Imagine the pure stomach drop fear and anxiety. A body.
Imagine the pure stomach drop fear and anxiety. A body
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine being that chair
>i have to go sit down
wouldn't be shocked if he shit himself
Imagine the smell
"I don't know"
>no one has seen her since saturday
How did he know this?
This guy legit fucked me up. Watching this shit made me so sad for all humans.
Can you repeat the question?
Now watch Ricardo Lopez's tapes
>curb your enthusiasm theme plays
I saw those before it. That guy was legit insane and did not hide it. The guy in this thread tried to hide it and the fucking interview man, god.
you're not so big
Link me to this one boys
>googled “Lauren Giddings nude” right before breaking into her apartment
If only she had been a bigger whore, he would have just fapped himself to sleep!
>He is spending the rest of his life in prison for THIS
Does he have buyer's remorse now?
Dude is insane. 3 full minutes at the end of full silence, no movement, nothing.
You guys would like the channel JimCantSwim
Pure interrogating kino
I don't know this fag JimCantSwim, but there is the full interrogation of the Canadian military man that admitted to murdering a few different women and posing in their underwear.
The interrogator was so unassuming and non-threatening he just checkmated the dude out of nowhere. It was pure fucking kino and well worth a watch.
A BODY??????????
I don’t know what’s going to snap first, the killer or that chair.
Somewhere around 50 minutes is when he admits it. But, the whole thing is great because of the build up to it.
he could have just played it off like he was really sad and surprised she was dead. but nah he was like.. 'body?'
Bruh this shit got me into bjorks music. after this watch the music video for unravel by bjork
I've always enjoyed experiencing adrenaline like that. It must've been a great moment for him apart from knowing that he'd probably be going to the clink shortly after. Getting pulled over by the police while I have weed and/or booze in the car and getting away with it is a good example. He must have felt 10,000,000x the rush.
these are pure fucking kino. Watch his tapes on a hot summer night with plenty of beer on hand.
>To have
/our guy/
I thought it was knives/swords
>Yee allegedly broke windows of to get inside
Nah he had an AK and 2 pistols. Plus a lot of knives and swords. He posted on Operatorchan
Technically it’s grammatically correct, just awkward
How can I dispose a body Yea Forums?
do like the cartels do, acid in a barrel
Let's be honest. There's nothing weird or perverted about wanting panties from sexy ladies. It's the breaking and entering that's a slippery slope. Who knows what his shenanigans might evolve into.
Feed it to a bunch of hungry pigs. In the event that you live in a tropical area just toss it in the river and let the alligators eat it. South American cartels probably have an easy time doing this since they can just toss a body in the Amazon and the pirahnas will take care of it real quick.
I live in a rural area, plenty of hiking trails. I always thought, you would want to go to one of those at night, hike in, go off trail. Push your body as far as it would go, bury that bitch as deep as possible. GTFO.
How do people feel about this plan?
>Asian parents giving their kid one of the whitest names invented
He was destined to get fucked in life
40 drawers just for undies? dude had it down to a science
Hike that far carrying a human body?
They better have been used panties. If you're stealing clean, freshly washed ones then what's the point?
He obviously already knew they found her. He was trying (and failing) to act convincingly shocked and upset for the camera.
Let's say you aren't physically weak and you only go in one mile then zig off trail and go as far as you can. We are assuming this is some thot you murdered not some 400 pound hambeast.
a shallow grave near the crime scene
>We are assuming this is some thot you murdered not some 400 pound hambeast.
my dude, have you ever carried another human? it's awkward. now trying dragging one miles in the middle of the night through the woods.
Back to the drawing board, then. The body will have to be dismembered, I guess.
no doubt projecting his incel son
Jesus Christ, one part of me honestly think this kid did it(whatever he did) just so he can try himself in interrogation room since he is "in criminal law".
wheelbarrow or something better.
Looks like they just freeze-framed him.
Fuck you
it's so absurd for him to put himself in that situation to begin with that the anxiety seems moot
chris watts was way more compelling. watching him squirm gives me a fucking adrenoboner
That's what they all try and they always get caught or at the very least the body is found
How the FUCK did that chair handle it?
Lmfao how fucking retarded is this police department?
>that second camera
do police officers usually do sit ups during interrogations?
Everything about that video is hilarious
depends...but I’d weigh it down and dump it off a dam on the reservoir side
that’s a bad idea
Get out fbi
>Oh, they know I can't even move a finger, and I won't. I'll just sit here and be quiet, just in case they do suspect me. They're probably watching me. Well, let them. Let them see what kind of a person I am. I'm not even gonna swat that fly. I hope they are watching. They'll see. They'll see and they'll know, and they'll say, 'Why, he wouldn't even harm a fly.'
