Based Breen edition
fuck /trek/
/trek/ fuck
Still angry user?
So many fucking capeshit threads
>Um, I've been doing some thinking, and I got some ideas to improve the general.
>I got it right here.
>Uh, one: Bashirfaggot needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine.
>Two: Whenever Bashirfaggot's not in the thread, all the other anons should be asking, "Where's Bashirfaggot?"
Great, great. Just leave them right there on the floor on your way out.
Do you think they relationships is sexual?
When I heard about them attacking my Earth I unironically wanted to nuke their fucking sun.
Guess I´m not good Starfleet material.
Best Trek tummy incoming
I demand more furry inclusion in Discovery season 3!
Good thot.
Bad thot.
Watching her now in season 5 of Bosch
My god her breasts have become huge
They are at least warp factor 5 now
i like boobs
she is a fit bird
>be 2019
>star trek nerds like tits more than capeshit fags
what a weird world we live in
Post image
Hoshi is the patrician trekfu
I've seen better.
In the Star Trek future, when corporations like Disney and Warner can't cultivate whole yields of generational crops with their propaganda and the CEOs have been dragged to the guillotines, will independent projects using public domain characters and innovative technologies such as holodgrams create more immersive and meaningful experiences than blockbuster capeshit pumped out to sell merch and attract investors?
Does Quark have to use holodeck programs under a license or is he able to access them from public sources? Does he pay for a program once and then rent it out to people on the holosuite?
If there's no monetary incentive for someone to develop a holosuit program, then what happens to the quality and purpose of the stories being created? Are they escapist fantasy for the sak of cheap entertainment or do they return to more primal structures meant to guide a person through life?
Never turn your back on a breen
Season finale of The Orville begins right now
Watch the last episode of The Orville ever. Stream link inside.
What killed /trek/?
Then why is this place a graveyard?
Everyone gets quiet when you show up.
were watching the orville
If it breathes, it’s a Thot.
where were you when our own bashirfriend became a part of star trek?
Thanks for adding to my collection.
What am I looking at?
enhance quadrant c4
Guys, want to talk about Star Trek?
It's still the best scifi on TV right?
That's not fat Riker
Is bashirfag in the ds9 documentary? What is this?
Is he/she?
Orville was on. It was good.
Hoshi a cute!
I want to hear your voice, how much?
Okay this is epic
Why can't you take a photo?
What does this have to do with Trek?
>referring to yourself in the third person
Why do you do this?
You're not doing a good job of hiding it when you even have the same filename format.
maybe someone else saved the file without changing the name stop being shitty for five minutes and appreciate how cool this is for her fucking kys retard
Saved the file from where? It's never been posted here before.
>saved the file without changing the name
I assume from that concentration camp full of orbiters she calls a discord.
Be nice, this is /nutrek/
>he isnt a member of the discord
hi bash
Why do weird trannies flock to general threads so much?
Join the discord for more /trek/ and Trek related content which I actually 100% am!
link the convention docu. I need it for research
No it isn't.
The official position of /trek/ is that canon ended with "These Are the Voyages..."
Only for trannies without any real friends who want all their data sold.
The rest of us use teamspeak.
>concentration camp
I think you mean Gulag
How cringe is the season 8 roundtable? Is O'Brien the only character not promoted to Captain?
where can I find this??
Only for crowdfunders.
I actually can't!
Not everything has to be by the book.
You're really inept, d'you know that?
She won't do it because of the copyrights. It's annoying.
Kira is converting Jem Hadar and Section 31 killed Nog.
Imagine how many screencaps and webms I could make...
what's bashirfaggot's patreon? i want to invest in this wild, crazy ride
She won't date you.
>webmfag is King Creep
fucking got you motherfucker I knew it
Whose watching What We Left Behind?
You win this round, dossier-fag.
I shall return with new, even more intricately layered personas
>section 31 killed nog
which webm fag?
The Breen did nothing wrong.
Well, this is me....
I am pleased to see the amount of abuse has gone down since we started our campaign. Keep it up, you guys!
Hoshi is a slut, not a cute!
I'm put off by asians
you don't know the first thing about personas you just have a bunch of gay shit you never shut up about fucking amateur hour kys retard
right in the pussy
Same, still like her as a character.
You know that people usually assume that the person they're talking to is the same sex as them?
Therefore, be calling me a 'he' you have outed yourself as a tranny.
