What the fuck was that thing?

What the fuck was that thing?

Attached: My3yd.png (839x516, 758K)

Something creepy as hell.


Kubrick came in as guest director that day.

Reminder that everyone posting about avengers doesn't even know what movie this is.

the ending spooked me so fucking hard as a kid

Farmer 2

Was MIB lovecraftian?

Flush me J, flush me

I know this is Men in Black Three. I know it's trying to say that they play games with worlds/galaxies. But honestly OP what are you trying to say with that red square? There's nothing there except random terrain.

ok but who is playing marbles with these aliens' universe?

>ok but who is playing marbles with these aliens' universe?
Some kids in our universe

tagline should have been
>This time the galaxy is for keeps.

ok but who is playing with those kids marbles?

it's men in black 1

Attached: ayylmao.png (644x479, 433K)

Did your mommy ever tell you that you're special?

We don't talk about that guy

the town rapist

You know how every town's got one.

Attached: norm.jpg (474x253, 11K)

I forgot about that thing, was it discussed on the commentary?

the sad truth

>You don't understand. You world is gonna end
Spooky desu