Mfw watching shit like star wars and ghostbusters crash and burn with the secure knowledge that my favorite movie...

>mfw watching shit like star wars and ghostbusters crash and burn with the secure knowledge that my favorite movie series will never be desecrated

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Aren't they remaking BTTF with a black cast?

In your dreams, cuck

Well it's already garbage. Only boomers think this is good.

t. nig

Oh it's coming. Mandy Mcfly, of course will be female with a black dude as her father that she ends up fucking unlike Marty. Blacked by her own father in the past. Doc will end up being some old chick, probably Amy Schumer, and Bif Tanin will be some chick like Rosie Odonnell. Instead of saving the family, it will be some stupid shit about the patriarchy or something forgettable about race relations in the 50s or even fat activism.

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I feel the same way user and thankfully I have been to the future it stays that way.

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The 80's is the new 50s though

As soon as Zemeckis and Gale are dead they're remaking it and you know it.



It's definitely getting remade.
>Marty is a mulatto
>winds up in 1990
>his mother falls for him because she's into "darker guys"
>he introduces her to his dad, who is even darker
>the future is restored
>returns to the present
>drumpf is president
>to be continued

>Home prices spiral out of control
Hey, an accurate prediction!

>queen diana

Attached: it's time.jpg (1000x765, 510K)

>queen diana


Why not user? there are no spoilers in it really

Just in case you want to try it yourself

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>Co-writer and director Robert Zemeckis, who has final rights to all films in the Back to the Future franchise, has stated that he will block all attempts to remake or reboot the original film. Co-writer Bob Gale has stated that he did not wish to see another film in the series without the Marty McFly character nor any other actor than Michael J. Fox playing him, while acknowledging that Fox's current health condition would make this impossible. He illustrated this at a 2008 fan convention in Florida, stating "The idea of making another Back to the Future movie without Michael J. Fox--you know, that's like saying, 'I'm going to cook you a steak dinner and I'm going to hold the beef."[1]

I'm a fat polyam queer femme that's ready to dismantle the white patriarchal society we're trapped within. I'm interested in making friends that I can build a connection with and if we both feel after a time that we want to make something more of it then let's explore it like Dora. My dream is to someday be part of a loving poly relationship with a group of kinky people that I've grown to love and trust with all of me, people that I know I can trust to never use my insecurities against me and take care of me when I'm in need of anything. I want to meet people that know how to court correctly and make plans for fun outings and dates without always having to ask me what I want to do. I'm usually a homebody but I do enjoy trying new things that are outside of my comfort zone. I appreciate people that are honest and know how to build healthy and genuine relationships. People that are manipulative, inconsistent, unkind, dishonest, and passive aggressive are thundercunts. This next part is going to upset non-black folx but that ain't got nothing to do with me. I'm a womanist that puts on for other black femmes and non-men. Other than that I'm a dork that enjoys nerd culture, kink, food, and adventures! Oh and #BLM

They already made Back To The Hood

>making another Back to the Future movie without Michael J. Fox--you know, that's like saying, 'I'm going to cook you a steak dinner and I'm going to hold the beef"

They've been pushing this for a while now though with "vegan meat replacement burgers"

yes mate very cute, but it was a simple analogy. now fuck off, they're not remaking it

>wanting to replace this

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They worked on the telltale game though. Even got Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd to reprise roles. I heard it was advisor really good, I downloaded it a few months ago but have yet to play it

You're living in a dream world. They're going to drag their Jewish balls all over it. And of course, the cast will have to reflect our enlightened times.

>Gale also said that the Telltale adaptation is the closest thing to what a fourth film could be like.[2]
would simply be a fourth film to the franchise but again
>>Co-writer and director Robert Zemeckis, who has final rights to all films in the Back to the Future franchise, has stated that he will block all attempts to remake or reboot the original film.
a fourth film being released after so long would be a reboot and the corporate overlords would attempt to exploit it

>Co-writer and director Robert Zemeckis, who has final rights to all films in the Back to the Future franchise, has stated that he will block all attempts to remake or reboot the original film.

It was pretty fun

meant for

>2015 used to feel so far away into the future

make it stop lads

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All I see you do is go into threads about movies you don't like and complain. Are there any you do like?

>You are closer to 2030 than Marty was to 2015.

Don't jinx yourself op especially with time travel and alternate timelines. Marty could be Martha and doc brown could be a gorilla mongrel

I think they are called P.O.C’s now user.

When Zemeckis and Gale are dead. Mcfly will be cast as a gay nigger going back to 2025 to fuck his own dad.