The phantom menace is the only prequel film that doesn't look like complete garbage visually

>the phantom menace is the only prequel film that doesn't look like complete garbage visually
>makes up for it by being complete garbage in terms of plot/characters
Why couldn't they have made a good film using TPM's visuals?

Attached: 220px-Star_Wars_Phantom_Menace_poster.jpg (220x330, 20K)

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raise your hand (i.e. give me a (You)) if you think this is the only good Star Wars movie

Why is Phantom Menace the bad guy of the prequels when Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith are the bigger offenders, purely because of Jar Jar? He fucked up but redeemed himself in the end. Even Jar Jar was at least useful to some degree.

Because its boring and only manchildren watch Star Wars for "politics"

exqueeze me?

Attached: Star.Wars.Episode.I.The.Phantom.Menace.1999.mkv_20190425_022838.464.png (1920x816, 1.03M)

Revenge of the Sith has child murder and the high ground, so it gets a pass.

lucas switched to fully digital after menace, and as a result the look went to complete cartoon shit

How is revenge of the sith a worse offender. I feel like this is bait

This is bait. Good job.

Because Mike Stoklasa said so in the Plinkett reviews

if 90% of jarjar and maybe 50% of kid anakin were cut it would be a decent star wars movie. I kind of like it anyway especially after nuwars


Jar Jar isn't that bad. Just in it too much. He's not any more ridiculous than C3PO's fagbot character



>a mundane opinion is bait
imagine trying THIS hard to insulate yourself against views you don't want to hear

Lol but the fight scenes are better, the picture is better( I mean they used fucking models for example), the story is more interesting and less childish. I guess your just a blind retard.

Attached: Capture.png (1373x853, 2.27M)

How can one man be so wrong

I watched Star Wars for the first time only recently so got to approach it with fresh and unbiased eyes.

What is so much better in attack of the clones that the others don't have?

Visuals, image density, mixed genres, melodrama, scale, plot complexity.

All the Prequels have this stuff to some extent and are similar stylistically but Clones is the tightest and most consistent of the 3, which is more impressive considering it's the longest of all the Star Wars films (well aside from TLJ now).

Literally the only weak spot in the film is the Droid Factory scene but everything else is close to perfect.

I agree my man. Even as a wee lad, the visual downgrade that followed after EP1 was very noticeable.

Attached: 988d34ad993542e1eeb602a264b576c7--phantom-peace.jpg (356x658, 30K)

I don't think that, but I do love The Phantom Menace.

Attached: night on Tatooine.png (1440x900, 1M)

Fucking suburbia.

Attached: DrSuess slavehuts.png (1440x900, 1.4M)

Attached: star_wars_episode_1_the_phantom_menace_14.png (1920x1080, 2.69M)

Attached: ST8x-L.jpg (1600x717, 394K)

V > IV > RO > III > VI > I > VII > II > VIII

Haven't seen Solo

>Haven't seen Solo

Imagine Ep.7 but with absolutely no reason to exist.

It's just super bland and pointless. And the casting of Solo is atrocious.

TFA had no reason to exist though.


George says Palpatine is DEAD and that Anakin redeems himself. "The Saga Is Complete" is a tagline throughout the promotional material for RotS. Disney Wars. IS. NOT. CANON. !!!FACT!!!

Because the other method was cheaper.

Attached: a570998c9aaa62f108236d53583d8cb21cb04c3cb360e5e61f2d5cfe11acfe66.jpg (600x600, 145K)


It is pretty funny that the BD set says "THE COMPLETE SAGA, ALL 6 MOVIES" in huge letters on it.

1 was passable, but got a little too crowded near the end.
2 was dogshit.
3 was decent.

but how is Disney gonna make all their money if they don't rape the continuity :(

Redpill me on the image density

The prequels had lightsaber power-creep
>TPM: Single lightsabers, new one is double-bladed
>AOTC: Anakin first to use dual lightsabers in film
>ROTS: Grievous meme-wields four lightsabers

It was getting somewhat ridiculous.

But double lightsabers makes sense and it also makes sense for someone robotic to use even more. It's starwars it was always rediculous.

Please elaborate

I mean the Storm troopers missed 99% of their shots. There is sound in space. I don't think my comment really requires elaboration. It was and always has been just a fun flick

Sorry, I must've misunderstood and assumed your claim that it makes sense would imply some kind of logical reasoning beyond 'just coz'

When I was a 12 year old I was so disappointed by the droid factory scene (mostly the beginning where R2 flies)
I got really excited when Yoda pulled out his lightsaber because Anakin was right, but the actual fight left me annoyed.

