shit writing that make no sense. The movie requires you to shut your brain off.
the timeline doesnt create villians like thanos?
>Infinity War
>Soul Stone requires you to kill something you love
>End Game
>Soul Stone requires your baby sitter kill herself
So where is the consistency?
It wasn't to erase the timeline, it was to unfuck it from having an Infinity Stone-sized hole in it.
All he had to do was drop the stones anywhere in that timeline.
>cap remain in the 70s
>2014 gamora and nebula remain in present (since the 5 year timeskip shoul be 2023 right?)
>loki messing around with the tesseract in 2012
>2014 thanos never come back to his timeline
>mjolnir being stolen
Dude, I think they messed up big time even if they restore the stones all those things should change the timeline, also, no infinity stones since 2018 thanos destroyed them means the original timeline so far is drifting into caos/divergence.
damn now it makes sense why she looks so old
Exactly 30 minutes in. It's the helmet his daughter was playing with.
"It's fine, actually. Mommy never wears anything I buy her."
The Soul Stone doesn't actually require anyone to do shit, the Guardian can give it to whoever he wants.
Everyone was a retard for believing the words of a nazy with no nose and a read head.
That line pissed me off, because he didn't buy it, he made it.
its a joke
I think he was referring to the suit like most husbands would refer to lingerie. A joke the kid wouldn't understand.
They can make a great makeup on the nebula and a shit make-up on skrulls and krees
>It wasn't to erase the timeline, it was to unfuck it from having an Infinity Stone-sized hole in it.
>All he had to do was drop the stones anywhere in that timeline.
But wouldnt have the events of that timeline already instantly played out without the stone/hammer/tesseract in it? Does time have a finite speed that it plays out in? Why does it matter if the heros go back to that particular point in time to return the stones? The future of that timeline has already happened and all they are doing is creating yet another divergent timeline where they get the stone handed back to them.
The more I think about the movies time travel the more gaping holes and fucking retarded shit I can see. This is why you never include time travel in your movie.
So that timeline wasn't fucked over from dormammu
Yeah, it made no sense unless Bruce was just making shit up so the bald bitch would give him the Infinity Stone already.
That's why Tony had to snap him retard.
>I thought no one was aware they were gone?
They don't say how long it's been since the snapped came back, but if they had time to prepare a funeral, they had time to catch everyone up on what happened in the last 5 years.
From the perspective of the alt-timelines, the stones were returned immediately. The bad stoneless versions never happened, because the stones were always returned. It didn't matter how long Cap took to get around to it, because time-travel.
So what's stopping them from doing exactly the same thing they did in this film and going back in time to get the infinity stones and snap whatever threat shows up out of existence?
Why couldn't he just use the stones powers one at a time to defeat a stoneless Thanos and his army instead of snapping?
Because the guy who built the time machine is dead, and/or Pym is an asshole who won't give them the particles to do it.
That breaks the movies own rules about the past not affecting future events. The moment they took the stone, they created an entire new divergent timeline with its own separate past and future. By returning to the point where they took the stone, they create a 3rd entirely new timeline with its own past and future where the stone is taken but returned.
If the rules about returning the stone ''fixing'' the timeline applied to the movies timeline, then literally every single thing they did in the past should have affected the present. So the movie is just conveniently breaking its own rules.
Its absolutely retarded.
So they travel back in time and grab a copy of him/steal a load of his particles then return them to the present. Simple as.
Thanos pulling through the timeline is a good reason to NOT pull a stunt like that any more
>kill Pym
>steal one time particle
>use it to go back in time to that military base where Cap got a bunch of them
>use one to go back to a different timeline but the same place
>steal the particles again
>rinse and repeat till you have a million Pym particles
As long as they have at least one Pym particle left, they can get more and use them to get the stones, snap any enemy who shows up and they return them till they need them again.
Exactly. It makes no sense. They pretend to have clear exact rules when they start discussing time travel in the movie but then several events contradict that information. They really, really didn't think this through.
>Face it, it's retarded and time travel is always retarded.
My favourite part of the movie was that bit of the final battle where everyone is shooting around lighting, lasers, magical bullshit and God knows what other bullshit and Bucky is just shooting shit with a gun.
This. The movies are not in balance. Thor buried Stormbreaker into Thanos' chest in IW, and that was after Thanos had all the stones and against the combined power of the stones.
Now in EG Thanos is a struggle for all the Avengers when he has no stones? Even fat Thor should taken his head clean off for the 2nd time. I mean I enjoyed the fight for what it was but it's horribly inconsistent with IW. No-stones Thanos was able to resist Stormbreaker AND Mjölnir simultaneously which is bullshit.
He also wielded stormbreaker like nothing
And if that was possible, why the fuck didn't he pull it from his chest in IW and use it to kill Thor then snap?
Or fuck...snap and take it with him as a souvenir.
You can't possibly be this dense