Just chuck that shit into a clothing donation bin. Fuck it. Everyone gets 1 free murder unless you have a record or a viable motive.
Dump it in LHC..
>that filename
it's hilarious,those 2 cops, what with that redneck voice..
It's incredible just how cliche has sense on so many levels..
2 dumb fat redneck cops
1 nerdy awkward gaymer psycho
0 Lauren Palmer
if it wasnt sad it would be funny as fuu
He didn't know. He thought he got away with it and even bragged to his "friends" about how he could get away with murder.
bathtub of lye
What should he have done differently (besides not murder her)?
heh, almost like it's fake
the interview
He almost got away with it.
Just had shit luck with one of the body parts being discovered.
That's horrible Stephen!
No shit, retard. Thanks for cluing us in.
i thought it was the whole body. Trash pickup was like at 9 but they were late and oops! cop car had blocked the dumpster by accident
iirc it was only the torso
wrong, he was out "trying to help" and had no clue. can you autists not read basic body language?
Fuck it and eat it.
chinese buffet
Buy a freezer and a dog beforehand. Young dog. Kill the person. Chop the body up, put the parts into bags and put the whole thing in the freezer. Slice off small parts of the body and put it into your dogs food multiple times per day until the whole thing is gone. Rent a storage unit to do it if you have to.
Why didn’t he just install tinder, like the rest of the normalfags?
based lu kim
A book called The Secret History has this exact scenario happen and it goes to shit.
reported to INTERPOL
what did he mean by this?
one time i read that you have to bury it vertically headfirst in the dirt and inject yogurt into the anus and wa la
why does he do this, is it a tell?
Acid tub or bust
Watch breaking bad for further instruction
Thanks a lot. I think the acid bath and pig ideas are better anyway.
>gets caught because neighbor has a camera pointed at your yard
The guy handled his own habeas proceedings recently and put his own defense attorneys on the stand.
de yoo kno wat nemesis meas boay
Murderkino coming through
>just taping a camera to a stick and holding it up in public view as you peer into the apartment of your future murder victim
Was this guy a fucking retard?
he was a law student who the DA's office knew well lmao, must have thought he was like a super villain or some shit
What made this guy loose his mind
lack of Christ, I mean true Christ as set down by St Peter and His Holy Universal Church
How the hell did he jack off to that?
I bet it had something to do with her moving out. He was obsessed.
plastic barrel + concrete + dead body + lake/river
Thank me later FBI
this is some anime shit out of Prison School
why do guys obsessed over women they know they cant have? or could he have her?
LMAO. my sister went to law school with this faggot. No on one was surprised he killed that girl. He was hated and avoided by everyone
How did they catch him? Never watched the interview, did they have conclusive evidence or did he crack under interrogation?
From what I read by the guy who met him through Opchan, the guy was a super weirdo.
i actually dont know if he ever cracked. seems like he is straight the whole 2 hours. I think there was some DNA evidence in the room? or something.
i am really not sure either, if anyone knows fill us in.
Pure luck.
>law school is like high school
Why do you have to lie?
If you're of above average intelligence and you take weeks of prep time, coming up with ways to do the act without leaving finger/foot/tire prints, body hair, coming up with a decent alibi, and intentionally fuck with the scene post murder to mislead the forensic teams, you can definitely get away with murder. Most people however do things in the heat of the moment and/or kill someone close to them, thereby already becoming one of the first main suspects.
there was tons of evidence, they go over it all in the interrogation vid for the most part
Why does he instantly look 10x better physically after going to prison?
he left dna all over her apartment and her dismembered torso which was found in a dumpster outside. open and shut. guy was an idiot
um user, he doesnt look great....
It is likely that he is having lots of sex and working out.
They should bring back instant death penalties for murder. I would honestly rather just he changed then spend decades of my life in a federal prison, shits too cruel.
Look at the horrific Irish profile. Entire lower half of his face sticks out past his forehead. (Not all Irish are like this btw)
my nigga he looks like he just stepped outta fuckin Dachau
Why doesn't US secretly bury the murder cases and use the murderers as assassins? It's such a waste of taxpayer money to let them rot otherwise.
*just be hanged
How is that better? Dude went from youthful stoner to no-hope boomer looking in the span of a few years.
Why was he weird? How does that come about? Stuff like this just doesn’t happen, you can draw lots of parallels to other sensationalized media cases.