The Jews. Cheers from /pol/
I miss those uniforms.
Yes, because Orville is garbage. Seth McFarland isn't fucking funny.
omg it's real!
It's not exclusively a funny show, so not being funny is okay.
Isn't that a star wars character? It looks like the mask Leia wears when she tries to same Han from Jabba
>Kira Fox
The porn star who dresses up as Kira?
>she tries to same Han from Jabba
Who was the best?
>save tries to same Han from Jabba
Those aren't ranks.
Perhaps an apology is in order? hm?
Isn't that a star wars character? It looks like the mask Leia wears when she tries to save Han from Jabba.
n e r d
Don't apologize. Never give these animals anything.
It's a point of order.
If you're going to shitpost, then you should at least include a quote from Star Trek.
>Never give up! Never surrender!
You got it, user.
Star Journey: The Next Iteration
There's a discord for Trek?
Like Bashirfags 'femininity'.
Like his claim that he should be considered a she.
Like his chest and ass before implants.
Really? No one is watching the DS9 documentary right now? It’s actually really great.
The season 8 episode 1 writers room is keeping me on the edge of my seat.
it's just a bashfag pissdrinking contest.
No, there's a discord for friendless attentionwhore tripfags. Joining it means you don't belong on 4chin. Choose wisely.
I've told you. I use dark reader and can't read from white sheets because it hurts my eyes.
>"you don't belong on 4ch an" is marked as spam
Retarded admins.
4chin is just yo momma
You would act out too if you were them.
Here's to the gayest thread on Yea Forums!
Are you memeing?
god I feel old
Kill yourself, zoomer.
*ring ring*
yes, meanie-police?
lock the holodeck door ffs
Where can I watch the DS9 documentary? How was it?
wtf is this malware shit
>finish watching doc
>browse catalogue
>see trek thread
>"oh cool maybe someone will want to talk about this documentary we've been waiting years for"
>nobody is discussing trek
This is the worst general I've ever visited.
Apparently there's a tranny in the doc, so it's a non-starter.
i'm literally playing spy vs spy with someone from /trek/ who thought they could ghost into my systems without me noticing
do not click random links posted here
russians can just register homoglyph domains instead of that misnamed garbage, нeт
I already have this card.
available, probably.
I miss when star trek had a fanbase
gotta be 12 to post, bro
94% of /trek/
>be overweight
>wear tight top
It's great to see anons coming together over a hobby, isn't it?
Looks like someone stopped jerking off to gay porn and decide to do his fucking job.
The janny always waits for more BF pictures to add to his collection before he cleans up.
I first heard this on YTMND
I’m probably the one that showed it to you
How old are you?
Younger than Wesley but older than Jake
Remember that old Hawking one?
mods delete /trek/
Imagine being such a faggot janny that you reject such an integral part of /trek/ culture.
Star Trek
So... about those starships?
I don't watch stargate.
>minority good, white man bad
>tng, ds9 and voyager all the same
There is only one based Breen, and it is Neil.
we're so proud of you bashfriend!
what did you leave behind?
I'll dive in deeper, deeper for you
Down to the bottom, ten thousand emerald pools
Down to the bottom, ten thousand emerald pools
Under water time is standing still
You're the treasure dive down deeper still
All I need is you
You're all I need to breathe
All I need is you
I'll make a living, trying to get away
Ten thousand fathoms, under a tidal wave
It can never pull me away
No way
Under water
Time is standing still
You're the treasure
Dive down deeper still
All I need is you
You're all I need to breathe
All I need is you
You're all I need to breathe
Down to the bottom, ten thousand emerald pools
You're all I need to breathe I'll dive in deeper, deeper for you
You're all I need to breathe
All I need is you
All I need is you
It can never pull me away
Time is standing still
Dive down deeper still
All I need is you, you're all I need to breathe
All I need is you
I want to be loved like this
Why would you think that making the protagonist a nigger woman would make the show good? It can only be the opposite, because star trek is not watched by nigger women.
We both know it's better if people don't get too close to us.
Let me dream
You'll always have me to kick around if you ever feel lonely.
wtf is this thread
There's a mentally ill tranny who uses this thread as his only outlet for attention.