Oh you mean you literally don't understand why striking with multiple weapons is better that one lol...

Is it true that they never had any practical clone armor?

And then we got lightsaber knees and lightsaber helicopters.

Empire Strikes Back>A New Hope>The Mouse Awakens>Revenge of the meme>Return of the Jedi>Rogue One, a pointless story>The Phantom Menace>Attack of the Lucas>The Last Star Wars Movie i'll see

Didn't watch Solo.

>Maul bisected by single blade Obi-Wan
>Anakin arm severed by single blade Dooku
>Grievous loses two arms in about 5 seconds via single blade Obi-Wan and runs like a bitch
For all the good it did them

Yup kids movies are silly

Just that images make great use of fore, mid and back ground. It contributes a lot the world building.

Most movies don't or can't make full use of the frame but Lucas had the creative control, resources, and vision to service all the 'little' details like that.

Literally just skim through the prequel films (AOTC & ROTS in particular) and you'll immediately notice the fullness of the images. It's quite incredible.

Attached: Star.Wars.Episode.II.Attack.of.the.Clones.2002.mkv_20190426_044335.855.png (1920x816, 2.11M)

I still can't believe how bad Attack of the Clones aged. Was George trying to save cash on CGI after Phantom Menace?

So much CGI you could be forgiven for thinking this was artwork and not a shot from the film


Attached: Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones__.jpg (3455x2448, 1.26M)

is it just me or do the prequels and OT have both a common color between trilogies while the nu wars just have basic posters with no real theme?

Did they drop the whole painting thing for the posters also?

>the nu wars just have basic posters with no real theme?

Soulless, yes.

Attached: Star.Wars.Episode.III.Revenge.of.the.Sith.2005.mkv_20190426_045200.471.png (1920x816, 2.91M)



fixed, now with an image

Attached: SW list.jpg (1376x858, 252K)

prequels baste

The CGI lifted the constraints of what and how much he could add to the image.

I understand people who don't think the films look good technically, because the technology just starting out. But it's a matter of technicality vs scale and imagination. If you don't appreciate the latter elements then yeah you may think the films looks bad.

Attached: Star.Wars.Episode.II.Attack.of.the.Clones.2002.mkv_20190426_044321.546.png (1920x816, 1.91M)

everyone loved the prequels until reddit letter media.

paste and redbulled

Attached: 115487812.jpg (678x1024, 354K)

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Attached: Star.Wars.Episode.III.Revenge.of.the.Sith.2005.mkv_20190426_045956.886.png (1920x816, 2.5M)

>you couldn't have costumed extras standing in the background without making everything look like crap


Attached: Star.Wars.Episode.III.Revenge.of.the.Sith.2005.mkv_20190426_050105.775.png (1920x816, 3.13M)


me on the left

5 4 6 1 3 8 2 7

Attached: Star.Wars.Episode.II.Attack.of.the.Clones.2002.mkv_20190426_051045.004.png (1920x816, 2.73M)

The battle at the beginning of revenge of the sith is beautiful. Perfect execution of combined cgi and we'll built models


5=3>4>Clone Wars>1>6>2>Rogue One>*POWER GAP*>>>>Literal Shit>7>Solo>Xmas Special>Rebels>8>[soon 9]

The prequels are Greek tragedy kino and you cannot refute this


Biggest pluses for TPM are Maul and Qui Gon. But it has the severe minus for Jar Jar

ATOC has absolutely 0 redeeming qualities other than unintentional comedy

ROTS, while campy at times, at least had some soul to it's story. Probably the second best plot of any SW film behind ESB

but y'all niggas overrate prequels because you're contrarians

does anyone have that info-graph still? I need it to BTFO my friend.

Felucia was the real Space-Nam'

>muh cinematography = good film
when will this meme stop

Attack of the Clones is by far the low point of the Star Wars series and if I had watched it in theaters when I was a teen I'd have probably never seen another Star Wars movie again. Phantom Menace wasn't all that bad. Poorly written but at least it manages to still feel somewhat like Star Wars.

Attached: sail.jpg (1520x816, 1.22M)


actually I switch 2 and 6

>prime nat in full tight white outfit.


Attached: the big iron.png (500x522, 129K)

>image density
almost fell for it

I think you should fucking kill yourself

Cinematography is an essential part of film making. That and the writing and the acting.