It’s soceitys handy work every time
Society is an anagram of Satan In latin
looks like he just spent a year in solitary staring at the wall
>use the murderers as assassins
what the fuck?
>How did they catch him?
They went around investigating everyone who knew her, and slightly grilling him he confessed that he steals shit from peoples houses.
So they immediately arrest him and do the interview. Get into his house and find the packaging for a handsaw, apartment masterkey, womans panties, usb full of images of her, etc. Nigga barely even tried hiding anything in his house. Grade A brainlet
i think he also had cp for some damn reason....
fucking stephen dude
But that is exactly the truth. Some law schools even have lockers.
I see... and how would you know this?
>kill person
>cut body up and put it in dumpster outside the building you live in
>its not even garbage pickup day yet
You ever had a person jump on your back for a piggyback ride? People are fucking heavy.
Murderers only commit murder because they're mentally unstable or had a moment of instability where they couldn't keep their emotions in check. Murderers only get caught because they did a sloppy job. Neither of these qualities is something you would want in an assassin.
he looks like the stereotypical elementary school janitor
My sides
Dump it in the woods where no one will find it. This is probably easy to do if you live in the midwest or Canada.
>Were you molested as a child?
they have this in asia and it works extremely well, we'd probably just kill far too many nigs and spics for it to be palatable for the public.
how you been? you're a legend fyi
>you uh, you ever put in your phone number at Kroger cause you forget your card? I do that.
Local woods are the first place search parties look.
Reminder to NEVER speak with police and get a lawyer to do all your talking
Do this even if you are innocent
ieng, they are gonna catch him again.... and, ieng, he's gonna get a way worse sentence...
He looks like he's gonna put on a dresscoat and review some fast food.
It's definitely doable, in the army we had this evacuation drill in which your battle buddy gets wounded and you have to drag & carry the guy out of the trouble to a safe zone, with gear and all.
wrong, they actually do suspect you more. it's very easy to stiff-arm the law if you're actually innocent
Marine Corps Combat Fitness Test requires you to fireman carry another person for 65 yds. Shit tires the fuck out of you.
Take it to a bathtub in Hell's Kitchen
His body language was always predatory, he would walk up around all the other nerds and just stare at the females whilst not participating in the conversation, follow women to the parking lot to see what card they drove; just staring at people like a gator with an extra chromosome from across the halls even when it obviously made them uncomfortable . Everything that should be a red flag signaling being a danger to women was there.
Listen smoothbrain, if you are already being interrogated it means the police think you did it, guilty or not
You shut the fuck up and wait for a lawyer
Being ugly
yikes, watch Law & Order sometime, incel
>the way the blinds fall after he walks in
this is God being theatrical again
dun dun dundun DUUUUUUUUN
bee doo doo bee doo doo
dun dun dun DUUUUUUUUUN
Handled himself better during the interview and not disposed the body right next to his apartment.
he was legit trying to be a prosecuting attorney before this, why did he not hire a lawyer?
not gone on national television
He was dumb and arrogant.
>The police will help me if I just talk since I did nothing!
Look at this retard
Holy fuck that would be awesome!
can someone fill me in about who this guy is and post a link to this video
they just look for the tell tale heart, I know a bunch of law enforcement and they respect you for giving them a couple of minutes.
I watch more law and order than you and thisanon is right
I think he looks a bit like Goebbels in that image.
Pretty sure a bit of awkwardness and difficulty is going to be a minor issue when the task is "dont get 25 to life"
Do you know how much of Canada is basically untouched woods?
I don't. How much of it is?
thanks user
A bunch
Like 90%. Most cities are right along the US border.
they don't build 'em like they used to
That's a lot.
That's a whole lot. You'd probably have to go in deep to dispose a body, though.
>There's nothing weird or perverted about wanting panties from sexy ladies.
lmao yes there literally is, that's the creepy party dude. the breaking and entering that urges it is just a byproduct of the creepy behavior.
>so cold the body never decomposes
great plan
full version where he /slumps/
In case nobody has seen this
What if they give them to you?
well that's a gift, it's different
you shouldnt want them
Yes thats the only thing that would make a body disappear in the wilderness
It's not different. You still want them.
You could probably just drive an hour or two from most cities and dump the body and no one would find out. The weather would be the most difficult thing about it.
Weekend at Bernie's the body to a public place and accuse someone there of murdering them
Be wary of any man from Canada. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about 8 minutes.
>tfw ywn join the US version of the Dirlewanger brigade
Nailed it
That would mean that they successfully identified and caught the murderer.
Being caught previously is not really something you look for in an assassin
can i get a quick rundown?