>watching voyager
>Season 2 Episode 6: Twisted
That was 40 minutes of OMG IT'S GUNNA GET US, only for it to go "Oh, it's fine, lol." Is this gonna happen a lot? Where the end is just "Well, it LOOKED like we were all about to die, and the captain even lost consciousness but I guess we were never in danger. Glad that's over ok bye"?
More often than not the captain will be increasing the amount of danger for no clear reason.
>The Incelle on any tier
So far I like captain prison cook.
Why didn't Thanos just snap the Discovery into his universe and have Michael Burnham solve his issues?
Because obviously Burnham is smarter and stronger than Thanos. Think before you post, retard.
No, I am on the writing staff.
spoiler: its shit
Voyager sometimes just had two people talking about nothing related to the plot for a couple of minutes at the end, then it just rolled they ran out of time for the's so weird.
i cry myself to sleep and end my turn
Whos' he?
they wouldn't dare defile bones like that.
my work here for the day is done, maybe tomorrow we can get this cancer general banned for good
You're not a Star Trek fan if you don't love TOS.
You're not a Star Trek fan if you don't love TAS.
You're not a Star Trek fan if you don't love TNG.
You're not a Star Trek fan if you don't love DS9.
You're not a Star Trek fan if you don't love VOY.
You're not a Star Trek fan if you don't love ENT.
You're not a Star Trek fan if you don't love the Abrams movies.
You're not a Star Trek fan if you don't love DSC.
If you don't love all of the above, you're not a Trek fan. You're a fucking tourist and you need to get the fuck out and sort yourself out you pathetic piece of garbage.
I've noticed that. It's very "greys anatomy" kinda, "Hey let's talk about what we learned or how we feel to end the episode"
Jokes on you, the only star trek I like is "code of honor" and nothing else and I'm still calling myself a trek fan!
>You're not a Star Trek fan if you don't love DSC.
its called STD.
I don't even watch Star Wars.
JJtrek is shit. STD is shit and will always be STD no matter how much you cry about it.
They already have Captain Sue
>if you don't love DSC
That's how we know you're not from here and/or baitposting. Take your (You) and kindly fuck off to reddit kthxbaipls.
Where's Bashgirl at, yo?
Even gods must sleep
Right... (wink)
Was Picard a Christian?
No. Humans don't practice religion in the 24th century.
CBS shills.
Thank God there's people on /trek/! I'm so bored at the airport. Pray tell me a trek related story while I down my beer?
Science is his religion.
Wouldn't Kira also be operations?
I always found atheists the easiest to troll. Stange that it won't out in the Kelvin timeline
Kira is Major in the Bajoran military. She holds no Starfleet rank.
*Won out
That's not a chart of ranks. There is no "scientist" rank or "doctor" rank.
This is always kinda ambiguous to me. Obrien is literally his chief of operations. That's like XO/1st officer right? Kira always seems to outrank him due to bajoran shit. Maybe he's just so enlisted he defers out of habit.
Asperger's ?
Lol, you sound very military
>at Kinoplex
>enjoying Star Trek Into Darkness
>girl next to me and her boyfriend munching on some popped corn, but keeping it low key and respectful
>I've already offered them a gracious tip of my cap for their courteousness, they've reciprocated with a bow and curtsy, as appropriate
>get to the part where Cumberbatch says 'KAHN'
>hear girl whisper to her boyfriend "Time to toot!"
>she stands up and unbuckles her denim short shorts
>quickly yet smoothly pulls her pants and panties down, exposing her chocolate starfish, and lets them hit the floor
>bends at the waist, facing the screen, bare bottom illuminated by the projector
>emits a high pitched "toot" from her butthole, hear chuckles from my fellow kinoplex denizens
>people throughout the theater stand and do likewise
>entire room is filled with a symphony of toots, some high pitched and squeaky, some low and rumbling
>eventually becomes a "call and response" sort of game
>girl notices that I'm not tooting (trying to enjoy the kino, after all)
>angles her cacophonous keister towards my face
>emits a powerful blast of wind, accompanied by a short "toot"
I'll reply shortly, just toilet
Is Star Trek gay?
European """"""humor""""""
Trek attracts virgins, gay or otherwise.
everyone of STD is so fucking unlikeable
beside the captain.
It's content
You don't say
Q could make himself a human female body to please Picard
Friendly reminder that Garak is NOT gay.
You can't get STDs from pornsites.
