>the movie has a disabled main character
The movie has a disabled main character
Other urls found in this thread:
>female protag is not a whore
Something about this guy terrifies me
Like all animals you can sense a predator even if you dont consciously realize it. Dude is a soulless sociopath. He'd strap your mom to a gurney and take a scalpel to her to take out her kidneys with no anesthesia while humming the theme to that Arthur cartoon.
it's the eyes, they look dead.
He looks like a serial killer. But I did feel bad for him when he made that video about Jewtube disabling his comments.
>(two faces)
Good thing he clarified that. Need to get those freak show views, eh Chrissy?
EVERYTHING about him terrifies me
Why did they disable his comments? Are retards considered inappropriate content now?
They shut him down for exploiting deformed children for money
What kind of emotion is he conveying here?
Nothing is appropriate anymore, jewtube has a vendetta against anything that isn't a feminist vegan vlog channel.
made my asshole tingle
Barely suppressed homicidal rage at being touched on the shoulder by the freak he exploits for money
>I'm human, just like you, fellow people-with-emotions!
I feel so, so bad for these poor kids. Jesus fucking christ.
donate to my patreon
Everything about him seems fake which is really creepy
I've yet to see the entire I am sam
Ok I laughed. Out loud.
he terrifies you because you realize you could never be like him and have such a positive impact on thousands of people.
>exploiting deformed children for money
imagine defending jewtube in 2019
yeah nah. i don't get that vibe off him, and i'm not autistic like 99% of Yea Forums.
It looks like he was quickly moving his head side to side and they took the pic
So apparently YouTube is doing this to all channels featuring minors because there were "predators" using the comment section to communicate with them. Which is very bizarre as I doubt even the most perverted predator would go after severely disabled and disfigured kids.
>being this naive
Why are you guys hating on him? Reddit says he’s the millennial Mr Rogers
Whatever you say, man cub.
why do you think? angry 5'6 retarded manlets jealous of the way they turned out.
Now looking at his face, I legitimately look like him, only I've black hair instead.
>that fake crying
>that 5.5 out of ten gf even though he has chad looks
He’s a true psycho. He’s clearly not even attracted to regular women and regular sex, he must get off to some fucked up shit to be with her. She’s ok with it because he’s out of her league
Mister Rogers didnt have eyes that say "I would drown you, literally hold you under the water with my bare hands until you stopped breathing for 5 likes".
the guy clearly genuinely gives a shit about these disabled kids, maybe his brother was a retard, who knows. he obviously isn't whatever [pathological mental illness] you think he has though.
What would the real reason be?
I do remember threads popping up a while back showing how there are these random livestreams of kids dancing and being bored in their rooms and the comments were filled with pedos making advances.
As always, fucking pedos ruined yet another medium.
>i'm not autistic
If you look closely. He drops the fascade every once in a while.
That’s when you know he’s on the edge
Fuckin A this guy gets it.
>eyes that say "..."
based incel poster
have sex
That's correct, I look like him.
Yeah, he cares about making money out of their misery while trying to make himself into some kinda virtuous figure.
Fuck this dude
my bet is every relationship you've been in has been abusive
>forgets he was a special ed teacher for years before making a youtube channel
but whatever makes you happy you jaded incel
youtube gives money to every channel over 10k subs, i don't really see him pandering for views. nitpicks like explaining what the scientific names of the diseases are don't count.
lmao dumb schizo poster
You wouldn't be saying this if it was the other way around.
Trust me
The fucking bowtie and suspenders do NOT help. Add in the eyes and the fake as fuck personality, and that puts him WELL beyond the "insanely creepy" threshold.
>What would the real reason be?
They're exploiting the situation to justify and normalize their censorship of the platform in the eyes of normies and idiots.
She looks like shit too
>has no argument
he looks like a comic book villain who's recruiting all the monsters of town to take down Batman
Is this the practical effects that they scrapped in the Thing prequel?
argument for what? response to your retarded non-argument and opinion that he's making money immorally or the dumb schizo posting?
I dont know what kind of equivalency logic you used to come to that conclusion, but talk to NASA. You're lightyears ahead of any operational algorithms they have. After speaking with you, we should have a manned base on Neptune within a week.
This dude has something off about him, despite that his channel does good work and I'll support it.
>bitch, I interview niggas with half a face, you ain’t even got a real condition
Not cool man. How would you like it if that was you?
I felt bad for his gf and all people that were affected by this. A lof of parents, siblings and the person in the video would comment and that page was the only in all youtube that I never once saw people being negative.
>looking at someone with a normal resting face
Same here, except I've got the same hair color too. Solid 5/10 Club.
id fucking love to be able to harness kinetic energy
Is this his equivalent of a clip show or the episode that takes place all in one room cuz it's near the end of the season and the budget is almost gone?