Turn them into Arco-Flaggelants like in 40k. Lobotomized murder machines that get unleashed against the Emperor's foes on suicide missions.
>he did it for free
>guy walks back in
>blinds start blowing
this is so surreal
it feels like it was from some kind of movie
So Yea Forums, who was he really?
He got compensated.
Just not in money
It's probably fake
Why is he in this position all the fucking time? Weird as fuck. From here on out I'll place myself as far as I can from weird people man.
could be an actor if he fixed his posture and got out of prison for murdering that poor girl
>From here on out I'll place myself as far as I can from weird people man.
You should leave Yea Forums then.
her flesh was still on the blades he had used along with his hair.
his life is flashing before his eyes. I lost a pint of blood once out of a non vital area but I was in semi-shock for hours.
I wonder what it's like to be this retarded.
Apparently the name of the escapee is Quantrell D. Schwartzlow
do you have any idea how long that would take? and you'd have evidence all over the place (hair, blood) suspicious purchases (large freezer, bleach, hungry rotweiller pup) and a bloody skeleton left over not to mention "how to butcher a human body" on your google history probably
this is the kind of unhinged diatribe i come here for
Oh man this fucking site is a trip holy shit
how do you know they don't?
they probable already do (but you wouldn't know about it, duh), and they don't use shitty murderers like stephen mcdaniels
This. Adrenaline makes us not human.
What a different personality than the one from the interrogation
>probably already do
why the fuck would the US government recruit serial killers to do killing, when they already train secret agents and CIA glow niggers who specialize in discreet killing.
The only criminals that the government hires are god-tier computer hackers, to help combat the russian and chinese.
After watching his talk with the news it's pretty clear this guys seems normal. A completely different guy. It's like he's two different persons. Scary shit.
Knew what it was before i opened it. Based af
watch and learn stephen
he held the videotape up to see if she was home or if anyone was there
deleted the videos off his camera but the forsenics guys recovered it for his trial
Don't ever talk to the media; even if you're innocent you may accidentally implicate yourself. This is doubly true if you're guilty.
True crime OC coming through.
didn't know.
The only reason her chopped up body wasn't taken away was because a police car had blocked the trash truck that day. Her head was never found
Non thumbnail version.
Why do prisoners try to escape prison. All it just does is prolongue your sentence.
Is there any prisoner thats escape prison and actually avoided being caught for more than a year?
There are probably lots of people who escape and are never heard from again but they aren't popularized in the media.
That kid who bragged about jerking off with the hand that killed his victims actually broke out of jail with another dude and was on the lam for a couple days.
Carl Panzram I think. Probably many from before mass media came about in the 60s.
that would make an interesting documentary. prisoners who successfully escaped.
>Were all the shoulder presses worth this?
Only the woman should've been a pepe desu
There's the story of the guy who went on the lam in the australian outback for like 30 years and was finally arrested again when he came forward and said he didn't want to live under an assumed identity anymore.
>a couple days.
He literally made it to the first barn he saw (a few hundred yards away from the prison) and figured he could sit out the searchers. He was a retard and spent basically no time as a free man
Yeah but then you'd get killed by wolves
as crazy as this dude is. he was uncircumcised so his life still isn't as bad as mine.
Who is that supposed to be? Myra Hindley?
dump it outside a crematorium, they'll think it's one of theirs and burn it for you.
probably unironically this
lmao imagine bragging about Jewish mutilation
The dude in the video had two life sentences, so it's not like his sentence could get prolonged. He actually managed to spend over a year bumming around in Canada before getting caught due to bad luck.
His multiple escape attempts did land him in Supermax which is so much worse than regular prison, tough.
media kikes are something else, they'd be celebrating after WW2 as well but that's a (((good war)))
guy from the video was out for more than a year
in germany there's no additional punishment for escaping because they consider wanting to be free normal human behavior
think longest known one is
>imagine not having the reading comprehension of a 5th grader
>supermax worse than regular prison
supermax sounds way more comfy than regular prison. In a super max, you get your own cell room, with the lights off. And you get to have an hour of free time every day.
In regular prison you have to share a giant room with lots of bunk beds. Its apparently really hard to sleep in regular prison because its so loud from people making noise. You also get into fights all the time and risk being raped.