Friendly reminder that Garak is INCREDIBLY SUPER gay
Star Trek: Year Five #1
The crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise left Earth four years ago. They’ve traveled to strange new worlds, defeated impossible foes, and made universe-changing decisions. But now, with the end in sight, they’ll have to face their biggest challenge yet. Step aboard the Enterprise with Kirk, Spock, Bones, Uhura, Sulu, Scotty, and Chekov as they begin the end of their original Five Year Mission and boldly go into an uncertain future in this new continuing Star Trek series!
The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after we finally see a Breen without his suit.
Killing the Enterprise D and Kirk in Generations for some off screen race of prewarp people no one cares about was the start.
The second thing was Voyager and its inconsistent writing, and inability to have any continuity or to take advantage of any of the concepts they set up for themselves.
I'd also argue that not bringing DS9 back to the home plate of Roddenberry utopian future in some sort of epilogue after the conclusion of the war was a mistake. Instead we get filler episodes about worthless Ezri and some lounge singer hologram. Because you know, new characters should be introduced in the last season.
Finally, the TNG movies Insurrection and Nemesis were pretty much shit on by fans. Insurrection I kinda like because it is very TNGesque but it was also the star trek movie with the highest budget and it does NOT show. It's kind of mildly cringy and forgettable, and then to follow it up with Nemesis, which was basically Wrath of Khan with a cloned Picard.
Then of course came Enterprise. Enterprise effectively killed Trek because after that its parent company split and it went to CBS in the divorce. CBS had in the 60s declined to take Star Trek in favor of Lost in Space. They dont give a shit about trek, and won't ever make anything new, no one there has any interest or passion in Star Trek, but they do like money.
Basically, they set up a special liscence for Paramount to make Star Trek, so long as they get a cut, and so long as nuTrek isn't really too much like old trek. In fact, it's a contractual obligation that any new Star Trek has to be sufficiently different from old trek in order to have rights to any merchandise. That's why STD and nutrek are what they are. And that is why Picard trek will be about as much fun for someone who actually likes Trek as getting stabbed through the heart by a Nausican. Because Picard Trek is contractually obligated to suck ass, and you shouldn't expect anything else.
Interesting that he chooses not to, huh?
I'm CIA. I'm Central Intelligence Agency. I'm undercover. I'm a spy, I'm an operator, I'm a spook. I'm an agent , mole, fith-columnist. I'm a secret agent. I am that sleuth, I interrogate those mercenaries. I'm a blue shirted, belt grippin', flight plan writin' agent provocateur. I shoot before throwing men out of an aircraft, I call it in. I'm CIA and the writing of the flight plan. I'm CIA and I'm a small guy. I shoot and I am shot. I shoot them and throw them, and every single big guy's had a lotta loyalty for a hired gun. And I am not a big guy. If there’s one twisted bastard in this master plan, it’s this masked man here. So congratulations, Bane, you've just officially got yourself caught.
He asked what killed /trek/ not Trek ya dingus. Trekkie229 killed /trek/.
Is there a calorie limit on the replicators? How do they stop people from always eating?
229 hasn't posted here in a year
based and blackpilled
STD and drama
229's beLOVED
If you wake up and realize you've done nothing with your life
Could you get a second chance to get things right?
I'd like to think so, I'd like to think so
Instead you stay up all night watching Jaws and getting high
Could you then grow up to be a shark?
Oh no no, oh no no, I don't think so
And if you're sickened by the sea and all it has inside
Could that shark then turn into me?
Golly I suppose, golly I suppose
And do you feel quite deep?
Your drug-induced philosophies
Mere puddles diluted into seas
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, I do think so
You turn fishes to beasts
Just ambitions and dreams
Your facade is fading
If you stay up all night drinking someone else's wine
Contemplating space and time
Does that make you deep? Or maybe you're just a thief?
If you cite great thinkers of old
Can one day people quote your words?
Oh no no, oh no no, I don't think so
You're stumbling, misquoting, there's a slur in your speech
Oh no, oh no
Drunk ambitions and dreams
From far off you look very tall
Close up you don't scare me at all
From far off you look very tall
Close up you're nothing at all
There's a vast and growing wallet in the sky
Dispersing knowledge via cannabis and wine
So grab your boots and grab a pail
Raise a flag and set your sails!