Never trust anyone who wears a bow tie.
He's not a sociopath, he's mildly autistic. That's all.
wolf in sheep's clothing. intelligent sociopaths are unironically overrepresented in caregiving fields, because they realize that other people will avoid and hate and fear them if they know their true nature, so they overcompensate by seeming as explicitly caring and empathic as possible.
they're usually better at it too, than normal people with genuine emotions, since they don't fall prey to the many cognitive illusions induced by genuine empathy, so they work to achieve the ostensible goal of empathy (helping the target) rather than what often becomes its goal (feeling better about yourself)
this guy just radiates that personality type. maybe he isn't, but I sure wouldn't put myself into a position around him where it would be in his rational self-interest to fuck me over
you don't know what you're talking about and this thread is absolutely degenerate. sbbsk is a non-profit.
Go to bed, Remy
that his daughter?
I don't think he is this for money, but he is not normal.
Are disabled kids tighter?
>mfw a dude with literally zero body muscles has a hotter gf than him
Personality > looks for men
Ultimate proof right there
yeah i don't see any signs of that type of sociopathy at all in him, you described what the condition is but didn't even give any examples of why he may "radiate" the personality type. smiling into a camera? wearing suspenders?
No, she gets seen as some sort of saint for even deigning to touch him. Shes clout chasing bro. 8 to 5 hes never been naked in front of her
He's German isn't he? I can smell the sauerkraut and his sociopathy through the screen.
Hes American you dunce.
>One of the highest grossing films of all time as a crippled lead
He might be on to something, Jim.
maybe all the muscles gone to his cock, which is now giant
>One outlier is proof
He literally gets off to molesting retarded kids
Why does he wear that oversized bow tie? It makes him look like a killer clown.
he's a germoid
so obsessed with painting a bad picture of the guy you go full retard
She gets something from their relationship. I would bet that his parents are wealthy and pay her as a full time caretaker and will leave them money when they die.
I don’t think he does, but then again...
>that one video where he creepily smiles and asks the brainlet girl if she wants to kiss him on the cheek, and she goes straight for the lips
>he quickly turns away to make it go to his cheek but it was clear what was going on
Really fucked up. Like, how could a brainlet little girl even know to do that unless she was trained off camera just before by him or someone else? Really fucked up shit. She had a quarter of a brain or something
>I refuse to consider anything that doesn't fit my narrative
holy shit his eyes are just soulless, devoid of any light or emotion. hes just waiting like a robot for a chance to respond in a calculating way
But 2 face kid did have black hair
have sex
lucky bastard
m8 i was defending him through this autistic reaching. and i meant to quote the post above yours initially.
if he liked being a teacher whyd he stop doing it and instead made a channel for youtube money???
>Haha, look at this little monkey man, such a free spirit! He suffers from Progeria! (Old man syndrome)
>don’t forget to like, subscribe, enable notifications, follow my social media and donate to my patreon!
Such a hero
Thanks for the (You)s, incel
not you, you should kys
You must be disabled yourself.
How do they fuck? Do they even fuck?
I'm a fat polyam queer femme that's ready to dismantle the white patriarchal society we're trapped within. I'm interested in making friends that I can build a connection with and if we both feel after a time that we want to make something more of it then let's explore it like Dora. My dream is to someday be part of a loving poly relationship with a group of kinky people that I've grown to love and trust with all of me, people that I know I can trust to never use my insecurities against me and take care of me when I'm in need of anything. I want to meet people that know how to court correctly and make plans for fun outings and dates without always having to ask me what I want to do. I'm usually a homebody but I do enjoy trying new things that are outside of my comfort zone. I appreciate people that are honest and know how to build healthy and genuine relationships. People that are manipulative, inconsistent, unkind, dishonest, and passive aggressive are thundercunts. This next part is going to upset non-black folx but that ain't got nothing to do with me. I'm a womanist that puts on for other black femmes and non-men. Other than that I'm a dork that enjoys nerd culture, kink, food, and adventures! Oh and #BLM
OP you are 100% autistic and couldn't detect real sociopathy or malevolence to save your life.
tfw no mommy gf to cradle me in the pOOL FUCKING FUC K THIS STUPID LIFE
Look at how dilated his eyes are. Scared shitless
she's got a better face than him, but she isnt good looking
Do you think she still breastfeed her disabled man-son?
So THIS is how they shot the voldemort scene in GoF.
Sucks when you realise she probably gets BLACKED while the wheelchair dude is locked in the closet with a gag in his mouth
Checked and based user asking the important questions here
Omae wa mou shinderu!
She looks like she fucks the abled