If i had to go to prison, i would much prefer a supermax
Just don’t murder, then you can worry about whatnkino you want to watch instead
was a fugitive for 36 years, he got to brazil and fathered a kid there, couldn't be extradited
I think you underestimate how mentally damaging being isolated can feel
If we could get the internet installed in all supermax prisons as a matter of basic human rights we would probably see this second american civil war everybody has been talking about heated up real fast.
this is literally me
yeah haha, no idea ha
Bernie Sanders
they already made it
The tricky part is not leaving evidence when you're moving the body It's more about the journey than the destination when it comes to corpse disposal
>40-drawers container full of panties
How do you think he categorized them?
ru kidding? if i had autonomy, agency in the world, people to talk to, money, a purpose in life and a family i wouldn't be here all goddamned day
By the scent.
What the FUCK?
Dude supermax is pretty much 24/7 solitary confinement, which is proven to cause severe mental illness and is considered by many to be a human rights abuse. Regular prison is fucking summer camp compared to that shit.
>just confess dude you know you did it lol i wanna go home
>this goes on for 2 hours
the absolute state of cops
>when the case is so clear cut they don't even bother to assign a detective with a triple digit iq
>2 men hunting in Africa.
>One gets killed, other flee's to nearby village.
>Gets people to help so they can collect his body.
>They get back a few hours later and the only thing left is the guys head and part of it was missing thanks to everything else eating it.
>Whatever else was left was just little clumps of meat cause lions ate him in no time.
mobile garbage cans.
Cops get a lot of confessions from just wearing the suspect down with bullshit like this.
Next time the police department should give him a bed to lay down when he's going to make a interrogation
That chair has suffered enough
Am I supposed to feel sympathy for this child murderer getting caught?
Looks like he expects Stephen to take care of his cavities
You have this the other way around.
Serial killers were a psyop.
because training someone who is rational how to be an assassin is more reliable than recruiting some dumb unstable motherfucker who got caught
try to think things through before you speak
A literal pantie thief, thats so anime
but here's the thing
in a supermax prison you are completely cut off from everyone and the only thing to keep you sane are some books and that's it
on Yea Forums you share your loneliness but its still far better than being alone
this is completely, originally the truth. it actually feels like a reversion compared to college, but since you can just never show up its really not that bad
>you'd have evidence all over the place (hair, blood)
gettting away with murder is dependent on the cops not being able to tie you to the crime scene. Obviously you don't dismember the body in a place police are going to search.
>suspicious purchases (large freezer, bleach, hungry rotweiller pup)
bleach isn't suspicious, neither is a dog. A large freezer might be but if you buy it far enough in advance it'll be pretty hard for the cops to tie it to the murder.
>and a bloody skeleton left over
just dispose of it piece by piece, hell you can bury them in your backyard and use as fertilizer.
>not to mention "how to butcher a human body" on your google history
Obviously anyone with a brain knows not to something as dumb as that.
But all your points seem to assume that the police already have permission to search your property in which case you are fucked no matter how you try to dispose of the body.
If that guys isn't careful this might happen to him
This looks like it was fucking directed by the coen brothers
Based chinese death chairs
There was something profoundly sad about that statement. That the only *thing* Stephen had in life was video games.
>Quantrell D. Schwartzlow
>After binge watching Sopranos
*smacks lips*
*drinks steel reserve*
*rolls dice*
I had to read that part afew times to figure that shit out...Engrish sure is hard.
>broke windows of to get inside
nigga was a gangsta and journalist was just slangan his thangan.
You're a virgin, right?
What kind of 'property damage'?
Probably his "english name" asians tend to give themselves so white piggu doesn't have to try to pronounce their birth name.
It reminds me of when my psycho mother would yell at me, I would not move an inch.
just imagine a police interview and he fucking snaps the chair in half. What happens at that point? new interviewer? We would never get to see that interrogation tape would we?
What are you talking about bro it happened cuz the guy opened the door haha
fucking hell these are the type of memes that keep me coming back
you watch too many movies
Why cant the suspect choose to quit the interview?
Is there an exact amount of time they must do before they can leave?
nigga turned into Fred Stoller
You don't have to answer any questions unless they're regarding a certain kind of crime like terrorism (and even then I think that might not apply in the US). People talk because they're stupid, don't think clearly or don't know their rights (despite always being told the "you have the right to remain silent" bit it might not register in their brains for whatever reason). Police do have the ability to hold you for a certain amount of time at the station (usually for a few hours) before they have to charge you with something or let you go.
is there any advantage to talking at all? Like, do you look less guilty to police than being completely silent?
She looks like that actor, don't know the name but quintissential ratty jew.
>dominance move
Chair, you are MY BITCH
Go back children
Maybe but it's better to keep your mouth shut and piss the cops off then it is to say something incriminating and fuck yourself, even if that makes the cops happy.