Puddle jump and talk of whales!
namefags are all cancer
alara returns!!
punished bortus but no beard or eyepatch!!!
star wars homage inside a star trek homage!!!!
excellent episode and great finale even if no season 3!!!!!
sorry, i know this dosen't belong here, but i had to say it somewhere and endgame+got is holding the board hostage
Reminder that Jess from Pittsburgh is /trek/ related content.
Don't watch it then.
That's awesome!
Is Alara back as a main character? I kind of lost interest when I heard she left the show.
BF neck lookin SWOLE than a muhfuhcka in dat pic!!!
Ira Steven Behr literally stole the value of your labor
That was the last show. No way Disney allows any competition with SJW Wars.
Yeah but Garashir is now Word of God could have been canon so I dont care.
i wish you didnt slut up the dickwad with non spoilered pics
oof and regretpilled
wanted that surprise in the theatre
I actually came here to see if anyone was discussing it.
she is in the first 3 episodes and just a guest star in an alternate timeline for the finale
my ranking for good episodes from s2 aside from the above are
"Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes"
A Happy Refrain - best comedy of the season and sets up the end season arc which consisits of
Identity part 1 and 2
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
The Road Not Taken
there is some good moments in the eps inbetween, but too much mocklon drama desu
unfortunately probably true
How are you watching this?
I thought it doesn't come out until May.
TNG the series had the perfect ending with All Good Things. The TNG movies are shit except First Contact, I pretend they don't exist.
DS9 shit the bed with Dukat at the end, the whole Prophets storyline was kind of bullshit to begin with, they should have concentrated on the Dominion instead.
The ending of VOY is fanfiction level cringe, I only wish there was a chronological follow on series where the Federation raped the shit out of everyone using the super Borg busting magic tech Janeway brought back with her.
Really wish they had kept Section 31 out of ENT, it just gets progressively sillier.
Leaving aside STD's hamfisted current year politics, the biggest mistake was making yet another prequel, you are bound to make continuity fuckups that way. That and not making the captain the focus or at least the centre of the show. People hated Wesley for much the same reason as "Michael" but at least he wasn't around all the time, plus he got bitch slapped by Beverly and Picard on a regular basis.
I hope and pray the Picard show takes a massive, massive shit all over everything Trek used to be, then I can finally stop coming here and breathe in the fragrant helium gas of freedom.
What does this post even mean? It's competing with Star Trek, if anything, and there isn't even a Star Wars show right now so why would Fox/Disney shut down one of their shows when the only competition is a series on a streaming service with a subscription pay wall?
So, no.
no, but it was good to see her again
Fuck, I gotta embroider an Orville patch now.
The DS9 documentary was fantastic. The cringe moments were kept to a minimum and it was mostly about how great the show was.
so they set a trap for the red angel and said if anything goes wrong they will revive michael. why the fuck would the red angel appear if michael was going to be saved anyway? how does that make any sense?
>caring about spoilers for that trash heap of a show
Don’t worry user I won’t say anything further about the wonderful DS9 documentary.
pls no bully fren
>criticizing one of the worst presidents in history is "cringe"
Please tell me how I might be able to watch this fine documentary today.
I do not see it available on the usual channels.
>Uh, one: Michael needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine. Two: Whenever Michael's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "Where's Michael?"
yfw this literally happened
Hayden Pedigo is the only politician I respect.
Ronald Regan wasnt mentioned at all tho.
fake and gay
Why are young women so narcissist these days?
He's creeping again
Link to discord?
>another thread ruined by tripfags
pretty great
Women fantasize about being gang raped in public, they thrive on the attention of their orbiters and bullying other women weaker than them. They are the most sadistic creatures on the planet.
t. incellius maximus
Typical condescending and dismissive response from someone who types like a cunt. Women are far more prone to bullying than males, and are often more vicious.
When is the cast coming off?
I gave this general ten years of my life, what have you ever contributed besides your smug quips? I'm done here.
Don't mind me everyone, I'll just be sitting over here being canon Star Trek content that is 100% on topic.
See you tomorrow
You're as on-topic as Midnight's Edge, shill
I don't remember Midnight's Edge being in an official Star Trek production
If Ira's fan documentary counts as official Trek canon then so does every YouTube channel.
Guys, come on. It counts.
This, but unironically.
