I've decided to embrace Stoicism, Yea Forums.
What are some Stoic movies?
I've decided to embrace Stoicism, Yea Forums
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Maybe that prison movie with morgan freeman...
Or that movie with rich Hanibal Lector, where he ends up in the wilderness with Alec Baldwin's brother.
Stoicism is a slave philosophy
Your life is a retard philosophy
>Stoicism is a slave philosophy
stoicism is accepting things you cannot change and focusing on things you can change, maintaining a state of equanimity of mind during all life's circumstances (be they positive or negative)
It's the best philosophy. People like that build empires (and degenerate offspring)
Problem Child 2
Master & Commander
Just stare at a wall and dont even think if complaining
Great book.
Only God Forgives
Blade Runner 2049
why would anyone listen to marcus "i gave my idiot son the empire and her nearly destroyed it" aurelius
not very stoic of you is it you defeatist cuck
>"i gave my idiot son the empire and her nearly destroyed it"
well, read this >People like that build empires (and degenerate offspring)
If you father is strong, you'll live in his shadow and be a weak shit.
That would be Shawshank Redemption and The Edge
+1 yep. Not sure about Shawshank Redemption, but The Edge has surely some stoic aspects to it.
>If you father is strong, you'll live in his shadow and be a weak shit.
that's just silly. i dont think you realize just how retarded commodus was. he forced gladiators to fight him with blunt swords in the coliseum.
Holy shit you are me from six years ago.
Just so you know Stoicism is a hollow philosophy based on good ideas. However everything you like about Stoicism is improved upon greatly by Christianity in the New Testament.
Stoics want to live in accordance with nature, and whilst it is a poet philosophy with great passages from Marcus Aurelieus and Senneca, you will find yourself suffering and ask...why? Why suffer? And if nature is your answer then you're going to be lost in a nihilistic haze my friend.
Christ is waiting for you.
Having said this I would love to watch a biopic of Marcus Aurelius, under the final principle that even though he had principles and stuck by them, what did stoic philosophy get him in the end? A horrible son and a broken Rome.
>what did stoic philosophy get him in the end?
I feel he had a strong ego and was virtue signalling.
>oh look at me, I can fuck all these whores, but I choose not to because I am so great
It doesn't work for me either. Some aspects of it are obviously good and can improve your life. But it isn't enough to feel fulfilled. You need a purpose or a higher power.
Years ago when I was at my max hype for stoicism I let my co-worker borrow my copy of Meditations. She's a christian, she took it, read it, and then gave it back. She said she felt Marcus Auralieus was a 'people pleaser'. It pissed me off a bit that she said that, but I couldn't provide a counter argument to her logic either. That's exactly what he is at the end of the day. Like a show off for his own suffering.
The Phantom Menace, unironically.
A Serious Man. Don't let the rampant Judaism get you down. It's about "being good" and taking life as it comes at you and only being concerned with what you can control.
Marcus Aurelius is a character and so is his faggot son
Captain Marvel
lmao christcucked by chadchristian
The Grey
Nope. The movie is about a poor jew having to put up with all the jewish meddling from the subversive rabbis in his community. Try harder.
No. You're wrong. Watch it again.
Marcus write Meditations for himself. He never intended it to be published.
If you say so.
Movies are neither good or bad, but your thinking makes them so
Do you really need to lie to yourself in order to create meaning?
>Marcus Aurelius, became a Stoic and towards the end of his life, wrote one of the greatest works of philosophy - a series of private notes and ideas now commonly known as Meditations.
I find it bizarre that so many adults discuss religion as if god actually exists. For me, it's kind of like debating whether Santa Claus wears underwear or goblins ever sleep. What's the point?
We live in a world where otherwise rational people who typically require incontrovertible facts to make a determination about even relatively minor or inconsequential matters, blithely accept the god delusion merely because that's what was shoved down their throat when they were a guileless, vulnerable child who was utterly reliant on parents for their very survival.
And for any skeptical religionists with independent critical thinking ability, all the sacred texts are just a huge mess with countless contradictions and myriad indications and evidence that they were written by primitive people desperately trying to make sense of a sometimes cruel and often chaotic and random world.
If our cultural norm was to NOT inculcate children into religious dogma until they were 18, there would be no religion. The survival of religion is absolutely dependent on brainwashing children from the moment they're old enough to comprehend language and then repeatedly inundate them throughout childhood until they become obedient and conform to the tenets set forth in the religious texts.
The greatest fear known to mankind is death, and religion is pretty much the only way to avoid it -- or convince yourself you're avoiding it -- and desperate, frightened people will do what they can to assuage fear.
Dude he comes from a school of philosophy. He understands the value of the written word. He is also the fucking emperor. If he wanted to keep a secret diary he would have done it better, or given orders for its destruction. I know its a nice thought to think he wouldn't want his private diary shared, but the reality is he probably wanted it to be perceived this way. But I could be wrong, just saying it is more likely than not the case that's what he was going for.
I actually think we're brainwashed not to find religion nowadays. Finding and accepting Christ has been incredibly difficult for me since all media, comedians, etc, hate and subvert the realities of Christ's meaning.
Maybe you don't understand the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the Old Testament God is a cunt, there are hundreds of laws that the Jews had to follow, and ultimately they were one big rabble waiting for the messiah.
The comes the New Testament. Jesus is born. Jesus is the son of god, the son of man. He is God in human form. The Jews couldn't accept Christ because they wanted a powerful military messiah that could defeat their enemies. Instead Christ teaches to love god, and to love others as you love yourself, and as you love God.
The miracle of Christ is in the word. The Old Testament sets the foundation of the word. There is a term called Logos, which is Greek for "reason" "rationality" "logic" "plan", etc.
Christ is Logos incarnate.
Christ = God = The Holy Spirit = Logos
Why do you think Christianity changed the world? Built the greatest empire? Made the most beautiful literature, works of art, architecture? Music? Because through Christ men are able to be fully rational.
There is nothing more rational than loving your fellow man, loving god, understanding that we are born into sin but can be saved through choosing to accept Christ's word. His logos.
Rejecting Christ is rejecting logic itself. Without Christ choosing to die for our sins there would be no chance for mankind to enter into the kingdom of Heaven.
Check out:
E Michael Jones on youtube. He has a book called the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit which is a fantastic read.
I can see that but from what I read about him I don’t think he’d be the type to be that manipulative.