Captain Avenger: Endgame

Dont forget to see my movie this weekend. I'll accept your apology afterwards.

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Fuck off paid discord tranny

She's there for like 2 minutes total. Stop making huge issues out of nothing.
Try having sex.

>Are you coming with us?
Needless to say, I regret it. A lot

She's in it for like 10 minutes. /pol/ can finally stop crying for once.

Fuck this movie they had the chance to do everything right and failed. Also to the guy next to me who reclined his seat all the way back and took his fucking shoes off I hope you die that's not even a joke I shouldn't have to smell your fucking feet for 3+ hours

Ridiculously terrible character. Her magic powers are just ridiculous hacks that defeat the many premises that build the story. They murdered Stan Lee for approval rights. Pillow over his head.

I don't understand why people like a movie about white people trying to stop a POC from bettering society.

The movie really loses tension when her or Wanda is in a fight.

>all this hype
>have only 15 minutes of screen time

Did mcu plan for this?

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As if I was planning to go to any superhero movie this year. Or any of Brie’s movies for that matter. How’s Unicorn Store doing for her after it’s second release? Her directorial debut was a disaster twice over. Not many can say that.

Not going, they’re probably going to massacre my boy next year with their “Spider-Man villain cinematic universe,” as well.

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Larson has the charisma of a bran muffin. Ruins every scene she's in. Which is a shame because there are dozens of actresses who could have done an amazing job as Captain Marvel.

She was planned to have more scenes but apparently was unbearable to work with. She wouldn't even show emotion on the scenes that showed her struggling. Most of them were cut.


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>instantly disappears for the whole movie

Why does she looks like some holier than thou smug cunt in every fucking scene shes in?

She's like that in real life too.

Fuck this bitch, I'm glad Disney jews didn't give her much screentime this movie. They'll surely do in the next capeshit movies for sure though.

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It's now deemed sexist for women to show any emotion in Hollywood. They must be stone cold, tough and have no romantic feelings because they're independent strong womyn who don't need no man.

they wanted to test her. CM did good so you better believe she'll get screen time in the next film or any crossover films

triggered autists mad that she's in the movie for like 5 minutes

>2 minutes
>10 minutes
>15 minutes
Is it just going to be her monologuing to the camera by the time it comes out on Blu-ray?

It's 15 minutes. Not long enough to ruin the movie but not short enough to not be annoying.

>She's not alone

but she just looks like a smug cunt with a potatoface and not stone cold/tough?

She literally does nothing in the movie.

Based Brie triggering incels all over the world

>5 min scene
>Btfo by Thanos

>She alone though, in all scene. And btfo alone

>Even other crew hates her in RL and Movie
>Even audience hates her in RL and movie

After pirating the last avengers movie I can see why people find her insufferable.

She's not likeable, she's absurdly overpowered, she's unironically arrogant as fuck (without any comedic undertone to it), and the plot struggles to justify her presence there at all. If it wasn't for her rescuing tony from space, at the begining of the movie, her presence would not have changed anything in the movie whatsoever. This is how bad this character is, and I'm not even talking about the retarded feminist playing it here, i'm ONLY talking about the character.

She's like a fanfic character, and by far the most unlikeable of them all, and I'm including all the niggers from terminator-africa here as well.

She's like an obnoxiously irritating version of old Thor who never faces any adversity and who doesn't share a sense of comradery with anyone.

What the fuck were they thinking?

and she does the most damage in those 2 minutes putting every male to shame

>I pay to watch (((hollywood))) movies
into the trash it goes

Try changing sex,
Dilating is hard
So am I in latex

She was a no show during 99% of the movie and got her ass best by thanos

Are you in every single avenger endgame thread telling people to have sex if they critique it?

yikes i guess disney shills will keep defending this disappointment of a movie.

i would rate this movie the same as BvS snyder cut. pure disappointment