>random youtubeshit
>the same as a production by the creators of ds9 collaborating with CBS
/trek/ is the new /who/
>already discussed every single nuance of the franchise
>new season/new show isn't worth discussing
>all that's left is trip drama and stale memes spammed over and over
You forgot to tell me to kill myself, VF
Amongst the janitorial staff it's known as the "cancer general."
we just need something to spam like "t. nilso" a thousand times over like /who/ did before the mod finally put it out of its misery
And I am the Queen of shit mountain.
"that's so dukat" to meany posters
>What does this post even mean?
Disney owns Fox TV. Star Wars is their big time Space Opera franchise and they are not going to want anything else creating "brand confusion" on their networks.
>Berman mentions in particular Michael Dorn, with whom he had many loud and vocal arguments on the set, and on one occasion seriously offended both Dorn and LeVar Burton by saying a 'word' on the set seen as racist towards the two African American actors. Berman stated that at the time he thought it was an innocent remark, but for years was haunted by the incident since he felt he had permanently damaged his relationship with these two niggers.
Are Americans really this stupid.
>Berman would refer to Harry Kim as a Chinese character. When one of the writers reminded him that Kim is a Korean name he scoffed and said "Is there a difference?". There was a rumor that he wanted to fire Garret and replace him with an anthropomorphic CGI Kookaburra. He would have gotten away with it if not for budgetary restraints.
No, but in his sheltered world he thinks they are. He doesn't understand that competition is better for business.
Actually his entire logical foundation is fucked up but it isn't worth the energy explaining that to him because he just wants to run round screeching about how Orville isn't getting renewed and has to back it up with some fucking noise, absurd as it may be.
In the pre-internet days they were.
>I love the R2-D2 from Star Trek! Warp speed Dr. Spock!
>The actors who were eventually cast as Ferengi were preliminary selected for their shorter than average stature. The producers came up with a similar but unorthodox method of casting Cardassians. At the beginning of a read, the casting director would ask an actor to make his best 'rape face'. Marc Alaimo was cast almost immediately. "It certainly helped that he had been convicted of rape in three states. I thought it was really important to cast as close to reality as possible" Rick Berman told our interviewer. "Quote me on that." he added.
That never happened. You're making things up for the sake of being melodramatic.
I would pay cash money to watch Rick Berman say the n-word only for Avery Brooks to be in earshot and Rick just gets punched square in the throat.
It's your move
I've made up my mind
Time is running out, make a move
Oh, we can go on
Do you understand?
It's all in your hands, it's your
Don't say no
Don't say no
Don't say no
Say you know we shouldn't, you keep holding out
But you don't let go
I'm giving up on trying
To sell you things that you ain't buying
I'm giving up on trying
To sell you things that you ain't buying
It's your move
I've made up my mind
Time is running out, make a move
Oh, we can go on
Do you understand?
It's all in your hands, it's your
It's your move
I've made up my mind
Time is running out, make a move
Oh, we can go on
Do you understand?
It's all in your hands, it's your
It's all in your hands
It's all in your hands
It's all in your hands
I don't understand because you won't say yes
But you don't say no
how come normies always go
>750 star trek episodes and 13 movies? that's too much for me!
but they also go
>oh h*ck yeah! 20 capeshit movies a year! i'll watch all of that AND agents of shield AND whatever else bullshit
capeshit is what's hot right now, brainiac
Why is DS9 S8 Episode 1 more interesting than anything in two seasons of Discovery?
Because DS9 is for alt-right manbabies.
>750 star trek episodes
tbf that is a lot
What worse is when capeshitters go "Star Trek has been discussed to death" when there are 550 HOURS of ST content.
Alt-right here, I can confirm DS9 is our Trek. My favorite episode is the series finale where Sisko kills himself for being a nigger.
I've put over ten years into this general and got nothing to show for it in return. There's nothing left to discuss, it's all just pointless clucking at this point.
I put 3 years into this general and I'm in a documentary. Just try harder.
Hi bashfriend, I always liked you best.
Far-right here, I can confirm TOS is our Trek. The based huwhite male Kirk has a slave crew of niggers, chinks, slavs and scotchmen he bullies mercilessly. He also has a Yeoman sex slave he rapes every episode. TNG is ok, but fails by not having the whitest character as the captain
Racism fetishism?
>in a movie
>didn't get paid
I'm seeing it on May 11 and I'm going to boo loudly at your part.
