Guy says he likes lord of the rings

>guy says he likes lord of the rings

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That mouth can fit 9 (nine) cocks

>girl isnt a virgin

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>roastie can’t appreciate kino of friendship and triumph
color me shocked

>girl has guy "friends" and regularly talks to them on instagram or discord

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suck my ass if you cant appreciate the story of several men protecting a boyish little guy and a fat little sweet boy being the best friend ever, you useless whore

ITT: boys reply to a man

>girl says she likes The Notebook
>my fucking frog face when

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Why do whites make this face?

>Capeshitters think LOTR is high art

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Why do whites make this face?

it's the "I hate niggers" face

it's the "I hate niggers" face

>it's the "I hate niggers" face

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I will never understand why people get fat. It just makes you uglier.

The Battle of Helm's Deep still hasn't been topped.


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>stop liking LOTR REEE

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>6th day working at walmart
>heading towards the electronic/video game section
>had to help my 6/10 female coworker pick up a television that fell off a stand because it suddenly (fatass probably tipped it) fell.
>looking at a trailer for sekiro
>"lol user you play video games or what?"
>yea I play destiny
>"whats your favorite game"
>Halo 2, whats yours?

Every fucking time

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food good

Whites' entire culture is rewatching The Office on an infinite loop

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I've never met a female who gave a shit what movies I liked. She was more interested in my abs, my smile and my paycheck.

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This place is really going downhill. Sexist shit like this never would have been left up before the 2016 election.

is it really a meme that females are obsessed with skyrim?
Spoonys gf plays for 10 hours a day

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>tfw everyone knows me as a lotr nerd but have a god tier jawline and /ottermode/ aesthetics
>Tons of friends, get hit on a lot
Daily reminder that as long as you look good and are decently personable no one will care that you like nerd shit. Just don't be a total sperg all the time and *no one* cares. It's a basic social skills ffs

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zero self control or sense of personal responsibility

Levels of sloth and gluttony that you can barely fathom.

>dood just be born good looking, works for me, why arent you good looking?

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So, not interested

>be born with god-tier genetics

I've never seen a single lord of the rings movie are they as good as people make em out to be

Isn't spoony wanted for human trafficking?

Not that user, but you think looking decent is in some unobtainable category? People have been attracted to each other for most of history. I have been losing weight and I see a handsome face that I can be confident in emerging from the dirt. Take care of yourself, have some reason to carry on

They are as good as a blockbuster can be.
I'd even say they are the modern equivalent to the original Star Wars trilogy, just a really well made good vs evil story.
You should definitely watch them, although be warned that they are really long, the first two are 3 hours each and the last one 4.
The Hobbit movies are mediocre and forgettable, though.


My right arm is really really really fucking strong

the only way to get women now of days is by tinder. and its impossible to get likes without god-tier genetics

I would estimate 95%+ of women have never used tinder