I didn't see Captain Marvel, but I did see Endgame. And shit, this bitch can't act

I didn't see Captain Marvel, but I did see Endgame. And shit, this bitch can't act

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>this bitch can't act

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Chapati, chapati, chapati basmati

sure you did in her 5 minutes of screentime. stop trying to fit in so desperately.

The opening dialogue from the big corporate rice guy about how india is a huge market they need to penetrate really speaks for the film as a whole.

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>hey super powerful OP person why didnt u help us before?
>stop mortalsplaining to me i have to save the entire universe

This conversation happens several times

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She's the worst part in an otherwise good capeshit film. I didn't even mind the yasss queens, slayyyyyy part during the final battle, because it was actually handled as well as possible

Captain Marvel wasn't a bad movie. It was even kind of fun. Problem was she was the worst thing in it and it caused the buddy cop dynamic between her and Fury to fall flat. A better actress could have pushed the movie from a 6 to a 7.5.

Just look at the cast without Brie



you marvel fags are lucky. At least shes only a side character. The stench of Rey ruins anything star wars related by her presence alone..

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it makes me so angry. every single time

The freakin mole, the vole, the hamster. And that concludes the Top 100 Most Dangerous Animals... in Wales

Ah, her white savior to brown people role. She couldn't act in that either fool. Stop sniffing her twat

That's actually the one thing she has going for her.
She's unironically in the top 3 actors, in terms of ability, currently employed for Disney's MCU. It is an indisputable fact.
I dislike her too, but you gotta call it like it is, otherwise you just seem too biased and petty.

Have you seen Endgame? She's like a brick. She's not cold or badass, just wooden

Heres an autograph for your brother, I wrote it on the starter cap

The vast majority of the last movie was about the adventures of that black guy and the midget girl who achieve absolutely nothing.
Rey was like 20% of the movie, and half of that is about her shliking to the shirtless jew guy.

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