> “I like Dukat,” proclaims the actor. “I think he’s the most exciting character on the program simply because the writers can take him in so many different directions. He can be evil, mean, charming, lovable, funny, vulnerable and, yes, even sexy. Our heroes on the show never get to really be bad. We’ve all got a dark side to our nature but in a civilized culture you try to restrain or control that part of your personality. However, Dukat is an opportunist, so he plays both his good and bad sides to get exactly what he wants.”
>“I think Dukat would love to seduce Kira,” notes the actor. “I don’t know what kind of lover he would make, though. I’m not quite sure what’s on his mind when it comes to Kira. I think she just turns him on, you know, and Nana Visitor, certainly, is behind that. She is a very attractive woman so it’s easy to play those scenes where he comes on to her.”
>“Our speech teacher wanted us to depict any action but to do it as a mime,” he recalls. “Well, I did a mime of a man being hanged. I did the whole thing of walking up the scaffold, seeing the rope, having it put around my neck and actually letting go and ‘dying.’ By the time I finished and got up off the floor the girls were crying and the guys were stunned because they couldn’t believe what I had done.
Ira Behr:
>"You listen to Marc talk about Dukat, and it's totally different than I see the character."
>"In Marc's mind, I believe he felt his relationship with Winn was legitimate in some way, and that, in some wacky fashion, it was Dukat's bid for legitimacy. I mean Marc was actually upset when we had him hit Solbor. Until the very end, he wanted Dukat to be the hero of Deep Space Nine."
Ten is too much
Not if it's something you've loved your whole life and it's breaking your heart watching it get eroded by off-topic attention whoring and forced memes. We used to have god-tier threads here. Now what do we have? Nothing good.
God Ira Behr is such a cunt. Imagine throwing a tantrum because a character you wrote as le evil space Hitler is incredibly popular and you have to desperately rewrite the ending so he goes to space fire Purgatory after losing a magic space fight with black space Jesus and his wormhole friends.
Has /trek/ even been a thing for ten years? I'm doubting your honesty.
>Voyager's Science Officer = literal who
What about Seven.
My attention whoring is 100% on-topic now.
And Garak 100% canon wanted that perfect genetic boipucci.
She won't meet with you. Not even just for an autograph.
Shouldn't Discovery's Engineer place be filled by the gay albino, or the new dyke.
Technically, that's true since you're in a trek documents which you refuse to link.
Marc Alaimo, Jeffrey Combs, and Andy Robinson (along with Armin Shimerman and Rene Aubergine) pulled most of the weight on DS9 and they should be rightfully pissed about not being paid more while dead weight like Alexander Siddig, Cirroc Lofton, and Terry Farrell were main cast. That blue bearded cane twirling faggot Ira Behr should write Alaimo a big fat check.
Not exactly, any excuse to have Dick punched in the throat is valid.
You make this up in your basement and I enjoy it.
hi ira
make ke new tread
I love you.
kys faggot
The tripfagging prevents it--there could be legal issues.
Paws off
What's the "LaForge Manoeuver"?
>What's the "LaForge Manoeuver"?
Showing your hologf your moon geode collection
He was inserted to make the fanbase feel like Chads by comparison.
/trek/ itself is only a few years old but Yea Forums has always had threads about Star Trek. Even back to Yea Forums before there was a board for television and film Trekkies would find each other and share their love for the franchise, dumb tourist.
>incel memes
This thread is full of children.
This kind of anger gas to stem from something more than just the changes /trek/ has gone through.
We found the holo-replays, LaForge. You're done.
>it's an angry user who wants to hurt the thread thread
What powered DS9? I saw a few threads about that when Yea Forums was a newborn board, but there never seemed to be a definitive answer.
I'm tired of seeing posters get told to kill themselves and the endless forced memes drowning out serious discussion. This week was my breaking point. I've been here since day one and it's never been this toxic or hostile. I'm done with /trek/.
Dilithium crystals, same as the starships.
Found the ESL faggot.
Pls don't leave, we need to hear all the voices.
>drowning out serious discussion
>I've been here since day one
>I'm done with /trek/
New thread??
But I don't even own geodes...
You've had more sex than Geordi
>Yea Forums
>serious discussion
I missed you.
Who were some annoying Trek characters with catchy meme songs who just wanted to get away?
>drowning out serious discussion
>I'm done with /trek/
Stop responding to bait, the cunt never leaves and never offers any discussion of trek despite constantly complaining about it.