Look That, Another Villain Know The Spider-Man idendity

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god Tom has a cute butt

Look at that, another capeshitter

bad casting

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i didn't even pick up on that cause i'm so accustomed to spiderman having his fucking mask off nearly all the time in these movies

Its going to be a father figure movie. Mysterio replaces iron man as a role model only for the big reveal. Capeshit needs to die and go backwards a trend to j horror.

doesnt mysterio know his idendity in all iterations?


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i want to motorboat holland's ass



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mcu ruined spider-man

Mysterio won't wear the dome will he?

Is our friendly neighborhood wall-crawling hero, Spider-Man, joining forces with the maniacal movie misfit, Mysterio?! Say it ain't so, Spidey! Find out the exciting conclusion in next month's Capeshit #35, vol. 4!

Based Gyllenhaal playing based Mysterio. If capeshit can be redeemed, this is how.

spider man lowkey thicc

I like these two anons

>father figure
Holland-Man's only interested if they're rich.

That's supposed to be Norman

God, can we just stop it already?

Infinity War was a nice bow-tie on superheroes as a genre. Let's not spoil that with more films. Just cancel everything in Phase 4 and move on.


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great joke I'm sure they'll use it at the Disney stockholders meeting

Spider-Man: Far From Home is the last of Phase 3. Phase 4 is only Guardians 3 at the moment.

when you think they were going to fixed everything
they do worse than sony

someone post the close up of the spider booty

Superhero BAD!
Zerobudget arthouse memefilm GOOD!

>this damage control

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do it now!

Why do people keep saying this? Black Widow is obviously happening in Phase 4 even if she died in Endgame since there are multiple people cast and a script being written.

>ring on Mysterio's finger
They just spoiled he's married... that'll surely be key.


Worst Spider-man. Worst Peter.
Worst everything.
Fuck homecoming and fuck that nigger Zendaya

They're not going to stop until one of these movies is as divisive as TLJ and then blows harder than Solo. Unfortunately these movies don't have the generational history that SW does so it probably won't happen. I'm not including comics in this because people that read or have read Marvel comics for a long time are probably only about 5% of the audience that actually enjoys the MCU. The rest are normies that don't know quality and think as long as it's got female leads and quips, it's the best movie of all time.

Is Gyllenhaal the only Jewish superstar? I'm trying to think of the really, really famous actors - I know there's Leo, Bale, Cruise, Pitt, Hanks, and about a dozen others - but I'm having trouble finding any Jews.

He will. How often is the real question...

To be honest, I didn’t like Homecoming, and I didn’t like Amazing.

So I don’t care, but even if I don’t like these, it still irks me that Peter is flaunting his face. All other Peters know not to fuckin do that. It’s like he’s begging for his friends and family to die. Hell, the only reason why his girlfriend in the last movie wasn’t dead is because her dad was the villain. And that he seemed to respect Spider-Man. And he can’t live on amiability alone. Soon he’s going to come across someone with absolutely no quibbles about playing dirty.

If Green Gobby gets introduced, he’s fucked up the ass in all the wrong ways. Might make the movies more interesting after that.

His friend aught to get lobotomized, much like Noir Spidey’s friend after the run in with Noir Doc Ock. I’d pay money to see that.

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bro i'm not gay but like...

Sony was a mistake

Everything before a "but" is not important

I want to eat Holland's ass so badly.brehs

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Why can't I be black MJ?

so is this canon?

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That right there is a Grindr match.

Robert Downey Jr

Now that's America's ass

Plot Twist: The actor is actually a britbong.

His mother's a white non-Jew, so he doesn't really count. Harrison Ford did, back in the day, though.

Black Widow is going to retroactively be phase 1 or 2, or maybe even before that. desu I'd prefer a BW + Hawkeye movie, but I guess she earned it.